Environmental Protection Agency January 7, 2008 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
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Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Pennsylvania; Redesignation of the Allentown-Bethlehem-Easton 8-hour Ozone Nonattainment Area to Attainment and Approval of the Maintenance Plan and 2002 Base-Year Inventory
EPA is proposing to approve a redesignation request and State Implementation Plan (SIP) revision submitted by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP) is requesting that the Allentown-Bethlehem-Easton ozone nonattainment Area (referred to also as the ``Allentown Area'' or ``Area'') be redesignated as attainment for the 8-hour ozone national ambient air quality standard (NAAQS). The Allentown Area is comprised of Carbon, Lehigh, and Northampton Counties. EPA is proposing to approve the ozone redesignation request for the Allentown Area. In conjunction with its redesignation request, the Commonwealth submitted a SIP revision consisting of a maintenance plan for the Allentown Area that provides for continued attainment of the 8-hour ozone NAAQS for at least 10 years after redesignation. EPA is proposing to make a determination that the Allentown Area has attained the 8-hour ozone NAAQS, based upon three years of complete, quality-assured ambient air quality monitoring data for 2004-2006. EPA's proposed approval of the 8-hour ozone redesignation request is based on its determination that the Allentown Area has met the criteria for redesignation to attainment specified in the Clean Air Act (``the Act''). In addition, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania has also submitted a 2002 base-year inventory for the Allentown Area, and EPA is proposing to approve that inventory for the Area as a SIP revision. EPA is also providing information on the status of its adequacy determination for the motor vehicle emission budgets (MVEBs) that are identified in the maintenance plan for the Allentown Area for purposes of transportation conformity, and is proposing to approve those MVEBs. EPA is proposing approval of the redesignation request, the maintenance plan, and 2002 base-year inventory SIP revisions in accordance with the requirements of the Act.
Human Impacts of Climate Change Advisory Committee
Pursuant to the Federal Advisory Committee Act, Public Law 92- 463 as amended (5 U.S.C., App. 2), notification is hereby given that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research and Development (ORD) will hold a public conference call meeting of the HICCAC. This public conference call meeting is a follow-up to the public meeting that was held on October 15-16, 2007 (72 FR 52877, September 17, 2007). The U.S. District Court for the District of Northern California has ordered the interagency U.S. Climate Change Science Program (CCSP) to produce the periodic scientific assessment of climate change required by the Global Change Research Act of 1990 by May 31, 2008 (Center for Biological Diversity v. Brennan, et al., 2007 WL 2408901 [No. 06-7062, Aug. 21, 2007]). Synthesis and Assessment Product 4.6, which is being reviewed by the HICCAC, is an integral component of this assessment. The CCSP has directed EPA to complete and submit a final draft of Product 4.6 to the CCSP by January 31, 2008. To meet this deadline, the HICCAC is holding this conference call meeting to review its final report on this product. This notice is being published less than 15 days before the teleconference. Product 4.6 is a large document that has been developed under an unusually short time frame, with impacts on the authors' and committee members' schedules. January 14 is the only date that the Committee is available to hold this conference call meeting. Since EPA will likely have to make changes to the document following the teleconference, delaying this meeting would cause EPA to be late in submitting this product to the CCSP. Participants will discuss the revisions to the document that were a result of the public meeting in October. The CCSP expects to release the draft scientific assessment in April 2008. Interested parties will have an opportunity to review and comment on the entire scientific assessment, including Product 4.6, when it is released to the public. Public Participation: Members of the public may submit written comments to Joanna Foellmer, Designated Federal Official, HICCAC (see the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT section below). In addition, members of the public may call into the conference call meeting as observers, and there will be a limited time for comments from the public. Please contact Joanna Foellmer no later than COB January 10, 2008, if you wish to make oral comments during the conference call meeting. Requests to make oral comments must be in writing (via e-mail, fax or ground mail). Please send a copy of your presentation to Joanna Foellmer by January 12, 2008. Information on services for the disabled may be obtained by contacting Joanna Foellmer. Agenda: The proposed agenda for the conference call includes, but is not limited to, a review of the revised Synthesis and Assessment Product (SAP 4.6) that analyzes the impacts of global change on human health, human settlements, and human welfare. The HICCAC will respond to the changes made to the final report based on the review of an earlier draft of the report. There will be a discussion by the HICCAC panel with respect to their individual and collective assessment of the revised SAP 4.6 report. A draft agenda may be obtained from Joanna Foellmer (see the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT section below).
Adaptation for Climate-Sensitive Ecosystems and Resources Advisory Committee (ACSERAC)
Pursuant to the Federal Advisory Committee Act, Public Law 92- 463 as amended (5 U.S.C., App. 2), notification is hereby given that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research and Development (ORD) will hold a public conference call of the ACSERAC. This public conference call meeting is a follow-up to the public meeting that was held on October 22-23, 2007 (72 FR 52875, September 17, 2007). The U.S. District Court for the District of Northern California has ordered the interagency U.S. Climate Change Science Program (CCSP) to produce the periodic scientific assessment of climate change required by the Global Change Research Act of 1990 by May 31, 2008 (Center for Biological Diversity v. Brennan et al., 2007 WL 2408901 [No. 06-7062, Aug. 21, 2007]). Synthesis and Assessment Product 4.4, which is being reviewed by the ACSERAC, is an integral component of this assessment. The CCSP has directed EPA to complete and submit a final draft of Product 4.4 to the CCSP by January 31, 2008. To meet this deadline, the ACSERAC is holding this conference call meeting to review its final report on this product. This notice is being published less than 15 days before the teleconference. Product 4.4 is a very large document that has been developed under an unusually short time frame, with impacts on the authors' and committee members' schedules. January 15 is the only date that the Committee is available to hold this conference call meeting. Since EPA will likely have to make changes to the document following the teleconference, delaying this meeting would cause EPA to be late in submitting this product to the CCSP. Participants will discuss the revisions to the document that were a result of the public meeting in October. The CCSP expects to release the draft scientific assessment in April 2008. Interested parties will have an opportunity to review and comment on the entire scientific assessment, including Product 4.4, when it is released to the public. Public Participation: Members of the public may submit written comments to Joanna Foellmer, Designated Federal Official, ACSERAC (see the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT section below). In addition, members of the public may call into the conference call meeting as observers, and there will be a limited time for comments from the public. Please contact Joanna Foellmer no later than January 11, 2008, if you wish to make oral comments during the conference call meeting. Requests to make oral comments must be in writing (via e-mail, fax or ground mail). Please send a copy of your presentation to Joanna Foellmer by January 13, 2008. Information on services for the disabled may be obtained by contacting Joanna Foellmer. Agenda: The proposed agenda for the conference call includes, but is not limited to, an extensive discussion by the ACSERAC with respect to EPA's response to the Committee's comments on the external review draft report entitled: ``Synthesis and Assessment Product 4.4; Preliminary Review of Adaptation Options for Climate-Sensitive Ecosystems and Resources'' (SAP 4.4). A draft agenda may be obtained from Joanna Foellmer (see the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT section below).
Michigan: Final Authorization of State Hazardous Waste Management Program Revision
EPA is granting Michigan final authorization of the changes to its hazardous waste program under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). EPA published a proposed rule on October 9, 2007 at 72 FR 57258 and provided for public comment. The public comment period ended on November 8, 2007. We received no comments. No further opportunity for comment will be provided. EPA has determined that these changes satisfy all requirements needed to qualify for final authorization and is authorizing the State's changes through this final action.
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans and Designation of Areas for Air Quality Planning Purposes; Nevada; Wintertime Oxygenated Gasoline Rule; Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program; Redesignation of Truckee Meadows to Attainment for the Carbon Monoxide Standard
EPA is proposing to approve certain submittals by the State of Nevada of revisions to the Nevada state implementation plan that are intended to provide for attainment and maintenance of the carbon monoxide national ambient air quality standard in the Truckee Meadows nonattainment area located within Washoe County, Nevada. These revisions include a local wintertime oxygenated gasoline rule, a ``basic'' vehicle inspection and maintenance program (including a performance standard evaluation), current statutory provisions and State rules governing mobile sources, a maintenance plan and related motor vehicle emissions budgets. EPA is also proposing to approve Nevada's request to redesignate the Truckee Meadows carbon monoxide nonattainment area to attainment. Lastly, EPA is proposing to rescind a provision previously approved in error related to inspection and maintenance of vehicles operated on Federal installations. EPA proposes these actions pursuant to those provisions of the Clean Air Act that obligate the Agency to take action on submittals of revisions to state implementation plans and requests for redesignation. This proposed action is intended to make certain State and local measures and commitments related to attainment and maintenance of the carbon monoxide standard in Truckee Meadows federally enforceable as part of the Nevada state implementation plan.
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