Environmental Protection Agency June 22, 2007 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
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Proposed Settlement Agreement, Clean Air Act Citizen Suit
In accordance with section 113(g) of the Clean Air Act, as amended (``Act''), 42 U.S.C. 7413(g), notice is hereby given of a proposed settlement agreement, to address a lawsuit filed by Environmental Defense, Natural Resources Defense Council, and Sierra Club (hereinafter ``Petitioners''): Environmental Defense et al. v. Environmental Protection Agency, No. 06-1164 (DC Cir.). On or about May 9, 2006, Petitioners filed a complaint challenging EPA's Transportation Conformity Hot-Spot Final Rule, alleging that the rule failed to satisfy the Clean Air Act's transportation conformity criteria, that it permitted EPA to issue particulate matter (PM) hot-spot guidance without following required procedures, and that it withdrew a motor vehicle emissions factor model for use in PM hot-spot analysis without following required procedures. Under the terms of the proposed settlement agreement, Petitioners agree to dismiss the claim relating to issuance of PM hot-spot guidance once EPA provides public notice of and an opportunity to comment on such guidance.
National Advisory Council for Environmental Policy and Technology
Under the Federal Advisory Committee Act, Pub. L. 92463, EPA gives notice of a meeting of the National Advisory Council for Environmental Policy and Technology (NACEPT). NACEPT provides advice to the EPA Administrator on a broad range of environmental policy, technology, and management issues. The Council is a panel of individuals who represent diverse interests from academia, industry, non-governmental organizations, and local, State, and tribal governments. The purpose of this teleconference is to discuss and approve the draft NACEPT Sustainable Water Infrastructure Workgroup recommendations and the draft NACEPT Energy and Environment Workgroup recommendations on a strategic framework for EPA's biofuels efforts. A copy of the agenda for the meeting will be posted at https:// www.epa.gov/ocem/nacept/cal-nacept.htm.
Review of National Dredging Policy
On behalf of the National Dredging Team, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is requesting comment on the National Dredging Policy and the National Dredging Team's 2003 Action Agenda for Dredged Material Management. The National Dredging Policy was developed by a Federal Interagency Working Group, which was convened by the U.S. Department of Transportation in the early 1990s to investigate and recommend methods to improve the dredging review process. The Group identified the need for a unified national dredging policy to guide in the development of recommendations and to focus Federal agency commitments. The findings and principles described in the National Dredging Policy have been embraced by the Group's participating agencies. The National Dredging Team (NDT), a Federal interagency group co-chaired by the EPA and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), published its Dredged Material Management: Action Agenda for the Next Decade in 2003. This Action Agenda lays out 22 recommended actions to guide the National Dredging Team and support implementation of the National Dredging Policy. At the request of the Cabinet-level Committee on the Marine Transportation System, the NDT is currently reviewing the National Dredging Policy, as well as the NDT's Action Agenda, to reaffirm their adequacy in support of the U.S. Marine Transportation System.
Environmental Impact Statements and Regulations; Availability of EPA Comments
EPA expressed environmental concerns about impacts to groundwater, and recommended the evaluation and selection of a reduced- size alternative and a commitment to green building practices. Rating EC2.
Thiamethoxam; Pesticide Tolerance
This regulation establishes tolerances for combined residues of thiamethoxam and its metabolite (CGA-322704) in or on artichoke, globe; caneberry subgroup 13-A, hop, dried cones; grape; grape, raisin; brassica, head and stem, subgroup 5-A; brassica, leafy greens, subgroup 5-B; vegetable, leafy, except brassica group 4. Additionally, tolerance levels for barley, grain; barley, hay and barley, straw will be amended. Interregional Research Project Number 4 (IR-4) and Syngenta Crop Protection Inc. requested these tolerances under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA).
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