Election Assistance Commission August 2015 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 1 - 33 of 33
Notice of Intent To Repatriate Cultural Items: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Stanislaus National Forest, Sonora, CA
The U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Stanislaus National Forest, in consultation with the appropriate Indian tribes or Native Hawaiian organizations, has determined that the cultural items listed in this notice meet the definition of unassociated funerary objects. Lineal descendants or representatives of any Indian tribe or Native Hawaiian organization not identified in this notice that wish to claim these cultural items should submit a written request to the Stanislaus National Forest. If no additional claimants come forward, transfer of control of the cultural items to the lineal descendants, Indian tribes, or Native Hawaiian organizations stated in this notice may proceed.
Notice of Intent To Repatriate Cultural Items: New York State Museum, Albany, NY
The New York State Museum, in consultation with the appropriate Indian tribes or Native Hawaiian organizations, has determined that the cultural items listed in this notice meet the definition of sacred objects and objects of cultural patrimony. Lineal descendants or representatives of any Indian tribe or Native Hawaiian organization not identified in this notice that wish to claim these cultural items should submit a written request to the New York State Museum. If no additional claimants come forward, transfer of control of the cultural items to the lineal descendants, Indian tribes, or Native Hawaiian organizations stated in this notice may proceed.
Notice of Inventory Completion: U.S. Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Alaska Region, Anchorage, AK, and the University of Alaska Museum of the North, Fairbanks, AK
The U.S. Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Alaska Region (Alaska Region USFWS), and the University of Alaska Museum of the North have completed an inventory of human remains and associated funerary objects, in consultation with the appropriate Alaska Native Tribes, and have determined that there is a cultural affiliation between the human remains and associated funerary objects and a present-day Alaska Native Tribe. Representatives of any Alaska Native Tribe not identified in this notice that wish to request transfer of control of these human remains and associated funerary objects should submit a written request to the Alaska Region USFWS. If no additional requestors come forward, transfer of control of the human remains to the Alaska Native Tribe stated in this notice may proceed.
Notice of Inventory Completion: Department of Anthropology at Indiana University, Bloomington, IN
The Department of Anthropology at Indiana University has completed an inventory of human remains in consultation with the appropriate Indian tribes or Native Hawaiian organizations and has determined that there is a cultural affiliation between the human remains and present-day Indian tribes or Native Hawaiian organizations. Lineal descendants or representatives of any Indian tribe or Native Hawaiian organization not identified in this notice that wish to request transfer of control of these human remains should submit a written request to Indiana University. If no additional requestors come forward, transfer of control of the human remains to the lineal descendants, Indian tribes, or Native Hawaiian organizations stated in this notice may proceed.
Notice of Inventory Completion for Native American Human Remains and Associated Funerary Objects in the Possession of the U.S. Department of Defense, Department of the Army, Fort Benning, GA; Correction
The U.S. Department of Defense, Department of the Army, Fort Benning, GA, has corrected an inventory of human remains and associated funerary objects, published in a Notice of Inventory Completion in the Federal Register on August 29, 2002. This notice corrects the number of associated funerary objects. Lineal descendants or representatives of any Indian tribe or Native Hawaiian organization not identified in this notice that wish to request transfer of control of these associated funerary objects should submit a written request to the U.S. Army, Fort Benning, GA. If no additional requestors come forward, transfer of control of the associated funerary objects to the lineal descendants, Indian tribes, or Native Hawaiian organizations stated in this notice may proceed.
Notice of Inventory Completion: History Colorado, Formerly Colorado Historical Society, Denver, CO
History Colorado, formerly Colorado Historical Society, has completed an inventory of human remains, in consultation with the appropriate Indian tribes or Native Hawaiian organizations, and has determined that there is no cultural affiliation between the human remains and any present-day Indian tribes or Native Hawaiian organizations. Representatives of any Indian tribe Native Hawaiian organization not identified in this notice that wish to request transfer of control of these human remains should submit a written request to History Colorado. If no additional requestors come forward, transfer of control of the human remains to the Indian tribes or Native Hawaiian organizations stated in this notice may proceed.
Notice of Inventory Completion: Anthropology Research Collections at Texas A&M University, College Station, TX
The Anthropology Research Collections at Texas A&M University has completed an inventory of human remains, in consultation with the appropriate Indian tribes or Native Hawaiian organizations, and has determined that there is a cultural affiliation between the human remains and present-day Indian tribes or Native Hawaiian organizations. Lineal descendants or representatives of any Indian tribe or Native Hawaiian organization not identified in this notice that wish to request transfer of control of these human remains should submit a written request to the Anthropology Research Collections at Texas A&M University. If no additional requestors come forward, transfer of control of the human remains to the lineal descendants, Indian tribes, or Native Hawaiian organizations stated in this notice may proceed.
Notice of Inventory Completion: Dallas Water Utilities, Dallas, Texas
The Dallas Water Utilities has completed an inventory of human remains in consultation with the appropriate Indian tribes or Native Hawaiian organizations, and has determined that there is a cultural affiliation between the human remains and present-day Indian tribes or Native Hawaiian organizations. Lineal descendants or representatives of any Indian tribe or Native Hawaiian organization not identified in this notice that wish to request transfer of control of these human remains should submit a written request to the Dallas Water Utilities. If no additional requestors come forward, transfer of control of the human remains to the lineal descendants, Indian tribes, or Native Hawaiian organizations stated in this notice may proceed.
Notice of Inventory Completion: Center for Archaeological Studies, Texas State University, San Marcos, TX
The Center for Archaeological Studies, Texas State University (Texas State), has completed an inventory of human remains, in consultation with the appropriate Indian tribes or Native Hawaiian organizations, and has determined that there is no cultural affiliation between the human remains and any present-day Indian tribes or Native Hawaiian organizations. Representatives of any Indian tribe or Native Hawaiian organization not identified in this notice that wish to request transfer of control of these human remains should submit a written request to Texas State. If no additional requestors come forward, transfer of control of the human remains to the non-Federally recognized Indian group stated in this notice may proceed.
Everglades General Management Plan/East Everglades Wilderness Study, Final Environmental Impact Statement, Everglades National Park, Florida
The National Park Service (NPS) announces the availability of a Final Environmental Impact Statement for the General Management Plan/ East Everglades Wilderness Study (EIS/GMP/EEWS) for Everglades National Park, Florida. The last comprehensive planning effort for Everglades National Park was completed in 1979. Much has changed since then patterns and types of visitor use have changed, the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan was approved, and in 1989 the East Everglades Addition (109,506 acres) was added to restore Northeast Shark River Slough. Recent studies have enhanced the NPS's understanding of resources, resource threats, and visitor use in the national park. This GMP will provide updated management direction for the entire park, including the East Everglades Addition. The EEWS provides a forum for evaluating lands within the East Everglades Addition for possible recommendation to Congress for inclusion in the national wilderness preservation system.
Notice of Intent To Prepare a Draft Environmental Impact Statement for a Transportation Plan for Acadia National Park, Maine
The National Park Service (NPS) intends to prepare an environmental impact statement (EIS) for a Transportation Plan for Acadia National Park. The purpose of the Transportation Plan is to determine how best to provide safe and efficient transportation and a variety of high quality experiences to visitors within Acadia National Park while ensuring the protection of park resources and values. The NPS is soliciting input from interested parties on issues, concerns, and suggestions pertinent to transportation within and access to Acadia National Park.
Special Regulations; Areas of the National Park System, Cuyahoga Valley National Park, Bicycling
The rule authorizes and allows for the management of bicycle use on certain new trails within Cuyahoga Valley National Park. The National Park Service general regulation pertaining to bicycles requires promulgation of a special regulation to authorize bicycle use on new trails constructed outside of developed areas.
Boston Harbor Islands National Recreation Area Advisory Council
This notice announces the annual meeting of the Boston Harbor Islands National Recreation Area Advisory Council (Council). The agenda includes results of the Council survey, planning for the 20th anniversary of the Boston Harbor Islands National Recreation Area, the National Park Service (NPS) Centennial, and the Boston Light Tricentennial in 2016, and membership of and planning for the next steps for the Council. Superintendent Giles Parker will also give updates about park operations and planning efforts.
Information Collection Request Sent to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for Approval; Use of iNaturalist by the National Park Service To Record Natural History Observations
We (National Park Service, NPS) have sent an Information Collection Request (ICR) to OMB for review and approval. We summarize the ICR below and describe the nature of the collection and the estimated burden and cost. We may not conduct or sponsor and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB Control Number.
Amended Meeting Schedule for the Gateway National Recreation Area Fort Hancock 21st Century Advisory Committee
In accordance with the Federal Advisory Committee Act (5 U.S.C. Appendix 1-16), notice is hereby given of a change in the meeting schedule of the Gateway National Recreation Area Fort Hancock 21st Century Federal Advisory Committee September 11, 2015, meeting to September 18, 2015, at the Monmouth County Library, Eastern Branch, located at 1001 Route 35, Shrewsbury, New Jersey 07702 which was published in the Federal Register, Vol. 80, April 2, 2015, p. 17475. The September 18, 2015, meeting will begin at 9:00 a.m. (EASTERN), with a public comment period at 11:30 a.m. (EASTERN). This meeting is open to the public. The October 23, 2015, meeting announced in the same notice, is cancelled.
Proposed Information Collection: Community Harvest Assessments for Alaskan National Parks and Preserves
We (National Park Service) will ask the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to approve the information collection (IC) concerning community harvest assessments for Alaskan National Parks and Preserves. As required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 and as part of our continuing efforts to reduce paperwork and respondent burden, we invite the general public and other federal agencies to take this opportunity to comment on this IC. A federal agency not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number.
Information Collection Request Sent to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for Approval; A Survey of National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands Pass Holders
We (National Park Service, NPS) have sent an Information Collection Request (ICR) to OMB for review and approval. We summarize the ICR below and describe the nature of the collection and the estimated burden and cost. We may not conduct or sponsor and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB Control Number. However, under OMB regulations, we may continue to conduct or sponsor this information collection while it is pending at OMB.
Gathering of Certain Plants or Plant Parts by Federally Recognized Indian Tribes for Traditional Purposes-Reopening of Public Comment Period
The National Park Service is reopening the public comment period for the proposed rule to amend its regulations to authorize agreements between the National Park Service and federally recognized Indian tribes to allow the gathering and removal of plants or plant parts by designated tribal members for traditional purposes. Reopening the comment period for 45 days will allow more time for the public to review the proposal and submit comments.
Notice of September 14, 2015, Meeting for Cape Cod National Seashore Advisory Commission
This notice sets forth the date of the 299th Meeting of the Cape Cod National Seashore Advisory Commission.
Notice of September 14, 2015, Meeting for Acadia National Park Advisory Commission
This notice sets the date of September 14, 2015, meeting of the Acadia National Park Advisory Commission.
Notice of Intent To Repatriate Cultural Items: Heard Museum, Phoenix, AZ
The Heard Museum, in consultation with the Navajo Nation, Arizona, New Mexico & Utah, has determined that the cultural item listed in this notice meets the definition of sacred object and object of cultural patrimony. Lineal descendants or representatives of any Indian tribe or Native Hawaiian organization not identified in this notice that wish to claim this cultural item should submit a written request to the Heard Museum. If no additional claimants come forward, transfer of control of the cultural item to the Navajo Nation, Arizona, New Mexico & Utah may proceed.
Notice of Inventory Completion: Museum of Anthropology at Washington State University, Pullman, WA
The Museum of Anthropology at Washington State University has completed an inventory of human remains, in consultation with the appropriate Indian tribes or Native Hawaiian organizations, and has determined that there is a cultural affiliation between the human remains and present-day Indian tribes or Native Hawaiian organizations. Lineal descendants or representatives of any Indian tribe or Native Hawaiian organization not identified in this notice that wish to request transfer of control of these human remains should submit a written request to the Museum of Anthropology at Washington State University. If no additional requestors come forward, transfer of control of the human remains to the lineal descendants, Indian tribes, or Native Hawaiian organizations stated in this notice may proceed.
Notice of Inventory Completion: Tennessee Valley Authority, Knoxville, TN
The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) has completed an inventory of human remains in consultation with the appropriate federally recognized Indian tribes and has determined that there is no cultural affiliation between the human remains and any present-day federally recognized Indian tribes. Representatives of any federally recognized Indian tribe not identified in this notice that wish to request transfer of control of these human remains should submit a written request to TVA. If no additional requestors come forward, transfer of control of the human remains to the federally recognized Indian tribe stated in this notice may proceed.
Notice of Intent To Repatriate Cultural Items: Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission, Olympia, WA
The Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission [hereafter State Parks], in consultation with lineal descendants and the appropriate Indian tribes or Native Hawaiian organizations, has determined that the cultural items listed in this notice meet the definition of unassociated funerary objects. Lineal descendants or representatives of any Indian tribe or Native Hawaiian organization not identified in this notice that wish to claim these cultural items should submit a written request to State Parks. If no additional claimants come forward, transfer of control of the cultural items to the lineal descendants, Indian tribes, or Native Hawaiian organizations stated in this notice may proceed.
Notice of Intent To Repatriate a Cultural Item: The University of Iowa Museum of Natural History, Iowa City, IA
The University of Iowa Museum of Natural History, in consultation with the appropriate Indian tribes or Native Hawaiian organizations, has determined that the cultural item listed in this notice meets the definition of an object of cultural patrimony. Lineal descendants or representatives of any Indian tribe or Native Hawaiian organization not identified in this notice that wish to claim this cultural item should submit a written request to the University of Iowa Museum of Natural History. If no additional claimants come forward, transfer of control of the cultural item to the lineal descendants, Indian tribes, or Native Hawaiian organizations stated in this notice may proceed.
Request for Nominations for the National Park Service Alaska Region Subsistence Resource Commission Program
The National Park Service (NPS) is seeking nominations for new members to represent subsistence users on the following Subsistence Resource Commissions (SRC): The Aniakchak National Monument SRC, the Cape Krusenstern National Monument SRC, the Denali National Park SRC, the Gates of the Arctic National Park SRC, the Kobuk Valley National Park SRC, and the Lake Clark National Park SRC.
Notice of Inventory Completion: Oregon State University, Department of Anthropology, Corvallis, OR; Correction
The Oregon State University Department of Anthropology has corrected an inventory of human remains, published in a Notice of Inventory Completion in the Federal Register on June 24, 2014. This notice corrects the minimum number of individuals listed in that notice.
Notice of Intent To Repatriate Cultural Items: Portland Art Museum, Portland, OR
The Portland Art Museum, in consultation with the appropriate Indian tribes or Native Hawaiian organizations, has determined that the cultural items listed in this notice meet the definition of sacred objects. Lineal descendants or representatives of any Indian tribe or Native Hawaiian organization not identified in this notice that wish to claim these cultural items should submit a written request to the Portland Art Museum. If no additional claimants come forward, transfer of control of the cultural items to the lineal descendants, Indian tribes, or Native Hawaiian organizations stated in this notice may proceed.
Proposed Information Collection; National Park Service President's Park National Christmas Tree Music Program Application
We (National Park Service) will ask the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to approve the information collection (IC) described below. As required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 and as part of our continuing efforts to reduce paperwork and respondent burden, we invite the general public and other Federal agencies to take this opportunity to comment on this IC. We may not conduct or sponsor and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number.
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