Department of Transportation April 17, 2024 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 1 - 21 of 21
Notice of Limitation on Claims Against Port of Longview Industrial Rail Corridor Expansion Project
This notice announces final environmental action taken for the Port of Longview Industrial Rail Corridor Expansion Project. The purpose of this notice is to advise the public of the time limit to file any claims that may challenge these decisions and other Federal permits, licenses, and approvals for the Project.
Qualification of Drivers; Exemption Applications; Hearing
FMCSA announces its decision to renew exemptions for nine individuals from the hearing requirement in the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSRs) for interstate commercial motor vehicle (CMV) drivers. The exemptions enable these hard of hearing and deaf individuals to continue to operate CMVs in interstate commerce.
Qualification of Drivers; Exemption Applications; Epilepsy and Seizure Disorders
FMCSA announces receipt of applications from 14 individuals for an exemption from the prohibition in the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSRs) against persons with a clinical diagnosis of epilepsy or any other condition that is likely to cause a loss of consciousness or any loss of ability to control a commercial motor vehicle (CMV) to drive in interstate commerce. If granted, the exemptions would enable these individuals who have had one or more seizures and are taking anti-seizure medication to operate CMVs in interstate commerce.
Qualification of Drivers; Exemption Applications; Hearing
FMCSA announces its decision to exempt 16 individuals from the hearing requirement in the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSRs) to operate a commercial motor vehicle (CMV) in interstate commerce. The exemptions enable these hard of hearing and deaf individuals to operate CMVs in interstate commerce.
Qualification of Drivers; Exemption Applications; Hearing
FMCSA announces receipt of applications from 11 individuals for an exemption from the hearing requirement in the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSRs) to operate a commercial motor vehicle (CMV) in interstate commerce. If granted, the exemptions would enable these hard of hearing and deaf individuals to operate CMVs in interstate commerce.
Qualification of Drivers; Exemption Applications; Hearing
FMCSA announces its decision to exempt 11 individuals from the hearing requirement in the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSRs) to operate a commercial motor vehicle (CMV) in interstate commerce. The exemptions enable these hard of hearing and deaf individuals to operate CMVs in interstate commerce.
Qualification of Drivers; Exemption Applications; Epilepsy and Seizure Disorders
FMCSA announces its decision to exempt 11 individuals from the requirement in the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSRs) that interstate commercial motor vehicle (CMV) drivers have "no established medical history or clinical diagnosis of epilepsy or any other condition which is likely to cause loss of consciousness or any loss of ability to control a CMV." The exemptions enable these individuals who have had one or more seizures and are taking anti- seizure medication to operate CMVs in interstate commerce.
Qualification of Drivers; Exemption Applications; Epilepsy and Seizure Disorders
FMCSA announces its decision to renew exemptions for four individuals from the requirement in the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSRs) that interstate commercial motor vehicle (CMV) drivers have "no established medical history or clinical diagnosis of epilepsy or any other condition which is likely to cause loss of consciousness or any loss of ability to control a CMV." The exemptions enable these individuals who have had one or more seizures and are taking anti-seizure medication to continue to operate CMVs in interstate commerce.
Qualification of Drivers; Exemption Applications; Hearing
FMCSA announces its decision to renew exemptions for 18 individuals from the hearing requirement in the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSRs) for interstate commercial motor vehicle (CMV) drivers. The exemptions enable these hard of hearing and deaf individuals to continue to operate CMVs in interstate commerce.
Launch of a Reentry Vehicle as a Payload That Requires a Reentry Authorization To Return to Earth
This action provides notice that in general, the FAA will not authorize launch of a reentry vehicle as a payload that will require a reentry authorization to return to Earth unless the reentry vehicle operator has obtained the appropriate reentry authorization.
Airworthiness Directives; Rolls-Royce Deutschland Ltd & Co KG
The FAA is adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for all Rolls-Royce Deutschland Ltd & Co KG (RRD) Model Trent 1000-AE3, Trent 1000-CE3, Trent 1000-D3, Trent 1000-G3, Trent 1000-H3, Trent 1000-J3, Trent 1000-K3, Trent 1000-L3, Trent 1000-M3, Trent 1000-N3, Trent 1000- P3, Trent 1000-Q3, and Trent 1000-R3 engines. This AD is prompted by reports of wear in the combining spill-valve (CSV) assembly of certain hydro-mechanical units (HMUs). This AD requires removing certain HMUs from service and replacing with a serviceable part or modifying the HMU by replacing the CSV assembly, which is an optional terminating action; and prohibits installing certain HMUs unless the HMU is a serviceable part, as specified in a European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) AD, which is incorporated by reference. The FAA is issuing this AD to address the unsafe condition on these products.
Airworthiness Directives; Various Airplanes
The FAA is revising a notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) that applied to various airplanes modified with a certain configuration of the Garmin GFC 500 Autopilot System installed per Supplemental Type Certificate (STC) No. SA01866WI. This action revises the NPRM by removing airplane models from and adding airplane models to the applicability. The FAA is proposing this airworthiness directive to address the unsafe condition on these products. Since this action would expand the applicability for the required action as proposed in the NPRM, the agency is requesting comments on this SNPRM.
FY 2024 Competitive Funding Opportunity: Passenger Ferry Grant Program, Electric or Low-Emitting Ferry Pilot Program, and Ferry Service for Rural Communities Program
The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) announces the opportunity to apply for $316 million in competitive grants under the Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 Passenger Ferry Grant Program (Passenger Ferry Program), Electric or Low-Emitting Ferry Pilot Program (Low-No Ferry Program), and Ferry Service for Rural Communities Program (Rural Ferry Program). Of the amount being made available, $51 million is for the Passenger Ferry Program, $49 million for the Low-No Ferry Program, and $216 million is for the Rural Ferry Program. FTA may award additional funding made available to the program prior to the announcement of project selections.
Airworthiness Directives; Airbus SAS Airplanes
The FAA is adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for all Airbus SAS Model A310 series airplanes. This AD was prompted by a determination that new or more restrictive airworthiness limitations are necessary. This AD requires revising the existing maintenance or inspection program, as applicable, to incorporate new or more restrictive airworthiness limitations, as specified in a European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) AD, which is incorporated by reference. The FAA is issuing this AD to address the unsafe condition on these products.
Airworthiness Directives; BAE Systems (Operations) Limited Airplanes
The FAA is superseding Airworthiness Directive (AD) 2022-25- 18, which applied to certain BAE Systems (Operations) Limited Model BAe 146 and Model Avro 146-RJ series airplanes. AD 2022-25-18 required repetitive inspections for cracking of the main landing gear (MLG) side stay outer link and replacement if necessary. This AD was prompted by additional investigations of the causes of the cracking being conducted. This AD requires a reduction of the repetitive visual inspection interval, provides optional repetitive special detailed inspections, and requires accomplishing a one-off dimensional tolerance check and performing a repetitive lubrication of the MLG side stay outer link pivot, as specified in United Kingdom (U.K.) Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) (U.K. CAA) AD, which is incorporated by reference. The FAA is issuing this AD to address the unsafe condition on these products.
Airworthiness Directives; Airbus SAS Airplanes
The FAA is superseding Airworthiness Directive (AD) 2020-05- 16, which applied to certain Airbus SAS Model A319-115 airplanes; Model A320-214, -216, -232, -251N, and -271N airplanes; and Model A321-211, - 231, -251N, -251NX, -253N, -271N, -271NX, and -272N airplanes. AD 2020- 05-16 required a one-time detailed inspection of certain attaching points on the left-hand and right-hand wings for the correct installation of certain hardware, and, depending on findings, accomplishment of applicable corrective actions. This AD was prompted by reports of incomplete installations of the over wing panel lug attachments in the production assembly line and a determination that additional airplanes are subject to the unsafe condition. This AD continues to require the actions in AD 2020-05-16 and adds airplanes to the applicability, as specified in a European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) AD, which is incorporated by reference. The FAA is issuing this AD to address the unsafe condition on these products.
Airworthiness Directives; The Boeing Company Airplanes
The FAA is adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain The Boeing Company Model 737-8 and 737-9 airplanes. This AD was prompted by a determination that the loss of a ground through the P6 panel results in the failure of the standby power control unit (SPCU). The loss of the SPCU and ground through the P6 panel could result in the loss of significant flightcrew instrumentation and displays. This AD requires installing two bonding jumpers from the P6 panel structure to primary structure. The FAA is issuing this AD to address the unsafe condition on these products.
Airworthiness Directives; The Boeing Company Airplanes
The FAA is adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain The Boeing Company Model 737-600, -700, -700C, -800, -900 and - 900ER airplanes. This AD was prompted by reports of cracks in the forward galley door cutout forward upper corner bear strap. It has been determined that the cracks were caused by high operating stresses in the fuselage skin door cutout corner area due to stress concentration at the door cutout. This AD requires an inspection of the fuselage skin and the bear strap at the forward galley door cutout forward upper corner for existing repairs, and applicable related investigative and corrective actions. The FAA is issuing this AD to address the unsafe condition on these products.
Airworthiness Directives; Airbus Canada Limited Partnership (Type Certificate Previously Held by C Series Aircraft Limited Partnership (CSALP); Bombardier, Inc.) Airplanes
The FAA is adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain Airbus Canada Limited Partnership Model BD-500-1A10 and BD-500- 1A11 airplanes. This AD was prompted by a report of a fouling condition (interference) between the gimbal bushing and the airplane horizontal stabilizer trim actuator (HSTA) structural fitting, which prevented engagement of the secondary load path. This AD requires replacing the upper gimbal bushing flanges, as specified in a Transport Canada AD, which is incorporated by reference. The FAA is issuing this AD to address the unsafe condition on these products.
Airworthiness Directives; Airbus Canada Limited Partnership (Type Certificate Previously Held by C Series Aircraft Limited Partnership (CSALP); Bombardier, Inc.) Airplanes
The FAA is adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain Airbus Canada Limited Partnership Model BD-500-1A10 and BD-500- 1A11 airplanes. This AD was prompted by a report of multiple occurrences of low clearance or fouling between certain wiring harnesses and a hydraulic bracket and structure in the wing trailing edge area that were detected on the production line. This AD requires inspecting certain wiring harnesses for any damage and clearance to adjacent structure and corrective actions, as specified in a Transport Canada AD, which is incorporated by reference. The FAA is issuing this AD to address the unsafe condition on these products.
Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards; Fuel System Integrity of Hydrogen Vehicles; Compressed Hydrogen Storage System Integrity; Incorporation by Reference
This notice proposes to establish two new Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (FMVSS) specifying performance requirements for all motor vehicles that use hydrogen as a fuel source. The proposed standards are based on Global Technical Regulation (GTR) No. 13. FMVSS No. 307, "Fuel system integrity of hydrogen vehicles," which would specify requirements for the integrity of the fuel system in hydrogen vehicles during normal vehicle operations and after crashes. FMVSS No. 308, "Compressed hydrogen storage system integrity," would specify requirements for the compressed hydrogen storage system to ensure the safe storage of hydrogen onboard vehicles. The two proposed standards would reduce deaths and injuries that could occur as a result of fires due to hydrogen fuel leakages and/or explosion of the hydrogen storage system.
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