Department of Transportation January 15, 2020 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 1 - 15 of 15
Request for Information Concerning Large Truck Crash Causal Factors Study
FMCSA seeks information on how best to design and conduct a study to identify factors contributing to all FMCSA reportable large truck crashes (towaway, injury and fatal). Methodologically, the Agency seeks information on how best to balance sample representativeness, comprehensive data sources, ranges of crash types, and cost efficiency. The methodology should also address the use of on-board electronic systems which can generate information about speeding, lane departure, and hard braking. The study should be designed to yield information that will help FMCSA and the truck safety community to identify activities and other measures likely to lead to significant reductions in the frequency, severity, and crash rate involving commercial motor vehicles. As practicable, the study shall rank such activities and measures by the reductions each would likely achieve, if implemented. This RFI supports a two-part process to gather information for the development of a Large Truck Crash Causal Factors Study (LTCCFS) and to promote transparency and innovation by enabling the public, academics, experts, and industry to comment on how best to conduct this study. This study will help improve FMCSA and its State partners' ability to: 1. Evaluate crashes involving large trucks and identify emerging trends; 2. Monitor crash trends and identify causes and contributing factors; and 3. Develop effective safety improvement policies and programs.
Parts and Accessories Necessary for Safe Operation; Vision Systems North America, Inc. Application for an Exemption
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) announces its decision to grant Vision Systems North America, Inc.'s (VSNA) application for a limited 5-year exemption to allow motor carriers to operate commercial motor vehicles (CMVs) with the company's Smart-Vision high definition camera monitoring system (Smart-Vision) installed as an alternative to the two rear-vision mirrors required by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSRs). The Agency has determined that granting the exemption to allow use of the Smart-Vision system in lieu of mirrors would likely achieve a level of safety equivalent to or greater than the level of safety provided by the regulation.
Qualification of Drivers; Exemption Applications; Hearing
FMCSA announces receipt of applications from eight individuals for an exemption from the hearing requirement in the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSRs) to operate a commercial motor vehicle (CMV) in interstate commerce. If granted, the exemptions would enable these hard of hearing and deaf individuals to operate CMVs in interstate commerce.
Qualification of Drivers; Exemption Applications; Hearing
FMCSA announces its decision to renew exemptions for 11 individuals from the hearing requirement in the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSRs) for interstate commercial motor vehicle (CMV) drivers. The exemptions enable these hard of hearing and deaf individuals to continue to operate CMVs in interstate commerce.
Notice of Establishment of Emergency Relief Docket for Calendar Year 2020
By this notice, the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) is establishing an Emergency Relief Docket for calendar year 2020, so that grantees and subgrantees affected by a national or regional emergency or disaster may request temporary relief from FTA administrative and statutory requirements.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Requests for Comments; Clearance of Renewed Approval of Information Collection: Aircraft Registration
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, FAA invites public comments about our intention to request Office of Management and Budget (OMB) approval to renew a previously approved information collection. The information collected is used by the FAA to register aircraft or record a security interest in a registered aircraft. The information required to register and prove ownership of an aircraft is required from any person wishing to register an aircraft.
Amendment of Class D and Class E Airspace; Eagle County, CO
This action amends Class D at the Eagle County Regional Airport in Eagle, CO. It also amends the Class E airspace area designated as a surface area. Additionally, it amends Class E airspace by adding an area designated as an extension to the Class D and Class E2 surface areas. Further, it amends the Class E airspace extending from 700 feet above the surface of the earth. Lastly, it updates the geographic coordinates of the airport to match the FAA's database.
Amendment of Class E Airspace; Walla Walla, WA
This action modifies Class E airspace designated as an extension to a Class D or Class E surface area. This action also modifies Class E airspace extending upward from 700 feet above the surface. This action also removes a large area of Class E airspace extending upward from 700 feet above the surface east of the Walla Walla Regional Airport, Walla Walla, WA. Further, this action implements administrative corrections to the airport's Class D and Class E legal descriptions.
Proposed Establishment of Class E Airspace; Mountain Home, ID
This action proposes to establish Class E airspace extending upward from 700 feet or more above the surface at Mountain Home Municipal Airport, Mountain Home, ID. The first area is proposed to extend upward from 700 feet above the surface. The second area is proposed to extend upward from 1,200 feet above the surface. The establishment of the Class E airspace will support a new area navigation (RNAV) approach procedure and provide properly sized airspace for the airport's current RNAV approach and IFR departures. This action would ensure the safety and management of instrument flight rules (IFR) operations at the airport.
Proposed Establishment of Class E Airspace; Hardin, MT
This action proposes to establish Class E airspace extending upward from 700 feet above the surface at Big Horn County Airport, Hardin, MT. The establishment of the Class E airspace will accommodate a new area navigation (RNAV) procedure and IFR departures at the airport. This action would ensure the safety and management of instrument flight rules (IFR) operations at the airport.
Proposed Amendment of Class E Airspace; Bend, OR
This action proposes to amend the Class E airspace by establishing a designated surface area at the Bend Municipal Airport, Bend, OR. This airspace area is designed to enhance safety at the airport by providing controlled airspace to the surface. This action also proposes to establish an airspace area designated as an extension to a Class D or Class E surface area. This area is designed to contain aircraft on instrument approaches when they descend below 1,000 feet above the surface. Additionally, this action proposes to amend the airspace area extending upward from 700 feet or more above the surface. Amendments to this airspace area are designed to properly contain arriving and departing IFR aircraft. This action would ensure the safety and management of IFR operations at the airport.
Airworthiness Directives; Airbus SAS Airplanes
The FAA is adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for Airbus SAS Model A318 and A319 series airplanes; Model A320-211, -212, -214, -231, -232, and -233 airplanes; Model A321-111, -112, -131, -211, -212, -213, -231, and -232 airplanes; Model A330-200 and A330-200 Freighter series airplanes; Model A340-200 and -300 series airplanes; and Model A340-500 and -600 airplanes (except for airplanes equipped with flammability reduction means (FRM) approved by the FAA as compliant with the Fuel Tank Flammability Reduction (FTFR) rule). This AD was prompted by the FAA's analysis of the fuel system reviews on these models conducted by the manufacturer. This AD requires modifying the fuel quantity indicating system (FQIS) to prevent development of an ignition source inside the center fuel tank due to electrical fault conditions. This AD also provides alternative actions for cargo airplanes. This AD does not apply to airplanes equipped with FRM approved by the FAA. The FAA is issuing this AD to address the unsafe condition on these products.
Miscellaneous Amendments to Brake System Safety Standards and Codification of Waivers
FRA is proposing to revise its regulations governing brake inspections, tests, and equipment. The proposed changes include the incorporation of relief from various provisions provided in long- standing waivers related to single car air brake tests, end-of train devices, helper service, and brake maintenance. FRA is also proposing to extend the time that freight rail equipment can be ``off-air'' before requiring a new brake inspection. In addition, FRA is proposing various modifications to the existing brake related regulations for clarity and to remove outdated or unnecessary provisions. The proposed revisions would benefit railroads and the public by reducing unnecessary costs, creating consistency between U.S. and Canadian regulations, and incorporating the use of newer technologies demonstrated to maintain or increase safety. The proposed rule would reduce the overall regulatory burden on railroads.
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