Department of the Interior November 17, 2017 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 1 - 5 of 5
Notice of Availability of the Record of Decision for the Boardman to Hemingway Transmission Line Project and Approved Land-use Plan Amendments, Oregon
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) announces the availability of the Record of Decision (ROD) for the Boardman to Hemingway Transmission Line Project (B2H Project) and Approved Land-use Plan Amendments of the Baker and Southeastern Oregon Resource Management Plans (RMPs). The ROD constitutes the BLM's final decision regarding: (1) Approval to grant a Right-of-Way (ROW) to Idaho Power Company to construct, operate and maintain an extra-high-voltage, alternating- current transmission system; and (2) Amending portions of the BLM Baker and Southeastern Oregon RMPs.
Issuance of Import Permits for Zimbabwe Elephant Trophies Taken on or After January 21, 2016, and on or Before December 31, 2018
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) has made a finding that the killing of African elephant trophy animals in Zimbabwe, on or after January 21, 2016, and on or before December 31, 2018, will enhance the survival of the African elephant. Applications to import trophies hunted during this time period will be considered to have met the enhancement requirement, unless we issue a new finding based on available information. The Service may replace this finding, without any notification in the Federal Register, at any time that this finding no longer reflects the available information consistent with the regulatory requirements. In reviewing each application received for import of such specimens, the Service evaluates the information provided in the application, as well as other information available to the Service on the status of the elephant population and the management program for elephants in the country to ensure that the program is promoting the conservation of the species. Each application to import sport-hunted elephant trophies must also meet all other applicable permitting requirements before it may be authorized. This determination does not affect previous determinations by the Service regarding trophy animals taken before January 21, 2016.
Notice of Availability of the Draft Ray Land Exchange/Plan Amendment Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement, Arizona
In accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA), as amended, and the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 (FLPMA), as amended, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Gila District, Tucson Field Office has prepared a Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Ray Land Exchange/Plan Amendment and by this Notice is announcing its availability and the opening of the comment period.
Texas Regulatory Program
We, the Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSMRE), are approving an amendment to the Texas regulatory program (Texas program) under the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 (SMCRA or the Act). Texas proposed revisions to its regulations regarding annual permit fees. Texas revised its program at its own initiative to raise revenues sufficient to cover its anticipated share of costs to administer the coal regulatory program and to encourage mining companies to more quickly reclaim lands and request bond release, thereby fulfilling SMCRA's purpose of assuring the reclamation of mined land as quickly as possible.
Congressional Nullification of the Stream Protection Rule Under the Congressional Review Act
By operation of the Congressional Review Act, the Stream Protection Rule shall be treated as if it had never taken effect. The Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement issues this document to effect the removal of any amendments, deletions or other modifications made by the nullified rule, and the reversion to the text of the regulations in effect immediately prior to the effective date of the Stream Protection Rule.
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