Department of the Interior May 22, 2017 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 1 - 5 of 5
Cook Inlet Planning Area Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Lease Sale 244
On Wednesday, June 21, 2017, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) will open and publicly announce bids received for blocks offered in the Cook Inlet Planning Area Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Oil and Gas Lease Sale 244 (Cook Inlet Sale 244), in accordance with provisions of the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act (OCSLA) and the implementing regulations issued thereto. The Cook Inlet Sale 244 Final Notice of Sale (NOS) package contains information essential to potential bidders.
Alaska Outer Continental Shelf, Cook Inlet Planning Area, Oil and Gas Lease Sale 244
The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management is announcing the availability of the Record of Decision for the Cook Inlet Planning Area, Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Oil and Gas Lease Sale 244 (Lease Sale 244). This Record of Decision identifies the Bureau's selected alternative for holding Lease Sale 244, which is analyzed in the Alaska OCS: Cook Inlet Planning Area Oil and Gas Lease Sale 244 in the Cook Inlet, Alaska; Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) (OCS/EIS EA BOEM 2016-069). The Record of Decision and associated information are available on BOEM's Web site at
Final Environmental Impact Statement for Scorpion Pier Replacement, Channel Islands National Park, Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties, California
The National Park Service (NPS) announces the availability of the Final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for Replacement of the Scorpion Pier on Santa Cruz Island, Channel Islands National Park. The Final EIS identifies and analyzes the potential consequences of three alternatives: The No Action Alternative; Alternative 1, which would replace the existing pier in the current location and make extensive road improvements; and Alternative 2, which would construct a new replacement pier south of the existing location and make minor road improvements. It also proposes mitigation measures to minimize the adverse impacts from construction or operation of the alternatives where such impacts may occur.
Incidental Take Permit Application Received To Participate in American Burying Beetle Amended Oil and Gas Industry Conservation Plan in Oklahoma
Under the Endangered Species Act, as amended (Act), we, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, invite the public to comment on federally listed American burying beetle incidental take permit applications. The applicants anticipate American burying beetle take as a result of impacts to habitat the species uses for breeding, feeding, and sheltering in Oklahoma. The take would be incidental to the applicants' activities associated with oil and gas well field and pipeline infrastructure (gathering, transmission, and distribution), including geophysical exploration (seismic), construction, maintenance, operation, repair, decommissioning, and reclamation. If approved, the permit would be issued under the approved American Burying Beetle Amended Oil and Gas Industry Conservation Plan (ICP) Endangered Species Act Section 10(a)(1)(B) Permit Issuance in Oklahoma.
Public Land Order No. 7862; Extension of Public Land Order No. 7260, Red Rock Canyon State Park; California
This PLO extends the duration of the withdrawal created by PLO No. 7260, which would otherwise expire on May 12, 2017, for an additional 20-year period. This extension is necessary to continue to protect the remaining 830.07 acres until the lands can be conveyed to the State of California for inclusion in Red Rock Canyon State Park.
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