Department of the Interior January 2011 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents

Results 101 - 116 of 116
National Register of Historic Places; Notification of Pending Nominations and Related Actions
Document Number: 2011-59
Type: Notice
Date: 2011-01-06
Agency: Department of the Interior, National Park Service
Multistate Conservation Grant Program; Priority List for Conservation Projects
Document Number: 2011-53
Type: Notice
Date: 2011-01-06
Agency: Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior
We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), announce the FY 2011 priority list of wildlife and sport fish conservation projects from the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (AFWA). As required by the Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Programs Improvement Act of 2000, AFWA submits a list of projects to us each year to consider for funding under the Multistate Conservation Grant program. We have reviewed the list and will award the grants from the list.
Elizabeth Hartwell Mason Neck National Wildlife Refuge, Fairfax County, VA, and Featherstone National Wildlife Refuge, Prince William County, VA; Draft Comprehensive Conservation Plan and Environmental Assessment
Document Number: 2010-33340
Type: Notice
Date: 2011-01-05
Agency: Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior
We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service), announce the availability of the draft comprehensive conservation plan and the environmental assessment (CCP/EA) for Elizabeth Hartwell Mason Neck (Mason Neck) National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) and Featherstone NWR for a 45-day public review and comment period. The draft CCP/EA describes three alternatives for managing Mason Neck NWR and two alternatives for managing Featherstone NWR for the next 15 years. Alternative B is identified for both refuges as the Service-preferred alternative. Also available for public review and comment are the draft compatibility determinations, which are included as appendix B in the draft CCP/EA.
State of Arizona Resource Advisory Council Meeting
Document Number: 2010-33339
Type: Notice
Date: 2011-01-05
Agency: Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, Land Management Bureau
In accordance with the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 and the Federal Advisory Committee Act of 1972, the U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Arizona Resource Advisory Council (RAC), will meet on February 3, 2011, at the BLM National Training Center located at 9828 North 31st Avenue in Phoenix from 8 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. Agenda items include: BLM State Director's update on statewide programs and issues; presentation on water; updates on the Renewable Energy Strategy, Restoration Design Energy Project Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), and Northern Arizona Proposed Mineral Withdrawal Draft EIS; RAC questions on BLM District Managers' Reports; and reports by the RAC working groups. A public comment period will be provided at 11:30 a.m. on February 3, 2011, for any interested members of the public who wish to address the Council on BLM programs and business. Under the Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act, the RAC has been designated as the Recreation Resource Advisory Council (RRAC), and has the authority to review all BLM and Forest Service (FS) recreation fee proposals in Arizona. The RRAC will not review any recreation fee proposals at this meeting.
Glen Canyon Dam Adaptive Management Program Work Group (AMWG)
Document Number: 2010-33338
Type: Notice
Date: 2011-01-05
Agency: Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, Reclamation Bureau
The Glen Canyon Dam Adaptive Management Program (AMP) was implemented as a result of the Record of Decision on the Operation of Glen Canyon Dam Final Environmental Impact Statement to comply with consultation requirements of the Grand Canyon Protection Act (Pub. L. 102-575) of 1992. The AMP includes a Federal advisory committee, the Adaptive Management Work Group (AMWG), a technical work group (TWG), a Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center, and independent review panels. The AMWG makes recommendations to the Secretary of the Interior concerning Glen Canyon Dam operations and other management actions to protect resources downstream of Glen Canyon Dam consistent with the Grand Canyon Protection Act. The TWG is a subcommittee of the AMWG and provides technical advice and recommendations to the AMWG.
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; 90-Day Finding on a Petition To List the Red Knot Subspecies Calidris canutus roselaari as Endangered
Document Number: 2010-33187
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2011-01-04
Agency: Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior
We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service), announce a 90-day finding on a petition to list the roselaari subspecies of red knot (Calidris canutus roselaari) as endangered under the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (Act). Based on our review, we find that the petition does not present substantial information indicating that listing this subspecies may be warranted. Therefore, we are not initiating a status review in response to this petition. However, we ask the public to submit to us any new information that becomes available concerning the status of, or threats to, C. c. roselaari or its habitat at any time.
Notice of Availability of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement/Draft Environmental Impact Report for the Iberdrola Renewable/Pacific Wind Development Tule Wind Project and San Diego Gas and Electric's East County Substation Project, San Diego County, CA
Document Number: 2010-33181
Type: Notice
Date: 2011-01-04
Agency: Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, Land Management Bureau
In accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, as amended (NEPA), and the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976, as amended (FLPMA), the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) have prepared a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), and Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) as a joint environmental analysis document for the Iberdrola Renewable/Pacific Wind Development Tule Wind Project (Tule Project) and the San Diego Gas and Electric's (SDG&E) East County Substation Project (ECO Project) and by this notice are announcing the opening of the comment period on the Draft EIS/EIR.
Notice of Intent To Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement for the TransWest Express 600 kV Direct Current Transmission Project in Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, and Nevada (DOE/EIS-0450), and Notice of Potential for Land Use Plan Amendments
Document Number: 2010-33180
Type: Notice
Date: 2011-01-04
Agency: Department of Energy, Western Area Power Administration, Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, Land Management Bureau
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Wyoming State Office, Cheyenne, Wyoming, intends to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) analyzing the impacts of a right-of-way (ROW) application for the TransWest Express 600-kilovolt (kV) Direct Current Transmission Project (Project) and potential land use plan amendments. The Western Area Power Administration (Western) is a joint lead agency with the BLM for the EIS preparation. Western is a power-marketing agency within the Department of Energy (DOE) and is proposing to jointly own the Project with TransWest Express, LLC. TransWest Express, LLC is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Anschutz Corporation. The EIS will be prepared in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, as amended (NEPA).
Notice of Scoping Meetings on the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Proposed 2012-2017 Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Oil and Gas Leasing Program
Document Number: 2010-33149
Type: Notice
Date: 2011-01-04
Agency: Department of the Interior, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement
BOEMRE (formerly Minerals Management Service) provided notice in the Federal Register on April 2, 2010, (75 FR 16828) of its intent to prepare a Programmatic EIS for the proposed OCS Oil and Gas Leasing Program for 2012-2017 and request for comments. The notice also announced that scoping meetings would be held during June and early July 2010 in coastal states bordering the Mid and South Atlantic; Western, Central, and a portion of the Eastern Gulf of Mexico; and at several locations in Alaska. Subsequently, on June 30, 2010, the Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar announced that the scoping meetings were postponed until later in 2010 because of the need for BOEMRE to focus on reviewing and evaluating safety and environmental requirements of offshore drilling in response to the Deepwater Horizon incident and that a new public comment period would later be announced. On December 1, 2010, the Secretary announced an updated oil and gas leasing strategy for the OCS. Consistent with the Secretary's direction to proceed with caution and focus on leasing in areas with current active leases, the area in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico that remains under a congressional moratorium, and the Mid and South Atlantic planning areas are no longer under consideration for potential sales and development through 2017. Therefore, meetings will not be held in these areas. The Western Gulf of Mexico, Central Gulf of Mexico, and the Cook Inlet, Chukchi Sea, and Beaufort Sea areas offshore Alaska will continue to be considered for potential leasing in the 2012-2017 OCS Program.
National Register of Historic Places; Notification of Pending Nominations and Related Actions
Document Number: 2010-33147
Type: Notice
Date: 2011-01-04
Agency: Department of the Interior, National Park Service
Land Acquisitions; Cowlitz Indian Tribe of Washington
Document Number: 2010-33145
Type: Notice
Date: 2011-01-04
Agency: Department of the Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs, Indian Affairs Bureau
The Assistant SecretaryIndian Affairs made a final agency determination to acquire approximately 151.87 acres of land into trust for the Cowlitz Tribe of Washington on December 17, 2010.
Meetings of the Paterson Great Falls National Historical Park Advisory Commission
Document Number: 2010-33107
Type: Notice
Date: 2011-01-03
Agency: Department of the Interior, National Park Service
In accordance with the Federal Advisory Committee Act (Pub. L. 92-463, 86 Stat. 770, 5 U.S.C. App 1, 10), notice is hereby given of the meeting of the Paterson Great Falls National Historical Park Advisory Commission.
Indian Gaming
Document Number: 2010-33094
Type: Notice
Date: 2011-01-03
Agency: Department of the Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs, Indian Affairs Bureau
This notice publishes approval of the 2010 Amendments to the Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin (``Tribe'') and the State of Wisconsin Gaming Compact of 1992, as Amended in 1999, 2000, and 2003.
Special Regulation: Areas of the National Park System, National Capital Region
Document Number: 2010-33071
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2011-01-03
Agency: Department of the Interior, National Park Service
The National Park Service (NPS) proposes to amend the regulations on demonstrations and special events for the National Capital Region. This proposed rule would revise the definition of ``demonstration'' as well as specify the conditions under which solicitation of gifts, money, goods, or services could occur.
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