Department of Homeland Security 2005 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 651 - 700 of 1,454
Homeland Security Advisory Council
The Homeland Security Advisory Council (HSAC) will hold a teleconference for the purposes of receiving a report and recommendations from a HSAC Task Force, and holding member deliberations. The HSAC will receive a final report from the HSAC Private Sector Information Sharing Task Force, Chaired by Mayor Patrick McCrory, Mayor of Charlotte, North Carolina. The Task Force will report on the topic of information sharing with the Private Sector. Following the Task Force report, the HSAC will hold deliberations and discussions among HSAC members.
Safety Zone Regulations, New Tacoma Narrows Bridge Construction Project
The Coast Guard is establishing a temporary safety zone during preconstruction for the Tacoma Narrows Bridge construction project. The Coast Guard is taking this action to safeguard the public from hazards associated with the transport and construction of the cable wires and cable bands being used to construct the catwalk for the new bridge. Entry into this zone is prohibited unless authorized by the Captain of the Port, Puget Sound or his designated representatives.
Safety Zone; Sisters Creek, Jacksonville, FL
The Coast Guard is establishing a temporary safety zone around a fireworks launch site while it launches fireworks. The safety zone includes all waters within 500 yards in any direction of the fireworks launch site located at Sisters Creek Marina, Jacksonville, Florida. The rule prohibits entry into the safety zone without the permission of the Captain of the Port (COTP) Jacksonville or his designated representative. The rule is needed to protect participants, vendors, and spectators from the hazards associated with the launching of fireworks.
Safety and Security Zones: Liquefied Hazardous Gas Vessel, Liquefied Hazardous Gas Facility and Designated Vessel Transits, New York Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port Zone
The Coast Guard is temporarily suspending a portion of the regulation relating to security zones around Designated Vessels within the Captain of the Port New York Zone, and adding a temporary section to allow the Captain of the Port to protect Mass Transit Ferries and other vessels that are certificated to carry 150 or more passengers as Designated Vessels. This action is necessary to safeguard these vessels from sabotage, subversive acts, or other threats. This rule prohibits entry into or movement within these security zones without permission from the Captain of the Port of New York.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection; Comment Request
The Federal Emergency Management Agency, as part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork and respondent burden, invites the general public and other Federal agencies to take this opportunity to comment on proposed continuing information collections. In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3506(c)(2)(A)), this notice seeks comments concerning renewal of the Standard Flood Hazard Determination Form (FEMA Form 81-93).
Mississippi; Amendment No. 1 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration
This notice amends the notice of a major disaster declaration for the State of Mississippi (FEMA-1594-DR), dated July 10, 2005, and related determinations.
Mississippi; Amendment No. 2 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration
This notice amends the notice of a major disaster declaration for the State of Mississippi (FEMA-1594-DR), dated July 10, 2005, and related determinations.
Florida; Amendment No. 1 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration
This notice amends the notice of a major disaster declaration for the State of Florida (FEMA-1595-DR), dated July 10, 2005, and related determinations.
Drawbridge Operation Regulations; New Jersey Intracoastal Waterway, Manasquan River
The Coast Guard proposes to temporarily change the regulations that govern the operation of the Route 35 Bridge, at New Jersey Intracoastal Waterway (NJICW) mile 1.1, across Manasquan River, at Brielle, New Jersey. The bridge will be closed to navigation on three four-month closure periods beginning from 8 a.m. November 1, 2006 until 5 p.m. March 1, 2007; from 8 a.m. on November 1, 2007 until 5 p.m. March 1, 2008; and from 8 a.m. on November 1, 2008 until 5 p.m. March 1, 2009. The extensive structural, mechanical, and electrical repairs and improvements necessitate these closures.
Notice of Revised Agenda and Partial Closure for the July 27, 2005, Meeting of the President's National Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee
The President's National Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee (NSTAC) will meet on Wednesday, July 27, 2005, from 2 p.m. until 3 p.m. The meeting will take place via teleconference and will be partially closed to the public. For access to the conference bridge and meeting materials, interested members of the public should contact Ms. Elizabeth Hart at (703) 289-5948, or by e-mail at hart by 5 p.m. on Monday, July 25, 2005. The NSTAC advises the President of the United States on issues and problems related to implementing national security and emergency preparedness (NS/EP) telecommunications policy. Between 2 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. the members will discuss the NSTAC work plan for the coming year and the activities of two NSTAC task forces. This portion of the meeting remains open to the public.
Environmental Equivalency Evaluation Index: Methodology To Assess the Oil Outflow Performance of Alternative Designs to the Double Hull Oil Tanker
The Coast Guard announces the availability of an Environmental Equivalency Evaluation Index, which establishes a methodology to assess the oil outflow performance of alternative designs to the double hull oil tanker. This Environmental Equivalency Evaluation Index has been established in accordance with Section 705 of the Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation Act of 2004.
Office of Research and Development; Proposed Federally Funded Research and Development Center; Notice No. 3
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) expects to sponsor a Federally Funded Research and Development Center (FFRDC) to address the need for scientific research to better anticipate, prevent, and mitigate the consequences of biological attacks. The proposed FFRDC will be the National Biodefense Analysis and Countermeasures Center (NBACC) which is a critical component in the overarching Homeland Security national biodefense complex. The NBACC will both coordinate biodefense research activities among various Federal agencies and to execute its own research plan. Also required will be technical and program management capabilities to facilitate operation of the NBACC facility. This is the third of three notices which must be published over a 90 day period in order to advise the public of the agency's intention to sponsor an FFRDC.
Drawbridge Operation Regulations; Boot Key Harbor, Marathon, FL
The Coast Guard proposes to change the regulations governing the operation of the Boot Key Harbor bridge, mile 0.13, between Marathon and Boot Key, Monroe County, Florida. Due to the amount of vehicle traffic and the lack of openings during the proposed time period, this proposed action would improve the movement of vehicular traffic while not unreasonably interfering with the movement of vessel traffic. This proposed rule would allow the bridge to open on the hour between the hours of 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. At all other times, the bridge will open on demand following a 10-minute notification to the bridge tender. The draw shall open as soon as practicable for the passage of tugs with tows, public vessels of the United States and vessels in a situation where a delay would endanger life or property.
Tank Level or Pressure Monitoring Devices on Single-Hull Tank Ships and Single-Hull Tank Barges Carrying Oil or Oil Residue as Cargo
The Coast Guard is suspending for three years the regulations in Title 33 Code of Federal Regulations Parts 155 and 156 for tank level or pressure monitoring (TLPM) devices published in the Federal Register of September 17, 2002 (67 FR 58515). Furthermore, we are seeking public comments on the status of TLPM technology development and other means of detecting leaks from oil cargo tanks into the water.
Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport: Enhanced Security Procedures for Certain Operations
Since September 11, 2001, general aviation aircraft operations have been prohibited at Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport (DCA). The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is issuing this interim final rule (IFR) to restore access to DCA for certain aircraft operations while maintaining the security of critical Federal Government and other assets in the Washington, DC metropolitan area. This IFR applies to all passenger aircraft operations into or out of DCA, except U.S. air carrier operations operating under a full security program required by 49 CFR part 1544 and foreign air carrier operations operating under 49 CFR 1546.101(a) or (b). The IFR establishes security procedures for aircraft operators and gateway airport operators, and security requirements relating to crewmembers, passengers, and armed security officers onboard aircraft operating into or out of DCA. Although this IFR is effective on August 18, 2005, an aircraft operator may not conduct operations into or out of DCA until it is determined by TSA to be in compliance with the security requirements set forth in this IFR.
Safety Zones: Fireworks Displays in the Captain of the Port Portland Zone
The Coast Guard is establishing safety zones on the waters of the Willamette and Columbia Rivers, located in the Area of Responsibility (AOR) of the Captain of the Port, Portland, Oregon, during fireworks displays. The Captain of the Port, Portland, Oregon, is taking this action to safeguard watercraft and their occupants from safety hazards associated with these displays. Entry into these safety zones is prohibited unless authorized by the Captain of the Port.
Safety Zone: Hydroplane Races, Columbia Park, Kennewick, WA
The Coast Guard is establishing a temporary safety zone on the waters of the Columbia River during hydroplane races. The Captain of the Port, Portland, Oregon, is taking this action to safeguard watercraft and their occupants from safety hazards associated with these vessels that travel at a high rate of speed. Entry into this safety zone is prohibited unless authorized by the Captain of the Port.
Proposed Collection; Comment Request; Sworn Statement of Refugee Applying for Admission Into the United States
The Department of Homeland Security, as part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork and respondent burden, CBP invites the general public and other Federal agencies to comment on an information collection requirement concerning the Sworn Statement of Refugee Applying for Admission into the United States (CBP Form G-646). This request for comment is being made pursuant to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (Public Law 104-13; 44 U.S.C. 3506(c)(2)(A)).
Suspension of Community Eligibility
This rule identifies communities, where the sale of flood insurance has been authorized under the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), that are scheduled for suspension on the effective dates listed within this rule because of noncompliance with the floodplain management requirements of the program. If the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) receives documentation that the community has adopted the required floodplain management measures prior to the effective suspension date given in this rule, the suspension will not occur and a notice of this will be provided by publication in the Federal Register on a subsequent date.
Alabama; Amendment No. 1 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration
This notice amends the notice of a major disaster declaration for the State of Alabama (FEMA-1593-DR), dated July 10, 2005, and related determinations.
Final Implementation of Sectors Detroit, Sector Sault Ste. Marie, Sector Buffalo, and Sector Lake Michigan
The Coast Guard previously announced the stand-up of Sectors Detroit, Sector Sault Ste. Marie, Sector Buffalo, and Sector Lake Michigan under this docket. This notice informs the public that the process is nearing completion for all Sectors in the Ninth Coast Guard District. All boundaries of areas of responsibility will shift on July 29, 2005, the date of stand-up of the last Sector, Sector Lake Michigan. The Commander of each Sector has the authority, responsibility and missions of its corresponding Group, Captain of the Port (COTP) and Marine Safety Offices. The Coast Guard has established a continuity of operations whereby all previous practices and procedures will remain in effect until superseded by an authorized Coast Guard official or document.
Implementation of Sector St. Petersburg
The Coast Guard announces the establishment of Sector St. Petersburg. The Sector St. Petersburg Commanding Officer will have the authority, responsibility and missions of a Group Commander, Captain of the Port (COTP) and Commanding Officer, Marine Safety Office (MSO). The Coast Guard has established a continuity of operations order whereby all previous practices and procedures will remain in effect until superseded by an authorized Coast Guard official and/or document.
Privacy Act of 1974; Systems of Records; DHS-2005-0048
In accordance with the Privacy Act of 1974, the Department of Homeland Security is giving notice that it proposes to remove one system of records from its inventory of record systems because the functions of the system have been absorbed into another system of records.
Anchorage Grounds and Safety Zone; Delaware River
The Coast Guard has established a permanent safety zone and modified certain anchorages in the area of the Marcus Hook Range when the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) conducts its annual dredging operations. Annual dredging is necessary to maintain congressionally authorized channel depths. The safety zone and anchorage modifications are necessary to ensure safe vessel transits during the dredging operations. These regulations will alter the route of vessels transiting the channel and requirements for those vessels wishing to anchor during the dredging operations.
Special Local Regulations for Marine Events; Manasquan River, Manasquan Inlet and Atlantic Ocean, Point Pleasant Beach to Bay Head, NJ
The Coast Guard is establishing temporary special local regulations for the ``Point Pleasant OPA/NJ Offshore Grand Prix'', a marine event to be held on the waters of the Manasquan River, Manasquan Inlet and Atlantic Ocean between Point Pleasant Beach and Bay Head, New Jersey. These special local regulations are necessary to provide for the safety of life on navigable waters during the event. This action is intended to restrict vessel traffic in the regulated area during the event.
Cooperative Research and Development Agreements
The Coast Guard announces its intent to enter into a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement and seeks inquiries and proposals from potential partners. The goal of this agreement will be further development of innovative fire suppression/protection systems for use on marine vessels and Coast Guard approval procedures for such systems.
Regulated Navigation Area; San Diego Bay, Mission Bay and Their Approaches, California
The Coast Guard proposes to create a Regulated Navigation Area (RNA) within San Diego Bay, Mission Bay, and their approaches out to the 12 nautical mile limit of the territorial sea. This proposed RNA is necessary to provide the COTP a greater situational awareness of vessels intending to enter San Diego Bay or Mission Bay, allow the COTP to enforce safety and security zones associated with naval vessel movements and exercises, and increase awareness of potential threats to national security assets within the area. This RNA will ensure the safe movement of vessels in the vicinity of San Diego Bay and Mission Bay.
Mark 11 Static Barrier Running Gear Entanglement System; Draft Programmatic Environmental Assessment
The Coast Guard announces the availability of the Draft Programmatic Environmental Assessment (PEA) and Draft Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the Mark 11 Static Barrier Running Gear Entanglement System (RGES). The Coast Guard is proposing to establish and operate a Mark (MK) 11 Static Barrier RGES at various and currently unknown U.S. ports throughout the U.S. Maritime Domain, when necessary. The purpose of Proposed Action is to improve the Coast Guard's capabilities to intercept and interdict small boats and watercraft. The MK11 Static Barrier RGES would deliver an entanglement device which would foul the propellers of unauthorized vessels attempting to approach restricted areas. The MK 11 Static Barrier RGES would not duplicate existing protective measures, but would provide complimentary, non-redundant capabilities that would be able to close significant readiness gaps in our nation's strategic ports.
National Offshore Safety Advisory Committee; Vacancies
The Coast Guard seeks applications for membership on the National Offshore Safety Advisory Committee (NOSAC). NOSAC provides advice and makes recommendations to the Coast Guard on matters affecting the offshore industry.
Security Zone; Cleveland Harbor, Cleveland, OH, Change of Location
On July 1, 2005, the Coast Guard published a temporary final rule establishing a security zone in Cleveland's inner harbor for the visit of the HMCS Toronto. On July 8, 2005, the Coast Guard learned the HMCS Toronto would be mooring at a different location. This rule changes the location of the temporary security zone and clarifies its duration Entry into this security zone is prohibited without permission of the Captain of the Port Cleveland.
Drawbridge Operation Regulations; Inner Harbor Navigation Canal-New Orleans, LA
The Commander, Eighth Coast Guard District, has issued a temporary deviation from the regulation governing the operation of the Ted Hickey Bascule Span Bridge across the Inner Harbor Navigation Canal, mile 4.6, at New Orleans, Orleans Parish, Louisiana. This deviation allows the bridge to remain closed to navigation for thirty- six hours. This temporary deviation is necessary for the replacement of the operating controls of the bridge.
Changes in Flood Elevation Determinations
Modified Base (1% annual-chance) Flood Elevations (BFEs) are finalized for the communities listed below. These modified elevations will be used to calculate flood insurance premium rates for new buildings and their contents.
Changes in Flood Elevation Determinations
Modified Base (1% annual chance) Flood Elevations (BFEs) are finalized for the communities listed below. These modified elevations will be used to calculate flood insurance premium rates for new buildings and their contents.
Final Flood Elevation Determinations
Base (1% annual-chance) Flood Elevations and modified Base Flood Elevations (BFEs) are made final for the communities listed below. The BFEs and modified BFEs are the basis for the floodplain management measures that each community is required either to adopt or to show evidence of being already in effect in order to qualify or remain qualified for participation in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).
Proposed Flood Elevation Determinations
Technical information or comments are requested on the proposed Base (1% annual-chance) Flood Elevations (BFEs) and proposed BFE modifications for the communities listed below. The BFEs and modified BFEs are the basis for the floodplain management measures that the community is required either to adopt or to show evidence of being already in effect in order to qualify or remain qualified for participation in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).
Proposed Flood Elevation Determinations
Technical information or comments are requested on the proposed Base (1% annual-chance) Flood Elevations (BFEs) and proposed BFE modifications for the communities listed below. The BFEs and modified BFEs are the basis for the floodplain management measures that the community is required either to adopt or to show evidence of being already in effect in order to qualify or remain qualified for participation in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).
Proposed Flood Elevation Determinations
Technical information or comments are requested on the proposed Base (1% annual chance) Flood Elevations (BFEs) and proposed BFE modifications for the communities listed below. The BFEs are the basis for the floodplain management measures that the community is required either to adopt or to show evidence of being already in effect in order to qualify or remain qualified for participation in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).
Proposed Flood Elevation Determinations
Technical information or comments are requested on the proposed Base (1% annual chance) Flood Elevations (BFEs) and proposed BFE modifications for the communities listed below. The BFEs are the basis for the floodplain management measures that the community is required either to adopt or to show evidence of being already in effect in order to qualify or remain qualified for participation in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).
Alabama; Major Disaster and Related Determinations
This is a notice of the Presidential declaration of a major disaster for the State of Alabama (FEMA-1593-DR), dated July 10, 2005, and related determinations.
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