Children and Families Administration 2008 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 51 - 100 of 194
State Parent Locator Service; Safeguarding Child Support Information
The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (PRWORA) created and expanded State and Federal title IV-D child support enforcement databases and significantly enhanced access to information for title IV-D child support purposes. States are moving toward integrated service delivery and developing enterprise architecture initiatives to link their program databases. This final rule prescribes requirements for: State Parent Locator Service responses to authorized location requests; and State IV-D program safeguarding of confidential information and authorized disclosures of this information. This rule restricts the use of confidential data and information to child support purposes, with exceptions for certain disclosures permitted by statute.
Notice of Public Comment on Section 635 [42 U.S.C. 9801]-The 2007 Head Start School Readiness Act, Sub-Section 649(k)(1)(A-D)-“Indian Head Start Study”
The following Notice of Public Comment is in response to section 649(k) Sub-Section (3) of the 2007 Head Start School Readiness Act that requires the Secretary no later than 9 months after the effective date of this Sub-Section, publish in the Federal Register a plan of how the Secretary will carry out section 649 Sub-Section (k) Sub-Paragraph (1) and shall provide a period for public comment.
Office of Community Services
This supplement would enhance the ability for the CAP to find new ways to address training and technical assistance needs. After gathering information from the Community Action Network, the applicant will provide a report to the Office of Community Services (OCS) containing recommendations about creative approaches and strategies for providing technical assistance and training to Community Action Agencies (CAAs). The applicant will compile information gathered thru: Brainstorming sessions with members of the Community Action Network and the Virtual CAP. The report to OCS will include sections on major recommendations and a strategy for implementation. These will be supported by summaries of the ideas presented at the sessions and input compiled by Virtual CAP.
Noncompetitive Successor Award
In FY 2006, ORR awarded a competitive Services for Survivors of Torture grant to the Center for Multicultural Human Services (CMHS) in Falls Church, Virginia. The original project period was from September 30, 2006 through September 29, 2009. CMHS served as fiscal sponsor and legal entity of the approved project. As of March 31, 2008, CMHS ceased operations. CMHS has requested permission for Northern Virginia Family Service to assume the grant. Northern Virginia has agreed to this request. The effect of this deviation request is to transfer the grant from the initial grantee to a new grantee with the scope and operations of the grant remaining unchanged.
Notification of the Establishment of the National Commission on Children and Disasters
This notice announces the establishment of the National Commission on Children and Disasters, a Secretary's Advisory Committee. The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2008 (Pub. L. 110-161), Division G, Title VI, directs the establishment of the National Commission on Children and Disasters. The Commission shall conduct a comprehensive study to examine and assess the needs of children as they relate to preparation for, response to, and recovery from all hazards, building upon the evaluation of other entities and avoiding unnecessary duplication by reviewing the findings, conclusions, and recommendations of these entities, and shall then submit a report to the President and Congress on the Commission's specific findings, conclusions, and recommendations to address the needs of children as they relate to major disasters and emergencies.
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Program, Elimination of Enhanced Caseload Reduction Credit for Excess Maintenance-of-Effort Expenditures
The Administration for Children and Families proposes to revise the TANF regulations to eliminate the provision that allows a State to receive additional caseload reduction credit for maintenance- of-effort (MOE) expenditures in excess of its required MOE spending. This provision is no longer necessary and not consistent with Congressional direction in the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005.
Notice of Public Comment on Tribal Consultation Session To Be Held on September 11, 2008, in Phoenix, AZ
Pursuant to the Improving Head Start for School Readiness Act of 2007, Public Law 110-134, notice is hereby given of a one-day Tribal Consultation Session to be held between the Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Office of Head Start leadership and the leadership of Tribal governments operating Head Start (including Early Head Start) programs. The purpose of the Consultation Session is to discuss ways to better meet the needs of Indian, including Alaska Native, children and their families, taking into consideration funding allocations, distribution formulas, and other issues affecting the delivery of Head Start services in their geographic locations [42 U.S.C. 9835, Section 640(l)(4)].
Cost Allocation Methodology Applicable to the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Program
This final rule applies to the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program and requires States, the District of Columbia and the Territories (hereinafter referred to as the ``States'') to use the ``benefiting program'' cost allocation methodology in U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-87 (2 CFR part 225). It is the judgment and determination of HHS/ACF that the ``benefiting program'' cost allocation methodology is the appropriate methodology for the proper use of Federal TANF funds. The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (PRWORA) of 1996 gave federally-recognized Tribes the opportunity to operate their own Tribal TANF programs. Federally-recognized Indian tribes operating approved Tribal TANF programs have always followed the ``benefiting program'' cost allocation methodology in accordance with OMB Circular A-87 (2 CFR part 225) and the applicable regulatory provisions at 45 CFR 286.45(c) and (d). This final rule contains no substantive changes to the proposed rule published on September 27, 2006.
Child Support Enforcement Program; Medical Support
This regulation revises Federal requirements for establishing and enforcing medical support obligations in Child Support Enforcement (CSE) program cases receiving services under title IV-D of the Social Security Act (the Act). The changes: require that all support orders in the IV-D program address medical support; redefine reasonable-cost health insurance; require health insurance to be accessible, as defined by the State; and make conforming changes to the Federal interstate, substantial-compliance audit, and State self-assessment requirements.
Office of Refugee Resettlement; Unaccompanied Alien Children Shelter Care Facilities
This notice announces that the Administration for Children and Families (ACF), Office of Refugee Resettlement intends to award ten unaccompanied alien shelter care providers in the amount of $2,521,320. This funding will support services through September 30, 2008.
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