Department of Health and Human Services February 11, 2013 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 1 - 19 of 19
Draft Guidance for Industry on Immunogenicity Assessment for Therapeutic Protein Products; Availability
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is announcing the availability of a draft guidance for industry entitled ``Immunogenicity Assessment for Therapeutic Protein Products.'' Therapeutic protein products may elicit immune responses, and these responses may lead to serious or life-threatening adverse events for the patient or loss of efficacy of the product. This draft guidance is intended to assist manufacturers to develop a risk-based approach in both the preclinical and clinical phases of the development of therapeutic protein products to evaluate and mitigate immune responses that may adversely affect their safety and efficacy.
Food and Drug Administration/Xavier University PharmaLink Conference-Quality in a Global Supply Chain
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Cincinnati District, in cosponsorship with Xavier University, is announcing a public conference entitled ``FDA/Xavier University PharmaLink Conference.'' The PharmaLink conference seeks solutions to important and complicated issues by aligning with the strategic priorities of FDA, and includes presentations from key FDA officials, global regulators, and industry experts. Each presentation challenges the status quo and conventional wisdom of our industry to create synergies focused on finding solutions which make a difference. Every discussion, exploration, and solution is framed by the goal of delivering increased patient health and safety through topics such as a working session with the Office of the Commissioner on the implementation of the FDA Safety and Innovation Act, Business Impact of Outsourcing, Supplier Management Models that Work, Implementing Quality by Design (QbD) Successfullylike other industries, lunch with global regulators (FDA, Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), Fimea, and Swissmedic), and many more. The experience level of our audience has fostered engaged dialog that has led to innovative initiatives.
National Advisory Council on the National Health Service Corps; Request for Nominations
The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) is requesting nominations to fill five (5) vacancies on the National Advisory Council (NAC) on the National Health Service Corps (NHSC). The NAC on NHSC was established in 1978.
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposed Collection, Comment Request
In compliance with the requirement for opportunity for public comment on proposed data collection projects (section 3506(c)(2)(A) of Title 44, United States Code, as amended by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, Pub. L. 104-13), the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) publishes periodic summaries of proposed projects being developed for submission to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. To request more information on the proposed project or to obtain a copy of the data collection plans and draft instruments, email or call the HRSA Reports Clearance Officer at (301) 443-1984. HRSA especially requests comments on: (1) The necessity and utility of the proposed information collection for the proper performance of the agency's functions, (2) the accuracy of the estimated burden, (3) ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be collected, and (4) the use of automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology to minimize the information collection burden. Information Collection Request Title: Corps Community Day Event FormNEW Abstract: Corps Community Day was created in 2011 and celebrates the National Health Service Corps (NHSC) every October during National Primary Care Week. The NHSC is a program administered by the Bureau of Clinician Recruitment and Service (BCRS) within HRSA. The goals of Corps Community Day encompass the following: increase awareness of the NHSC to potential applicants and the greater primary health community; create a sense of community and connectedness among NHSC program participants, alumni, partners, and staff; and underscore the NHSC's role in bringing primary health care services to the nation's neediest communities. Current program participants, alumni, NHSC Ambassadors, sites, primary care organizations, and professional associations plan events and report the details of their events to BCRS so that they can be added to the state-by-state map of events. In order to avoid duplication of effort, eliminate confusion regarding allowable event dates, avoid data entry errors, and implement a brief post-event satisfaction survey, BCRS would like to implement a standard form that event planners will use to report to BCRS. The fillable form will be available online and will have less than 20 fields for event planners to populate to submit for inclusion on the map. There will also be approximately five fields to populate following the event to measure satisfaction. Both the pre-event and post-event data fields will be held in one form. Burden Statement: Burden in this context means the time expended by persons to generate, maintain, retain, disclose or provide the information requested. This includes the time needed to review instructions, to develop, acquire, install and utilize technology and systems for the purpose of collecting, validating and verifying information, processing and maintaining information, and disclosing and providing information, to train personnel and to be able to respond to a collection of information, to search data sources, to complete and review the collection of information, and to transmit or otherwise disclose the information. The total annual burden hours estimated for this Information Collection Request are summarized in the table below. The annual estimate of burden is as follows:
Draft Joint Food and Drug Administration/Health Canada Quantitative Assessment of the Risk of Listeriosis From Soft-Ripened Cheese Consumption in the United States and Canada
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA or we) is announcing the availability of a draft ``Joint Food and Drug Administration/Health CanadaSant[eacute] Canada Quantitative Assessment of the Risk of Listeriosis From Soft-Ripened Cheese Consumption in the United States and Canada.'' This draft Quantitative Risk Assessment (the draft QRA) includes an Interpretative Summary, a Technical Report, with Appendixes, and a risk assessment model. The purpose of the draft QRA is to evaluate the effect of factors such as the microbiological status of milk, the impact of cheese manufacturing steps, and conditions during distribution and storage on the overall risk of invasive listeriosis to the consumer in the United States or Canada of soft- ripened cheese. The draft QRA makes it possible to evaluate the effectiveness of some process changes and intervention strategies in reducing the risk of listeriosis. We are making the draft QRA available for public comment.
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