Department of Health and Human Services (hhs) – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
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Notice of Hearing: Reconsideration of Disapproval Texas Medicaid State Plan Amendment (SPA) 14-25
This notice announces an administrative hearing to be held on August 6, 2015, at the Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Division of Medicaid & Children's Health, Dallas Regional Office, 1301 Young Street, Room 714, Dallas, TX 75202, to reconsider CMS' decision to disapprove Texas' Medicaid SPA 14-25. Closing Date: Requests to participate in the hearing as a party must be received by the presiding officer by July 15, 2015.
HIT Standards Committee and HIT Policy Committee; Call for Nominations
The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) is seeking nominations to the Health Information Technology Standards Committee (HITSC) and Health Information Technology Policy Committee (HITPC). Name of Committees: HIT Standards Committee and HIT Policy Committee. General Function of the Committees: The HITSC is charged to provide recommendations to the National Coordinator on standards, implementation specifications, and certification criteria for the electronic exchange and use of health information for purposes of adoption, consistent with the implementation of the Federal Health IT Strategic Plan, and in accordance with policies developed by the HIT Policy Committee. The HITPC is charged to provide recommendations to the National Coordinator on a policy framework for the development and adoption of a nationwide health information technology infrastructure that permits the electronic exchange and use of health information as is consistent with the Federal Health IT Strategic Plan and that includes recommendations on the areas in which standards, implementation specifications, and certification criteria are needed. Date and Time: Nominations must be received by 12:00 p.m. on Monday, March 3, 2014. Contact Person: Michelle Consolazio, Office of the National Coordinator, HHS, 355 E Street SW., Washington, DC 20024, phone: 781- 710-0786, email: Background: The HIT Standards Committee was established under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act 2009 (ARRA) (Pub. L. 111-5), section 13101, new Section 3003. Members of the HIT Standards Committee are appointed by the Secretary, HHS and shall at least reflect providers, ancillary healthcare workers, consumers, purchasers, health plans, technology vendors, researchers, relevant Federal agencies, and individuals with technical expertise on health care quality, privacy and security, and on the electronic exchange and use of health information. Nominees of the HITSC should have experience promoting the meaningful use of health information technology and be knowledgeable in areas such as: small innovative health care providers, providers participating in payment reform initiatives, accountable care organizations, pharmacists, behavioral health professionals, home health care, purchaser or employer representatives, patient safety, health information technology security, big data, consumer e-health, personal health records, and mobile health applications. The HIT Policy Committee was established under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act 2009 (ARRA) (Pub. L. 111-5), section 13101, new Section 3002. Members of the HIT Policy Committee are appointed in the following manner: 3 members appointed by the Secretary, HHS; 4 members appointed by Congress; 13 members appointed by the Comptroller General of the United States; and other federal members appointed by the President. Nominations are being accepted for one of the three members appointed by the Secretary of HHS. Nominees of the HITPC should have experience promoting the meaningful use of health information technology and be knowledgeable in privacy and security issues related to health information. Members will be selected in order to achieve a balanced representation of viewpoints, areas of experience, subject matter expertise, and representation of the health care system. Terms will be three (3) years from the appointment date to either the HITSC or HITPC. Members on both Committees serve without pay. However, members will be provided per diem and travel costs for Committee services. The HITSC will be seeking nominations for the following areas of expertise:
Notice of Hearing: Reconsideration of Disapproval of Indiana State Plan Amendments (SPA) 11-011
This notice announces an administrative hearing to be held on September 13, 2011, at the CMS Chicago Regional Office, 233 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 600, Chicago, IL 60601, to reconsider CMS' decision to disapprove Indiana SPA 11-011.
Notice of Hearing; Reconsideration of Disapproval of Colorado State Plan Amendments (SPA) 10-034
This notice announces an administrative hearing to be held on August 4, 2011, at the CMS Denver Regional Office, Colorado State Bank Building, 1600 Broadway, Suite 700, Denver, Colorado 80202-4367 to reconsider CMS' decision to disapprove Colorado SPA 10-034.
Evaluation of the Potential Developmental Effects of Cancer Chemotherapy During Pregnancy: Call for Information and Nomination of Scientific Experts
CERHR is evaluating the scientific evidence regarding the potential developmental effects of cancer chemotherapy during pregnancy. CERHR invites the submission of information about ongoing studies or upcoming publications on the pregnancy outcomes and long- term health of offspring exposed to cancer chemotherapy agents during pregnancy and associated topics that might be considered for inclusion in the evaluation. CERHR also invites the nomination of scientific experts to potentially serve as technical advisors in conducting the evaluation or as members of an ad hoc expert panel to be convened to peer review the draft Monograph on Cancer Chemotherapy during Pregnancy (see SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION). The peer review meeting is tentatively scheduled for August 29-30, 2011 at the NIEHS. When set, the date and location of the meeting will be announced in the Federal Register and posted on the CERHR Website ( The peer review meeting will be open to the public with time scheduled for oral public comment.
Notice of Hearing: Reconsideration of Disapproval of Michigan State Plan Amendment (SPA) 07-21
This notice announces an administrative hearing to be held on January 6, 2009, at the CMS Chicago Regional Office, 233 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 600, Chicago, Illinois 60601 to reconsider CMS' decision to disapprove Michigan SPA 07-21.
Notice of Hearing: Reconsideration of Disapproval of Arkansas State Plan Amendment (SPA) 07-024
This notice announces an administrative hearing to be held on December 9, 2008, at the CMS Dallas Regional Office, 1301 Young Street, Suite 833, Room 1196, Dallas, Texas 75202, to reconsider CMS' decision to disapprove Arkansas SPA 07-024.
Notice of Hearing: Reconsideration of Disapproval of Texas State Plan Amendment (SPA) 07-020
This notice announces an administrative hearing to be held on July 8, 2008, at the CMS Dallas Regional Office, 1301 Young Street, Suite 833, Room 1196, Dallas, Texas 75202, to reconsider CMS' decision to disapprove Texas SPA 07-020. Closing Date: Requests to participate in the hearing as a party must be received by the presiding officer by June 13, 2008.
Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE); Privacy Act of 1974; Amended System of Records
In accordance with the requirements of the Privacy Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C. 552a), the Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE) is publishing notice of amendment of its system of records, entitled ``Federal Case Registry of Child Support Orders'' (FCR), 09-80-0202, last published at 69 FR 46550 on August 3, 2004. The amendment adds four routine uses; new categories of records; and clarifying information and technical amendments.
Notice of Hearing: Reconsideration of Disapproval of Montana State Plan Amendment (SPA) 07-004
This notice announces an administrative hearing to be held on May 20, 2008, at the CMS Denver Regional Office, 1600 Broadway, Suite 700, Vail Conference Room, Denver, Colorado 80202, to reconsider CMS' decision to disapprove Montana SPA 07-004. Closing Date: Requests to participate in the hearing as a party must be received by the presiding officer by April 18, 2008.
Notice of Hearing: Reconsideration of Disapproval of Ohio State Plan Amendment (SPA) 07-014
This notice announces an administrative hearing to be held on April 4, 2008, at the CMS Chicago Regional Office, 233 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 600, the Illinois Room, Chicago, IL 60601-5519, to reconsider CMS' decision to disapprove Ohio SPA 07-014. Closing Date: Requests to participate in the hearing as a party must be received by the presiding officer by March 19, 2008.
Notice of Hearing: Reconsideration of Disapproval of Virginia Title XXI State Plan Amendment (SPA) No. 6
This notice announces an administrative hearing to be held on September 4, 2007, at 150 S. Independence Mall West, Suite 216, Conference Room 241, Pennsylvania Room, The Public Ledger Building, Philadelphia, PA 19106-3499, to reconsider CMS' decision to disapprove Virginia's title XXI SPA No. 6. Closing Date: Requests to participate in the hearing as a party must be received by the presiding officer by (15 days after publication).
Notice of Hearing: Reconsideration of Disapproval of Oregon State Plan Amendment 05-003
This notice announces an administrative hearing to be held on December 8, 2006, at 2201 6th Street, Suite 1101, Seattle, Washington 98121, to reconsider CMS' decision to disapprove Oregon State plan amendment 05-003. Closing Date: Requests to participate in the hearing as a party must be received by the presiding officer by October 23, 2006.
Federal Enforcement in Group and Individual Health Insurance Markets
This rule makes final an interim final rule that details procedures we use for enforcing title XXVII of the Public Health Service Act as added by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, and as amended by the Mental Health Parity Act of 1996, the Newborns' and Mothers' Health Protection Act of 1996, and the Women's Health and Cancer Rights Act of 1998. Specifically, we are responsible for enforcing title XXVII requirements in States that do not enact the legislation necessary to enforce those requirements, or otherwise fail to substantially enforce the requirements. We are also responsible for taking enforcement actions against non-Federal governmental plans. The regulation describes the process we use in both enforcement contexts. This final rule deletes an appendix to the interim rule that listed examples of violations of title XXVII and corrects the description of a cross-reference, but makes no substantive changes to the interim final rule.
Privacy Act of 1974; Amended System of Records
In accordance with the requirement of the Privacy Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C. 552a), the Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE) is publishing notice of its amendment of its systems of records entitled ``The Location and Collection System'', No. 09-90-0074.
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