Department of Defense September 9, 2022 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
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Private Security Contractors (PSCs) Operating in Contingency Operations, Humanitarian or Peace Operations, or Other Military Operations or Exercises
The DoD is finalizing updates to this rule resulting from changes from the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Years (FY) 2017 and 2020 as well as DoD policy updates. These changes include administrative updates and clarifications to private security contractors (PSCs) performing duties while under contract to DoD in support of a contingency operations, humanitarian or peace operations, or other military operations or exercises.
Notice of Intent To Prepare Legislative Environmental Impact Statement Regarding Proposed Public Land Withdrawal in Vicinity of Arizona State Route 95, Yuma Proving Ground, Arizona
The Department of the Army (Army) intends to prepare a legislative environmental impact statement (LEIS) regarding the withdrawal and reservation for military purposes of approximately 22,000 acres of public land now managed by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). This withdrawal and reservation would add to the existing withdrawal and reservation for the Army's Yuma Proving Ground (YPG), Arizona. It would improve public safety and meet testing and training requirements for advances in Global Positioning System (GPS)- guided parachute technologies. The additional land would allow for higher-altitude parachute releases and would provide an additional buffer in case of release-point errors and system failures. The proposed withdrawal area, which would extend to Arizona State Route (SR) 95, would establish SR 95 as a distinct physical landmark for the YPG boundary. This notice announces the beginning of the public comment process, including public scoping meetings. When the Army submits its land withdrawal application, BLM will file a separate Notice of Application for Withdrawal in the Federal Register. The LEIS will analyze potential impacts of the Army's use of the land. The LEIS will be transmitted to Congress to support legislative decision-making regarding the Army's request.
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