Department of Defense December 23, 2010 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
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Notice of Availability of Government-Owned Inventions; Available for Licensing
The inventions listed below are assigned to the United States Government as represented by the Secretary of the Navy and are made available for licensing by the Department of the Navy. Navy Case No. 83951Apparatus and System for Data Surveillance; Navy Case No. 84021System and Method for Improved Patient Status Monitoring; Navy Case No. 97188Software Architecture for Access Control Based on Hierarchical Characteristics; Navy Case No. 97189 System of Access Control Based on Hierarchical Characteristics; Navy Case No. 97556Preparation of SERS Substrates on Silica-Coated Magnetic Microspheres; Navy Case No. 98163Algorithm for minimum antenna size; Navy Case No. 98184MEMS-Based Multi-Channel Fabry-Perot Interferometer System with Increased Tuning Range and Resolution; Navy Case No. 98330System and Method for Geodesic Data Mining; Navy Case No. 98408Method for Determining Collision Risk for Collision Avoidance Systems; Navy Case No. 98582Electrolytic Fluid Antenna; Navy Case No. 98666Plasmonic Transistor; Navy Case No. 98721Static Wireless Data-Glove Apparatus for Gesture Processing and Recognition and Information-Coding and Input Method; Navy Case No. 98722Host- Centric Method for Automatic Collision Avoidance Decisions; Navy Case No. 98745Method of Fabricating A Micro-Electro-Mechanical Apparatus for Generating Power Responsive to Mechanical Vibration; Navy Case No. 98763Hydrostatic Actuated Flood Plug; Navy Case No. 99735Apparatus for Generating Power Responsive to Mechanical Vibration; Navy Case No. 99740Tunable Resonant Frequency MEMS Kinetic Energy Harvester; Navy Case No. 99741Improved Electro-Magnetic Kinetic Energy Harvesting Device Using Increased Magnetic Edge Area; Navy Case No. 99846Method for Fusing Overhead Imagery with Automatic Vessel Reporting Systems; Navy Case No. 99933Improved Electrolytic Fluid Antenna; Navy Case No. 100162Method for Detecting and Mapping Fires Using Features Extracted from Overhead Imagery; Navy Case No. 100190Device for Maximizing Packing Density with Cylindrical Objects in Cylindrical Cavities; Navy Case No. 100225Plasmonic Logic Device; Navy Case No. 100249 Shipboard Winch with Guide Vanes; Navy Case No. 100474A System and Method for Learning Visual Recognition through Reusable Symbolic Pattern Matching; Navy Case No. 100345Stand-Off Charging for Batteries; Navy Case No. 100447Conformal Faraday Effect Antenna; Navy Case No. 100340Shipboard Antenna Virtual Tuning System and Method; Navy Case No. 100545Method for Maximizing Packing Density with Cylindrical Objects in Cylindrical Cavities; Navy Case No. 100678 Battery Tray Holder with Electrical Conductor for Holding Cylindrical Battery Cells; Navy Case No. 100311System for Amplifying Flow-Induced Vibration Energy Using Boundary Layer and Wake Flow Control; Navy Case No. 100341Simplified System Status Advisor Providing Uniform Cross-Platform Status Information; Navy Case No. 100809Time Domain Inertial Sensor; Navy Case No. 100849Structural Design of a Mechanical Gyro with Increased Sensitivity and Reduced Quadature Error; Navy Case No. 100869Micro-Resonator with Reduced Acceleration Sensitivity and Phase Noise Using Time Domain Switch.
Availability for Exclusive, Non-Exclusive, or Partially-Exclusive Licensing of Inventions Concerning an Inactivated Dengue Virus Vaccine and a Method and Kit for Detection of Dengue Virus
Announcement is made of the availability for licensing of the invention set forth in U.S. Patent 6,254,873 which issued July 3, 2001, entitled ``Inactivated Dengue Virus Vaccine,'' and U.S. Patent 6,190,859, entitled ``Method and Kit for Detection of Dengue Virus,'' issued February 20, 2001. The United States Government, as represented by the Secretary of the Army, has rights to this invention.
Preparation of the PEIS for Modernization of Training Infrastructure at Pōhakuloa Training Area, HI
The United States Army Pacific (USARPAC) and United States Army Garrison, Hawai`i (USAG-HI) intend to prepare a Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (PEIS) for modernizing training ranges, training support infrastructure (roads and utilities), and training support facilities in the cantonment area at P[omacr]hakuloa Training Area (PTA) to meet better the readiness needs of military units in Hawai`i. The PEIS will evaluate PTA's long-term vision for modernizing training ranges, training support infrastructure, and the cantonment area to improve a current shortfall in collective (group) live-fire training capabilities for units stationed in Hawai`i. The PEIS also includes an analysis for constructing and operating an Infantry Platoon Battle Area (IPBA) that would include an Infantry Platoon Battle Course (IPBC), Live-fire Shoothouse, and Military Operations on Urban Terrain (MOUT) facility. The IPBC would augment the existing non-standard IPBC (located at Range 10 on PTA), which is undersized and cannot be modernized in its current footprint. The Range 10 IPBC would continue to be used for non-standard collective live-fire training exercises. Many of the training ranges and infrastructure at PTA do not meet current doctrinal training and standard range design requirements. Many of the range assets at PTA also do not have sufficient throughput capacity to meet collective live-fire training requirements. Alternatives analyzed in the PEIS will consider modernizing the training ranges, training support infrastructure, and the cantonment area at PTA, and a No Action alternative. Under the No Action alternative, the Army would continue utilizing current training lands and facilities as efficiently as possible. The PEIS will also present a range of alternatives for the IPBA at either the Western Range Area of PTA, Charlie's Circle, or along the southwest side of Range 20, or to not build and operate the IPBA at all. The primary environmental issues to be analyzed in the PEIS include (but are not limited to) air quality, traffic, biological resources, cultural resources, public services and utilities, wildfires, and hazardous materials and waste. There could be significant impacts to cultural resources, air quality, and risk from igniting wildfires. Also, we anticipate that some federally-listed threatened or endangered plants would be affected. Predicted environmental impacts associated with implementing the initial range project of constructing and operating the IPBA will be analyzed to include an increase in vehicle traffic, air quality impacts, and live-fire activities at currently underutilized range locations at PTA. The proposed action may increase the risk of igniting wildfires or may result in a loss of cultural resources. The Army will identify mitigation measures that could be implemented to reduce or eliminate adverse impacts to the environmental resources.
Notice of Intent To Prepare a Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (PEIS) for Land Acquisition, South Texas Training Center (STTC), in McMullen County, TX
The Department of the Army intends to prepare a PEIS to analyze the environmental and socioeconomic impacts associated with the proposed land acquisition and use of approximately 22,232 acres for implementation of an RPMP and mission activities in south Texas. The proposed land area, currently in private ownership, would become the STTC. This action will support the training requirements of the TXARNG units located in central and south Texas. The PEIS will analyze alternatives that are deemed feasible to meet the purpose and need for this Proposed Action.
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