Department of Defense November 27, 2009 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
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TRICARE: Transitional Assistance Management Program
The Department of Defense is publishing this proposed rule to implement section 4 of the Hubbard Act, Public Law 110-317, and section 734 of the Duncan Hunter National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2009, Public Law 110-417. These Acts provide two new categories of beneficiaries for the Transitional Assistance Management Program (TAMP).
TRICARE; Continued Health Care Benefit Program Expansion
This proposed rule executes the expansion of section 1078a of title 10, United States Code. With the recent expansions of the Military Health System (MHS) coverage, particularly with the Reserve Component members, some MHS beneficiaries would not be eligible for CHCBP under certain circumstances that terminate their MHS coverage. This provision allows the Secretary to establish CHCBP eligibility for any categories of MHS beneficiaries who otherwise would lose MHS coverage with no continued care eligibility. This proposed rule also includes administrative changes providing clarification on some issues and updates the final rule published in the Federal Register on September 30, 1994, (59 FR 49817).
TRICARE; TRICARE Delivery of Health Care in Alaska
TRICARE has recognized the unique circumstances existing in Alaska which make the provision of medical care to TRICARE beneficiaries through the TRICARE program operated in the other 49 States unrealistic. Recognizing these unique conditions and circumstances, the Department of Defense has conducted a demonstration project in the State of Alaska since implementation of the TRICARE program under which certain exceptions have been made for administration of the program in Alaska. This rule proposes to incorporate those demonstration exceptions as permanent changes to the administration of the TRICARE program in Alaska. This rule proposes no change to the TRICARE benefit or to those who are eligible for it. However, the rule does eliminate the financial underwriting of health care costs in the State of Alaska by a TRICARE contractor. In addition, TRICARE Prime may be limited to those eligible beneficiaries enrolled to a military treatment facility and those eligible for TRICARE Prime Remote.
Vending Facility Program for the Blind on DoD-Controlled Federal Property
This final rule reinstates Department of Defense regulations related to the vending facility program for the blind on DoD-controlled Federal property. This rule shall not apply to military dining facilities that are subject to and defined in section 856 of the John Warner National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007.
Preventive Health Allowance Demonstration Project
This notice is to advise interested parties of a Military Health System (MHS) demonstration project entitled ``Preventive Health Allowance Demonstration Project for TRICARE Active Duty Personnel and their Family Members''. This demonstration project is designed to evaluate the efficacy of providing a preventive health services allowance to encourage healthy behaviors on the part of eligible MHS beneficiaries.
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