Department of Defense January 6, 2006 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
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Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC) Program Subcommittee
In accordance with Section 10(a)(2) of the Federal Advisory Committee Act (5 U.S.C., App. 2), announcement is made of the following Committee meeting: Name of Committee: Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC) Program Subcommittee. Dates of Meeting: January 24-25, 2006. Location: Radisson Hotel Hampton, 700 Settlers Landing Road, Hampton, VA 23669. Time: 0800-1700 hours, January 24, 2006; 0800-1030 hours, January 25, 2006. Proposed Agenda: Review and discuss the Junior and Senior Reserve Officers' Training Corps programs; incentive-based scholarships initiatives; academic accreditation agencies and procedures; curriculum review, revision and validation; and the growth of Military Science and Leadership as a college minor.
Availability for Non-Exclusive, Exclusive, or Partially Exclusive Licensing of U.S. Provisional Patent Application Concerning Method of Prophylactically Treating Organophosphate Poisoning
In accordance with 37 CFR 404.6 and 404.7, announcement is made of the availability for licensing of the invention set forth in U.S. Provisional Patent Application Serial No. 60/613,121 entitled ``Method of Prophylactically Treating Organophosphate Poisoning,'' filed September 24, 2004. Foreign rights are also available. The United States Government, as represented by the Secretary of the Army, has rights in this invention.
Availability for Non-Exclusive, Exclusive, or Partially Exclusive Licensing of U.S. Provisional Patent Application Concerning Composition for Treating Sulfur Mustard Toxicity and Methods of Using Same
In accordance with 37 CFR 404.6 and 404.7, announcement is made of the availability for licensing of the invention set forth in U.S. Provisional Patent Application Serial No. 60/632,834 entitled ``Composition for Treating Sulfur Mustard Toxicity and Methods of Using Same,'' filed December 3, 2004. Foreign rights are also available. The United States Government, as represented by the Secretary of the Army, has rights in this invention.
Intent To Grant an Exclusive License of a U.S. Government-Owned Patent
In accordance with 35 U.S.C. 209 and 37 CFR 404.7(a)(1)(i), announcement is made of the intent to grant an exclusive, royalty- bearing, revocable license within the geographic area of the United States of America and its territories and possessions to U.S. Patent 6,669,481, issued December 30, 2003 entitled ``Neurocognitive Assessment Apparatus And Method;'' Continuation-in-part U.S. Patent Application 10/614,758, filed July 8, 2003 entitled ``Automated Neurological Assessment Metrics (Anam);'' U.S. Provisional Patent Application 60/289,125, filed May 8, 2001 entitled ``Automated Neurological Assessment Metrics;'' U.S. Provisional Patent Application 60/663,765, filed March 22, 2005 entitled ``System, Method, And Computer Program Product For An Automated Neuropsychological Test;'' U.S. Patent Application 10/340,473, filed December 27, 2002, to The University of Oklahoma with its principal place of business at 350 David L. Boren Boulevard, Suite 1510, Norman, Oklahoma 73072-7264.
Availability of Non-Exclusive License or Partially Exclusive Licensing of U.S. Patent Concerning Method and Apparatus for Making Body Heating and Cooling Garments
In accordance with 37 CFR 404.6, annopuncement is made of the availability for licensing of U.S. Patent No. US 6,979,382 entitled ``Method and apparatus for making body heating and cooling garments'' issued December 27, 2005. This patent has been assigned to the United States Government as represented by the Secretary of the Army.
Availability of Non-Exclusive, Exclusive License or Partially Exclusive Licensing of U.S. Patent Concerning Article of Footwear With Temperature Regulation Means
In accordance with 37 CFR 404.6, announcement is made of the availability for licensing of U.S. Patent No. US 6,981,339 entitled ``Article of Footwear with Temperature Regulation Means'' issued January 3, 2006. This patent has been assigned to the United States Government as represented by the Secretary of the Army.
Availability of Non-Exclusive, Exclusive License or Partially Exclusive Licensing of U.S. Patent Concerning Projectile Launch Assembly and Method
In accordance with 37 CFR 404.6, announcement is made of the availability for licensing of U.S. Patent No. US 6,981,449 entitled ``Projectile Launch Assembly and Method'' issued January 3, 2006. This patent has been assigned to the United States Government as represented by the Secretary of the Army.
Notice of Intent To Prepare an Integrated Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental Impact Report/Feasibility Report for the South San Francisco Bay Shoreline Study: Alviso Ponds and Santa Clara County Interim Feasibility Study
Pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969, as amended, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) intend to prepare a joint project- level integrated Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)/Environmental Impact Report (EIR)/Feasibility Report, hereafter called the Report, to address the potential impacts of the first Interim Feasibility Study component of the South San Francisco Bay Shoreline Study, San Francisco Bay, CA. This study is closely interrelated with the ongoing South Bay Salt Ponds Restoration Project, discussed in the Notice of Intent dated November 9, 2004. It will function as a project-level EIS/EIR tiered under that programmatic EIS/EIR and will be issued subsequently to the programmatic document. The California State Coastal Conservancy (Conservancy) will be the lead agency under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Federal Lead Agencies Proposed Actions and Related Programmatic EIS/EIR. The Corps, in cooperation with the USFWS, is proposing to study flood protection and ecosystem restoration for the Alviso portion of the South San Francisco Bay (South Bay) Salt Ponds and adjacent areas to determine whether there is a federal interest in constructing a project with flood protection and/or ecosystem restoration components in this area, and if so, to determine the optimum project to recommend to Congress for authorization. The Report will recommend a plan which will provide for long-term restoration for these salt ponds and adjacent areas as well as flood protection and recreation components, if these actions are justified under Federal criteria. The Report and its alternatives will be tiered to the programmatic EIS/EIR for the South Bay Salt Ponds Restoration Project. One public scoping meeting will be held to solicit comments on the environmental effects of the range of potential projects and the appropriate scope of the Report. The public is invited to comment during this meeting on environmental issues to be addressed in the Report.
Notice of Intent To Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement and Conduct Public Scoping Meetings for the Fishtrap Lake Road Project, Fishtrap Lake, Pike County, KY
Pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the Huntington District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, DoD, will prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). The EIS will evaluate potential direct, indirect and cumulative impacts to the natural, physical, and human environment resulting from construction of one or more roads proposed to serve recreational development and community access needs at the Fishtrap Lake Project near Millard, Pike County, KY.
Final Environmental Impact Statement To Fully Integrate the Overhills Property Into the Fort Bragg Training Program, Fort Bragg, NC
The Department of the Army announces the availability of the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) to full integrate the Overhills property into the Fort Bragg Training Program, Fort Bragg, Cumberland and Harnett Counties, NC. Presently, realistic training in Fort Bragg's Northern Training Area (NTA), one of Fort Bragg's largest training areas, is hampered by the two sets of training rules that govern training in the units. Though no physical barriers separate the Overhills training units, NTA V-VIII, from NTA units I-IV, the Overhills Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) limits the number of personnel and types of activities during training exercises, effectively creating a training barrier. Applying the same training regulation to the Overhills that governs training on the rest of the installation would allow Fort Bragg to full incorporate the Overhills into the installation's training program, and maximize training possibilities throughout the NTA.
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