Bureau of Reclamation March 2012 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 1 - 3 of 3
Remanded Biological Opinions on the Coordinated Long-Term Operation of the Central Valley Project and State Water Project: Notice of Intent To Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement and Notice of Scoping Meetings
The Bureau of Reclamation intends to prepare an environmental impact statement for modifications to the continued long-term operation of the Central Valley Project, in a coordinated manner with the State Water Project, that are likely to avoid jeopardy and destruction or adverse modification of designated critical habitat. We are seeking suggestions and information on the alternatives and topics to be addressed and any other important issues related to the proposed action.
Yakima River Basin Conservation Advisory Group Charter Renewal
Following consultation with the General Services Administration, notice is hereby given that the Secretary of the Interior is renewing the charter for the Yakima River Basin Conservation Advisory Group (CAG). The purpose of the CAG is to provide recommendations to the Secretary of the Interior and the State of Washington on the structure and implementation of the Yakima River Basin Water Conservation Program. The basin conservation program is structured to provide economic incentives with cooperative Federal, State, and local funding to stimulate the identification and implementation of structural and nonstructural cost-effective water conservation measures in the Yakima River basin. Improvements in the efficiency of water delivery and use will result in improved streamflows for fish and wildlife and improve the reliability of water supplies for irrigation.
Agency Information Collection Activities Under OMB Review; Renewal of a Currently Approved Collection
The Bureau of Reclamation has forwarded the following Information Collection Request to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and approval: Bureau of Reclamation Use Authorization Application (Form 7-2540), OMB Control Number: 1006-0003. The Information Collection Request describes the nature of the information collection and its expected cost burden.
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