Bureau of Reclamation March 8, 2011 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
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Central Valley Project Improvement Act, Water Management Plans
The following Water Management Plans are available for review: Truckee-Carson Irrigation District. Goleta Water District. Delano-Earlimart Irrigation District. Feather Irrigation District. To meet the requirements of the Central Valley Project Improvement Act of 1992 (CVPIA) and the Reclamation Reform Act of 1982, the Bureau of Reclamation developed and published the Criteria for Evaluating Water Management Plans (Criteria). For the purpose of this announcement, Water Management Plans (Plans) are considered the same as Water Conservation Plans. The above entities have each developed a Plan, which Reclamation has evaluated and preliminarily determined to meet the requirements of these Criteria. Reclamation is publishing this notice in order to allow the public to review the plans and comment on the preliminary determinations. Public comment on Reclamation's preliminary (i.e., draft) determination is invited at this time.
Notice of Intent To Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and Hold Public Scoping Meetings for the Municipal and Industrial (M&I) Water Shortage Policy (WSP), Central Valley Project (CVP)
The U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation Mid-Pacific Region (Reclamation) proposes to prepare an EIS to analyze the potential effects of an update to the M&I WSP. The policy would be implemented by Reclamation during water short years. Reclamation previously developed, in consultation with the CVP M&I Water Service contractors, a draft CVP M&I WSP in 2001, and in 2005 prepared an Environmental Assessment (2005 EA). The 2005 EA was published on October 2005 and a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) was signed in December 2005. The 2001 M&I WSP was modified by, and is being implemented in accordance with, Alternative 1B in the 2005 EA. Since the publication of the 2005 EA, Reclamation received additional comments from several CVP water service contractors. The contractors expressed a need for clarity on certain aspects of the 2001 M&I WSP, as modified. Other comments received by Reclamation suggested consideration of alternatives to the 2001 M&I WSP. The comments coupled with recent significant changes in the Bay-Delta and CVP/State Water Project operations, has impelled Reclamation to evaluate alternatives and provide an M&I WSP that best recognizes the needs of various segments of the water user community and how those needs could be addressed in times of water shortages.
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