Bureau of Reclamation December 12, 2006 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
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Long-Term Experimental Plan for the Operation of Glen Canyon Dam and Other Associated Management Activities
In a Federal Register notice published on November 6, 2006 (71 FR 64982-64983), and pursuant to Sec. 102(2)(C) of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969, as amended, and 40 CFR 1508.22, the Department of the Interior (Department), acting through the Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation), provided notice that the Department intends to prepare an EIS and conduct public scoping meetings for the adoption of a Long-Term Experimental Plan for the operation of Glen Canyon Dam and other associated management activities. This Federal Register notice, prepared pursuant to 40 CFR 1508.22, provides information on additional public scoping meetings, the purpose and need for the proposed action, and additional background on the Long-Term Experimental Plan. The purpose of the Long-Term Experimental Plan is to increase understanding of the ecosystem downstream from Glen Canyon Dam and to improve and protect important downstream resources. The NEPA process would evaluate the implications and impacts of each of the alternatives on all of the purposes and benefits of Glen Canyon Dam as well as on downstream resources. The proposed plan would implement a structured, long-term program of experimentation (including dam operations, modifications to Glen Canyon Dam intake structures, and other non-flow management actions, such as removal of non-native fish species) and monitoring in the Colorado River below Glen Canyon Dam. The proposed Long-Term Experimental Plan is intended to ensure a continued, structured application of adaptive management in such a manner as to protect, mitigate adverse impacts to, and improve the values for which Grand Canyon National Park and Glen Canyon National Recreation Area were established, including, but not limited to natural and cultural resources and visitor use, consistent with applicable Federal law. The Long-Term Experimental Plan will build on a decade of scientific experimentation and monitoring that has taken place as part of the Glen Canyon Dam Adaptive Management Program, and will build on the knowledge gained by experiments, operations, and management actions taken under the program. Accordingly, Reclamation intends to tier from earlier NEPA compliance documents prepared as part of the Department's Glen Canyon Adaptive Management Program efforts, see 40 CFR 1500.4(i), 1502.20, and 1508.20(b), such as the 2002 Environmental Assessment prepared on adaptive management experimental actions at Glen Canyon Dam (Proposed Experimental Releases from Glen Canyon Dam and Removal of Non-Native Fish). Dates and Addresses: Two additional public scoping meetings will be held to solicit comments on the scope of the Long-Term Experimental Plan and the issues and alternatives that should be analyzed. The meetings will serve to expand upon the input received from the Glen Canyon Dam Adaptive Management Program meetings and the recommendations of the Adaptive Management Work Group (AMWG), a federal advisory committee. Oral and written comments will be accepted at the meetings to be held at the following locations: Thursday, January 4, 20076 p.m. to 8 p.m., Embassy Suites Phoenix Airport at 44th Street, 1515 North 44th Street, Cholla Room, Phoenix, Arizona. Friday, January 5, 20076 p.m. to 8 p.m., Hilton Salt Lake City Center, 255 South West Temple, Salon 1, Salt Lake City, Utah. Written comments on the proposed development of the Long-Term Experimental Plan may be sent by close of business on Wednesday, February 28, 2007, to: Regional Director, Bureau of Reclamation, Upper Colorado Region, Attention: UC-402, 125 South State Street, Salt Lake City, Utah 84318-1147, faxogram at (801) 524-3858, or e-mail at GCDExpPlan@uc.usbr.gov.
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