Bureau of Land Management July 1, 2005 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
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Mining Claim and Site Maintenance and Location Fees
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is publishing this notice to advise the mining community that the location fee for newly located mining claims or sites has been restored from $25 to $30 per mining claim or site. In addition, the annual maintenance fee has been restored from $100 to $125 per mining claim or site. BLM reduced the fees on December 8, 2004, as directed by statute. The statute further provided that the fees would return to their formerly increased levels when BLM had met certain conditions. These conditions have now been met and the fees have returned to the levels that are reflected in the regulations found at 43 CFR 3830.21 (2004). Mining claim holders must pay a $30 location fee and a $125 maintenance fee for all mining claims and sites recorded on or after June 30, 2005. In addition, the annual maintenance fee due September 1, 2005, is $125 per mining claim or site, as reflected in the current regulations.
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