Bureau of Industry and Security November 2009 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 1 - 10 of 10
Proposed Information Collection; Comment Request; BIS Program Evaluation
The Department of Commerce, as part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork and respondent burden, invites the general public and other Federal agencies to take this opportunity to comment on proposed and/or continuing information collections, as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
Impact of Implementation of the Chemical Weapons Convention on Commercial Activities Involving “Schedule 1” Chemicals Through Calendar Year 2009
The Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) is seeking public comments on the impact that implementation of the Chemical Weapons Convention, through the Chemical Weapons Convention Implementation Act and the Chemical Weapons Convention Regulations, has had on commercial activities involving ``Schedule 1'' chemicals during calendar year 2009. The purpose of this notice of inquiry is to collect information to assist BIS in its preparation of the annual certification to the Congress, which is required under Condition 9 of Senate Resolution 75, April 24, 1997, in which the Senate gave its advice and consent to the ratification of the Chemical Weapons Convention.
Revisions to the Export Administration Regulations Based on the 2008 Missile Technology Control Regime Plenary Additions
The Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) is amending the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) to reflect changes to the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR) Annex that were accepted by MTCR member countries at the November 2008 Plenary in Canberra, Australia. In addition, this rule also clarifies certain EAR controls to properly reflect the intent of changes to items that were previously accepted by MTCR members at past MTCR Plenary meetings.
Encryption Simplification
The Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) published a final rule in the Federal Register on Thursday, October 15, 2009 (74 FR 52880) that amended the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) to finalize and correct errors in an interim final rule entitled ``Encryption Simplification'' on October 3, 2008 (73 FR 57495). That final rule contained one error in the amendatory instruction used for revising one section. This error in the amendatory instruction led to the unintentional removal of the wrong sentence. This document corrects that amendatory instruction error by adding back the sentence that was removed and removing the intended sentence from that section.
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