Nuclear Regulatory Commission April 20, 2006 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
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Exelon Generation Company, LLC; Notice of Issuance of Amendment to Facility Operating License: Correction
This document corrects a Notice of Issuance of Amendment to Renewed Facility Operating License No. DPR-19 for Dresden Nuclear Power Station, Unit 2, appearing in the Federal Register on March 14, 2006 (71 FR 13185), that incorrectly referenced the applicable amendment number to be 210 when the correct amendment number was 218. This action is necessary to correct an erroneous amendment number.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection: Comment Request
The NRC is preparing a submittal to OMB for review of continued approval of information collections under the provisions of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. chapter 35). Information pertaining to the requirement to be submitted: 1. The title of the information collection: 10 CFR part 40, Domestic Licensing of Source Material; and NRC Form 484, Detection Monitoring Data Report. 2. Current OMB approval number: 3150-0020. 3. How often the collection is required: On occasion. Reports required under 10 CFR part 40 are collected and evaluated on a continuing basis as events occur. There is a one-time submittal of information to receive a license. Renewal applications need to be submitted every 5 to 10 years. Information in previous applications may be referenced without being resubmitted. In addition, recordkeeping must be performed on an on- going basis. NRC Form 484 is submitted biannually to report ground- water data necessary to implement EPA ground-water standards. 4. Who is required or asked to report: 10 CFR part 40: Applicants for and holders of NRC licenses authorizing the receipt, possession, use, or transfer of radioactive source and byproduct material. NRC Form 484: Uranium recovery facility licensees reporting ground- water monitoring data pursuant to 10 CFR 40.64. 5. The estimated number of annual respondents: 340 licensees (68 NRC licensees and 272 Agreement State licensees). 6. The number of hours needed annually to complete the requirement or request: 65,418 hours [20,769 NRC Licensees (16,067 hours reporting and 4,702 hours recordkeeping) and 44,649 Agreement State Licensees (26,923 hours reporting and 17,726 hours recordkeeping)]. 7. Abstract: 10 CFR part 40 establishes requirements for licenses for the receipt, possession, use and transfer of radioactive source and byproduct material. NRC Form 484 is used to report certain groundwater monitoring data required by 10 CFR part 40 for uranium recovery licensees. The application, reporting and recordkeeping requirements are necessary to permit the NRC to make a determination on whether the possession, use, and transfer of source and byproduct material is in conformance with the Commission's regulations for protection of public health and safety. Submit, by June 19, 2006, comments that address the following questions: 1. Is the proposed collection of information necessary for the NRC to properly perform its functions? Does the information have practical utility? 2. Is the burden estimate accurate? 3. Is there a way to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be collected? 4. How can the burden of the information collection be minimized, including the use of automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology? A copy of the draft supporting statement may be viewed free of charge at the NRC Public Document Room, One White Flint North, 11555 Rockville Pike, Room O-1 F21, Rockville, MD 20852. OMB clearance requests are available at the NRC worldwide Web site: https:// The document will be available on the NRC home page site for 60 days after the signature date of this notice. Comments and questions about the information collection requirements may be directed to the NRC Clearance Officer, Brenda Jo. Shelton, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, T-5 F52, Washington, DC 20555-0001, by telephone at 301-415-7233, or by Internet electronic mail to INFOCOLLECTS@NRC.GOV.
Implementation of the Nuclear Export and Import Provisions of the Energy Policy Act of 2005
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is amending its regulations that govern the export and import of nuclear equipment and material to implement provisions of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 signed into law on August 8, 2005. This amendment will facilitate exports to specified countries of high-enriched uranium for medical isotope production in reactors that are either utilizing low-enriched uranium (LEU) fuel or have agreed to convert to the use of LEU fuel. In addition, this final rule revises the definition of byproduct material to include discrete sources of radium-226, accelerator-produced radioactive material, and discrete sources of naturally occurring radioactive material. Finally, the rule will require specific licenses for exports and imports of radium-226 that meet the threshold values of the International Atomic Energy Agency's Code of Conduct on the Safety and Security of Radioactive Sources.
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