Agencies and Commissions September 11, 2018 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 1 - 21 of 21
Records Schedules; Availability and Request for Comments
The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) publishes notice at least once monthly of certain Federal agency requests for records disposition authority (records schedules). Once approved by NARA, records schedules provide mandatory instructions on what happens to records when agencies no longer need them for current Government business. The records schedules authorize agencies to preserve records of continuing value in the National Archives of the United States and to destroy, after a specified period, records lacking administrative, legal, research, or other value. NARA publishes notice in the Federal Register for records schedules in which agencies propose to destroy records they no longer need to conduct agency business. NARA invites public comments on such records schedules.
Proposed Revisions to Standard Review Plan Section 13.4, Operational Programs
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is soliciting public comment on draft NUREG-0800, ``Standard Review Plan for the Review of Safety Analysis Reports for Nuclear Power Plants: LWR Edition,'' Section 13.4, ``Operational Programs.'' The NRC seeks comments on the proposed draft section revision of the Standard Review Plan (SRP) concerning guidance for the review and implementation of operational programs required by the NRC's regulations for combined operating license applications.
Proposed Revisions to Standard Review Plan Section 13.6, Physical Security
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is soliciting public comment on draft NUREG-0800, ``Standard Review Plan for the Review of Safety Analysis Reports for Nuclear Power Plants: LWR Edition,'' Section 13.6, ``Physical Security.'' This section has been updated to reflect the latest NRC guidance concerning physical security.
Dispositioning of Technical Specifications That Are Insufficient To Ensure Plant Safety
On July 5, 2018, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) solicited comments on draft regulatory guide (DG), DG-1351, ``Dispositioning of Technical Specifications that are Insufficient to Ensure Plant Safety.'' The public comment period was originally scheduled to close on September 4, 2018. The NRC has decided to extend the public comment period by 30 days to allow more time for members of the public to develop and submit their comments.
Renewal of the Agricultural Advisory Committee
The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (Commission) is publishing this notice to announce the renewal of the Agricultural Advisory Committee (AAC). The Commission has determined that the renewal of the AAC is necessary and in the public's interest, and the Commission has consulted with the General Services Administration's Committee Management Secretariat regarding the AAC's renewal.
Information Collection; Government Property
Under the provisions of the Paperwork Reduction Act, the Regulatory Secretariat Division will be submitting to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) a request to review and approve an extension of a previously approved information collection requirement concerning government property.
Submission of Information Collections for OMB Review; Comment Request; Multiemployer Plan Regulations
The Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC) is requesting that the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) extend approval, under the Paperwork Reduction Act, of collections of information in PBGC's regulations on multiemployer plans. This notice informs the public of PBGC's request and solicits public comment on the collections of information.
Extension of Comment Period for Proposed Revisions to Prohibitions and Restrictions on Proprietary Trading and Certain Interests in, and Relationships With, Hedge Funds and Private Equity Funds
On July 17, 2018, the Agencies published in the Federal Register a notice of proposed rulemaking (proposal) that would amend the regulations implementing section 13 of the Bank Holding Company Act. Section 13 contains certain restrictions on the ability of a banking entity and nonbank financial company supervised by the Board to engage in proprietary trading and have certain interests in, or relationships with, a hedge fund or private equity fund. The proposed amendments are intended to provide banking entities with clarity about what activities are prohibited and to improve supervision and implementation of section 13. In response to requests from commenters regarding issues addressed in the proposal, the public comment period has been extended for 30 days until October 17, 2018. This action will allow interested persons additional time to analyze the proposal and prepare their comments.
Sacramento Municipal Utility District; Rancho Seco Nuclear Generating Station
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is providing public notice of the termination of the Operating License (Possession Only) No. DPR-54. The NRC has terminated the license of the decommissioned Rancho Seco Nuclear Generating Station (Rancho Seco) in Herald, California and has approved the site for unrestricted release.
Applications and Amendments to Facility Operating Licenses and Combined Licenses Involving No Significant Hazards Considerations
Pursuant to Section 189a.(2) of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended (the Act), the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is publishing this regular biweekly notice. The Act requires the Commission to publish notice of any amendments issued, or proposed to be issued, and grants the Commission the authority to issue and make immediately effective any amendment to an operating license or combined license, as applicable, upon a determination by the Commission that such amendment involves no significant hazards consideration, notwithstanding the pendency before the Commission of a request for a hearing from any person. This biweekly notice includes all notices of amendments issued, or proposed to be issued, from August 14 to August 27, 2018. The last biweekly notice was published on August 28, 2018.
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