Agencies and Commissions September 29, 2011 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 1 - 29 of 29
Notice of Quarterly Report (April 1, 2011-June 30, 2011)
The Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) is reporting for the quarter April 1, 2011 through June 30, 2011, on assistance provided under section 605 of the Millennium Challenge Act of 2003 (22 U.S.C. 7701 et seq.), as amended (the Act), and on transfers or allocations of funds to other Federal agencies under section 619(b) of the Act. The following report will be made available to the public by publication in the Federal Register and on the Internet Web site of the MCC (https:// in accordance with section 612(b) of the Act.
Application for Annuity or Lump Sum
The Railroad Retirement Board (Board) amends its regulations to allow alternative signature methods in addition to the traditional pen-and-ink or ``wet'' signature in order to implement an electronic application process which will eventually eliminate the need to retain paper applications and make the application process more convenient for the individuals filing applications.
Exemption to Prohibition on Circumvention of Copyright Protection Systems for Access Control Technologies
The United States Copyright Office is preparing to conduct proceedings in accordance with provisions added by the Digital Millennium Copyright Act which provide that the Librarian of Congress, upon the recommendation of the Register of Copyrights, may exempt certain classes of works from the prohibition against circumvention of technological measures that control access to copyrighted works. The purpose of this rulemaking proceeding is to determine whether there are particular classes of works as to which users are, or are likely to be, adversely affected in their ability to make noninfringing uses due to the prohibition on circumvention. This notice requests written comments from all interested parties, including representatives of copyright owners, educational institutions, libraries and archives, scholars, researchers and members of the public, in order to elicit evidence on whether noninfringing uses of certain classes of works are, or are likely to be, adversely affected by this prohibition on the circumvention of measures that control access to copyrighted works.
Post Office Closing
This document informs the public that an appeal of the closing of the Clarksville, New York post office has been filed. It identifies preliminary steps and provides a procedural schedule. Publication of this document will allow the Postal Service, petitioners, and others to take appropriate action.
Closure of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission's Two White Flint North Building Entrance
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is providing notice that beginning Monday, October 3, 2011, all visitors to the NRC White Flint Complex headquarters shall be required to enter through the recently renovated One White Flint North (OWFN) building entrance lobby. Only NRC badged employees and contractors shall be permitted to use the Two White Flint North (TWFN) building entrance. NRC staff shall meet visitors in the OWFN lobby waiting area and escort them to their destination.
Post Office Closing
This document informs the public that an appeal of the closing of the Tarrifville, Connecticut post office has been filed. It identifies preliminary steps and provides a procedural schedule. Publication of this document will allow the Postal Service, petitioners, and others to take appropriate action.
Notice of Information Collection
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration, as part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork and respondent burden, invites the general public and other Federal agencies to take this opportunity to comment on proposed and/or continuing information collections, as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (Pub. L. 104-13, 44 U.S.C. 3506(c)(2)(A)).
Agency Information Collection Activities: Submission for the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Review; Comment Request
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has recently submitted to OMB for review the following proposal for the collection of information under the provisions of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. Chapter 35). The NRC hereby informs potential respondents that an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and that a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The NRC published a Federal Register notice with a 60-day comment period on this information collection on July 5, 2011 (76 FR 39132). 1. Type of submission, new, revision, or extension: Extension. 2. The title of the information collection: 10 CFR part 36 Licenses and Radiation Safety Requirements for Irradiators. 3. Current OMB approval number: 3150-0158. 4. The form number if applicable: N/A. 5. How often the collection is required: Annually. 6. Who will be required or asked to report: Irradiator licensees licensed by NRC or an Agreement State. 7. An estimate of the number of annual responses: 79 (9 for reporting [1.3 NRC licensee and 7.8 Agreement State licensees] and 70 for recordkeepers [10 NRC licensees and 60 Agreement State licensees]). 8. The estimated number of annual respondents: 70 (10 NRC licensees and 60 Agreement State licensees). 9. An estimate of the total number of hours needed annually to complete the requirement or request: 32,690. 10. Abstract: Part 36 contains requirements for the issuance of a license authorizing the use of sealed sources containing radioactive materials in irradiators used to irradiate objects or materials for a variety of purposes in research, industry, and other fields. The subparts cover specific requirements for obtaining a license or license exemption, design and performance criteria for irradiators; and radiation safety requirements for operating irradiators, including requirements for operator training, written operating and emergency procedures, personnel monitoring, radiation surveys, inspection, and maintenance. Part 36 also contains the recordkeeping and reporting requirements that are necessary to ensure that the irradiator is being safely operated so that it does not pose any danger to the health and safety of the general public and the irradiator employees. The public may examine and have copied for a fee publicly available documents, including the final supporting statement, at the NRC's Public Document Room, Room O1-F21, One White Flint North, 11555 Rockville Pike, Rockville, Maryland 20852. OMB clearance requests are available at the NRC Web site: comment/omb/. The document will be available on the NRC home page site for 60 days after the signature date of this notice. Comments and questions should be directed to the OMB reviewer listed below by October 28, 2011. Comments received after this date will be considered if it is practical to do so, but assurance of consideration cannot be given to comments received after this date. OMB Reviewer: Chad Whiteman, Desk Officer, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (3150-0158), NEOB-10202, Office of Management and Budget, Washington, DC 20503. Comments can also be e-mailed to or submitted by telephone at 202-395-4718. The NRC Clearance Officer is Tremaine Donnell, 301-415-6258.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Submission for the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Review; Comment Request
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has recently submitted to OMB for review the following proposal for the collection of information under the provisions of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. chapter 35). The NRC hereby informs potential respondents that an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and that a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The NRC published a Federal Register notice with a 60-day comment period on this information collection on July 7, 2011 (76 FR 39906). 1. Type of submission, new, revision, or extension: Revision. 2. The title of the information collection: 10 CFR part 9, Public Records. 3. Current OMB approval number: 3150-0043. 4. The form number if applicable: NRC Forms 509 and 509A. 5. How often the collection is required: On occasion. 6. Who will be required or asked to report: Individuals requesting access to records under the Freedom of Information (FOIA) or Privacy Acts (PA), through the Public Document Room (PDR), and submitters of information containing trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information who have been notified that the NRC has made an initial determination that the information should be disclosed. 7. An estimate of the number of annual responses: 3,870. 8. The estimated number of annual respondents: 3,870. 9. An estimate of the total number of hours needed annually to complete the requirement or request: 1,042.5. 10. Abstract: Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR) part 9, prescribes procedures for individuals making requests for records under the FOIA or PA, and through the PDR. It contains information collection requirements for requests to waive or reduce fees for searching for and reproducing records in response to FOIA requests; appeals of denied requests; and requests for expedited processing. The information required from the public is necessary to justify requests for waivers or reductions in searching or copying fees; or to justify expedited processing. Section 9.28(b) provides that if the submitter of information designated to be trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information objects to the disclosure, he must provide a written statement within 30 days that specifies all grounds why the information is a trade secret or commercial or financial information that is privileged or confidential. The public may examine and have copied for a fee publicly available documents, including the final supporting statement, at the NRC's PDR, Room O1-F21, One White Flint North, 11555 Rockville Pike, Rockville, Maryland 20852. OMB clearance requests are available at the NRC Web site: The document will be available on the NRC home page site for 60 days after the signature date of this notice. Comments and questions should be directed to the OMB reviewer listed below by October 31, 2011. Comments received after this date will be considered if it is practical to do so, but assurance of consideration cannot be given to comments received after this date.
Post Office Closing
This document informs the public that an appeal of the closing of the Algoma, Mississippi post office has been filed. It identifies preliminary steps and provides a procedural schedule. Publication of this document will allow the Postal Service, petitioners, and others to take appropriate action.
Post Office Closing
This document informs the public that an appeal of the closing of the Smyrna, New York post office has been filed. It identifies preliminary steps and provides a procedural schedule. Publication of this document will allow the Postal Service, petitioners, and others to take appropriate action.
Possible Revision or Elimination of Rules
This document invites members of the public to comment on the Federal Communication Commission's (FCC's or Commission's) rules to be reviewed pursuant to section 610 of the Regulatory Flexibility Act of 1980, as amended (RFA). The purpose of the review is to determine whether Commission rules whose ten-year anniversary dates are in the year 2010, as contained in the Appendix, should be continued without change, amended, or rescinded in order to minimize any significant impact the rules may have on a substantial number of small entities. Upon receipt of comments from the public, the Commission will evaluate those comments and consider whether action should be taken to rescind or amend the relevant rule(s).
Consolidation of the Office of the Executive Director With the Office of the Chief Operating Officer
The Securities and Exchange Commission (``Commission'') is amending its rules to reflect the consolidation of the Office of the Executive Director with the Office of the Chief Operating Officer, including amendments to replace references to the Executive Director with references to the Chief Operating Officer.
Net Worth and Equity Ratio
On January 4, 2011, President Obama signed Senate Bill 4036 into law, which, among other things, amended the statutory definitions of ``net worth'' and ``equity ratio'' in the Federal Credit Union Act. Through this final rule, NCUA is making conforming amendments to the definition of ``net worth'' as it appears in NCUA's Prompt Corrective Action regulation and the definition of ``equity ratio'' as it appears in NCUA's Requirements for Insurance regulation. NCUA is also making technical changes in other regulations to ensure clarity and consistency in the use of the term ``net worth,'' as it is applied to federally-insured credit unions.
Leased Commercial Access; Development of Competition and Diversity in Video Programming Distribution and Carriage
In 1993, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) adopted rules pertaining to carriage of video programming vendors by multichannel video programming distributors (``MVPDs''), known as the ``program carriage rules.'' The rules are intended to benefit consumers by promoting competition and diversity in the video programming and video distribution markets. In this document, the FCC amends its rules to improve the procedures for addressing complaints alleging violations of the program carriage rules.
Revision of the Commission's Program Carriage Rules
In 1993, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) adopted rules pertaining to carriage of video programming vendors by multichannel video programming distributors (``MVPDs''), known as the ``program carriage rules.'' The rules are intended to benefit consumers by promoting competition and diversity in the video programming and video distribution markets. In this document, the FCC seeks comment on proposed revisions to or clarifications of the program carriage rules, which are intended to further improve the Commission's procedures and to advance the goals of the program carriage statute.
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