Regulation of the Movement of Animals Modified or Developed by Genetic Engineering, 13221-13222 [2021-04716]
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Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 43 / Monday, March 8, 2021 / Proposed Rules
§ 849.502
Liability for misused funds.
(a) A representative payee who
misuses benefits, as determined in
§ 849.501(a), is responsible for
repayment of the misused benefits.
(b) OPM will seek restitution from the
former representative payee.
(b) A certified copy of a court order
restoring the annuitant’s rights in a case
where an annuitant was adjudged
legally incompetent; or
(c) Other evidence which establishes
the annuitant’s ability to manage or
direct the management of benefits.
Subpart F—Changes of the
Representative Payee
§ 849.603 Transfer of conserved or
accumulated funds.
§ 849.601 When a new representative
payee will be selected.
(a) When the agency learns that the
interests of the annuitant are not served
by continuing payment to the present
representative payee or that the present
representative payee is no longer able or
willing to carry out the payee
responsibilities, the agency will
undertake to find a new representative
(b) The agency will select a new
representative payee if the agency finds
a preferred payee or if the present
(1) Has been found by the agency or
a court of competent jurisdiction to have
misused the benefits;
(2) Has not used the benefit payments
on the annuitant’s behalf in accordance
with the rules in this part;
(3) Has not carried out the other
responsibilities described in this
(4) Dies;
(5) No longer wishes to be the
representative payee;
(6) Is unable to manage the benefit
payments; or
(7) Fails to cooperate, within a
reasonable time, in providing evidence,
accounting, or other information
requested by the agency.
(c) The agency may suspend payment
as explained in § 849.202(c) if we
determine that making direct payment
to the annuitant would cause substantial
harm. Payments, including all
retroactive amounts due, will resume
once a representative payee is located.
§ 849.602 When representative payments
will be stopped.
If an annuitant demonstrates that he
or she is mentally and physically able
to manage or direct the management of
benefit payments, the agency will make
direct payment to the annuitant.
Information which the annuitant may
give to the agency to support his or her
request for direct payment includes, but
is not limited to, the following:
(a) A physician’s statement regarding
the annuitant’s condition, or a statement
by a medical officer of the institution
where the annuitant is or was confined,
showing that the annuitant is able to
manage or direct the management of his
or her funds;
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A representative payee who has
conserved or invested annuity payments
shall transfer these funds and any
interest earned from the invested funds
to either a successor payee, to the
annuitant, or to the agency as we will
specify. If the funds and the earned
interest are returned to the agency, we
will recertify them to the successor
representative payee or to the annuitant.
[FR Doc. 2021–04628 Filed 3–5–21; 8:45 am]
Animal and Plant Health Inspection
9 CFR Chapter I
Food Safety and Inspection Service
9 CFR Chapter III
[Docket No. APHIS–2020–0079]
RIN 0579–AE60
Regulation of the Movement of
Animals Modified or Developed by
Genetic Engineering
Animal and Plant Health
Inspection Service, Department of
Agriculture (USDA); Food Safety and
Inspection Service, USDA.
ACTION: Advance notice of proposed
rulemaking; reopening of comment
We are reopening the
comment period for our advance notice
of proposed rulemaking on establishing
regulations for the movement of certain
animals modified or developed by
genetic engineering. This action will
allow interested persons additional time
to prepare and submit comments.
DATES: The comment period for the
advance notice of proposed rulemaking
published on December 28, 2020 (85 FR
84269) is reopened. We will consider all
comments that we receive on or before
May 7, 2021.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments
by either of the following methods:
• Federal eRulemaking Portal: Go to Enter APHIS–
2020–0079 in the Search field. Select
PO 00000
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the Documents tab, then select the
Comment button in the list of
• Postal Mail/Commercial Delivery:
Send your comment to Docket No.
APHIS–2020–0079, Regulatory Analysis
and Development, PPD, APHIS, Station
3A–03.8, 4700 River Road, Unit 118,
Riverdale, MD 20737–1238.
Supporting documents and any
comments we receive on this docket
may be viewed at or in
our reading room, which is located in
Room 1620 of the USDA South
Building, 14th Street and Independence
Avenue SW, Washington, DC. Normal
reading room hours are 8 a.m. to 4:30
p.m., Monday through Friday, except
holidays. To be sure someone is there to
help you, please call (202) 799–7039
before coming.
Alan Pearson, Assistant Deputy
Administrator, Biotechnology
Regulatory Services; APHIS, 4700 River
Road, Unit 98, Riverdale, MD 20737–
1238; (301) 851–3944; Alan.Pearson@ Dr. Kis Robertson Hale,
Deputy Assistant Administrator, Office
of Public Health Science, USDA Food
Safety and Inspection Service, 1400
Independence Avenue SW, Room 341–
E. Whitten Building; (202) 720–4819;
December 28, 2020, we published in the
Federal Register (85 FR 84269–84275,
Docket No. APHIS–2020–0079) an
advance notice of proposed rulemaking
(ANPR) on establishing regulations for
the movement of certain animals
modified or developed by genetic
engineering. As outlined in the ANPR,
the United States Department of
Agriculture would promulgate
regulations using the authorities granted
to the Department through the Animal
Health Protection Act, the Federal Meat
Inspection Act (FMIA), and the Poultry
Products Inspection Act (PPIA).
Pursuant to these authorities, the
Animal and Plant Health Inspection
Service would conduct a safety
assessment of animals subject to the
FMIA or PPIA that have been modified
or developed using genetic engineering
that may increase the animal’s
susceptibility to pests or diseases of
livestock, including zoonotic diseases,
or ability to transmit the same. The
Food Safety and Inspection Service
would conduct a pre-slaughter food
safety assessment to ensure that the
slaughter and processing of certain
animals modified or developed using
genetic engineering would not result in
a product that is adulterated or
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 43 / Monday, March 8, 2021 / Proposed Rules
Comments on the ANPR were
required to be received on or before
February 26, 2021. We are reopening the
comment period on Docket No. APHIS–
2020–0079 for an additional 60 days.
The comment period will now close on
May 7, 2021. This action will allow
interested persons additional time to
prepare and submit comments.
Authority: 7 U.S.C. 8301–8317; 7 CFR 2.22,
2.80, and 371.4.
Done in Washington, DC, this 2nd day of
March 2021 .
Heather Pichelman,
Acting Deputy Under Secretary for Marketing
and Regulatory Programs.
Paul Kiecker,
Acting Deputy Under Secretary, Office for
Food Safety.
[FR Doc. 2021–04716 Filed 3–5–21; 8:45 am]
Federal Aviation Administration
14 CFR Part 39
[Docket No. FAA–2020–0857; Project
Identifier MCAI–2020–00707–A]
RIN 2120–AA64
Airworthiness Directives; Pilatus
Aircraft Ltd. Airplanes
Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA), DOT.
ACTION: Supplemental notice of
proposed rulemaking (SNPRM).
The FAA is revising a notice
of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) to
supersede Airworthiness Directive (AD)
2014–25–04, which applies to all Pilatus
Aircraft Ltd. (Pilatus) Model PC–6, PC–
6–H1, PC–6–H2, PC–6/350, PC–6/350–
H1, PC–6/350–H2, PC–6/A, PC–6/A–H1,
PC–6/A–H2, PC–6/B–H2, PC–6/B1–H2,
PC–6/B2–H2, PC–6/B2–H4, PC–6/C–H2,
and PC–6/C1–H2 airplanes. This action
revises the NPRM by adding an eddy
current inspection of each fuselage wing
fitting if an earlier version of the service
information was accomplished. The
FAA is proposing this AD to address the
unsafe condition on these products.
Since these actions would impose an
additional burden over those in the
NPRM, the FAA is requesting comments
on this SNPRM.
DATES: The FAA must receive comments
on this SNPRM by April 22, 2021.
ADDRESSES: You may send comments,
using the procedures found in 14 CFR
11.43 and 11.45, by any of the following
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• Federal eRulemaking Portal: Go to Follow the
instructions for submitting comments.
• Fax: 202–493–2251.
• Mail: U.S. Department of
Transportation, Docket Operations,
M–30, West Building Ground Floor,
Room W12–140, 1200 New Jersey
Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20590.
• Hand Delivery: U.S. Department of
Transportation, Docket Operations,
M–30, West Building Ground Floor,
Room W12–140, 1200 New Jersey
Avenue SE, Washington, DC, between 9
a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through
Friday, except Federal holidays.
For service information identified in
this SNPRM, contact Pilatus Aircraft
Ltd., Customer Support General
Aviation, CH–6371 Stans, Switzerland;
phone: +41 848 24 7 365; email:;
website: You may view this
service information at the FAA,
Airworthiness Products Section,
Operational Safety Branch, 901 Locust,
Kansas City, MO 64106. For information
on the availability of this material at the
FAA, call (816) 329–4148.
Examining the AD Docket
You may examine the AD docket on
the internet at https:// by searching for
and locating Docket No. FAA–2020–
0857; or in person at Docket Operations
between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday
through Friday, except Federal holidays.
The AD docket contains the NPRM, this
SNPRM, any comments received, and
other information. The street address for
Docket Operations is listed above.
Doug Rudolph, Aviation Safety
Engineer, FAA, General Aviation &
Rotorcraft Section, International
Validation Branch, 901 Locust, Room
301, Kansas City, MO 64106; phone:
(816) 329–4059; fax: (816) 329–4090;
Comments Invited
The FAA invites you to send any
written relevant data, views, or
arguments about this proposal. Send
your comments to an address listed
under ADDRESSES. Include ‘‘Docket No.
FAA–2020–0857; Project Identifier
MCAI–2020–00707–A’’ at the beginning
of your comments. The most helpful
comments reference a specific portion of
the proposal, explain the reason for any
recommended change, and include
supporting data. The FAA will consider
all comments received by the closing
date and may amend the proposal
because of those comments.
PO 00000
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Except for Confidential Business
Information (CBI) as described in the
following paragraph, and other
information as described in 14 CFR
11.35, the FAA will post all comments
received, without change, to https://, including any
personal information you provide. The
agency will also post a report
summarizing each substantive verbal
contact received about this proposed
Confidential Business Information
CBI is commercial or financial
information that is both customarily and
actually treated as private by its owner.
Under the Freedom of Information Act
(FOIA) (5 U.S.C. 552), CBI is exempt
from public disclosure. If your
comments responsive to this SNPRM
contain commercial or financial
information that is customarily treated
as private, that you actually treat as
private, and that is relevant or
responsive to this SNPRM, it is
important that you clearly designate the
submitted comments as CBI. Please
mark each page of your submission
containing CBI as ‘‘PROPIN.’’ The FAA
will treat such marked submissions as
confidential under the FOIA, and they
will not be placed in the public docket
of this SNPRM. Submissions containing
CBI should be sent to Doug Rudolph,
Aviation Safety Engineer, FAA, General
Aviation & Rotorcraft Section,
International Validation Branch, 901
Locust, Room 301, Kansas City, MO
64106. Any commentary that the FAA
receives which is not specifically
designated as CBI will be placed in the
public docket for this rulemaking.
The FAA issued an NPRM to amend
14 CFR part 39 to supersede AD 2014–
25–04, Amendment 39–18045 (79 FR
73803, December 12, 2014) (AD 2014–
25–04). AD 2014–25–04 applies to all
Pilatus Model PC–6, PC–6–H1, PC–6–
H2, PC–6/350, PC–6/350–H1, PC–6/
350–H2, PC–6/A, PC–6/A–H1, PC–6/A–
H2, PC–6/B–H2, PC–6/B1–H2, PC–6/
B2–H2, PC–6/B2–H4, PC–6/C–H2, and
PC–6/C1–H2 airplanes and resulted
from mandatory continuing
airworthiness information (MCAI)
issued by an aviation authority of
another country to identify and correct
an unsafe condition on an aviation
product. AD 2014–25–04 requires
incorporating revised airworthiness
limitations into the aircraft maintenance
manual (AMM) for your FAA-approved
maintenance program.
The NPRM published in the Federal
Register on October 2, 2020 (85 FR
62266). The NPRM was prompted by
[Federal Register Volume 86, Number 43 (Monday, March 8, 2021)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 13221-13222]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2021-04716]
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
9 CFR Chapter I
Food Safety and Inspection Service
9 CFR Chapter III
[Docket No. APHIS-2020-0079]
RIN 0579-AE60
Regulation of the Movement of Animals Modified or Developed by
Genetic Engineering
AGENCY: Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Department of
Agriculture (USDA); Food Safety and Inspection Service, USDA.
ACTION: Advance notice of proposed rulemaking; reopening of comment
SUMMARY: We are reopening the comment period for our advance notice of
proposed rulemaking on establishing regulations for the movement of
certain animals modified or developed by genetic engineering. This
action will allow interested persons additional time to prepare and
submit comments.
DATES: The comment period for the advance notice of proposed rulemaking
published on December 28, 2020 (85 FR 84269) is reopened. We will
consider all comments that we receive on or before May 7, 2021.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments by either of the following methods:
Federal eRulemaking Portal: Go to
Enter APHIS-2020-0079 in the Search field. Select the Documents tab,
then select the Comment button in the list of documents.
Postal Mail/Commercial Delivery: Send your comment to
Docket No. APHIS-2020-0079, Regulatory Analysis and Development, PPD,
APHIS, Station 3A-03.8, 4700 River Road, Unit 118, Riverdale, MD 20737-
Supporting documents and any comments we receive on this docket may
be viewed at or in our reading room, which is located
in Room 1620 of the USDA South Building, 14th Street and Independence
Avenue SW, Washington, DC. Normal reading room hours are 8 a.m. to 4:30
p.m., Monday through Friday, except holidays. To be sure someone is
there to help you, please call (202) 799-7039 before coming.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Dr. Alan Pearson, Assistant Deputy
Administrator, Biotechnology Regulatory Services; APHIS, 4700 River
Road, Unit 98, Riverdale, MD 20737-1238; (301) 851-3944;
[email protected]. Dr. Kis Robertson Hale, Deputy Assistant
Administrator, Office of Public Health Science, USDA Food Safety and
Inspection Service, 1400 Independence Avenue SW, Room 341-E. Whitten
Building; (202) 720-4819; [email protected].
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: On December 28, 2020, we published in the
Federal Register (85 FR 84269-84275, Docket No. APHIS-2020-0079) an
advance notice of proposed rulemaking (ANPR) on establishing
regulations for the movement of certain animals modified or developed
by genetic engineering. As outlined in the ANPR, the United States
Department of Agriculture would promulgate regulations using the
authorities granted to the Department through the Animal Health
Protection Act, the Federal Meat Inspection Act (FMIA), and the Poultry
Products Inspection Act (PPIA). Pursuant to these authorities, the
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service would conduct a safety
assessment of animals subject to the FMIA or PPIA that have been
modified or developed using genetic engineering that may increase the
animal's susceptibility to pests or diseases of livestock, including
zoonotic diseases, or ability to transmit the same. The Food Safety and
Inspection Service would conduct a pre-slaughter food safety assessment
to ensure that the slaughter and processing of certain animals modified
or developed using genetic engineering would not result in a product
that is adulterated or misbranded.
[[Page 13222]]
Comments on the ANPR were required to be received on or before
February 26, 2021. We are reopening the comment period on Docket No.
APHIS-2020-0079 for an additional 60 days. The comment period will now
close on May 7, 2021. This action will allow interested persons
additional time to prepare and submit comments.
Authority: 7 U.S.C. 8301-8317; 7 CFR 2.22, 2.80, and 371.4.
Done in Washington, DC, this 2nd day of March 2021 .
Heather Pichelman,
Acting Deputy Under Secretary for Marketing and Regulatory Programs.
Paul Kiecker,
Acting Deputy Under Secretary, Office for Food Safety.
[FR Doc. 2021-04716 Filed 3-5-21; 8:45 am]