July 6, 2018 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 51 - 92 of 92
Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request; Occupational Safety and Health Act Variance Regulations
The Department of Labor (DOL) is submitting the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) sponsored information collection request (ICR) titled, ``Occupational Safety and Health Act Variance Regulations,'' to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and approval for continued use, without change, in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA). Public comments on the ICR are invited.
Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission to the Office of Management and Budget for Review and Approval; Comment Request; Application Package for Senior Corps Grant Application
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, CNCS is proposing to renew an information collection. CNCS is not proposing any changes in the current version of the Senior Corps Grant Application.
Transforming the 2.5 GHz Band
On June 21, 2018, the Federal Communications Commission (Commission or FCC) extended the comment period on the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) to seek comments on proposed service rules that allow more efficient and effective use of 2.5 GHz band. The Commission has extended the comment period by 30 days to serve the public interest by providing interested parties additional time to develop more full and complete responses to the 2.5 GHz NPRM.
Notice of Applications for Deregistration Under Section 8(f) of the Investment Company Act of 1940
Applicant seeks an order declaring that it has ceased to be an investment company. The applicant has transferred its assets to AB Government Money Market Portfolio, a series of AB Fixed-Income Shares, Inc., and, on November, 10, 2017, made a final distribution to its shareholders based on net asset value. Expenses of $201,740 incurred in connection with the reorganization were paid by the applicant and the acquiring fund. Filing Dates: The application was filed on May 25, 2018, and amended on June 13, 2018. Applicant's Address: 1345 Avenue of the Americas, New York, New York 10105.
Fisheries of the Exclusive Economic Zone Off Alaska; Reclassifying Squid Species in the BSAI and GOA
NMFS issues regulations to implement Amendment 117 to the Fishery Management Plan for Groundfish of the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands Management Area (BSAI FMP), implement Amendment 106 to the Fishery Management Plan for Groundfish of the Gulf of Alaska (GOA FMP), and update the species code tables for octopus. This final rule prohibits directed fishing for the squid species complex (squids) by Federally permitted groundfish fishermen, specifies a squid retention limit in the Gulf of Alaska (GOA) groundfish fisheries consistent with the existing Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands Management Area (BSAI) squid retention limit, and makes minor corrections to the octopus species code tables. This action is intended to promote the goals and objectives of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act, the FMPs, and other applicable laws.
Atlantic Highly Migratory Species; Atlantic Bluefin Tuna and Northern Albacore Tuna Quotas
NMFS proposes to modify the baseline annual U.S. quota and subquotas for Atlantic bluefin tuna (BFT) and the baseline annual U.S. North Atlantic albacore (northern albacore or NALB) quota. The proposed action also would modify regulations to update regulatory language on school BFT to reflect current ICCAT requirements. Finally, NMFS also proposes to make a minor change to the Atlantic tunas size limit regulations to address retention, possession, and landing of bigeye and yellowfin tuna damaged by shark bites. This action is necessary to implement binding recommendations of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT), as required by the Atlantic Tunas Convention Act (ATCA), and to achieve domestic management objectives under the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (Magnuson-Stevens Act).
Agency Information Collection Activities: Permanent Regulatory Program Requirements-Standards for Certification of Blasters
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, we, the Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSMRE), are announcing our intention to request renewed approval for the collection of information which is used to identify and evaluate new blaster certification programs. This information collection activity was previously approved by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), and assigned control number 1029-0080.
Agency Information Collection Activities: General Requirements for Surface Coal Mining and Reclamation Operations on Federal Lands
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, we, the Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSMRE), are announcing our intention to request renewed approval for the collection of information which requires that a Federal lands program be established to govern surface coal mining and reclamation operations on Federal lands. The information requested is needed to assist the regulatory authority to determine the eligibility of an applicant to conduct surface coal mining operations on Federal lands. This information collection activity was previously approved by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), and assigned control number 1029-0027.
Notice of Intent To Amend the Resource Management Plan for the Colorado River Valley Field Office, Colorado, and Prepare an Associated Environmental Assessment
In compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, as amended (NEPA), and the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976, as amended (FLPMA), the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Colorado River Valley Field Office (CRVFO), Silt, Colorado, intends to prepare a Resource Management Plan (RMP) Amendment with an associated Environmental Assessment (EA) to develop the Sutey Ranch and Haines Management Plan and by this Notice is announcing the beginning of the scoping process to solicit public comments and identify issues.
Airworthiness Directives; The Boeing Company Airplanes
We propose to adopt a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain The Boeing Company Model 777-200, -200LR, -300, and -300ER series airplanes. This proposed AD was prompted by a report that showed a non-compliance exists on some in-service galley attendant seat fitting installations. The non-compliance could result in flight attendant seats failing in a high-G crash. This proposed AD would require modifications for galley mounted seat fittings. We are proposing this AD to address the unsafe condition on these products.
Petitions for Reconsideration of Action in Rulemaking Proceeding
Petitions for Reconsideration (Petitions) have been filed in the Commission's Rulemaking proceeding by Patrick R. Halley, on behalf of Mescalero Apache Telecom, Inc. and Martin L. Stern, on behalf of Sacred Wind Communications, Inc.
Airworthiness Directives; Bombardier, Inc., Airplanes
We propose to adopt a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain Bombardier, Inc., Model DHC-8-300 series airplanes. This proposed AD was prompted by reports indicating that a certain emergency exit door could not be opened during maintenance. This proposed AD would require a detailed inspection of the ball bearings of an emergency exit, replacement of bearings if necessary, application of corrosion inhibiting compound (CIC), and revision of the maintenance or inspection program, as applicable. We are proposing this AD to address the unsafe condition on these products.
Airworthiness Directives; Airbus Airplanes
We propose to supersede Airworthiness Directive (AD) 2017-16- 07, which applies to certain Airbus Model A330-200, A330-200 Freighter, A330-300, A340-500, and A340-600 series airplanes; and Model A340-313 airplanes. AD 2017-16-07 requires inspection of the fuselage bulk cargo door frames at specific locations, and corrective action if necessary. Since we issued AD 2017-16-07, it was determined that only airplanes having certain manufacturer serial numbers (MSNs) are affected by tartaric sulfuric anodizing (TSA)/chromic acid anodizing (CAA) surface treatment in the door fitting attachment holes, and that airplanes having certain MSNs were excluded. This proposed AD is intended to complete certain mandated programs intended to support the airplane reaching its limit of validity (LOV) of the engineering data that support the established structural maintenance program. This proposed AD would require new inspections of certain attachment holes for residual surface treatment and cracking, and corrective action if necessary; and would provide an optional terminating action for the inspections. The proposed AD would also revise the applicability to add certain airplanes and remove others. We are proposing this AD to address the unsafe condition on these products.
Airworthiness Directives; Bombardier, Inc., Airplanes
We propose to adopt a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain Bombardier, Inc., Model BD-700-1A10 and BD-700-1A11 airplanes. This proposed AD was prompted by reports that non-conforming FIREX squib wire harness connectors may have been installed, which could result in FIREX squib wire harness connectors being connected to the wrong FIREX bottle connectors on affected aircraft. This proposed AD would require a visual inspection of the connections between the FIREX squib wire harness connectors and FIREX bottle connectors, installation of split ring lanyards on the FIREX squib wire harness connectors, and corrective actions if necessary. We are proposing this AD to address the unsafe condition on these products.
Aviation Safety Organization Changes; Correction
The FAA is correcting a final rule published on March 5, 2018. In that rule, the FAA replaced specific references to offices within the Aircraft Certification Service and the Flight Standards Service with generic references not dependent on any particular office structure. The FAA incorrectly assigned amendment number 65-56 to this rule. The correct amendment number is 65-57A and this action fixes this error.
Airworthiness Directives; The Boeing Company Airplanes
We propose to adopt a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain The Boeing Company Model 737-300, -400, and -500 series airplanes. This proposed AD was prompted by a report indicating that the primary latch securing the passenger service unit (PSU) to the airplane structure is not adequate for the higher loads experienced during survivable accidents. This proposed AD would require installing lanyard assemblies on the PSU and, for certain airplanes, on the life vest panel. We are proposing this AD to address the unsafe condition on these products.
Air Plan Approval; New Hampshire; Action on Single Source Orders and Revision to Definitions
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is proposing to approve State Implementation Plan (SIP) revisions submitted by the State of New Hampshire. The revisions incorporate a single source order into the New Hampshire SIP, remove a previously approved order from the SIP, and approve various definitions used within New Hampshire's air pollution control regulations. This action is being taken under the Clean Air Act.
Medium Flocking Bird Test at Climb Condition
The FAA proposes the addition of a new test requirement to the airworthiness regulation addressing engine bird ingestion. The current regulation ensures bird ingestion capability of the turbofan engine fan blades, but the existing test conditions do not adequately demonstrate bird ingestion capability of the engine core. This proposed rule would require that, to obtain certification of a turbofan engine, a manufacturer must show that the engine core can continue to operate after ingesting a medium sized bird while operating at a lower fan speed associated with climb or landing. This new requirement would ensure that engines can ingest the largest medium flocking bird required by the existing rule into the engine core at climb or descent conditions.
Television Broadcasting Services; Bridgeport and Stamford, Connecticut
The Commission has before it a petition for rulemaking filed by Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc. (Petitioner or CPBI)), licensee of television station WEDW, channel *49, Bridgeport, Connecticut (WEDW). WEDW operates on a shared basis with commercial television station WZME, Bridgeport, Connecticut (WZME), licensed to NRJ TV NY License Co. (NRJ). Prior to channel sharing, WZME was licensed on channel 42 at Bridgeport; NRJ has relinquished its channel 42 spectrum pursuant to a successful license relinquishment bid in the broadcast incentive auction and the spectrum is now being licensed to new 600 MHz Band flexible use licensees. CPBI requests an amendment of the DTV Table of Allotments to change WEDW's community of license from Bridgeport to Stamford, Connecticut. Petitioner further requests modifications of WEDW's license to specify Stamford as its community of license. CPBI asserts that the proposed reallotment will not deprive Bridgeport of its sole broadcast station as it will continue to be served by shared station WZME on channel 49 at Bridgeport. CPBI does not propose to change WEDW's licensed facilities as part of its allotment request and its existing principal community contour will cover the entire community of Stamford from the station's currently- licensed transmission facilities.
Connect America Fund
In this document, the Federal Communications Commission (Commission) addresses the petition for reconsideration filed by Alaska Communications Systems (ACS) of the October 31, 2016 Commission's ACS Connect America Fund (CAF) Phase II Order. The Commission denies the petition.
Annual Review of Country Eligibility for Benefits Under the African Growth and Opportunity Act
This notice announces the initiation of the annual review of the eligibility of the sub-Saharan African countries to receive the benefits of the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA). The AGOA Implementation Subcommittee of the Trade Policy Staff Committee (Subcommittee) is developing recommendations for the President on AGOA country eligibility for calendar year 2019. The Subcommittee is requesting written public comments for this review and will conduct a public hearing on this matter. The Subcommittee will consider the written comments, written testimony, and oral testimony in developing recommendations for the President. Comments received related to the child labor criteria also may be considered by the Secretary of Labor in the preparation of the U.S. Department of Labor's report on child labor as required under the Trade Act of 1974. This notice identifies the eligibility criteria that must be considered under AGOA, and lists those sub-Saharan African countries that are currently eligible for the benefits of AGOA and those that were ineligible for such benefits in 2018.
60-Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection: Pilot Program To Allow 18- to 21-Year-Old Persons With Military Driving Experience To Operate Commercial Motor Vehicles (CMVs) in Interstate Commerce
FMCSA is seeking approval from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for the information collection described below. In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act, FMCSA is requesting comment from all interested parties on the proposed collection of information. The purpose of this notice is to allow for 60 days of public comment. Pursuant to Section 5404 of the Fixing America's Surface Transportation Act, 2015 (FAST Act), FMCSA proposes a 3-year period of information collection to determine whether the safety outcomes (to include crashes, moving violations, inspection violations, and safety critical events as available) of drivers under the age of 21 with military experience in the operation of heavy vehicles (i.e., ``covered drivers'') participating in interstate commerce are similar to the safety outcomes of commercial motor vehicle drivers (CMV) drivers between the ages of 21 and 24 operating freight-carrying CMVs, and how training and experience impact the safety of the 18- to 20-year-old driving population. FMCSA proposed this pilot program and solicited public comment on August 22, 2016. The prior 60-day notice sought comment on program operations, including whether any additional safeguards are needed to ensure that the pilot program provides a level of safety equivalent to current safety levels. Additional details on the broader pilot program are available through a separate notice published in today's Federal Register.
Proposed Pilot Program To Allow Persons Between the Ages of 18 and 21 With Military Driving Experience To Operate Commercial Motor Vehicles in Interstate Commerce
On August 22, 2016, FMCSA proposed a pilot program to meet the requirements of section 5404 of the Fixing America's Surface Transportation (FAST) Act. FMCSA proposed a pilot program to allow a limited number of individuals ages 18, 19, and 20 to operate commercial motor vehicles (CMVs) in interstate commerce, if they have received specified heavy-vehicle driver training while in military service and were hired by a participating motor carrier. This notice provides the details of the pilot program and responds to comments received in response to the August 22, 2016 notice.
Airworthiness Directives; Bombardier, Inc., Airplanes
We propose to adopt an airworthiness directive (AD) for certain Bombardier, Inc., Model DHC-8-102, -103, and -106 airplanes, Model DHC-8-200 series airplanes, and Model DHC-8-300 series airplanes. This proposed AD was prompted by reports of arcing and smoke emanating from the windshield, caused by loose or damaged windshield heater terminal lugs. This proposed AD would require revising the maintenance or inspection program to incorporate maintenance review board (MRB) tasks for general visual inspections of the windshield moisture seal. This proposed AD would also require re-torqueing the windshield heater terminal lugs, applying a coating to the windshield heater screw heads, doing a chemical cleaning of the wiring and components, doing a visual inspection of the wiring and components, doing an operational test of the pilot's and co-pilot's windshield heating system, and repair if necessary. We are proposing this AD to address the unsafe condition on these products.
Airworthiness Directives; Bombardier, Inc., Airplanes
We propose to adopt a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain Bombardier, Inc., Model DHC-8-400 series airplanes. This proposed AD was prompted by reports of wear on fuel couplings, bonding springs, and sleeves as well as fuel tube end ferrules and fuel component end ferrules. This proposed AD would require repetitive inspections of the existing clamshell coupling bonding wires, fuel couplings, and associated sleeves for certain criteria and replacement as necessary. This proposed AD would also require repetitive inspections of the fuel tube end ferrules, fuel component end ferrules, and ferrule o-ring flanges for damage and wear, and rework as necessary. We are proposing this AD to address the unsafe condition on these products.
Airworthiness Directives; Bombardier, Inc.
We propose to adopt a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain Bombardier, Inc., Model CL-600-2C10 (Regional Jet Series 700, 701, & 702) airplanes; Model CL-600-2D15 (Regional Jet Series 705) airplanes; Model CL-600-2D24 (Regional Jet Series 900) airplanes; and Model CL-600-2E25 (Regional Jet Series 1000) airplanes. This proposed AD was prompted by reports of damage to the protective coating and corrosion on the piston/axle of the main landing gear (MLG), caused by friction between the inboard axle sleeve and the axle thrust face. This proposed AD would require revising the maintenance or inspection program, as applicable, to incorporate a detailed inspection of the MLG piston/axle for damage to the protective coating and for corrosion. We are proposing this AD to address the unsafe condition on these products.
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