September 4, 2015 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 101 - 117 of 117
Government-Owned Inventions; Availability for Licensing
The inventions listed below are owned by an agency of the U.S. Government and are available for licensing in the U.S. in accordance with 35 U.S.C. 209 and 37 CFR part 404 to achieve expeditious commercialization of results of federally-funded research and development. Foreign patent applications are filed on selected inventions to extend market coverage for companies and may also be available for licensing.
In the Matter of BWXT Nuclear Operations Group, Inc.
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is issuing a confirmatory order to BWXT Nuclear Operations Group, Inc. (BWXT NOG), confirming a modification to the license issued on August 10, 2015. In issuing the Order, BWXT NOG must comply with the measures detailed in Section IV of the Order. This Order is effective 20 days after the date it is issued.
Watts Bar Nuclear Plant, Unit 1; Application and Amendment to Facility Operating License Involving Proposed No Significant Hazards Consideration Determination
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) received and is considering approval of a license amend request for the Watts Bar Nuclear Plant (WBN), Unit 1. The proposed amendment would revise a current License Condition (Section 2.F) regarding the Fire Protection Program and propose a new License Condition (Section 2.I) regarding a fire protection requirement for WBN, Unit 1. The NRC proposes to determine that this request involve no significant hazards consideration.
Airworthiness Directives; Viking Air Limited Airplanes
The FAA is correcting a notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) that published in the Federal Register. That NPRM applies to Viking Air Limited Model DHC-3 airplanes. The repetitive inspection column in ``Table 1 of Paragraph (f)(3) of This ADInspection Schedule'' contains data that is intended to apply to all conditions. However, the way the table is displayed makes it look as if it only applies to the first condition. This document corrects it to assure that it applies to all conditions. In all other respects, the original document remains the same.
U.S. Army Installation Command, Davy Crockett Depleted Uranium
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has received an application from the U.S. Army Installation Command (Army) to amend NRC Source Materials License No. SUC-1593 to incorporate the 15 sites listed in License Condition No. 12 into its license. The Army proposes to use a programmatic approach to license the 15 sites, which are located on multiple U.S. Army installations in the United States. In addition, the Army's license amendment application proposes to license sites located on the two U.S. Army installations that are located in Hawaii which are already licensed under Source Materials License No. SUC-1593.
Draft Memorandum of Agreement Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, New Jersey Historic Preservation Office, Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, National Park Service, PSEG Power, LLC, and PSEG Nuclear, LLC
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is requesting comment on a draft Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between the NRC, New Jersey Historic Preservation Office (NJ HPO), Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP), National Park Service (NPS), and PSEG Power, LLC, and PSEG Nuclear, LLC (PSEG). The purpose of the draft MOA is to resolve adverse effects to historic properties identified during consultation for a proposed early site permit (ESP).
Oxathiapiprolin; Pesticide Tolerances
This regulation establishes tolerances for residues of oxathiapiprolin in or on multiple commodities that are identified and discussed later in this document. E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company (``Dupont'') requested these tolerances under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA).
Takes of Marine Mammals Incidental to Specified Activities; Marine Geophysical Survey in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea, November to December, 2015
NMFS has received an application from the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (Lamont-Doherty) in collaboration with the National Science Foundation (NSF), for an Incidental Harassment Authorization (Authorization) to take marine mammals, by harassment only, incidental to conducting a marine geophysical (seismic) survey in the eastern Mediterranean Sea, mid-November through December, 2015. The proposed dates for this action would be mid-November 2015 through December 31, 2015, to account for minor deviations due to logistics and weather. Per the Marine Mammal Protection Act, we are requesting comments on our proposal to issue an Authorization to Lamont-Doherty to incidentally take, by Level B harassment, of 22 species of marine mammals during the specified activity and to incidentally take by Level A harassment, of four species of marine mammals. Although considered unlikely, any Level A harassment potentially incurred would be expected to be in the form of some smaller degree of permanent hearing loss due in part to the required monitoring measures for detecting marine mammals and required mitigation measures for power downs or shut downs of the airgun array if any animal is likely to enter the Level A exclusion zone. Neither mortality nor complete deafness of marine mammals are expected to result from this survey.
Takes of Marine Mammals Incidental to Specified Activities; U.S. Navy Civilian Port Defense Activities at the Ports of Los Angeles/Long Beach, California
NMFS has received a request from the U.S. Navy (Navy) for an Incidental Harassment Authorization (IHA) to take marine mammals, by harassment, incidental to Civilian Port defense activities within and near the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach from October through November 2015. Pursuant to the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA), NMFS is requesting comments on its proposal to issue an IHA to the Navy to incidentally take, by Level B harassment only, marine mammals during the specified activity.
New Animal Drugs; Approval of New Animal Drug Applications
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is amending the animal drug regulations to reflect application-related actions for new animal drug applications (NADAs) and abbreviated new animal drug applications (ANADAs) during May and June 2015. FDA is also informing the public of the availability of summaries of the basis of approval and of environmental review documents, where applicable. The animal drug regulations are also being amended to reflect a nonsubstantive change. This technical amendment is being made to improve the accuracy of the regulations.
Strategic Economic and Community Development
Through this action, the Rural Housing Service, the Rural Business-Cooperative Service, the Rural Utilities Service, and the Farm Service Agency are reopening the comment period for the interim rule, published on May 20, 2015 ``Strategic Economic and Community Development''.
Federal Property Suitable as Facilities To Assist the Homeless
This Notice identifies unutilized, underutilized, excess, and surplus Federal property reviewed by HUD for suitability for possible use to assist the homeless.
Secretarial Review and Publication of the Annual Report to Congress and the Secretary Submitted by the Consensus-Based Entity Regarding Performance Measurement
This notice acknowledges the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services' (HHS) receipt and review of the 2015 Annual Report to Congress and the Secretary submitted by the consensus-based entity (CBE) in contract with the Secretary as mandated by section 1890(b)(5) of the Social Security Act, which was created by section 183 of the Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act of 2008 (MIPPA) and amended by section 3014 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010. The statute requires the Secretary to review and publish the report in the Federal Register together with any comments of the Secretary on the report not later than six months after receiving the report. This notice fulfills those requirements.
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