October 30, 2012 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 1 - 50 of 120
Request for Extension and Revision of a Currently Approved Information Collection
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, this notice announces Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration's intention to request that the Office of Management and Budget approve a 3-year extension and revision of a currently approved information collection in support of the reporting and recordkeeping requirements for the Swine Contract Library program.
Requested Administrative Waiver of the Coastwise Trade Laws: Vessel TRANQUILO; Invitation for Public Comments
As authorized by 46 U.S.C. 12121, the Secretary of Transportation, as represented by the Maritime Administration (MARAD), is authorized to grant waivers of the U.S.-build requirement of the coastwise laws under certain circumstances. A request for such a waiver has been received by MARAD. The vessel, and a brief description of the proposed service, is listed below.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Monthly Report on Naturalization Papers, Form Number N-4; Extension, Without Change, of a Currently Approved Collection
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS), U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) will be submitting the following information collection request to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and clearance in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. The information collection notice was previously published in the Federal Register on July 16, 2012, at 77 FR 41796, allowing for a 60-day public comment period. USCIS received one comment in connection with the 60-day notice and acknowledges receipt in item 8 of the supporting statement.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Request for the Return of Original Documents, Form Number G-884; Extension, Without Change, of a Currently Approved Collection
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS), U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) will be submitting the following information collection request to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and clearance in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. The information collection notice was previously published in the Federal Register on August 8, 2012, at 77 FR 47426, allowing for a 60-day public comment period. USCIS did not receive any comments in response to the 60-day notice.
Fisheries of the Exclusive Economic Zone Off Alaska; Pacific Cod by Vessels Using Pot Gear in the Central Regulatory Area of the Gulf of Alaska
NMFS is opening directed fishing for Pacific cod by vessels using pot gear in the Central Regulatory Area of the Gulf of Alaska (GOA). This action is necessary to fully use the 2012 Pacific cod total allowable catch (TAC) apportioned to vessels using pot gear in the Central Regulatory Area of the GOA.
Publication of Depreciation Rates
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Utilities Service (RUS) administers rural utilities programs, including the Telecommunications Program. RUS announces the depreciation rates for telecommunications plant for the period ending December 31, 2011.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Immigrant Petition for Alien Worker, Form I-140; Revision of a Currently Approved Collection
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS), U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) invites the general public and other Federal agencies to comment upon this proposed revision of a currently approved information collection. In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) of 1995, this information collection notice is published in the Federal Register to obtain comments for 60 days regarding the nature of the information collection, the categories of respondents, the estimated burden (i.e. the time, effort, and resources used by the respondents to respond), the estimated cost to the respondent, and the actual information collection instruments. During this 60-day period, USCIS will be evaluating whether to revise the Form I-140. Should USCIS decide to revise the Form I-140 it will advise the public when it publishes the 30-day notice in the Federal Register in accordance with the PRA. The public will then have 30-days to comment on any revisions to the Form I-140.
Boulder Canyon Project-Post-2017 Resource Pool
The Western Area Power Administration (Western), a Federal power marketing agency of the Department of Energy (DOE), is seeking comments on proposed marketing criteria for allocating the Federal power from the Boulder Canyon Project (BCP). The Conformed Power Marketing Criteria or Regulations for the Boulder Canyon Project (2012 Conformed Criteria) published in the Federal Register on June 14, 2012, as required by the Hoover Power Allocation Act of 2011, established a resource pool (Post-2017 Resource Pool) to be allocated to new allottees and general eligibility criteria. Western is proposing for comment additional marketing criteria to be used to allocate the Post- 2017 Resource Pool that will become available October 1, 2017. Once determined, these marketing criteria, in conjunction with the 2012 Conformed Criteria, will establish the framework for allocating power from the Post-2017 Resource Pool. This Federal Register notice (FRN) is not a call for applications. A call for applications from those interested in an allocation of BCP power will occur in a future notice.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Petition for Amerasian, Widow(er), or Special Immigrant, Form I-360; Revision of a Currently Approved Collection
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS), U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) invites the general public and other Federal agencies to comment upon this proposed revision of a currently approved information collection. In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) of 1995, this information collection notice is published in the Federal Register to obtain comments for 60 days regarding the nature of the information collection, the categories of respondents, the estimated burden (i.e., the time, effort, and resources used by the respondents to respond), the estimated cost to the respondent, and the actual information collection instruments. During this 60-day period USCIS will be evaluating whether to revise the Form I-360. Should USCIS decide to revise the Form I-360 it will advise the public when it publishes the 30-day notice in the Federal Register in accordance with the PRA. The public will then have 30-days to comment on any revisions to the Form I-360.
Endangered Species; File No. 16248
Notice is hereby given that the Riverbanks Zoo and Garden, P.O. Box 1060, Columbia, South Carolina 29202 [Jennifer Rawlings, Responsible Party], has applied in due form for a permit to hold shortnose sturgeon (Acipenser brevirostrum) for the purposes of enhancement.
Determination of Attainment for the Yuba City-Marysville Nonattainment Area for the 2006 Fine Particle Standard; California; Determination Regarding Applicability of Clean Air Act Requirements
EPA is proposing to determine that the Yuba City-Marysville nonattainment area in California has attained the 2006 24-hour fine particle (PM2.5) National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS). This proposed determination is based upon complete, quality- assured, and certified ambient air monitoring data showing that this area has monitored attainment of the 2006 24-hour PM2.5 NAAQS based on the 2009-2011 monitoring period. EPA is further proposing that, if EPA finalizes this determination of attainment, the requirements for this area to submit an attainment demonstration, together with reasonably available control measures (RACM), a reasonable further progress (RFP) plan, and contingency measures for failure to meet RFP and attainment deadlines shall be suspended for so long as the area continues to attain the 2006 24-hour PM2.5 NAAQS.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Request for Certification of Military or Naval Service, Form Number N-426; Extension, Without Change, of a Currently Approved Collection
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS), U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) invites the general public and other Federal agencies to comment upon this proposed revision of a currently approved collection of information. In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the information collection notice is published in the Federal Register to obtain comments regarding the nature of the information collection, the categories of respondents, the estimated burden (i.e. the time, effort, and resources used by the respondents to respond), the estimated cost to the respondent, and the actual information collection instruments.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Petition To Remove the Conditions on Residence, Form Number I-751; Revision of a Currently Approved Collection
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS), U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) invites the general public and other Federal agencies to comment upon this proposed revision of a currently approved collection of information. In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the information collection notice is published in the Federal Register to obtain comments regarding the nature of the information collection, the categories of respondents, the estimated burden (i.e. the time, effort, and resources used by the respondents to respond) including the time burden incurred by persons who assist the respondent with the preparation of the form or the cost to the respondent to obtain such assistance, and any time burden associated with the obtaining of supporting documents translated into English and/ or the cost for this, the estimated cost to the respondent, and the actual information collection instruments.
Magnuson-Stevens Act Provisions; Fisheries Off the West Coast States; Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery; Pacific Whiting and Non-Whiting Allocations; Pacific Whiting Seasons
This document announces the reapportionment of 28,000 mt of Pacific whiting from the tribal allocation to the non-tribal commercial fishery allocations to ensure full utilization of the resource.
Prospective Grant of Exclusive Patent License
This is a notice in accordance with 35 U.S.C. 209(e) and 37 CFR 404.7(a)(1)(i) that the National Institute of Standards and Technology (``NIST''), U.S. Department of Commerce, is contemplating the grant of an exclusive license in the United States of America, its territories, possessions and commonwealths, to NIST's interest in the invention embodied in U.S. Patent Application No. 61/625,511 titled ``UV-Assisted Alcohol Sensing with Zinc Oxide Functionalized Gallium Nitride Nanowires,'' NIST Docket No. 12-020 to the University of Maryland, having a place of business at 0133 Cole Student Activities Building, College Park MD 20742-1001. The grant of the license would be for all fields of use.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Application for Fee Waivers and Exemption, Form Number I-912; Revision of a Currently Approved Collection
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS), U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) will be submitting the following information collection request to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and clearance in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. The information collection notice was previously published in the Federal Register on August 21, 2012 at 77 FR 50521, allowing for a 60-day public comment period. USCIS did receive comments in connection with the 60-day notice.
Glycine From the People's Republic of China: Notice of Initiation of Antidumping Duty New Shipper Review
The Department of Commerce (the Department) has received a request for a new shipper review of the antidumping duty order on glycine from the People's Republic of China (the PRC). See Antidumping Duty Order: Glycine From the People's Republic of China, 60 FR 16115 (March 29, 1995) (Order). In accordance with section 751(a)(2)(B) of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended (the Act), and 19 CFR 351.214(d), we are initiating an antidumping duty new shipper review of Hebei Donghua Jiheng Fine Chemical Co., Ltd. (Donghua Fine Chemical). The period of review (POR) of this new shipper review is March 1, 2012, through August 31, 2012.
Airworthiness Directives; The Boeing Company Airplanes
We are revising an earlier proposed airworthiness directive (AD) for all The Boeing Company Model 757 airplanes. That NPRM proposed to require repetitive operational tests of the engine fuel suction feed of the fuel system, and other related testing if necessary. That NPRM was prompted by reports of two in-service occurrences on Model 737-400 airplanes of total loss of boost pump pressure of the fuel feed system, followed by loss of fuel system suction feed capability on one engine, and in-flight shutdown of the engine. This action revises that NPRM by proposing to require repetitive operational tests and corrective actions if necessary. We are proposing this supplemental NPRM to detect and correct loss of the engine fuel suction feed capability of the fuel system, which, in the event of total loss of the fuel boost pumps, could result in dual engine flameout, inability to restart the engines, and consequent forced landing of the airplane. Since these actions impose an additional burden over that proposed in the previous NPRM, we are reopening the comment period to allow the public the chance to comment on these proposed changes.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Petition To Classify Orphan as an Immediate Relative, Form I-600; Application for Advance Processing of Orphan Petition, Form I-600A; Listing of Adult Member of the Household, Supplement 1; Revision of a Currently Approved Collection
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS), U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) invites the general public and other Federal agencies to comment upon this proposed revision of a currently approved collection of information or new collection of information. In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the information collection notice is published in the Federal Register to obtain comments regarding the nature of the information collection, the categories of respondents, the estimated burden (i.e. the time, effort, and resources used by the respondents to respond), the estimated cost to the respondent, and the actual information collection instruments.
Correction to Notice of Implementation of Determinations Under Section 129 of the Uruguay Round Agreements Act: Circular Welded Carbon Quality Steel Pipe From the People's Republic of China
On August 30, 2012, the Department of Commerce (``the Department'') published a notice in the Federal Register that inadvertently omitted an exporter and producer receiving an amended antidumping duty cash deposit rate as part of implementation of its determinations under section 129 of the Uruguay Round Agreements Act (``URAA'') regarding the antidumping duty investigation on circular welded carbon quality steel pipe (``CWP'') from the People's Republic of China (``PRC'').\1\ This notice is a correction.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Refugee/Asylee Relative Petition, Form Number I-730; Revision of a Currently Approved Collection
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS), U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) will be submitting the following information collection request to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and clearance in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. The information collection notice was previously published in the Federal Register on June 27, 2012, at 77 FR 38307, allowing for a 60-day public comment period. USCIS did not receive any comments in connection with the 60-day notice.
Tapered Roller Bearings and Parts Thereof, Finished and Unfinished From the People's Republic of China: Final Results of Antidumping Duty New Shipper Review
On June 1, 2012, the Department of Commerce (the ``Department'') published in the Federal Register the preliminary results of the antidumping duty new shipper review (NSR) of Tapered Roller Bearings and Parts Thereof, Finished and Unfinished (``TRBs'') from the People's Republic of China (``PRC'') covering sales of subject merchandise produced and exported by GGB Bearing Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. (``GGB'') during the period of review (``POR'') of June 1, 2010, through May 31, 2011.\1\ In accordance with 19 CFR 351.309(c)(ii), we gave interested parties an opportunity to comment on the Preliminary Results. Based on our analysis of the comments received, the Department has made changes to the Preliminary Results. The final weighted-average dumping margin for GGB is listed below in the section entitled ``Final Results of the New Shipper Review.''
Honey From Argentina: Final Rescission of Antidumping Duty New Shipper Review
On July 31, 2012, the Department of Commerce (the ``Department'') published a notice of preliminary rescission of the new shipper review (``NSR'') of D'Ambros Mar[iacute]a de los Angeles and D'Ambros Mar[iacute]a Daniela SH, an Argentine partnership doing business as Ap[iacute]cola Danangie (``Danangie''), under the antidumping duty order on honey from Argentina for the period of December 1, 2010, through November 30, 2011.\1\ We invited interested parties to comment on our preliminary rescission. We did not receive comments from any party. As discussed below, based on our analysis of the record, the Department has determined that Danangie did not satisfy the regulatory requirements for a NSR; therefore, we are rescinding this NSR.
Cost-of-Living Increase and Other Determinations for 2013
Under title II of the Social Security Act (Act), there will be a 1.7 percent cost-of-living increase in Social Security benefits effective December 2012. As a result of this increase, the following items will increase for 2013: (1) The maximum Federal Supplemental Security Income (SSI) monthly benefit amounts for 2013 under title XVI of the Act will be $710 for an eligible individual, $1,066 for an eligible individual with an eligible spouse, and $356 for an essential person; (2) The special benefit amount under title VIII of the Act for certain World War II veterans will be $532.50 for 2013; (3) The student earned income exclusion under title XVI of the Act will be $1,730 per month in 2013, but not more than $6,960 for all of 2013; (4) The dollar fee limit for services performed as a representative payee will be $39 per month ($76 per month in the case of a beneficiary who is disabled and has an alcoholism or drug addiction condition that leaves him or her incapable of managing benefits) in 2013; and (5) The dollar limit on the administrative cost assessment charged to attorneys representing claimants will be $88 in 2013. The national average wage index for 2011 is $42,979.61. This index affects the following amounts: (1) The Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (OASDI) contribution and benefit base will be $113,700 for remuneration paid in 2013 and self-employment income earned in taxable years beginning in 2013; (2) The monthly exempt amounts under the OASDI retirement earnings test for taxable years ending in calendar year 2013 will be $1,260 for years prior to the year in which a person attains his or her Normal Retirement Age (NRA; defined later in this Notice) and $3,340 for the year in which a person attains his or her NRA; (3) The dollar amounts (``bend points;'' defined later in this Notice) used in the primary insurance amount (PIA) benefit formula for workers who become eligible for benefits, or who die before becoming eligible, in 2013 will be $791 and $4,768; (4) The bend points used in the formula for computing maximum family benefits for workers who become eligible for benefits, or who die before becoming eligible, in 2013 will be $1,011, $1,459, and $1,903; (5) The amount of taxable earnings a person must have to be credited with a quarter of coverage in 2013 will be $1,160; (6) The ``old-law'' contribution and benefit base under title II of the Act will be $84,300 for 2013; (7) The monthly amount deemed to constitute substantial gainful activity for statutorily blind individuals in 2013 will be $1,740, and the corresponding amount for non-blind disabled persons will be $1,040; (8) The earnings threshold establishing a month as a part of a trial work period will be $750 for 2013; and (9) Coverage thresholds for 2013 will be $1,800 for domestic workers and $1,600 for election officials and election workers.
Freshwater Crawfish Tail Meat From the People's Republic of China: Initiation of Antidumping Duty New Shipper Review
The Department of Commerce (``Department'') has determined that a request for a new shipper review (``NSR'') of the antidumping duty order on freshwater crawfish tail meat from the People's Republic of China (``PRC''), meets the statutory and regulatory requirements for initiation. The period of review (``POR'') for this NSR is September 1, 2011, through August 31, 2012.
Proposed Consent Decree, Clean Air Act Citizen Suit
In accordance with section 113(g) of the Clean Air Act, as amended (``CAA''), notice is hereby given of a proposed consent decree, to address a lawsuit filed by Sierra Club in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia: Sierra Club v. Jackson, No. 1: 12- cv-00705 (CKK). On May 2, 2012, the Plaintiff filed a First Amended Complaint alleging that EPA failed to perform nondiscretionary duties under the Clean Air Act. Specifically, the Plaintiff alleged that EPA failed to take timely action to approve, disapprove, or approve in part and disapprove in part, pursuant to CAA, the state implementation plan (``SIP'') submission made by Oklahoma on July 16, 2010, that is captioned ``Excess Emissions Reporting Requirements'' (referred to herein as ``OK SIP''). The proposed consent decree establishes deadlines for EPA to take proposed and final action on the OK SIP. The proposed consent decree also provides that once EPA has completed the actions specified in the decree the case will be dismissed with prejudice.
Senior Executive Service Performance Review Board; Membership
Notice is hereby given of the membership of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Performance Review Board for 2012.
Correction: Proposed Information Collection; Comment Request; Manufacturers' Unfilled Orders Survey
On October 16, 2012, a notice was published in the Federal Register (77 FR 63288) on the proposed information collection, Manufacturers' Unfilled Orders Survey. Under the heading SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION, I. Abstract, the following information was omitted: `We plan to add a box for ``Change in Operational Status'' to the MA-3000 for 2012. This change does not affect burden because the information asked is readily available by the respondents or not applicable to those companies without an operational status change.' All other information in the notice is correct and remains unchanged.
Federal Advisory Committee; Defense Health Board (DHB) Meeting
Pursuant to the Federal Advisory Committee Act of 1972 (5 U.S.C., Appendix as amended), the Sunshine in the Government Act of 1976 (5 U.S.C. 552b, as amended), and 41 CFR 102-3.150, and in accordance with section 10(a)(2) of Public Law, a Defense Health Board (DHB) meeting is announced.
Determination of Attainment for the Nogales Nonattainment Area for the 2006 Fine Particle Standard; Arizona; Determination Regarding Applicability of Clean Air Act Requirements
EPA is proposing to determine that the Nogales nonattainment area in Arizona has attained the 2006 24-hour fine particle (PM2.5) National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS). This proposed determination is based upon complete, quality-assured, and certified ambient air monitoring data showing that the area has monitored attainment of the 2006 24-hour PM2.5 NAAQS based on the 2009-2011 monitoring period. EPA is further proposing that, if EPA finalizes this determination of attainment, the requirements for the area to submit an attainment demonstration, together with reasonably available control measures (RACM), a reasonable further progress (RFP) plan, and contingency measures for failure to meet RFP and attainment deadlines shall be suspended for so long as the area continues to attain the 2006 24-hour PM2.5 NAAQS.
Final Interim Staff Guidance Augmenting NUREG-1537, “Guidelines for Preparing and Reviewing Applications for the Licensing of Non-Power Reactors,” Parts 1 and 2, for Licensing Radioisotope Production Facilities and Aqueous Homogeneous Reactors
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC or the Commission) is issuing Final Interim Staff Guidance (ISG), that augments NUREG- 1537, Part 1, ``Guidelines for Preparing and Reviewing Applications for the Licensing of Non-Power Reactors: Format and Content,'' and NUREG- 1537, Part 2, ``Guidelines for Preparing and Reviewing Applications for the Licensing of Non-Power Reactors: Standard Review Plan and Acceptance Criteria.'' Parts 1 and 2 of the ISG correspond to the parts of NUREG-1537, and can be found in the NRC's Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) at Accession Numbers ML12156A069 and ML12156A075, respectively. The ISG provides guidance for applicants and the NRC staff related to licensing a heterogeneous or aqueous homogeneous non-power reactor as a utilization facility pursuant to Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR) Part 50, ``Domestic Licensing of Production and Utilization Facilities.'' The ISG also provides guidance related to licensing a production facility for the separation of byproduct material from special nuclear material pursuant to 10 CFR Part 50. An applicant should use the guidance in Part 1 of the ISG when preparing a construction permit or operating license application. The NRC staff will use Part 2 of the ISG to review such an application. Disposition: On June 20, 2011 (76 FR 35922), the NRC published for public comment the draft ISG, ``Staff Guidance Regarding the Environmental Report for Applications to Construct and/or Operate Medical Isotope Production Facilities'' (ADAMS Accession No. ML11116A166). The NRC received 41 comments on the draft ISG, ADAMS Accession Nos. ML11216A140, ML11220A263, and ML11217A018. On October 13, 2011 (76 FR 63668), the NRC published for public comment Chapters 1-6 of the draft ISG, that augments NUREG-1537, Part 1, ``Guidelines for Preparing and Reviewing Applications for the Licensing of Non-Power Reactors: Format and Content'' (ADAMS Accession No. ML111160058), and NUREG-1537, Part 2, ``Guidelines for Preparing and Reviewing Applications for the Licensing of Non-Power Reactors: Standard Review Plan and Acceptance Criteria'' (ADAMS Accession No. ML111810010). On April 10, 2012 (77 FR 21592), the NRC published for public comment Chapters 7-18 of Part 1 of the draft ISG, ADAMS Accession No. ML111570224, and Chapters 7-18 of Part 2 of the draft ISG, ADAMS Accession No. ML111160065. The NRC received 75 comments on the draft ISG, ADAMS Accession Nos. ML11325A120, ML11325A121, ML11325A122, ML12136A120, and ML12135A181. The details of the NRC's disposition of the comments are available at ADAMS Accession No. ML12156A061. The NRC staff incorporated the comments in the final ISG, as appropriate. Congressional Review Act: In accordance with the Congressional Review Act, the NRC has determined that this action is not a major rule and has verified this determination with the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs of the Office of Management and Budget.
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