Notice of Determination of the Foot-and-Mouth Disease Status of Japan, 46016-46022 [2012-18814]
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Federal Register
Vol. 77, No. 149
Thursday, August 2, 2012
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Animal and Plant Health Inspection
[Docket No. APHIS–2010–0077]
Notice of Determination of the Footand-Mouth Disease Status of Japan
Animal and Plant Health
Inspection Service, USDA.
ACTION: Notice.
We are advising the public of
our determination regarding the footand-mouth disease status of Japan.
Based on an evaluation that we made
available to the public for review and
comment through a previous notice, the
Administrator has determined that
Japan is free of foot-and-mouth disease.
As a result, the importation of whole
cuts of boneless beef from Japan may
resume. Other ruminant meat and meat
byproducts, as well as fresh pork, live
ruminants, and live swine, remain
prohibited due to Japan’s status for
bovine spongiform encephalopathy,
classical swine fever, and swine
vesicular disease.
DATES: Effective Date: This
determination is effective August 17,
Kelly Rhodes, Senior Staff Veterinarian,
Regionalization Evaluation Services,
National Center for Import and Export,
VS, APHIS, 4700 River Road Unit 38,
Riverdale, MD 20737–1231; (301) 851–
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The regulations in 9 CFR part 94
(referred to below as the regulations)
govern the importation of certain
animals and animal products into the
United States to prevent the
introduction of various animal diseases,
including rinderpest and foot-andmouth disease (FMD). The regulations
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prohibit or restrict the importation of
live ruminants and swine, and products
from these animals, from regions where
FMD is considered to exist. The
regulations also restrict the importation
of meat and other products of ruminants
and swine from regions that are
considered free of FMD but that
supplement their national meat supply
by importing fresh (chilled or frozen)
meat of ruminants or swine from regions
that are considered to be affected with
FMD, or have a common land border
with such regions, or import ruminants
or swine from such regions under
conditions less restrictive than would be
acceptable for importation into the
United States.
On April 20, 2010, the Ministry of
Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries
(MAFF) of Japan reported an outbreak of
FMD in that country to the World
Organization for Animal Health (OIE).
In response, the Animal and Plant
Health Inspection Service (APHIS)
administratively issued temporary
restrictions on commodities from Japan
that could harbor FMD virus.
Subsequently, in an interim rule 1
effective and published in the Federal
Register on October 25, 2010
(75 FR 65431–65432, Docket No.
APHIS–2010–0077), we amended the
regulations in part 94 to remove Japan
from the list of regions considered free
of FMD, and from the list of regions
considered free of FMD and rinderpest
but from which the importation of meat
and other products of ruminants and
swine into the United States is restricted
because of shared land borders or
trading practices with regions that have
one or both of these diseases. The
interim rule also clarified that, as a
result of the change in Japan’s FMD
status, the importation of whole cuts of
boneless beef from Japan, formerly
allowed under § 94.27 of the
regulations, was prohibited due to FMD.
These actions were necessary to protect
against the introduction of FMD into the
United States. We solicited comments
on the interim rule for 60 days ending
December 27, 2010. We received one
comment by that date, from the
Government of Japan. The comment
acknowledged the interim rule and
1 To view the interim rule, the follow-up notice
and evaluation, and the comments we received, go
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encouraged APHIS to begin its
reevaluation of Japan’s FMD status as
soon as was appropriate.
By July 4, 2010, when the last case
was detected, Japan had reported FMD
on a total of 292 premises in Miyazaki
Prefecture of that country to the OIE.
Although the source of the virus that
caused the outbreak has not been
definitively identified, MAFF suspects
that it was introduced by people or
personal goods entering Japan from a
nearby country affected with FMD.
Japan’s official veterinary services
addressed the FMD outbreak through a
stamping-out policy that involved
movement restrictions, culling, active
surveillance, and ultimately
vaccination. All vaccinated animals
were subsequently culled. Intensive
surveillance demonstrated that the virus
did not spread outside Miyazaki
Prefecture. On February 4, 2011, the OIE
reinstated Japan to its list of countries
that are free of FMD without
We stated in our interim rule that,
based on Japan’s response to the
detection of the disease, we intended to
reassess the situation at a future date in
accordance with OIE standards to
determine whether we can restore Japan
to the list of regions APHIS considers
free of FMD.
On July 26, 2011 (76 FR 44503–44504,
Docket No. APHIS–2010–0077), we
published in the Federal Register a
notice 2 announcing the availability for
review and comment of a document
titled ‘‘APHIS Evaluation of the Foot
and Mouth Disease Status of Japan.’’
This evaluation examined the events
that occurred during and after the
outbreak and assessed the risk of live
animals and animal products from Japan
harboring the FMD virus. We stated that
the evaluation would provide a basis for
determining whether to reinstate Japan
to the list of regions free of FMD and to
the list of regions considered free of
FMD and rinderpest but from which the
importation of meat and other animal
products of ruminants and swine into
the United States is subject to additional
We made the evaluation available for
public comment for 60 days ending
September 26, 2011. We received two
comments by that date. They were from
a State animal health board and an
organization that represents cattle
2 See
footnote 1.
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farmers and ranchers. The issues they
raised are discussed below.
Comment: One commenter stated that
APHIS’ evaluation of the FMD status of
Japan is incomplete and inadequate for
determining the risk of introduction and
spread of FMD into the United States
from Japan because it is qualitative,
rather than quantitative, and because it
does not include either an exposure
assessment or a consequence
assessment. The commenter said that
APHIS’ 2004 Process for Foreign Animal
Disease Status Evaluations,
Regionalization, Risk Analysis, and
Rulemaking (Evaluation Process) 3
explains that quantitative risk modeling
is typically used when a foreign country
requests to export a specific product to
the United States, which the commenter
said is the case here where the only
product subject to a resumption of
exports is whole muscle cuts of boneless
beef from Japan. The commenter said
that APHIS’ Evaluation Process also
states, ‘‘The risk assessment may
conclude if the release assessment
demonstrates no significant risk.
However, some form of exposure and
consequence assessment is typically
included for completeness.’’
Response: The 2004 document
referenced by the commenter was
intended as a description of general
practices rather than as a statement of
future policy. A decision on whether to
prepare a qualitative or quantitative risk
assessment for any action must be made
on a case-by-case basis after considering
all of the circumstances involved.
The OIE has established international
standards for import risk analysis.4
Article 2.1.1 of the OIE guidelines on
import risk analysis states, ‘‘No single
method of risk assessment has proven
appropriate in all situations, and
different methods may be appropriate in
different circumstances.’’ Article 2.1.1
further states that risk assessments may
be either qualitative or quantitative and
that, particularly for diseases listed in
the Terrestrial Animal Health Code,
where there are international standards
and broad agreement concerning likely
risks, a qualitative assessment may be
all that is required.
Most risk evaluations prepared by
APHIS are qualitative. In particular,
APHIS has historically used qualitative
evaluations to assess requests from
regions to be considered free of a
particular disease, as is the case for
3 Process for Foreign Animal Disease Status
Evaluations, Regionalization, Risk Analysis, and
Rulemaking, USDA–APHIS, 2004.
4 The Terrestrial Animal Health Code, Chapter
2.1, Import risk analysis.
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Japan. These evaluations are based on
science and conducted according to the
factors identified in 9 CFR part 92,
§ 92.2, which include veterinary
infrastructure, biosecurity measures,
livestock demographics, marketing
practices, disease surveillance, and
diagnostic laboratory capabilities.
Neither these regulations nor APHIS
guidance documents require a
quantitative risk assessment or indicate
that one is needed here. The commenter
did not specify how the results of our
evaluation would be improved by a
quantitative risk assessment.
Additionally, while reinstatement of
FMD-free status for Japan would allow
a resumption of exports of boneless beef
from Japan to the United States, the
evaluation prepared for this action was
not designed to evaluate specific
mitigation measures for boneless beef or
any other commodity from Japan. Those
mitigation measures were developed
based on separate, previous risk
assessments and through prior
Regarding the need for exposure and
consequence assessments, Article 2.1.4
of the OIE guidelines on import risk
analysis states that, if the release
assessment demonstrates no significant
risk, the risk assessment does not need
to continue, meaning that no exposure
assessment or consequence assessment
is necessary. While APHIS has
sometimes included exposure and
consequence assessments when the
release assessment has demonstrated no
significant risk, they provide no
additional value under the
circumstances. Therefore, we did not
include them in the evaluation for
Japan’s FMD status, and, as a general
rule, will not include them in future
evaluations when the release assessment
demonstrates no significant risk.
Comment: One commenter said that
APHIS does not provide a scientific
basis for recommending the resumption
of exports from Japan within only
months following Japan’s latest FMD
outbreak. The commenter recommended
that APHIS wait at least 3 years
following the last case of FMD that
occurs in a foreign country before
considering the resumption of trade in
FMD-susceptible products from that
country. The commenter said that
Japan’s 3-year waiting period before its
FMD burial sites can be disturbed
supports this recommendation. He said
that APHIS should explain the security
measures in place to prevent wild boars,
floods, earthquakes or other natural
phenomenon from prematurely
disturbing the burial sites within 3 years
and what risks can be expected if those
security measures fail.
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Response: OIE guidelines for
reinstatement of FMD freedom are set
out in Article 8.5.9 of the Terrestrial
Animal Health Code.5 When an FMD
outbreak or FMD virus infection occurs
in an FMD-free country or zone where
vaccination is not routinely practiced,
such as Japan before and after the 2010
outbreak, the OIE recommended waiting
period to regain FMD-free status is 3
months after the slaughter of all
vaccinated animals where a stampingout policy, emergency vaccination, and
serological surveillance are applied
consistent with articles 8.5.42 to 8.5.47
and article 8.5.49. The last case of FMD
in Japan was detected on July 4, 2010,
and all affected animals on the farm
were destroyed on July 5, 2010. No
additional cases were found during
extensive surveillance that included
testing of wildlife and testing of sentinel
cattle that were introduced onto
previously affected and depopulated
farms. It has now been well over a year
since all affected farms were cleaned
and disinfected. There is no scientific
basis for a 3-year waiting period.
Japan’s 3-year prohibition on
disturbing FMD burial sites is required
by Japan’s Animal Infectious Disease
Prevention Law (AIDPL) to prevent
animals from being exposed to carcasses
or materials. Disturbance by wild
animals is unlikely, as buried carcasses
are covered with thick layers of slaked
lime and under at least 3 feet of soil.
The sites cannot be used for farming or
grazing during the 3-year period, which
limits exposure of domestic animals.
MAFF told APHIS that the sites were
selected taking environmental factors,
such as underground water and water
sources, into account, and that water
quality surveys and regular disinfection
are implemented to maintain the sites
properly during the 3-year period.
MAFF also said that soil on the sites
would be supplemented or leveled if
disturbed by natural causes during the
restricted period. Barriers and standing
sign boards have been placed around
the disposal sites to restrict the entrance
of people.
Comment: One commenter stated that
APHIS’ evaluation contains overly
optimistic and unsupported
assumptions regarding Japan’s ongoing
risk for FMD given that the source of the
2010 outbreak is not definitively known,
Japan’s import policies related to FMD
are less stringent than those of the
United States, and wildlife cannot be
ruled out as a potential source of
5 Terrestrial Animal Health Code, Chapter 8.5,
Foot and Mouth Disease.
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another FMD outbreak in Japan.
Another commenter said that it is
difficult to judge the risks associated
with the introduction of FMD from
Japan without knowing how the FMD
virus came in contact with the index
animal, and, thus, how Japan can
prevent it from happening again.
Response: While the source of the
2010 outbreak and mode of introduction
have not been definitively identified,
the mechanisms and pathways by which
FMD can be transmitted to livestock are
well known. Japan’s MAFF conducted
an epidemiological investigation that
identified the presumed index herd, the
estimated date of introduction, and the
most likely route of infection.
As noted in section 5.1.2 of the
evaluation, it is likely that the virus was
brought into Japan from another Asian
country through the movement of
people or goods. Japan has implemented
additional biosecurity measures at
airports for all persons arriving from
international destinations, from
aggressive public awareness campaigns,
including announcements on inbound
flights, to floor mats soaked in
disinfectant that travelers must cross.
MAFF has also increased biosecurity
measures at the farm level.
Additionally, public awareness of FMD
has been heightened by both the
outbreak and MAFF’s educational
Regarding Japan’s import policies,
MAFF prohibits the importation of
products derived from animals
susceptible to FMD from countries with
FMD unless the products are heat
treated according to set protocols.
Products are subject to inspection upon
arrival, as discussed in section 9.2.3 of
the evaluation. Live susceptible animals
must be accompanied by a health
document certified by the veterinary
authority of the exporting region. The
animals undergo inspection upon
arrival, as well as quarantine, during
which time the animals undergo clinical
inspection and diagnostic testing.
Prefectural veterinary officials for the
farm of destination are responsible for
follow-up inspections. Live animals
denied entry may be reshipped or
destroyed with pathological
Although Japan allows the
importation of live cloven-hoofed
animals, genetic materials, and meat
under lesser restrictions from several
regions that APHIS does not recognize
as free of FMD—namely, Bosnia and
Herzegovina, Croatia, Northern Mariana
Islands, Romania, Singapore, and
Vanuatu—Japan has not received such
imports from any of these countries for
at least the past 5 years. Additionally,
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the last years that FMD was reported in
any of these countries ranges from 1935
to 1978. APHIS evaluates and
recognizes foreign regions as free of
FMD only when a foreign government
asks us to do so. None of these countries
has requested that APHIS recognize
them as FMD free.
Contaminated straw was implicated
in the last previous outbreak of FMD in
Japan (2000), and Japan currently allows
importation of grain straw and hay for
animal feed from regions that APHIS
does not consider free of FMD. Most
notably, Japan imports substantial
amounts of rice straw from China each
year because there is not enough arable
land to grow sufficient forage for
livestock in Japan. However, Japan
requires the straw to be produced,
processed, and stored in an area that has
been free from FMD, rinderpest, and
African swine fever for at least 3 years,
and strictly enforces requirements that
the hay and straw be heat treated to
inactivate the FMD virus and stored
afterward in a manner that prevents
recontamination. Rice straw from China
is processed in dedicated plants with a
Japanese inspector on site whose sole
job is to check the core temperature of
each lot. The straw is shipped to Japan
in sealed containers and tested upon
arrival. The failure rate for compliance
in 2010 was 0.15 percent, due to a
missing seal on one container, and 0.06
during the first three quarters of 2011,
because Japanese officials could not
confirm that the rice straw had been
properly stored following treatment in
order to prevent recontamination.
Regarding the potential for wildlife to
be a source of another FMD epidemic,
Japan collected and tested 159 samples
from susceptible wildlife with negative
results. The samples were taken from
animals hunted as nuisance species, as
well as from the carcasses of dead and
injured wildlife. Of the 159 samples,
145 came from hunted nuisance species,
including sika deer (46) and wild boar
(99). The remaining 14 samples were
taken from carcasses of dead and
injured wildlife: 5 were from sika deer,
7 from wild boar, and 2 from Japanese
serows. Japan estimates that there are
about 70,000 deer and 65,000 wild pigs
in Miyazaki Prefecture. The wildlife
surveillance conducted by Japan during
and after the 2010 outbreak was
statistically sufficient to detect a 7
percent or higher prevalence level of
FMD with 95 percent confidence. We
consider Japan’s surveillance to be
adequate due to the highly contagious
nature of FMD, which would normally
produce much higher prevalence than 7
percent if it was present. To provide
additional assurance of the absence of
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FMD in wildlife in Miyazaki Prefecture,
Japan initiated another round of wildlife
sampling and testing during the 2011
hunting season that began in October.
Comment: One commenter, observing
that the 2000 FMD outbreak in Japan
was linked to contaminated straw/
feedstuffs imported into that country,
asked whether the recent reported low
refusal rate for incoming shipments of
straw was the result of good mitigation
methods or just luck. He noted the
refusal rate of 0.15 percent in 2010, due
to rejection of one container because it
did not have a seal. Estimating that this
meant one container was rejected out of
667, he asked whether 667 was the
number of containers imported per year.
Response: The low refusal rate is
based on a high level of compliance
with import requirements, as
determined through inspections
conducted prior to shipment and again
upon arrival. Japan told APHIS that it
does not record the number of
containers imported, but said it
imported 175,233,764 kilograms of
straw in 2010 and 148,226,568
kilograms in the first three quarters of
2011. The rejection rate for January
through September of 2011 was 0.06
percent (1 inspection testing case out of
1,550). In that instance, Japanese
officials said that the straw had been
heat treated as required, but they were
unable to confirm that the treated straw
had been properly protected after
treatment to prevent recontamination.
Comment: One commenter asked,
‘‘Does the new path towards
liberalization, in light of an unidentified
source, of normalized trade practices
allow for adequate opportunity to find
disease if it were present in a species
that would not normally show outward
signs?’’ The commenter expressed
concern about the rate at which
depopulated farms were restocking. He
suggested that a low concentration of
animals provides fewer opportunities to
determine whether the disease is still
present and asked how effective the
sentinel cow program could be with
only a 3-month waiting period. He
asked how long it is expected to take to
repopulate the farms and how that
process might affect, or be affected by,
the ‘‘post quarantine timeframe of active
and passive surveillance.’’
Response: APHIS disagrees with the
notion that there is a new path towards
liberalization of trade practices. We
have not changed any of our criteria for
determining whether a region can be
reinstated as FMD free following an
outbreak. We are satisfied that FMD has
been eradicated in Japan. During the
2010 outbreak, veterinary officials in
Japan conducted active surveillance for
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FMD, both in Miyazaki Prefecture and
throughout the country to ensure
detection of FMD. Investigators assumed
an average incubation period of 10 days
for swine and 7 days for cattle, with a
maximum of 14 days for both species.
However, each epidemiological
investigation traced animal movements
onto and off of the farm for 21 days
prior to detection of infection. The last
case of FMD in Japan was detected on
July 4, 2010, and all susceptible animals
on the farm were destroyed the next
day. By August 26, 2010, all affected
farms had completed cleaning and
disinfection procedures. Japan
conducted clinical and serological
surveillance around previously affected
farms prior to lifting movement
restrictions and throughout Miyazaki
Prefecture to reestablish freedom from
FMD. Japan also introduced sentinel
cattle onto 175 previously affected farms
beginning on August 31, 2010, to assist
in determining whether any FMD virus
remained in the environment. Farmers
were required to conduct daily clinical
observations of the cattle, and local
veterinary officers conducted clinical
inspections 3 to 4 weeks after the cattle
were introduced onto the premises.
Serum samples were collected on the
day of introduction and 3 to 4 weeks
after, in accordance with international
recommendations.6 The samples were
subject to liquid-phase blocking
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
testing, with negative results. Finally,
Japan collected and tested samples from
susceptible wildlife species in Miyazaki
Prefecture, also with negative results.
Even if the disease were present in
animals that did not show outward
signs, those animals would have spread
the disease long before now to
susceptible species that show clinical
Restocking of affected premises has
proceeded slowly, in large part due to
economic concerns related to the
natural disasters Japan experienced in
2011. According to MAFF, 58 percent of
depopulated cattle farms and 47 percent
of depopulated swine farms—57 percent
of the total number of depopulated
farms—had restocked or started
restocking as of the last day of August
2011. MAFF told APHIS that many
farmers have delayed restocking because
of a decline in livestock prices following
the great earthquake of 2010 in eastern
The 3-month waiting period
mentioned by the commenter appears to
6 FAO Animal Health Manual No. 16: Preparation
of Foot-and-Mouth Disease Contingency Plans.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
Nations, Rome, 2002.
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refer to MAFF’s declaring Japan once
again free of FMD on October 6, 2010,
3 months after the animals on the last
affected farm were destroyed. A 3month waiting period is in line with
OIE recommendations for reinstatement
of FMD-free status in a previously free
country where a stamping-out policy is
followed and all vaccinated animals are
As discussed previously, while the
specific source of this outbreak has not
been identified, the mechanisms and
pathways by which FMD can be
transmitted to livestock are well known.
Japan has identified the most likely
route of infection and has implemented
measures to prevent another
Comment: One commenter said that it
would be helpful to get an idea of what
biosecurity measures were in place prior
to March 19, 2010, what measures are
new since the disease was identified,
and what measures will continue to be
in place after recognition of FMD
Response: Biosecurity measures prior
to the outbreak varied from farm to
farm, as is typical in many other
countries, including the United States.
Neighboring cattle farmers commonly
visited each other’s premises and shared
farm equipment. Swine farms generally
had better biosecurity with disinfecting
footbaths in place and restricted access
to areas where the animals were kept.
Since the outbreak, many of the
biosecurity measures employed during
the emergency are now required by law.
Standards of biosecurity for farming
include defining areas of increased
biosecurity on the farm where persons
entering are required to wear particular
clothing, requiring people and vehicles
entering the biosecurity area to be
disinfected, and preventing contact
between domestic and wild animals.
Comment: One commenter asked how
APHIS can be comfortable with Japan’s
process for dealing with the outbreak
when the prefectural government’s
Livestock Hygiene Service Center was
notified about the first animal on March
31, 2010, notified about a second farm
with oral lesions on April 9, 2010, and
no samples were submitted for FMD
testing until April 16, 2010. The
commenter stated that the lack of
astuteness to the symptoms of the
disease present illustrate that all aspects
of disease prevention, detection, and
mitigation must be fully understood and
employed or response and recovery are
all that is left.
Response: There is no question that
delayed detection was a major cause of
virus spread during the 2010 FMD
outbreak in Japan. As discussed in
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section 7.1 of the evaluation, prior to
confirmation of the first FMD case on
April 20, 2010, Japan relied on passive
surveillance for detection and reporting
of suspect FMD cases. Passive
surveillance depends on awareness of
FMD, however, and local veterinarians
who initially saw cattle with clinical
signs compatible with the disease
apparently did not suspect FMD and,
therefore, did not act quickly. As a
result of the outbreak, the level of
awareness among farmers and
veterinarians throughout Japan is now
quite high. Additionally, government
officials and an independent committee
established by the Japanese Government
to look into the 2010 outbreak and make
recommendations have noted the high
cost of delays in detecting FMD, and the
committee has made several
recommendations for improving passive
surveillance and emergency
preparedness, as well as other aspects of
FMD prevention, detection, and
mitigation. APHIS is confident that
veterinary officials would react far more
promptly today should clinical signs
compatible with FMD be observed in a
susceptible animal.
Comment: One commenter stated that
APHIS’ evaluation deceives the public
by falsely claiming that all FMDexposed livestock in Japan have been
depopulated. Evidence of this deception
is the discussion in the evaluation
concerning six bulls that were removed
from a farm just 3 days before the farm
experienced an outbreak. According to
the evaluation, one of the bulls became
infected with FMD, and the five other
bulls were spared. Since the average
incubation period for cattle is assumed
to be 7 days, FMD was likely incubating
on the farm before the bulls were
Response: APHIS did not claim that
all FMD-exposed livestock were
depopulated. The evaluation stated that
all FMD cases and susceptible animals
kept in the same and epidemiologically
related farms, as well as all susceptible
animals on unaffected, vaccinated
farms, were depopulated. Additionally,
the evaluation included an extensive
discussion of the disposition of the bulls
referenced by the commenter. As
described in section 5.3.3, six highvalue bulls from the Miyazaki Livestock
Improvement Association (MLIA),
which supplies semen to Miyazaki
producers of Wagyu beef, were removed
from the MLIA during the outbreak in
Miyazaki Prefecture. FMD virus was
subsequently detected at the MLIA and
all remaining animals were
APHIS agrees that FMD was likely
incubating on the MLIA premises when
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the six bulls were removed. However,
the six bulls tested negative for FMD on
May 13, 2010, the day they were
removed from the MLIA. As described
in the evaluation, once on the new
premises, the bulls were kept isolated
from each other and underwent daily
clinical inspections and repeated testing
for FMD. One bull tested positive and
was destroyed. For the next 14 days, the
remaining bulls were each tested daily
using reverse transcription polymerase
chain reaction on nasal swabs with
negative results, and serum samples
taken on June 4, June 10, and August 27,
2010, were also negative. In light of
these results, the statistical probability
of a bull being infected but not detected
approaches zero.
Comment: One commenter stated that
section 5.3.2 of the evaluation mentions
that six bulls were depopulated and
buried on July 17, 2010, yet section
5.3.3 indicates that the bulls were
serologically tested on September 4,
2010, with two subsequently moved to
another location.
Response: Section 5.3.2 discusses six
bulls belonging to a farmer in Takanabecho who refused to allow the bulls to be
vaccinated and depopulated. All of
those bulls were depopulated and
buried on July 17, 2010. The six bulls
discussed in section 5.3.3 are not the
same bulls. These bulls belonged to the
MLIA. Only one of those bulls was
destroyed. The other five bulls remained
isolated and underwent testing for FMD,
with negative results.
Comment: One commenter said that
many sources report the presence of
wild boar in the area, but only seven
wild boar were tested. When the average
time to depopulate from time of
identification of virus on a farm was 9
days (range of 0–30), how does testing
of only seven wild boar provide any
assurance that no virus was or is
circulating within the population?
Response: The commenter refers to
section 7.2.4 of the evaluation, which
indicates that Japanese officials tested
seven samples from the carcasses of
dead or injured wild boar for FMD, with
negative results. However, that same
section states that negative results were
obtained on serologic testing of samples
from 99 wild boar that were hunted as
nuisance species (MAFF has since
updated this number to 106). Sampling
was sufficient to detect 10 percent
prevalence with 95 percent confidence
which, along with the fact that no
clinical signs of FMD have been
reported, provides assurance that the
virus is not circulating within the wild
boar population of Miyazaki Prefecture.
Comment: One commenter, noting
that table 4.1 in the evaluation showed
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the number of dairy cattle, beef cattle,
and swine in Miyazaki Prefecture, asked
for the total population of each
susceptible species in the prefecture,
including ‘‘those species which tend to
mask the virus,’’ and wildlife. He
questioned whether dairy cattle meant
Holstein-type cattle or water buffalotype cattle. The commenter also asked
for the population of animals within
identified zones.
Response: Sheep and goats are not
commercially produced in Miyazaki
Prefecture, thus the numbers are quite
low. Figures available from February
2010 show only 28 sheep and 74 goats.
Water buffalo were not included in the
count of cattle. At the time of the
outbreak, there were 42 water buffalo in
Miyazaki Prefecture. Japan estimates a
wildlife population in Miyazaki
Prefecture of approximately 70,000 deer
and 65,000 wild pigs. Sheep and goats,
and possibly deer, are the most likely
species that could become infected
without showing clinical signs. Clinical
signs in water buffalo were apparent but
not classic, according to reports from
the one affected farm with water buffalo.
MAFF noted that there was a high
incidence of clinical signs among
infected cattle and swine with this
particular strain of virus.
Comment: One commenter, noting the
discussion of penalties for non-reporting
in section 3.2 of the evaluation, asked
about the relationship of the penalty to
the range of values of animals involved.
For example, how many slaughterweight pigs does a 1 million yen fine
buy? The commenter said that a
producer making 20 percent profit will
have a very different risk tolerance to
being fined than will a producer making
a 2 percent profit margin. He said the
outlook for stability within the
marketplace will have a large impact on
the risk tolerance a producer is willing
to take as well.
Response: The comment refers to
penalties for violating Japan’s AIDPL.
The AIDPL requires animal owners,
caretakers, and veterinarians to
immediately report a suspect or
confirmed case of a foreign animal
disease, including FMD, to prefectural
authorities, who must then notify MAFF
and others. The AIDPL also provides for
payment of compensation to owners of
animals on affected farms up to 80
percent of market value; in this
outbreak, the prefecture provided the
remaining 20 percent. We do not have
the data to determine whether the
penalty is sufficient to induce reporting,
or the extent to which economic
considerations factor into reporting.
Compensation tends to encourage
reporting. Evidence suggests that the
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delay in detecting the first case of FMD
in the 2010 outbreak was the result of
a failure to suspect FMD rather than a
failure to report a suspected case.
Comment: One commenter referred to
section 3.3.1 of the evaluation, which
contains information about the relative
numbers of male and female graduates
of veterinary medical schools in Japan
who become licensed veterinarians each
year. He asked what difference it makes,
when responding to FMD and protecting
the food supply, whether the
veterinarian is a male or female?
Response: None.
Comment: One commenter said that
section 3.4 of the evaluation contains
statements about confusion concerning
the prefecture’s roles and
responsibilities, with obvious changes
made during and after the response. He
asked if enough time has passed to
know whether the implemented changes
are effective.
Response: Section 3.4 states that it
appeared that the practical roles and
responsibilities of MAFF and the
prefectures were not clearly defined
prior to the 2010 outbreak, which
caused some confusion in the initial
stages. Japanese officials say that roles
were clarified, rather than changed,
following the 2010 outbreak. Local
veterinary officers in Japan participate
in foreign animal disease simulations
and training organized by MAFF and
the National Institute of Animal Health,
Japan’s national reference laboratory.
MAFF conducted quality control
exercises with all prefectures in late
2010, after the FMD outbreak, and also
in February 2011. The purpose was to
verify details of the emergency response
plans and address any weaknesses
Comment: One commenter asked
what the basis is for APHIS’ last
statement in section 3.4 of the
evaluation, which the commenter said
appears to be directly related to
response, when prevention is more
Response: The last statement under
section 3.4 of the evaluation is ‘‘APHIS
concludes that the authority,
organization, and infrastructure of
Japan’s veterinary services were
sufficient to address the 2010 FMD
outbreak, although opportunities for
improvement exist.’’
APHIS evaluates veterinary authority,
organization, and infrastructure to
determine whether the veterinary
services in a region have the capability
and resources to effectively investigate,
diagnose, and report the disease under
evaluation, if detected. The sentence
referenced by the commenter is our
finding in this area. We also evaluated
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 149 / Thursday, August 2, 2012 / Notices
other factors pertaining to FMD risk in
Japan, including measures to prevent
the introduction of the disease. These
are described in section 9 of the
Comment: One commenter, referring
to a discussion of animal identification
and traceability in section 4.4 of the
evaluation, asked how effective the
animal identification system was in
Japan in helping to stop/prevent the
spread of disease.
Response: We found that animal
identification practices in Japan allowed
officials to effectively trace animals to
investigate the source and potential
spread of infection. Once the location of
affected and at-risk animals was known,
they were targeted for destruction, and
officials established movement
restriction zones around the involved
farms to prevent further spread of the
disease. In this way, animal
identification practices helped officials
contain and eventually stamp out the
Comment: One commenter stated that
the word ‘‘sufficient’’ is used several
times throughout the evaluation and
asked: How is sufficient determined, by
whom, and by what definition?
Response: APHIS used the term
‘‘sufficient’’ seven times in the
evaluation. As used, the word has the
standard dictionary meaning, i.e.,
enough to meet the needs of a situation
or proposed end. In each case, the word
was used in a context that identified the
situation or proposed end. For example,
‘‘Active clinical and serological
surveillance within the restricted zones
proved sufficient for detection of
additional case farms within Miyazaki
Prefecture’’ (section 7.3). The context
indicates how ‘‘sufficient’’ was
determined. In this sentence, for
example, the use of the word sufficient
suggests that the surveillance found all
of the remaining cases in the Miyazaki
Prefecture, and, in fact, no additional
cases have been detected. The answer to
the question ‘‘by whom’’ also depends
on context. In the sentence just quoted,
APHIS has made the determination.
Comment: One commenter asked,
when the time to depopulate confirmed
herds becomes delayed, what is the
appropriate time lag whereby it becomes
more beneficial to vaccinate than
depopulate? The commenter stated that
having knowingly positive animals
potentially spreading virus through
incubation and amplification while
waiting to be depopulated cannot be
good, especially with operations being
separated by just over a quarter of a
Response: The decision to vaccinate
rather than depopulate is a difficult one
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that may have long-term effects on trade
in susceptible animals and products
from those animals. The determination
of when that is the best course of action
must be made on a case-by-case basis.
That was not the question in Japan,
however. Rather, the question in the
2010 outbreak was whether to vaccinate
as part of the stamping-out program,
when lack of burial grounds led to
delays in depopulation. The government
recognized that those delays increased
the risk that the disease would spread.
The difficulty with the decision to
vaccinate or not was that the Japanese
government did not have the authority
at the time to kill apparently healthy,
but vaccinated, animals. Japan would
need to destroy the vaccinated animals
in order to regain its status as FMD-free
without vaccination. Recognizing that
vaccination was the only way to keep
the disease from spreading while
additional burial sites were located, the
government passed emergency
legislation authorizing the
precautionary depopulation of
susceptible animals in areas designated
by the MAFF Minister.
Comment: One commenter expressed
concern that reestablishing trade with
Japan would subject U.S. industry to
greater risks than it can bear. As
evidence, the commenter pointed to a
30 percent restocking rate in Japan 6
months after depopulation. The same
commenter asked several questions
about the number of veterinarians
available to deal with livestock disease
in both Japan and the United States:
What is the per capita ratio of
government (all levels) employed
veterinarians to livestock in Japan, and
how does that ratio compare to that of
the United States? Is Japan’s incident
command structure too top heavy? Is the
declining number of food animal
veterinarians in Japan, as in the United
States, due to declining economic
incentive within the industry to sustain
interest in the field? The commenter
also said that without having a clear and
distinct picture of what the APHIS
response would be in the United States
to FMD, it is impossible for the industry
or the States to calculate the risk APHIS
is requesting them to take.
Response: As discussed previously,
Japanese producers continue to make
progress in restocking of farms, which
was slowed largely by a decline in
livestock prices following the 2010
earthquake. Fifty-seven percent had
restocked by the end of August 2011.
Regarding the decline in the number
of food animal veterinarians—and not
just in the United States and Japan—a
number of factors have contributed,
including burdensome student loans,
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low starting salaries, the decline of
family farms, and a preference among
many professionals to live in areas with
urban lifestyle choices. We do not have
data on per capita ratio of governmentemployed veterinarians to livestock in
the form requested by the commenter,
but the World Animal Health
Information Database (WAHID) on the
OIE Web site 7 provides information on
the relative numbers of veterinarians
and paraveterinarians by country.
According to WAHID, Japan had 3,465
public sector veterinary personnel in
2010, an average of 0.0092 per square
kilometer or 7.92 per livestock unit, for
a country ranking of 6th. The United
States is ranked 98th, with 1,874 public
sector veterinary personnel in 2010, an
average of 0.0002 per square kilometer
or 0.01 per livestock unit. Differences
among countries in the organization of
their veterinary infrastructures,
additional resources in the event of an
emergency, size and nature of
geographical areas, population densities
(human and livestock), and other factors
would have to be explored to provide
context for these numbers.
The commenter’s questions about the
numbers of livestock veterinarians and
what the APHIS response would be to
an outbreak of FMD in the United States
are based on the commenter’s concern
that a decision to reinstate Japan’s FMDfree status would result in an
unacceptable risk of FMD being
introduced into the United States. As
discussed earlier, APHIS has not
changed any of its criteria for
determining whether a region can be
reinstated as FMD-free following an
outbreak. For the reasons given in the
evaluation and this document, we are
satisfied that FMD has been eradicated
in Japan and that products authorized
by the regulations may be safely
Therefore, based on the evaluation
and the reasons given in this document
in response to comments, we are
reinstating Japan’s status as FMD-free.
A final rule 8 published in the Federal
Register on January 10, 2012 (77 FR
1388–1396, Docket No. APHIS–2009–
0035) and effective on February 9, 2012,
removed lists of regions classified with
respect to certain animal diseases and
pests from our animal and animal
product import regulations in 9 CFR
parts 92, 93, 94, 96, and 98. The lists are
now posted on APHIS’ Web site, rather
7 WAHID Interface, Veterinarians and
8 See https://www.
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 149 / Thursday, August 2, 2012 / Notices
than published in the Code of Federal
Regulations. Accordingly, we are adding
Japan to the list of regions that APHIS
has declared free of FMD (formerly in
§ 94.1) and to the list of FMD-free
regions that are subject to additional
restrictions because they supplement
their national meat supply by the
importation of fresh (chilled or frozen)
meat of ruminants or swine from regions
that APHIS considers to be affected with
rinderpest or FMD, or have a common
land border with such regions, or import
ruminants or swine from such regions
under conditions less restrictive than
would be acceptable for importation
into the United States (formerly in
§ 94.11). These lists are maintained on
the APHIS Web site at https://
Copies of the lists are also available via
postal mail, fax, or email upon request
to the Sanitary Trade Issues Team,
National Center for Import and Export,
Veterinary Services, Animal and Plant
Health Inspection Service, 4700 River
Road Unit 38, Riverdale, Maryland
Authority: 7 U.S.C. 450, 7701–7772, 7781–
7786, and 8301–8317; 21 U.S.C. 136 and
136a; 31 U.S.C. 9701; 7 CFR 2.22, 2.80, and
Done in Washington, DC, this 27th day of
July, 2012.
Kevin Shea,
Acting Administrator, Animal and Plant
Health Inspection Service.
[FR Doc. 2012–18814 Filed 8–1–12; 8:45 am]
Forest Service
Manti-La Sal National Forest Resource
Advisory Committee
Forest Service, USDA.
Notice of meeting.
North Carbonville Road, Price, Utah.
Written comments should be sent to
Rosann Fillmore, Manti-La Sal National
Forest, 599 West Price River Drive,
Price, UT 84501. Comments may also be
sent via email to or
via facsimile to 435–637–4940.
All comments, including names and
addresses when provided, are placed in
the record and are available for public
inspection and copying. The public may
inspect comments received at the MantiLa Sal National Forest, 599 West Price
River Drive, Price, UT 84501. Visitors
are encouraged to call ahead to 435–
636–3525 to facilitate entry into the
Rosann Fillmore, RAC coordinator,
USDA, Manti-La Sal National Forest,
599 West Price River Drive, Price, UT
84501; 435–636–3525; Email
Individuals who use
telecommunication devices for the deaf
(TDD) may call the Federal Information
Relay Service (FIRS) at 1–800–877–8339
between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m., Eastern
Standard Time, Monday through Friday.
meeting is open to the public. The
following business will be conducted:
(1) Consideration of Project Funding
Proposals (2) Plans for Monitoring
Projects (3) Other business (4) Public
comment. Persons who wish to bring
related matters to the attention of the
Committee may file written statements
with the Committee staff before or after
the meeting. Public input sessions will
be provided and individuals who made
written requests by September 12, 2012
will have the opportunity to address the
Comittee at those sessions.
Dated: July 27, 2012.
Thomas W. Lloyd,
Acting Forest Supervisor.
[FR Doc. 2012–18849 Filed 8–1–12; 8:45 am]
The Manti-La Sal National
Forest Resource Advisory Committee
will meet in Price, Utah. The committee
is meeting as authorized under the
Secure Rural Schools and Community
Self-Determination Act (Pub.L. 110–343)
and in compliance with the Federal
Advisory Committee Act. The purpose
of the meeting is to consider Secure
Rural Schools Act Title II project
DATES: The meeting will be held
September 13, 2012, and will begin at 9
ADDRESSES: The meeting will be held in
the conference room of the Utah
Division of Wildlife Resources, 319
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
VerDate Mar<15>2010
18:15 Aug 01, 2012
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Forest Service
Lincoln County Resource Advisory
Committee Meeting
Forest Service, USDA.
Notice of meeting.
The Lincoln County Resource
Advisory Committee will meet in Libby,
MT. The committee is authorized under
the Secure Rural Schools and
Community Self-Determination Act
(Pub. L. 110–343) (the Act) and operates
in compliance with the Federal
PO 00000
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Advisory Committee Act. The purpose
of the committee is to improve
collaborative relationships and to
provide advice and recommendations to
the Forest Service concerning projects
and funding consistent with the title II
of the Act. The meeting is open to the
public. The purpose of the meeting is to
review status of project implementation
and review of status of funds for 2008–
2011 Secure Rural Schools and
Community Self-Determination Act.
August 29, 2012 @ 6 p.m.
Forest Supervisor’s Office,
31374 Hwy. 2, Libby, Montana. Written
comments may be submitted as
described under SUPPLEMENTARY
All comments, including names and
addresses when provided, are placed in
the record and are available for public
inspection and copying. The public may
inspect comments received at the Forest
Supervisor’s Office. Please call ahead to
406–283–7764 to facilitate entry into the
building to view comments.
Janette Turk, Committee Coordinator,
Kootenai National Forest at (406) 283–
7764, or email
Individuals who use
telecommunication devices for the deaf
(TDD) may call the Federal Information
Relay Service (FIRS) at 1–800–877–8339
between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m., Eastern
Standard Time, Monday through Friday.
Requests for reasonable accommodation
for access to the facility or proceedings
may be made by contacting the person
following business will be conducted:
Status of project implementation and
review of status of funds for 2008–2011
Secure Rural Schools and Community
Self-Determination Act. If the meeting
date or location is changed, notice will
be posted in the local newspapers,
including the Daily Interlake, based in
Kalispell, Montana. Anyone who would
like to bring related matters to the
attention of the committee may file
written statements with the committee
staff before or after the meeting. The
agenda will include time for people to
make oral statements of three minutes or
less. Individuals wishing to make an
oral statement should request in writing
by August 27 to be scheduled on the
agenda. Written comments and requests
for time for oral comments must be sent
to Forest Supervisor’s Office, 31374
Hwy. 2, Libby, Montana, or by email to, or via facsimile to 406–
[Federal Register Volume 77, Number 149 (Thursday, August 2, 2012)]
[Pages 46016-46022]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2012-18814]
Federal Register
This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER contains documents other than rules
or proposed rules that are applicable to the public. Notices of hearings
and investigations, committee meetings, agency decisions and rulings,
delegations of authority, filing of petitions and applications and agency
statements of organization and functions are examples of documents
appearing in this section.
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 149 / Thursday, August 2, 2012 /
[[Page 46016]]
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
[Docket No. APHIS-2010-0077]
Notice of Determination of the Foot-and-Mouth Disease Status of
AGENCY: Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, USDA.
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: We are advising the public of our determination regarding the
foot-and-mouth disease status of Japan. Based on an evaluation that we
made available to the public for review and comment through a previous
notice, the Administrator has determined that Japan is free of foot-
and-mouth disease. As a result, the importation of whole cuts of
boneless beef from Japan may resume. Other ruminant meat and meat
byproducts, as well as fresh pork, live ruminants, and live swine,
remain prohibited due to Japan's status for bovine spongiform
encephalopathy, classical swine fever, and swine vesicular disease.
DATES: Effective Date: This determination is effective August 17, 2012.
Veterinarian, Regionalization Evaluation Services, National Center for
Import and Export, VS, APHIS, 4700 River Road Unit 38, Riverdale, MD
20737-1231; (301) 851-3300.
The regulations in 9 CFR part 94 (referred to below as the
regulations) govern the importation of certain animals and animal
products into the United States to prevent the introduction of various
animal diseases, including rinderpest and foot-and-mouth disease (FMD).
The regulations prohibit or restrict the importation of live ruminants
and swine, and products from these animals, from regions where FMD is
considered to exist. The regulations also restrict the importation of
meat and other products of ruminants and swine from regions that are
considered free of FMD but that supplement their national meat supply
by importing fresh (chilled or frozen) meat of ruminants or swine from
regions that are considered to be affected with FMD, or have a common
land border with such regions, or import ruminants or swine from such
regions under conditions less restrictive than would be acceptable for
importation into the United States.
On April 20, 2010, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and
Fisheries (MAFF) of Japan reported an outbreak of FMD in that country
to the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE). In response, the
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) administratively
issued temporary restrictions on commodities from Japan that could
harbor FMD virus. Subsequently, in an interim rule \1\ effective and
published in the Federal Register on October 25, 2010 (75 FR 65431-
65432, Docket No. APHIS-2010-0077), we amended the regulations in part
94 to remove Japan from the list of regions considered free of FMD, and
from the list of regions considered free of FMD and rinderpest but from
which the importation of meat and other products of ruminants and swine
into the United States is restricted because of shared land borders or
trading practices with regions that have one or both of these diseases.
The interim rule also clarified that, as a result of the change in
Japan's FMD status, the importation of whole cuts of boneless beef from
Japan, formerly allowed under Sec. 94.27 of the regulations, was
prohibited due to FMD. These actions were necessary to protect against
the introduction of FMD into the United States. We solicited comments
on the interim rule for 60 days ending December 27, 2010. We received
one comment by that date, from the Government of Japan. The comment
acknowledged the interim rule and encouraged APHIS to begin its
reevaluation of Japan's FMD status as soon as was appropriate.
\1\ To view the interim rule, the follow-up notice and
evaluation, and the comments we received, go to
By July 4, 2010, when the last case was detected, Japan had
reported FMD on a total of 292 premises in Miyazaki Prefecture of that
country to the OIE. Although the source of the virus that caused the
outbreak has not been definitively identified, MAFF suspects that it
was introduced by people or personal goods entering Japan from a nearby
country affected with FMD. Japan's official veterinary services
addressed the FMD outbreak through a stamping-out policy that involved
movement restrictions, culling, active surveillance, and ultimately
vaccination. All vaccinated animals were subsequently culled. Intensive
surveillance demonstrated that the virus did not spread outside
Miyazaki Prefecture. On February 4, 2011, the OIE reinstated Japan to
its list of countries that are free of FMD without vaccination.
We stated in our interim rule that, based on Japan's response to
the detection of the disease, we intended to reassess the situation at
a future date in accordance with OIE standards to determine whether we
can restore Japan to the list of regions APHIS considers free of FMD.
On July 26, 2011 (76 FR 44503-44504, Docket No. APHIS-2010-0077),
we published in the Federal Register a notice \2\ announcing the
availability for review and comment of a document titled ``APHIS
Evaluation of the Foot and Mouth Disease Status of Japan.'' This
evaluation examined the events that occurred during and after the
outbreak and assessed the risk of live animals and animal products from
Japan harboring the FMD virus. We stated that the evaluation would
provide a basis for determining whether to reinstate Japan to the list
of regions free of FMD and to the list of regions considered free of
FMD and rinderpest but from which the importation of meat and other
animal products of ruminants and swine into the United States is
subject to additional restrictions.
\2\ See footnote 1.
We made the evaluation available for public comment for 60 days
ending September 26, 2011. We received two comments by that date. They
were from a State animal health board and an organization that
represents cattle
[[Page 46017]]
farmers and ranchers. The issues they raised are discussed below.
Comment: One commenter stated that APHIS' evaluation of the FMD
status of Japan is incomplete and inadequate for determining the risk
of introduction and spread of FMD into the United States from Japan
because it is qualitative, rather than quantitative, and because it
does not include either an exposure assessment or a consequence
assessment. The commenter said that APHIS' 2004 Process for Foreign
Animal Disease Status Evaluations, Regionalization, Risk Analysis, and
Rulemaking (Evaluation Process) \3\ explains that quantitative risk
modeling is typically used when a foreign country requests to export a
specific product to the United States, which the commenter said is the
case here where the only product subject to a resumption of exports is
whole muscle cuts of boneless beef from Japan. The commenter said that
APHIS' Evaluation Process also states, ``The risk assessment may
conclude if the release assessment demonstrates no significant risk.
However, some form of exposure and consequence assessment is typically
included for completeness.''
\3\ Process for Foreign Animal Disease Status Evaluations,
Regionalization, Risk Analysis, and Rulemaking, USDA-APHIS, 2004.
Response: The 2004 document referenced by the commenter was
intended as a description of general practices rather than as a
statement of future policy. A decision on whether to prepare a
qualitative or quantitative risk assessment for any action must be made
on a case-by-case basis after considering all of the circumstances
The OIE has established international standards for import risk
analysis.\4\ Article 2.1.1 of the OIE guidelines on import risk
analysis states, ``No single method of risk assessment has proven
appropriate in all situations, and different methods may be appropriate
in different circumstances.'' Article 2.1.1 further states that risk
assessments may be either qualitative or quantitative and that,
particularly for diseases listed in the Terrestrial Animal Health Code,
where there are international standards and broad agreement concerning
likely risks, a qualitative assessment may be all that is required.
\4\ The Terrestrial Animal Health Code, Chapter 2.1, Import risk
Most risk evaluations prepared by APHIS are qualitative. In
particular, APHIS has historically used qualitative evaluations to
assess requests from regions to be considered free of a particular
disease, as is the case for Japan. These evaluations are based on
science and conducted according to the factors identified in 9 CFR part
92, Sec. 92.2, which include veterinary infrastructure, biosecurity
measures, livestock demographics, marketing practices, disease
surveillance, and diagnostic laboratory capabilities. Neither these
regulations nor APHIS guidance documents require a quantitative risk
assessment or indicate that one is needed here. The commenter did not
specify how the results of our evaluation would be improved by a
quantitative risk assessment.
Additionally, while reinstatement of FMD-free status for Japan
would allow a resumption of exports of boneless beef from Japan to the
United States, the evaluation prepared for this action was not designed
to evaluate specific mitigation measures for boneless beef or any other
commodity from Japan. Those mitigation measures were developed based on
separate, previous risk assessments and through prior rulemakings.
Regarding the need for exposure and consequence assessments,
Article 2.1.4 of the OIE guidelines on import risk analysis states
that, if the release assessment demonstrates no significant risk, the
risk assessment does not need to continue, meaning that no exposure
assessment or consequence assessment is necessary. While APHIS has
sometimes included exposure and consequence assessments when the
release assessment has demonstrated no significant risk, they provide
no additional value under the circumstances. Therefore, we did not
include them in the evaluation for Japan's FMD status, and, as a
general rule, will not include them in future evaluations when the
release assessment demonstrates no significant risk.
Comment: One commenter said that APHIS does not provide a
scientific basis for recommending the resumption of exports from Japan
within only months following Japan's latest FMD outbreak. The commenter
recommended that APHIS wait at least 3 years following the last case of
FMD that occurs in a foreign country before considering the resumption
of trade in FMD-susceptible products from that country. The commenter
said that Japan's 3-year waiting period before its FMD burial sites can
be disturbed supports this recommendation. He said that APHIS should
explain the security measures in place to prevent wild boars, floods,
earthquakes or other natural phenomenon from prematurely disturbing the
burial sites within 3 years and what risks can be expected if those
security measures fail.
Response: OIE guidelines for reinstatement of FMD freedom are set
out in Article 8.5.9 of the Terrestrial Animal Health Code.\5\ When an
FMD outbreak or FMD virus infection occurs in an FMD-free country or
zone where vaccination is not routinely practiced, such as Japan before
and after the 2010 outbreak, the OIE recommended waiting period to
regain FMD-free status is 3 months after the slaughter of all
vaccinated animals where a stamping-out policy, emergency vaccination,
and serological surveillance are applied consistent with articles
8.5.42 to 8.5.47 and article 8.5.49. The last case of FMD in Japan was
detected on July 4, 2010, and all affected animals on the farm were
destroyed on July 5, 2010. No additional cases were found during
extensive surveillance that included testing of wildlife and testing of
sentinel cattle that were introduced onto previously affected and
depopulated farms. It has now been well over a year since all affected
farms were cleaned and disinfected. There is no scientific basis for a
3-year waiting period.
\5\ Terrestrial Animal Health Code, Chapter 8.5, Foot and Mouth
Japan's 3-year prohibition on disturbing FMD burial sites is
required by Japan's Animal Infectious Disease Prevention Law (AIDPL) to
prevent animals from being exposed to carcasses or materials.
Disturbance by wild animals is unlikely, as buried carcasses are
covered with thick layers of slaked lime and under at least 3 feet of
soil. The sites cannot be used for farming or grazing during the 3-year
period, which limits exposure of domestic animals. MAFF told APHIS that
the sites were selected taking environmental factors, such as
underground water and water sources, into account, and that water
quality surveys and regular disinfection are implemented to maintain
the sites properly during the 3-year period. MAFF also said that soil
on the sites would be supplemented or leveled if disturbed by natural
causes during the restricted period. Barriers and standing sign boards
have been placed around the disposal sites to restrict the entrance of
Comment: One commenter stated that APHIS' evaluation contains
overly optimistic and unsupported assumptions regarding Japan's ongoing
risk for FMD given that the source of the 2010 outbreak is not
definitively known, Japan's import policies related to FMD are less
stringent than those of the United States, and wildlife cannot be ruled
out as a potential source of
[[Page 46018]]
another FMD outbreak in Japan. Another commenter said that it is
difficult to judge the risks associated with the introduction of FMD
from Japan without knowing how the FMD virus came in contact with the
index animal, and, thus, how Japan can prevent it from happening again.
Response: While the source of the 2010 outbreak and mode of
introduction have not been definitively identified, the mechanisms and
pathways by which FMD can be transmitted to livestock are well known.
Japan's MAFF conducted an epidemiological investigation that identified
the presumed index herd, the estimated date of introduction, and the
most likely route of infection.
As noted in section 5.1.2 of the evaluation, it is likely that the
virus was brought into Japan from another Asian country through the
movement of people or goods. Japan has implemented additional
biosecurity measures at airports for all persons arriving from
international destinations, from aggressive public awareness campaigns,
including announcements on inbound flights, to floor mats soaked in
disinfectant that travelers must cross. MAFF has also increased
biosecurity measures at the farm level. Additionally, public awareness
of FMD has been heightened by both the outbreak and MAFF's educational
Regarding Japan's import policies, MAFF prohibits the importation
of products derived from animals susceptible to FMD from countries with
FMD unless the products are heat treated according to set protocols.
Products are subject to inspection upon arrival, as discussed in
section 9.2.3 of the evaluation. Live susceptible animals must be
accompanied by a health document certified by the veterinary authority
of the exporting region. The animals undergo inspection upon arrival,
as well as quarantine, during which time the animals undergo clinical
inspection and diagnostic testing. Prefectural veterinary officials for
the farm of destination are responsible for follow-up inspections. Live
animals denied entry may be reshipped or destroyed with pathological
Although Japan allows the importation of live cloven-hoofed
animals, genetic materials, and meat under lesser restrictions from
several regions that APHIS does not recognize as free of FMD--namely,
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Northern Mariana Islands, Romania,
Singapore, and Vanuatu--Japan has not received such imports from any of
these countries for at least the past 5 years. Additionally, the last
years that FMD was reported in any of these countries ranges from 1935
to 1978. APHIS evaluates and recognizes foreign regions as free of FMD
only when a foreign government asks us to do so. None of these
countries has requested that APHIS recognize them as FMD free.
Contaminated straw was implicated in the last previous outbreak of
FMD in Japan (2000), and Japan currently allows importation of grain
straw and hay for animal feed from regions that APHIS does not consider
free of FMD. Most notably, Japan imports substantial amounts of rice
straw from China each year because there is not enough arable land to
grow sufficient forage for livestock in Japan. However, Japan requires
the straw to be produced, processed, and stored in an area that has
been free from FMD, rinderpest, and African swine fever for at least 3
years, and strictly enforces requirements that the hay and straw be
heat treated to inactivate the FMD virus and stored afterward in a
manner that prevents recontamination. Rice straw from China is
processed in dedicated plants with a Japanese inspector on site whose
sole job is to check the core temperature of each lot. The straw is
shipped to Japan in sealed containers and tested upon arrival. The
failure rate for compliance in 2010 was 0.15 percent, due to a missing
seal on one container, and 0.06 during the first three quarters of
2011, because Japanese officials could not confirm that the rice straw
had been properly stored following treatment in order to prevent
Regarding the potential for wildlife to be a source of another FMD
epidemic, Japan collected and tested 159 samples from susceptible
wildlife with negative results. The samples were taken from animals
hunted as nuisance species, as well as from the carcasses of dead and
injured wildlife. Of the 159 samples, 145 came from hunted nuisance
species, including sika deer (46) and wild boar (99). The remaining 14
samples were taken from carcasses of dead and injured wildlife: 5 were
from sika deer, 7 from wild boar, and 2 from Japanese serows. Japan
estimates that there are about 70,000 deer and 65,000 wild pigs in
Miyazaki Prefecture. The wildlife surveillance conducted by Japan
during and after the 2010 outbreak was statistically sufficient to
detect a 7 percent or higher prevalence level of FMD with 95 percent
confidence. We consider Japan's surveillance to be adequate due to the
highly contagious nature of FMD, which would normally produce much
higher prevalence than 7 percent if it was present. To provide
additional assurance of the absence of FMD in wildlife in Miyazaki
Prefecture, Japan initiated another round of wildlife sampling and
testing during the 2011 hunting season that began in October.
Comment: One commenter, observing that the 2000 FMD outbreak in
Japan was linked to contaminated straw/feedstuffs imported into that
country, asked whether the recent reported low refusal rate for
incoming shipments of straw was the result of good mitigation methods
or just luck. He noted the refusal rate of 0.15 percent in 2010, due to
rejection of one container because it did not have a seal. Estimating
that this meant one container was rejected out of 667, he asked whether
667 was the number of containers imported per year.
Response: The low refusal rate is based on a high level of
compliance with import requirements, as determined through inspections
conducted prior to shipment and again upon arrival. Japan told APHIS
that it does not record the number of containers imported, but said it
imported 175,233,764 kilograms of straw in 2010 and 148,226,568
kilograms in the first three quarters of 2011. The rejection rate for
January through September of 2011 was 0.06 percent (1 inspection
testing case out of 1,550). In that instance, Japanese officials said
that the straw had been heat treated as required, but they were unable
to confirm that the treated straw had been properly protected after
treatment to prevent recontamination.
Comment: One commenter asked, ``Does the new path towards
liberalization, in light of an unidentified source, of normalized trade
practices allow for adequate opportunity to find disease if it were
present in a species that would not normally show outward signs?'' The
commenter expressed concern about the rate at which depopulated farms
were restocking. He suggested that a low concentration of animals
provides fewer opportunities to determine whether the disease is still
present and asked how effective the sentinel cow program could be with
only a 3-month waiting period. He asked how long it is expected to take
to repopulate the farms and how that process might affect, or be
affected by, the ``post quarantine timeframe of active and passive
Response: APHIS disagrees with the notion that there is a new path
towards liberalization of trade practices. We have not changed any of
our criteria for determining whether a region can be reinstated as FMD
free following an outbreak. We are satisfied that FMD has been
eradicated in Japan. During the 2010 outbreak, veterinary officials in
Japan conducted active surveillance for
[[Page 46019]]
FMD, both in Miyazaki Prefecture and throughout the country to ensure
detection of FMD. Investigators assumed an average incubation period of
10 days for swine and 7 days for cattle, with a maximum of 14 days for
both species. However, each epidemiological investigation traced animal
movements onto and off of the farm for 21 days prior to detection of
infection. The last case of FMD in Japan was detected on July 4, 2010,
and all susceptible animals on the farm were destroyed the next day. By
August 26, 2010, all affected farms had completed cleaning and
disinfection procedures. Japan conducted clinical and serological
surveillance around previously affected farms prior to lifting movement
restrictions and throughout Miyazaki Prefecture to reestablish freedom
from FMD. Japan also introduced sentinel cattle onto 175 previously
affected farms beginning on August 31, 2010, to assist in determining
whether any FMD virus remained in the environment. Farmers were
required to conduct daily clinical observations of the cattle, and
local veterinary officers conducted clinical inspections 3 to 4 weeks
after the cattle were introduced onto the premises. Serum samples were
collected on the day of introduction and 3 to 4 weeks after, in
accordance with international recommendations.\6\ The samples were
subject to liquid-phase blocking enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
testing, with negative results. Finally, Japan collected and tested
samples from susceptible wildlife species in Miyazaki Prefecture, also
with negative results. Even if the disease were present in animals that
did not show outward signs, those animals would have spread the disease
long before now to susceptible species that show clinical signs.
\6\ FAO Animal Health Manual No. 16: Preparation of Foot-and-
Mouth Disease Contingency Plans. Food and Agriculture Organization
of the United Nations, Rome, 2002.
Restocking of affected premises has proceeded slowly, in large part
due to economic concerns related to the natural disasters Japan
experienced in 2011. According to MAFF, 58 percent of depopulated
cattle farms and 47 percent of depopulated swine farms--57 percent of
the total number of depopulated farms--had restocked or started
restocking as of the last day of August 2011. MAFF told APHIS that many
farmers have delayed restocking because of a decline in livestock
prices following the great earthquake of 2010 in eastern Japan.
The 3-month waiting period mentioned by the commenter appears to
refer to MAFF's declaring Japan once again free of FMD on October 6,
2010, 3 months after the animals on the last affected farm were
destroyed. A 3-month waiting period is in line with OIE recommendations
for reinstatement of FMD-free status in a previously free country where
a stamping-out policy is followed and all vaccinated animals are
As discussed previously, while the specific source of this outbreak
has not been identified, the mechanisms and pathways by which FMD can
be transmitted to livestock are well known. Japan has identified the
most likely route of infection and has implemented measures to prevent
another introduction.
Comment: One commenter said that it would be helpful to get an idea
of what biosecurity measures were in place prior to March 19, 2010,
what measures are new since the disease was identified, and what
measures will continue to be in place after recognition of FMD freedom.
Response: Biosecurity measures prior to the outbreak varied from
farm to farm, as is typical in many other countries, including the
United States. Neighboring cattle farmers commonly visited each other's
premises and shared farm equipment. Swine farms generally had better
biosecurity with disinfecting footbaths in place and restricted access
to areas where the animals were kept. Since the outbreak, many of the
biosecurity measures employed during the emergency are now required by
law. Standards of biosecurity for farming include defining areas of
increased biosecurity on the farm where persons entering are required
to wear particular clothing, requiring people and vehicles entering the
biosecurity area to be disinfected, and preventing contact between
domestic and wild animals.
Comment: One commenter asked how APHIS can be comfortable with
Japan's process for dealing with the outbreak when the prefectural
government's Livestock Hygiene Service Center was notified about the
first animal on March 31, 2010, notified about a second farm with oral
lesions on April 9, 2010, and no samples were submitted for FMD testing
until April 16, 2010. The commenter stated that the lack of astuteness
to the symptoms of the disease present illustrate that all aspects of
disease prevention, detection, and mitigation must be fully understood
and employed or response and recovery are all that is left.
Response: There is no question that delayed detection was a major
cause of virus spread during the 2010 FMD outbreak in Japan. As
discussed in section 7.1 of the evaluation, prior to confirmation of
the first FMD case on April 20, 2010, Japan relied on passive
surveillance for detection and reporting of suspect FMD cases. Passive
surveillance depends on awareness of FMD, however, and local
veterinarians who initially saw cattle with clinical signs compatible
with the disease apparently did not suspect FMD and, therefore, did not
act quickly. As a result of the outbreak, the level of awareness among
farmers and veterinarians throughout Japan is now quite high.
Additionally, government officials and an independent committee
established by the Japanese Government to look into the 2010 outbreak
and make recommendations have noted the high cost of delays in
detecting FMD, and the committee has made several recommendations for
improving passive surveillance and emergency preparedness, as well as
other aspects of FMD prevention, detection, and mitigation. APHIS is
confident that veterinary officials would react far more promptly today
should clinical signs compatible with FMD be observed in a susceptible
Comment: One commenter stated that APHIS' evaluation deceives the
public by falsely claiming that all FMD-exposed livestock in Japan have
been depopulated. Evidence of this deception is the discussion in the
evaluation concerning six bulls that were removed from a farm just 3
days before the farm experienced an outbreak. According to the
evaluation, one of the bulls became infected with FMD, and the five
other bulls were spared. Since the average incubation period for cattle
is assumed to be 7 days, FMD was likely incubating on the farm before
the bulls were removed.
Response: APHIS did not claim that all FMD-exposed livestock were
depopulated. The evaluation stated that all FMD cases and susceptible
animals kept in the same and epidemiologically related farms, as well
as all susceptible animals on unaffected, vaccinated farms, were
depopulated. Additionally, the evaluation included an extensive
discussion of the disposition of the bulls referenced by the commenter.
As described in section 5.3.3, six high-value bulls from the Miyazaki
Livestock Improvement Association (MLIA), which supplies semen to
Miyazaki producers of Wagyu beef, were removed from the MLIA during the
outbreak in Miyazaki Prefecture. FMD virus was subsequently detected at
the MLIA and all remaining animals were depopulated.
APHIS agrees that FMD was likely incubating on the MLIA premises
[[Page 46020]]
the six bulls were removed. However, the six bulls tested negative for
FMD on May 13, 2010, the day they were removed from the MLIA. As
described in the evaluation, once on the new premises, the bulls were
kept isolated from each other and underwent daily clinical inspections
and repeated testing for FMD. One bull tested positive and was
destroyed. For the next 14 days, the remaining bulls were each tested
daily using reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction on nasal
swabs with negative results, and serum samples taken on June 4, June
10, and August 27, 2010, were also negative. In light of these results,
the statistical probability of a bull being infected but not detected
approaches zero.
Comment: One commenter stated that section 5.3.2 of the evaluation
mentions that six bulls were depopulated and buried on July 17, 2010,
yet section 5.3.3 indicates that the bulls were serologically tested on
September 4, 2010, with two subsequently moved to another location.
Response: Section 5.3.2 discusses six bulls belonging to a farmer
in Takanabe-cho who refused to allow the bulls to be vaccinated and
depopulated. All of those bulls were depopulated and buried on July 17,
2010. The six bulls discussed in section 5.3.3 are not the same bulls.
These bulls belonged to the MLIA. Only one of those bulls was
destroyed. The other five bulls remained isolated and underwent testing
for FMD, with negative results.
Comment: One commenter said that many sources report the presence
of wild boar in the area, but only seven wild boar were tested. When
the average time to depopulate from time of identification of virus on
a farm was 9 days (range of 0-30), how does testing of only seven wild
boar provide any assurance that no virus was or is circulating within
the population?
Response: The commenter refers to section 7.2.4 of the evaluation,
which indicates that Japanese officials tested seven samples from the
carcasses of dead or injured wild boar for FMD, with negative results.
However, that same section states that negative results were obtained
on serologic testing of samples from 99 wild boar that were hunted as
nuisance species (MAFF has since updated this number to 106). Sampling
was sufficient to detect 10 percent prevalence with 95 percent
confidence which, along with the fact that no clinical signs of FMD
have been reported, provides assurance that the virus is not
circulating within the wild boar population of Miyazaki Prefecture.
Comment: One commenter, noting that table 4.1 in the evaluation
showed the number of dairy cattle, beef cattle, and swine in Miyazaki
Prefecture, asked for the total population of each susceptible species
in the prefecture, including ``those species which tend to mask the
virus,'' and wildlife. He questioned whether dairy cattle meant
Holstein-type cattle or water buffalo-type cattle. The commenter also
asked for the population of animals within identified zones.
Response: Sheep and goats are not commercially produced in Miyazaki
Prefecture, thus the numbers are quite low. Figures available from
February 2010 show only 28 sheep and 74 goats. Water buffalo were not
included in the count of cattle. At the time of the outbreak, there
were 42 water buffalo in Miyazaki Prefecture. Japan estimates a
wildlife population in Miyazaki Prefecture of approximately 70,000 deer
and 65,000 wild pigs. Sheep and goats, and possibly deer, are the most
likely species that could become infected without showing clinical
signs. Clinical signs in water buffalo were apparent but not classic,
according to reports from the one affected farm with water buffalo.
MAFF noted that there was a high incidence of clinical signs among
infected cattle and swine with this particular strain of virus.
Comment: One commenter, noting the discussion of penalties for non-
reporting in section 3.2 of the evaluation, asked about the
relationship of the penalty to the range of values of animals involved.
For example, how many slaughter-weight pigs does a 1 million yen fine
buy? The commenter said that a producer making 20 percent profit will
have a very different risk tolerance to being fined than will a
producer making a 2 percent profit margin. He said the outlook for
stability within the marketplace will have a large impact on the risk
tolerance a producer is willing to take as well.
Response: The comment refers to penalties for violating Japan's
AIDPL. The AIDPL requires animal owners, caretakers, and veterinarians
to immediately report a suspect or confirmed case of a foreign animal
disease, including FMD, to prefectural authorities, who must then
notify MAFF and others. The AIDPL also provides for payment of
compensation to owners of animals on affected farms up to 80 percent of
market value; in this outbreak, the prefecture provided the remaining
20 percent. We do not have the data to determine whether the penalty is
sufficient to induce reporting, or the extent to which economic
considerations factor into reporting. Compensation tends to encourage
reporting. Evidence suggests that the delay in detecting the first case
of FMD in the 2010 outbreak was the result of a failure to suspect FMD
rather than a failure to report a suspected case.
Comment: One commenter referred to section 3.3.1 of the evaluation,
which contains information about the relative numbers of male and
female graduates of veterinary medical schools in Japan who become
licensed veterinarians each year. He asked what difference it makes,
when responding to FMD and protecting the food supply, whether the
veterinarian is a male or female?
Response: None.
Comment: One commenter said that section 3.4 of the evaluation
contains statements about confusion concerning the prefecture's roles
and responsibilities, with obvious changes made during and after the
response. He asked if enough time has passed to know whether the
implemented changes are effective.
Response: Section 3.4 states that it appeared that the practical
roles and responsibilities of MAFF and the prefectures were not clearly
defined prior to the 2010 outbreak, which caused some confusion in the
initial stages. Japanese officials say that roles were clarified,
rather than changed, following the 2010 outbreak. Local veterinary
officers in Japan participate in foreign animal disease simulations and
training organized by MAFF and the National Institute of Animal Health,
Japan's national reference laboratory. MAFF conducted quality control
exercises with all prefectures in late 2010, after the FMD outbreak,
and also in February 2011. The purpose was to verify details of the
emergency response plans and address any weaknesses detected.
Comment: One commenter asked what the basis is for APHIS' last
statement in section 3.4 of the evaluation, which the commenter said
appears to be directly related to response, when prevention is more
Response: The last statement under section 3.4 of the evaluation is
``APHIS concludes that the authority, organization, and infrastructure
of Japan's veterinary services were sufficient to address the 2010 FMD
outbreak, although opportunities for improvement exist.''
APHIS evaluates veterinary authority, organization, and
infrastructure to determine whether the veterinary services in a region
have the capability and resources to effectively investigate, diagnose,
and report the disease under evaluation, if detected. The sentence
referenced by the commenter is our finding in this area. We also
[[Page 46021]]
other factors pertaining to FMD risk in Japan, including measures to
prevent the introduction of the disease. These are described in section
9 of the evaluation.
Comment: One commenter, referring to a discussion of animal
identification and traceability in section 4.4 of the evaluation, asked
how effective the animal identification system was in Japan in helping
to stop/prevent the spread of disease.
Response: We found that animal identification practices in Japan
allowed officials to effectively trace animals to investigate the
source and potential spread of infection. Once the location of affected
and at-risk animals was known, they were targeted for destruction, and
officials established movement restriction zones around the involved
farms to prevent further spread of the disease. In this way, animal
identification practices helped officials contain and eventually stamp
out the disease.
Comment: One commenter stated that the word ``sufficient'' is used
several times throughout the evaluation and asked: How is sufficient
determined, by whom, and by what definition?
Response: APHIS used the term ``sufficient'' seven times in the
evaluation. As used, the word has the standard dictionary meaning,
i.e., enough to meet the needs of a situation or proposed end. In each
case, the word was used in a context that identified the situation or
proposed end. For example, ``Active clinical and serological
surveillance within the restricted zones proved sufficient for
detection of additional case farms within Miyazaki Prefecture''
(section 7.3). The context indicates how ``sufficient'' was determined.
In this sentence, for example, the use of the word sufficient suggests
that the surveillance found all of the remaining cases in the Miyazaki
Prefecture, and, in fact, no additional cases have been detected. The
answer to the question ``by whom'' also depends on context. In the
sentence just quoted, APHIS has made the determination.
Comment: One commenter asked, when the time to depopulate confirmed
herds becomes delayed, what is the appropriate time lag whereby it
becomes more beneficial to vaccinate than depopulate? The commenter
stated that having knowingly positive animals potentially spreading
virus through incubation and amplification while waiting to be
depopulated cannot be good, especially with operations being separated
by just over a quarter of a mile.
Response: The decision to vaccinate rather than depopulate is a
difficult one that may have long-term effects on trade in susceptible
animals and products from those animals. The determination of when that
is the best course of action must be made on a case-by-case basis. That
was not the question in Japan, however. Rather, the question in the
2010 outbreak was whether to vaccinate as part of the stamping-out
program, when lack of burial grounds led to delays in depopulation. The
government recognized that those delays increased the risk that the
disease would spread. The difficulty with the decision to vaccinate or
not was that the Japanese government did not have the authority at the
time to kill apparently healthy, but vaccinated, animals. Japan would
need to destroy the vaccinated animals in order to regain its status as
FMD-free without vaccination. Recognizing that vaccination was the only
way to keep the disease from spreading while additional burial sites
were located, the government passed emergency legislation authorizing
the precautionary depopulation of susceptible animals in areas
designated by the MAFF Minister.
Comment: One commenter expressed concern that reestablishing trade
with Japan would subject U.S. industry to greater risks than it can
bear. As evidence, the commenter pointed to a 30 percent restocking
rate in Japan 6 months after depopulation. The same commenter asked
several questions about the number of veterinarians available to deal
with livestock disease in both Japan and the United States: What is the
per capita ratio of government (all levels) employed veterinarians to
livestock in Japan, and how does that ratio compare to that of the
United States? Is Japan's incident command structure too top heavy? Is
the declining number of food animal veterinarians in Japan, as in the
United States, due to declining economic incentive within the industry
to sustain interest in the field? The commenter also said that without
having a clear and distinct picture of what the APHIS response would be
in the United States to FMD, it is impossible for the industry or the
States to calculate the risk APHIS is requesting them to take.
Response: As discussed previously, Japanese producers continue to
make progress in restocking of farms, which was slowed largely by a
decline in livestock prices following the 2010 earthquake. Fifty-seven
percent had restocked by the end of August 2011.
Regarding the decline in the number of food animal veterinarians--
and not just in the United States and Japan--a number of factors have
contributed, including burdensome student loans, low starting salaries,
the decline of family farms, and a preference among many professionals
to live in areas with urban lifestyle choices. We do not have data on
per capita ratio of government-employed veterinarians to livestock in
the form requested by the commenter, but the World Animal Health
Information Database (WAHID) on the OIE Web site \7\ provides
information on the relative numbers of veterinarians and
paraveterinarians by country. According to WAHID, Japan had 3,465
public sector veterinary personnel in 2010, an average of 0.0092 per
square kilometer or 7.92 per livestock unit, for a country ranking of
6th. The United States is ranked 98th, with 1,874 public sector
veterinary personnel in 2010, an average of 0.0002 per square kilometer
or 0.01 per livestock unit. Differences among countries in the
organization of their veterinary infrastructures, additional resources
in the event of an emergency, size and nature of geographical areas,
population densities (human and livestock), and other factors would
have to be explored to provide context for these numbers.
\7\ WAHID Interface, Veterinarians and paraveterinarians.
The commenter's questions about the numbers of livestock
veterinarians and what the APHIS response would be to an outbreak of
FMD in the United States are based on the commenter's concern that a
decision to reinstate Japan's FMD-free status would result in an
unacceptable risk of FMD being introduced into the United States. As
discussed earlier, APHIS has not changed any of its criteria for
determining whether a region can be reinstated as FMD-free following an
outbreak. For the reasons given in the evaluation and this document, we
are satisfied that FMD has been eradicated in Japan and that products
authorized by the regulations may be safely imported.
Therefore, based on the evaluation and the reasons given in this
document in response to comments, we are reinstating Japan's status as
A final rule \8\ published in the Federal Register on January 10,
2012 (77 FR 1388-1396, Docket No. APHIS-2009-0035) and effective on
February 9, 2012, removed lists of regions classified with respect to
certain animal diseases and pests from our animal and animal product
import regulations in 9 CFR parts 92, 93, 94, 96, and 98. The lists are
now posted on APHIS' Web site, rather
[[Page 46022]]
than published in the Code of Federal Regulations. Accordingly, we are
adding Japan to the list of regions that APHIS has declared free of FMD
(formerly in Sec. 94.1) and to the list of FMD-free regions that are
subject to additional restrictions because they supplement their
national meat supply by the importation of fresh (chilled or frozen)
meat of ruminants or swine from regions that APHIS considers to be
affected with rinderpest or FMD, or have a common land border with such
regions, or import ruminants or swine from such regions under
conditions less restrictive than would be acceptable for importation
into the United States (formerly in Sec. 94.11). These lists are
maintained on the APHIS Web site at Copies of the lists are
also available via postal mail, fax, or email upon request to the
Sanitary Trade Issues Team, National Center for Import and Export,
Veterinary Services, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, 4700
River Road Unit 38, Riverdale, Maryland 20737.
\8\ See https://www.!docketDetail;D=APHIS-2009-
Authority: 7 U.S.C. 450, 7701-7772, 7781-7786, and 8301-8317; 21
U.S.C. 136 and 136a; 31 U.S.C. 9701; 7 CFR 2.22, 2.80, and 371.4.
Done in Washington, DC, this 27th day of July, 2012.
Kevin Shea,
Acting Administrator, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service.
[FR Doc. 2012-18814 Filed 8-1-12; 8:45 am]