September 23, 2010 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 101 - 131 of 131
Migratory Bird Hunting; Final Frameworks for Late-Season Migratory Bird Hunting Regulations
The Fish and Wildlife Service (Service or we) prescribes final late-season frameworks from which States may select season dates, limits, and other options for the 2010-11 migratory bird hunting seasons. These late seasons include most waterfowl seasons, the earliest of which commences on September 25, 2010. The effect of this final rule is to facilitate the States' selection of hunting seasons and to further the annual establishment of the late-season migratory bird hunting regulations.
Notice of Intent to Rule on Request to Release Airport Property at the Kearney Municipal Airport, Kearney, NE
The FAA proposes to rule and invites public comment on the release of land at the Keamey Municipal Airport under the provisions of Section 125 of the Wendell H. Ford Aviation Investment Reform Act for the 21st Century (AIR 21).
Notice of Final Federal Agency Actions on Proposed Highway in California
This notice announces actions taken by the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) pursuant to its assigned responsibilities under 23 U.S.C. 327 that are final within the meaning of 23 U.S.C. 139(l)(1). The actions relate to a proposed highway project, Antonio Parkway Widening Project, Unincorporated Orange County, in the County of Orange, State of California. Those actions grant licenses, permits, and approvals for the project.
Filing of Plats of Survey: Oregon/Washington
The plats of survey of the following described lands are scheduled to be officially filed in the Bureau of Land Management Oregon/Washington State Office, Portland, Oregon, 30 days from the date of this publication.
Polychloroprene Rubber From Japan
The subject five-year review was initiated in July 2010 to determine whether revocation of the antidumping duty finding on polychloroprene rubber from Japan would be likely to lead to continuation or recurrence of material injury. On August 24, 2010, the Department of Commerce published notice that it was revoking the order effective August 4, 2010, ``{b{time} ecause the domestic interested parties did not participate in this sunset review * * *.'' (75 FR 51981). Accordingly, pursuant to section 751(c) of the Tariff Act of 1930 (19 U.S.C. 1675(c)), the subject review is terminated.
Airworthiness Directives; Robert E. Rust, Jr. Model DeHavilland DH.C1 Chipmunk 21, DH.C1 Chipmunk 22, and DH.C1 Chipmunk 22A Airplanes
The FAA is correcting an airworthiness directive (AD) that published in the Federal Register. That AD applies to the products listed above. The AD number in the 14 CFR Part 39 section and the Sec. 39.13 [Amended] section is incorrect. This document corrects that error. In all other respects, the original document remains the same.
Airworthiness Directives; Gulfstream Aerospace LP (Type Certificate Previously Held by Israel Aircraft Industries, Ltd.) Model Galaxy and Gulfstream 200 Airplanes
We are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for the products listed above. This AD results from mandatory continuing airworthiness information (MCAI) originated by an aviation authority of another country to identify and correct an unsafe condition on an aviation product. The MCAI describes the unsafe condition as:
Pipeline Safety: Information Collection Activity; Request for Comments
In compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.), this notice announces that the Information Collection Request (ICR) abstracted below is being forwarded to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and comment. The ICR describes the nature of the information collection and its expected burden. A Federal Register Notice with a 60-day period for commenting on the following information collection was published on July 14, 2010 (75 FR 40863). No comments were received.
Airworthiness Directives; Airbus Model A310 Series Airplanes
We propose to adopt a new airworthiness directive (AD) for the products listed above that would supersede an existing AD. This proposed AD results from mandatory continuing airworthiness information (MCAI) originated by an aviation authority of another country to identify and correct an unsafe condition on an aviation product. The MCAI describes the unsafe condition as:
Consensus Standards, Standard Practice for Design, Alteration, and Certification of Airplane Electrical Wiring Systems
This notice announces the availability of consensus standards and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) intention to accept the ASTM International's F2639-07 Standard Practice for Design, Alteration, and Certification of Airplane Electrical Wiring Systems (Standard Practice) as an acceptable means of compliance to 14 CFR part 23 sections concerning electrical wiring systems. By this notice, the FAA finds the standards to be acceptable methods and procedures for design, alteration, and certification of electrical wiring systems for normal, utility, acrobatic, and commuter category airplanes.
Notice of Submission Deadline for Schedule Information for O'Hare International Airport, John F. Kennedy International Airport, and Newark Liberty International Airport for the Summer 2011 Scheduling Season
Under this notice, the FAA announces the submission deadline of October 14, 2010, for Summer 2011 flight schedules at Chicago's O'Hare International Airport (ORD), New York's John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK), and Newark Liberty International Airport (EWR) in accordance with the International Air Transport Association (IATA) Worldwide Scheduling Guidelines. The deadline coincides with the schedule submission deadline for the IATA Schedules Conference for the Summer 2011 scheduling season.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Requests for Comments; Clearance of Renewed Approval of Information Collection: Mitsubishi MU-2B Series Airplane Special Training, Experience, and Operating Procedures
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, FAA invites public comments about our intention to request the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) approval to renew an information collection. This collection of information request is for Mitsubishi MU-2B Series Airplane Special Training, Experience, and Operating Requirements Special Federal Aviation Regulation. The pilot training requires a logbook endorsement and documentation of a training-course completion record.
Notice of Limitation on Claims Against Proposed Public Transportation Projects
This notice announces final environmental actions taken by the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) for the following projects: (1) Colorado Department of Transportation, U.S. 36 Corridor, Boulder, CO; (2) Ames Transit Agency, Intermodal Transit Facility, Ames, IA; (3) Seldovia Village Tribe, Seldovia Bay Ferry Homer Dock and Pier Project, Seldovia, AK; (4) Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority, Silicon Valley Rapid Transit Corridor Project, Santa Clara County, CA; (5) Metropolitan Transit Authority of Harris County, Texas, University Corridor Fixed Guideway Transit Project, Houston, TX; (6) Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority, Science Park/West End Station, Boston, MA; (7) Ramsey County Regional Railroad Authority, Saint Paul Union Depot, Saint Paul, MN; (8) Florida Department of Transportation, Central Florida Commuter Rail Transit, Orlando, FL; and (9) Lehigh and Northampton Transportation Authority, Easton Intermodal Transportation Center, Easton, PA. The purpose of this notice is to announce publicly the environmental decisions by FTA on the subject projects and to activate the limitation on any claims that may challenge these final environmental actions.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Requests for Comments; Clearance of Renewed Approval of Information Collection: Performance and Handling Requirements for Rotorcraft
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, FAA invites public comments about our intention to request from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) approval to renew an information collection. The FAA requires that certain performance information be provided in the Rotorcraft Flight Manual in order to show compliance to the regulatory requirements. The flight manual, by regulation, must be furnished with each aircraft.
Amendment of Class E Airspace; Brewton, AL
This action amends Class E airspace at Brewton Municipal Airport, Brewton, AL, by updating the geographic coordinates of the airport to aid in the navigation of our National Airspace System.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Requests for Comments; Clearance of Renewed Approval of Information Collection: Criteria for Internet Communications of Aviation Weather, NOTAM, and Aeronautical Data
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, FAA invites public comments about our intention to request the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) approval to renew an information collection. An Advisory Circular (AC) establishes criteria for Qualified Internet Communications Providers (ICP), who provide access to aviation weather, Notices to Airmen (NOTAM), and aeronautical data via the Public Internet. The AC describes procedures for a provider to become and remain an FAA approved QICP, and the information collected is used to determine the provider's eligibility.
Establishment of Class E Airspace; Homestead, FL
This action establishes Class E Airspace at Homestead, FL, to accommodate the additional airspace needed for the Standard Instrument Approach Procedures (SIAPs) developed for Homestead General Aviation Airport. This action enhances the safety and airspace management of Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) operations at the airport.
Revocation of Class E Airspace, Brunswick, ME; and Establishment of Class E Airspace, Wiscasset, ME
This action removes Class E Airspace at Brunswick NAS, Brunswick, ME, as the airport has closed and the associated Standard Instrument Approach Procedures (SIAPs) removed, and establishes Class E airspace at Wiscasset, ME, to accommodate the SIAPs developed for the airport. This action will enhance the safety and management of Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) operations within the National Airspace System.
NIST Blue Ribbon Commission on Management and Safety-II
Pursuant to the Federal Advisory Committee Act (5 U.S.C. app.), the Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology announces the establishment of the NIST Blue Ribbon Commission on Management and SafetyII ``Commission''. The Commission will assess NIST's progress in addressing the findings of the first NIST Blue Ribbon Commission and identify additional opportunities to strengthen management and safety at NIST. This Notice also provides notice of two open meetings of the Commission. Agendas for the meetings will be posted on the agency's Web site,
Announcing a Meeting of the Information Security and Privacy Advisory Board
The Information Security and Privacy Advisory Board (ISPAB) will meet Wednesday, November 3, 2010, from 9 a.m. until 4:30 p.m., Thursday, November 4, 2010, from 8:30 a.m. until 5 p.m., and Friday, November 5, 2010 from 8 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. All sessions will be open to the public.
Advisory Committee on Interdisciplinary, Community-Based Linkages Notice for Request for Nominations
The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) is requesting nominations to fill ten upcoming vacancies on the Advisory Committee on Interdisciplinary, Community-Based Linkages (ACICBL). Authority: 42 U.S.C. 294f, section 757 of the Public Health Service (PHS) Act, as amended by the Affordable Care Act. The ACICBL is governed by the Federal Advisory Committee Act, Public Law (Pub. L.) 92-463, as amended (5 U.S.C. Appendix 2), which sets forth standards for the formation and use of advisory committees.
Secondary Capital Accounts
On February 19, 2010, NCUA published an interim final rule amending its regulation governing secondary capital accounts to permit low-income designated credit unions to redeem all or part of secondary capital accepted from the United States Government or any of its subdivisions at any time after the secondary capital has been on deposit for two years. The amendments also allowed early redemption, under the same terms and conditions, of secondary capital accepted as a match to the government-funded secondary capital. Finally, the amendments changed the loss-distribution provision that applies to secondary capital accounts so that secondary capital accepted under the 2010 Community Development Capital Initiative is senior to any required matching secondary capital accepted from an alternative source. This rule confirms those amendments as final with some technical changes and clarifications.
Notice of Proposed Information Collection for 1029-0049
In compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSM) is announcing that the information collection request for 30 CFR 822 Special Permanent Program Performance StandardsOperations in Alluvial Valley Floors, has been forwarded to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and reauthorization. The information collection package was previously approved and assigned control number 1029-0049. This notice describes the nature of the information collection activity and the expected burdens.
Draft Guidance for Industry and Food and Drug Administration Staff; Establishing the Performance Characteristics of In Vitro
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is announcing the availability of the draft guidance entitled ``Establishing the Performance Characteristics of In Vitro Diagnostic Devices for the Detection of Helicobacter pylori.'' This draft guidance document provides industry and agency staff with updated recommendations concerning 510(k) submissions for various types of in vitro diagnostic devices (IVDs) intended to be used for detecting Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori). This draft guidance is not final nor is it in effect at this time.
Specially Adapted Housing and Special Home Adaptation
The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) adopts as a final rule its proposal to amend its adjudication regulations regarding specially adapted housing and special home adaptation grants. This final rule incorporates certain provisions from the Veterans Benefits Act of 2003, the Veterans Benefits Improvement Act of 2004, the Veterans' Housing Opportunity and Benefits Improvement Act of 2006, and the Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008. These amendments are necessary to conform the regulations to the statutory provisions.
Medicare, Medicaid, and Children's Health Insurance Programs; Additional Screening Requirements, Application Fees, Temporary Enrollment Moratoria, Payment Suspensions and Compliance Plans for Providers and Suppliers
This proposed rule would implement provisions of the Affordable Care Act that establish: Procedures under which screening is conducted for providers of medical or other services and suppliers in the Medicare program, providers in the Medicaid program, and providers in the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP); an application fee to be imposed on providers and suppliers; temporary moratoria that may be imposed if necessary to prevent or combat fraud, waste, and abuse under the Medicare and Medicaid programs, and CHIP; guidance for States regarding termination of providers from Medicaid and CHIP if terminated by Medicare or another Medicaid State plan or CHIP; guidance regarding the termination of providers and suppliers from Medicare if terminated by a Medicaid State agency; and requirements for suspension of payments pending credible allegations of fraud in the Medicare and Medicaid programs. This proposed rule would also present an approach and request comments on the provisions of the Affordable Care Act that require providers of medical or other items or services or suppliers within a particular industry sector or category to establish compliance programs.
Revisions and Additions to Motor Vehicle Fuel Economy Label
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) are conducting a joint rulemaking to redesign and add information to the current fuel economy label that is posted on the window sticker of all new cars and light- duty trucks sold in the U.S. The redesigned label will provide new information to American consumers about the fuel economy and consumption, fuel costs, and environmental impacts associated with purchasing new vehicles beginning with model year 2012 cars and trucks. This action will also develop new labels for certain advanced technology vehicles, which are poised to enter the U.S. market, in particular plug-in hybrid electric vehicles and electric vehicles. NHTSA and EPA are proposing these changes because the Energy Independence and Security Act (EISA) of 2007 imposes several new labeling requirements, because the agencies believe that the current labels can be improved to help consumers make more informed vehicle purchase decisions, and because the time is right to develop new labels for advanced technology vehicles that are being commercialized. This proposal is also consistent with the recent joint rulemaking by EPA and NHTSA that established harmonized federal greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and corporate average fuel economy (CAFE) standards for new cars, sport utility vehicles, minivans, and pickup trucks for model years 2012-2016.
Guidelines Establishing Test Procedures for the Analysis of Pollutants Under the Clean Water Act; Analysis and Sampling Procedures
EPA is proposing changes to analysis and sampling test procedures in wastewater regulations. These changes will provide increased flexibility to the regulated community and laboratories in their selection of analytical methods (test procedures) for use in Clean Water Act programs. The changes include proposal of EPA methods and methods published by voluntary consensus standard bodies, such as ASTM International and the Standard Methods Committee and updated versions of currently approved methods. EPA is also proposing to add certain methods reviewed under the alternate test procedures program. Further, EPA is proposing changes to the current regulations to clarify the process for EPA approval for use of alternate procedures for nationwide and Regional use. In addition, EPA is proposing minimum quality control requirements to improve consistency across method versions; corrections to previously approved methods; and changes to sample collection, preservation, and holding time requirements. Finally, EPA is proposing changes to how EPA cites methods in three effluent guideline regulations.
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