November 20, 2009 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 51 - 100 of 108
Grant of Interim Extension of the Term of U.S. Patent No. 5,407,914; SURFAXIN® (lucinactant)
The United States Patent and Trademark Office has issued an order granting interim extension under 35 U.S.C. 156(d)(5) for a one- year interim extension of the term of U.S. Patent No. 5,407,914.
Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request
The Acting Director, Information Collection Clearance Division, Regulatory Information Management Services, Office of Management invites comments on the submission for OMB review as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request
The Acting Director, Information Collection Clearance Division, Regulatory Information Management Services, Office of Management invites comments on the submission for OMB review as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
Privacy Act of 1974; System of Records
The Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board (Board or RATB) proposes two new systems of records subject to the Privacy Act of 1974, as amended (Privacy Act or the Act), entitled ``RATB Investigative Files'' and ``RATB Fraud Hotline Program Files.''
Notice of Request for the Approval of Information Collection
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, this notice announces the intention of the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) to request the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to approve the following information collection:
Intent To Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement for Proposed Intermodal Transit Improvements in Hercules, CA
The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) in cooperation with the City of Hercules, CA (City) is planning to prepare a joint Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental Impact Report (EIS/EIR) for the construction of a proposed intermodal transit center project which includes a new passenger train station on the existing Capitol Corridor line, a transit bus terminal, access roadways, and parking facilities, located in Hercules, California. The project would serve commuters, visitors and recreational users who desire an alternative way to travel to and from the City of Hercules and the San Francisco Bay area and the Sacramento area to access employment, entertainment, and recreational destinations. This EIS/EIR will not study a ferry terminal as part of the proposed project. Any future ferry terminal will be evaluated under a separate environmental document. However, the potential for a future ferry terminal will be considered in the cumulative impact analysis for this project. The purpose of this Notice of Intent (NOI) is to alert interested parties on the preparation of an EIS/EIR, to provide information on the proposed transit project, to invite participation in the EIS/EIR process, including comments on the scope of the EIS/EIR, and to announce the public scoping meeting that will be conducted.
Special Regulations; Areas of the National Park System
This rule governs winter visitation and certain recreational use in Grand Teton National Park and the John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Memorial Parkway. This final rule is issued to implement the Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the 2008 Winter Use Plans Environmental Assessment (2008 EA) approved October 15, 2009, and will provide visitors a range of winter recreation opportunities that are appropriate to the national park setting, and that these activities do not unacceptably impact or impair park resources and values. The rule requires that recreational snowmobiles operating on Jackson Lake meet certain air and sound emissions requirements, and that such snowmobile use is for the sole purpose of accessing ice fishing opportunities on the lake. The rule sets daily entry limits on the numbers of snowmobiles allowed on Jackson Lake and on the Grassy Lake Road, and also designates the route between Flagg Ranch and the South Entrance of Yellowstone National Park for snowmobile and snowcoach use, subject to compliance with the daily entry limits and other requirements set out in the separate rule authorizing snowmobile and snowcoach use in Yellowstone National Park. Traveling off designated oversnow routes will remain prohibited.
Special Regulations; Areas of the National Park System
This rule governs winter visitation and certain recreational use in Yellowstone National Park for the 2009-2010 and 2010-2011 seasons. This final rule is issued to implement the Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the 2008 Winter Use Plans Environmental Assessment (2008 EA) approved October 15, 2009, and will provide visitors a range of winter recreation opportunities that are appropriate to the national park setting and do not unacceptably impact or impair park resources or values. The rule requires that most recreational snowmobiles operating in the park meet certain NPS air and sound emissions requirements, requires that snowmobilers and snowcoach riders in Yellowstone be accompanied by a commercial guide, and sets daily entry limits on the numbers of snowmobiles and snowcoaches that may enter the park. Traveling off designated oversnow routes will remain prohibited.
Notice of Availability of the Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for the One Nevada Transmission Line, NV
In accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA), the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has prepared a Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) for the One Nevada Transmission Line and by this Notice is announcing the opening of the comment period.
Established Assessment of Annual Needs for the List I Chemicals Ephedrine, Pseudoephedrine, and Phenylpropanolamine for 2010
This notice establishes the initial 2010 Assessment of Annual Needs for certain List I chemicals in accordance with the Combat Methamphetamine Epidemic Act of 2005 (CMEA), enacted on March 9, 2006.
Investment Advice-Participants and Beneficiaries
This document withdraws final rules under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act, and parallel provisions of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, relating to the provision of investment advice to participants and beneficiaries in individual account plans, such as 401(k) plans, and beneficiaries of individual retirement accounts (and certain similar plans). Final rules were published in the Federal Register on January 21, 2009 (74 FR 3822). The effective and applicability dates of the final rules had been deferred until May 17, 2010, in order to permit a review of policy and legal issues raised with respect to the rules. As discussed in this Notice, the Department has determined to withdraw the final rules. The Department also intends to soon propose a revised rule limited to the application of the statutory exemption relating to investment advice.
Bayou Teche National Wildlife Refuge, St. Mary Parish, LA
We, the Fish and Wildlife Service (Service), announce the availability of our final comprehensive conservation plan (CCP) and finding of no significant impact (FONSI) for the environmental assessment for Bayou Teche National Wildlife Refuge (NWR). In the final CCP, we describe how we will manage this refuge for the next 15 years.
Endangered and Threatened Species Permit Applications
The following applicants have applied for scientific research permits to conduct certain activities with endangered species under the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (Act). The Act requires that we invite public comment on these permit applications.
Oral Dosage Form New Animal Drugs; Sulfadimethoxine
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is amending the animal drug regulations to reflect approval of an original abbreviated new animal drug application (ANADA) filed by First Priority, Inc. The ANADA provides for use of Sulfadimethoxine Soluble Powder in medicated drinking water of cattle, chickens, and turkeys for the treatment of various bacterial infections.
City of Davenport, IA-Construction and Operation Exemption-in Scott County, IA
This document contains a correction to the title of the Notice of Availability of the Environmental Assessment served and published in the Federal Register on Monday, October 26, 2009 (74 FR 55085) by the Board's Section of Environmental Analysis. That notice, published in this docket, was titled ``Eastern Iowa Industrial Center Rail Project Construction and Operation ExemptionCity of Davenport, Iowa.'' The correct title should read, ``City of Davenport, IAConstruction and Operation Exemptionin Scott County, IA.''
Public Assistance Eligibility
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) provides financial assistance to State, local, and Tribal governments, as well as certain private non-profit organizations, for response and recovery activities required as a result of a presidentially-declared major disaster or emergency. Assistance may include reimbursement for sheltering and evacuation costs incurred to assist individuals displaced by a declared major disaster or emergency. This rule finalizes the July 2006 interim rule which amended FEMA's Public Assistance eligibility regulations to allow grantees to seek reimbursement for sheltering and evacuation costs incurred outside of the area designated under a Presidential emergency or major disaster declaration, if such costs are otherwise eligible for FEMA Public Assistance. This rule further clarifies those regulations to specify which entities may be eligible for reimbursement for costs incurred from providing evacuation and sheltering services outside the area of the declared emergency or major disaster, and the procedures FEMA will use to reimburse those applicants. The rule also establishes the terms ``impact-State'' and ``host-State'' to differentiate between the State for which the President has issued a declaration and that requests evacuation and/or sheltering assistance, and the State (or Tribe) that provides the sheltering and/or evacuation assistance, respectively. Finally, the rule makes a procedural change to the way in which a host-State receives reimbursement for the regular salary or hourly wages and benefits paid to its permanent employees.
Implementation of Privacy Act of 1974
This document institutes the Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board's (Board) final rule implementing a set of procedural regulations under the Privacy Act of 1974 (Privacy Act or the Act), Public Law 93-579, 5 U.S.C. 552a. These regulations have been written to conform to the statutory provisions of the Act. They are intended to expedite the processing of Privacy Act requests received by the Board and to ensure the proper dissemination of information to the public.
Rule Implementing the Freedom of Information Act
This document institutes the Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board's (Board) final rule implementing a set of procedural regulations under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552, and Public Law 104-231, the Electronic Freedom of Information Act Amendments of 1996. These regulations have been written to conform to the statutory provisions of the Acts, to expedite the processing of FOIA requests received by the Board, and to ensure the proper dissemination of information to the public.
Notification of the Imposition of Conditions of Entry for Certain Vessels Arriving to the United States, Madagascar
The Coast Guard announces that it will impose conditions of entry on vessels arriving to the United States from Madagascar, with the exception of vessels arriving from the port of Toamasina (also known as Tamatave).
Standards of Conduct for Transmission Providers; Order on Rehearing and Clarification
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (Commission) issued Order No. 717-A to make even clearer the Standards of Conduct as
Request for Certification of Compliance-Rural Industrialization Loan and Grant Program
The Employment and Training Administration is issuing this notice to announce the receipt of a ``Certification of Non-Relocation and Market and Capacity Information Report'' (Form 4279-2) for the following:
Migratory Bird Subsistence Harvest in Alaska; Harvest Regulations for Migratory Birds in Alaska During the 2010 Season
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service or we) proposes migratory bird subsistence harvest regulations in Alaska for the 2010 season. These regulations will enable the continuation of customary and traditional subsistence uses of migratory birds in Alaska and prescribe regional information on when and where the harvesting of birds may occur. These regulations were developed under a co-management process involving the Service, the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, and Alaska Native representatives. The rulemaking is necessary because the regulations governing the subsistence harvest of migratory birds in Alaska are subject to annual review. This rulemaking proposes region- specific regulations that go into effect on April 2, 2010, and expire on August 31, 2010.
Filing Dates for the Florida Special Election in the 19th Congressional District
Florida has scheduled elections on February 2, 2010, and April 6, 2010, to fill the U.S. House seat in the 19th Congressional District being vacated by Representative Robert Wexler.
Alaska Native Claims Selection
As required by 43 CFR 2650.7(d), notice is hereby given that an appealable decision approving the surface estate in certain lands for conveyance pursuant to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act will be issued to Evansville, Incorporated. The lands are in the vicinity of Evansville, Alaska, and are located in:
Notice of Intent to Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement and Initiate Public Scoping for the Proposed Mohave County Wind Farm Project, Mohave County, AZ
In compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1976, as amended, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Kingman Field Office, Kingman, Arizona, intends to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Proposed Mohave County Wind Farm Project and by this notice is announcing the beginning of the scoping process to solicit public comments and identify issues.
Notice of Intent To Solicit Nominations for the Dominguez-Escalante National Conservation Area Advisory Council
The Secretary of the Interior (Secretary) is directed by the Omnibus Public Lands Act of 2009 to establish the Dominguez-Escalante National Conservation Area (D-E NCA) Advisory Council (Council). The Secretary is requesting nominations for 10 members to sit on the Council. The Council will advise the Secretary, through the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), on matters regarding the preparation and implementation of the D-E NCA Resource Management Plan (RMP).
Alaska Native Claims Selection
As required by 43 CFR 2650.7(d), notice is hereby given that an appealable decision approving the surface estate in certain lands for conveyance pursuant to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act will be issued to Chalkyitsik Native Corporation. The lands are in the vicinity of Chalkyitsik, Alaska, and are located in: Lot 2, U.S. Survey No. 4133, Alaska.
Notice of Intent To Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement for the Proposed Desert Renewable Energy Conservation Plan, Kern, Los Angeles, San Bernardino, Inyo, Riverside, Imperial, San Diego, and Tulare Counties, CA and Possible Land Use Plan Amendment
In compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969, as amended, and the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976, as amended, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) California Desert District, Moreno Valley, California, intends to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), which may include an amendment to the California Desert Conservation Area (CDCA) Plan of 1980, as amended, and by this notice is announcing the beginning of the scoping process to solicit public comments and identify issues.
Surety Companies Acceptable on Federal Bonds-Change In Business Address; American Home Assurance Company; Granite State Insurance Company; Insurance Company of the State of Pennsylvania (The); National Union Fire Insurance Company of Pittsburgh, PA; New Hampshire Insurance Company
This is Supplement No. 5 to the Treasury Department Circular 570, 2009 Revision, published July 1, 2009, at 74 FR 31536.
Identification of Interstate Motor Vehicles: New York City, Cook County and New Jersey Tax Identification Requirements; Petition for Determination
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) extends until December 3, 2009 the comment period for the Petition for Determination that was published on October 19, 2009.
Restrictions on Operators Employing Former Flight Standards Service Aviation Safety Inspectors
This proposed rule would prohibit any person holding a certificate to conduct certain operations from knowingly employing, or making a contractual arrangement with, certain individuals to act as an agent or a representative of the certificate holder in any matter before the FAA under certain conditions. These restrictions would apply if the individual, in the preceding 2-year period: Directly served as, or was directly responsible for the oversight of, a Flight Standards Service Aviation Safety Inspector; and had direct responsibility to inspect, or oversee the inspection of, the operations of the certificate holder. This proposed rule would also apply to persons who own or manage fractional ownership program aircraft that are used to conduct operations under specific regulations described in this document. This proposed rule would establish these restrictions to prevent potential organizational conflicts of interests which could adversely affect aviation safety.
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; West Virginia; Maryland; Ohio; Determinations of Attainment for the 1997 Fine Particulate Matter Standard
EPA is making determinations that three areas designated nonattainment for the 1997 fine particulate (PM2.5) National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) have attained the 1997 PM2.5 NAAQS. These are the Martinsburg-Hagerstown, WV-MD nonattainment area; the Parkersburg-Marietta, WV-OH nonattainment area; and the Wheeling, WV-OH nonattainment area. These determinations are based upon complete, quality assured, quality controlled, and certified ambient air monitoring data that show that these areas have monitored attainment of the 1997 PM2.5 NAAQS during the 2006-2008 monitoring period. Currently available monitoring data for 2009 are consistent with continued attainment of the standard. The intended effect of these actions is to finalize these attainment determinations for these areas. With these final determinations, the requirements for States to submit for these areas an attainment demonstration, associated reasonably available control measures, a reasonable further progress plan, contingency measures, and other planning State Implementation Plans (SIPs) related to attainment of the standard are suspended for so long as the areas continue to meet the 1997 PM2.5 NAAQS. EPA's determinations that these areas have attained the 1997 PM2.5 NAAQS are not equivalent to the redesignation of the areas to attainment. These actions do not constitute redesignations to attainment under section 107(d)(3) of the Clean Air Act (CAA), because we do not yet have an approved maintenance plan for these areas as required under that section and section 175A of the CAA, nor a determination that these areas have met the other requirements for redesignation. The designation status of these areas remains nonattainment for the 1997 PM2.5 NAAQS until such time as EPA determines that these areas meet the CAA requirements for redesignation to attainment.
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Indiana
EPA is approving a request submitted by the Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) on September 25, 2009, to revise the Indiana State Implementation Plan (SIP). The submission revises the Indiana Administrative Code (IAC) by amending and updating the definition of ``References to the Code of Federal Regulations,'' to refer to the 2008 edition.
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Indiana
EPA is proposing to approve a request submitted by the Indiana Department of Environmental Management on September 25, 2009, to revise the Indiana State Implementation Plan (SIP). The submission revises the Indiana Administrative Code (IAC) by amending and updating the definition of ``References to Code of Federal Regulations,'' to refer to the 2008 edition.
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Virginia; Transportation Conformity Regulations
EPA is taking direct final action to approve revisions to the State Implementation Plan (SIP) submitted by the Commonwealth of Virginia. This revision establishes Virginia's transportation conformity requirements. After they have been approved, the Commonwealth's regulations will govern transportation conformity determinations in the Commonwealth of Virginia. EPA is approving these revisions in accordance with the requirements of the Clean Air Act (CAA).
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Virginia; Transportation Conformity Regulations
EPA proposes to approve the State Implementation Plan (SIP) revision submitted by the Commonwealth of Virginia for Transportation Conformity regulations. In the Final Rules section of this Federal Register, EPA is approving the State's SIP submittal as a direct final rule without prior proposal because the Agency views this as a noncontroversial submittal and anticipates no adverse comments. A detailed rationale for the approval is set forth in the direct final rule. If no adverse comments are received in response to this action, no further activity is contemplated. If EPA receives adverse comments, the direct final rule will be withdrawn and all public comments
Ochoco National Forest, Lookout Mountain Ranger District; Oregon; Ochoco Summit; OHV Trail EIS
The Ochoco National Forest is preparing an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) to analyze the effects of changing the existing motorized trail system to create and designate a sustainable system of roads, trails and areas open to motor vehicles that will provide legal public access, enhance regulation of unmanaged wheeled motor vehicle travel, protect resources, and decrease conflicts between motorized and non-motorized use on the Ochoco National Forest. Consistent with the Ochoco National Forest Land and Resource Management Plan, as amended, this action is needed to provide to the public a diversity of road and trail opportunities for experiencing a variety of environments and modes of travel.
Notice of Program Comment for the Rural Utilities Service, the National Telecommunications and Information Administration, and the Federal Emergency Management Agency To Avoid Duplicative Section 106 Reviews for Wireless Communication Facilities Construction and Modification
The Advisory Council on Historic Preservation has issued a Program Comment for the Rural Utilities Service, the National Telecommunications and Information Administration, and the Federal Emergency Management Agency to relieve them of the need to conduct duplicate reviews under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act when these agencies assist a telecommunications project that is exempt from, or subject to, Section 106 review by the Federal Communications Commission under existing nationwide programmatic Agreements.
Risk-Based Capital Guidelines; Capital Adequacy Guidelines; Capital Maintenance; Capital-Residential Mortgage Loans Modified Pursuant to the Home Affordable Mortgage Program
The agencies have adopted a final rule to allow banks, savings associations, and bank holding companies (collectively, banking organizations) to risk weight for purposes of the agencies' capital guidelines mortgage loans modified pursuant to the Home Affordable Mortgage Program (Program) implemented by the U.S. Department of the Treasury (Treasury) with the same risk weight assigned to the loan prior to the modification so long as the loan continues to meet other applicable prudential criteria.
Truth in Lending
The Board is publishing for public comment an interim final rule amending Regulation Z (Truth in Lending). The interim rule implements Section 131(g) of the Truth in Lending Act (TILA), which was enacted on May 20, 2009, as Section 404(a) of the Helping Families Save Their Homes Act. TILA Section 131(g) became effective immediately upon enactment and established a new requirement for notifying consumers of the sale or transfer of their mortgage loans. The purchaser or assignee that acquires the loan must provide the required disclosures in writing no later than 30 days after the date on which the loan is sold or otherwise transferred or assigned. The Board is issuing this interim rule, effective immediately upon publication, so that parties subject to the statutory requirement have guidance on how to comply. However, to allow time for any necessary operational changes, compliance with the interim final rule is optional for 60 days from the date of publication; during this period, covered persons would continue to be subject to the statute's requirements. The Board seeks comment on all aspects of the interim rule.
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