Alaska Native Claims Selection, 60286-60287 [E9-27864]
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srobinson on DSKHWCL6B1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 223 / Friday, November 20, 2009 / Notices
Status: Unutilized
Directions: 9031, 9033, 9035, 9037, 9039,
9041, 9043, 9045, 9047
Reasons: Secured Area
6 Bldgs.
Fort Leonard Wood
Pulaski MO 65473
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200940048
Status: Unutilized
Directions: 9057, 9059, 9061, 9063, 9071,
Reasons: Secured Area
New Jersey
7 Bldgs.
Picatinny Arsenal
Dover NJ 07806
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200940031
Status: Unutilized
Directions: 80, 80C, 81, 82, 83, 948, 949
Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or
explosive material; Secured Area
5 Bldgs.
Picatinny Arsenal
Dover NJ 07806
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200940032
Status: Unutilized
Directions: 3710, 3711, 3712, 3713, 3714
Reasons: Secured Area; Within 2000 ft. of
flammable or explosive material
New York
14 Bldgs.
Fort Drum
Jefferson NY 13602
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200940001
Status: Unutilized
Directions: 192, 401, 403, 404, 405, 406, 407,
408, 410, 411, 412, 416, 417, 418
Reasons: Extensive deterioration
5 Bldgs.
Fort Drum
Jefferson NY 13602
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200940002
Status: Unutilized
Directions: 420, 421, 422, 423, 424
Reasons: Extensive deterioration
9 Bldgs.
Fort Drum
Jefferson NY 13602
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200940003
Status: Unutilized
Directions: 440, 441, 442, 443, 444, 445, 446,
447, 448
Reasons: Extensive deterioration
7 Bldgs.
Fort Drum
Jefferson NY 13602
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200940004
Status: Unutilized
Directions: 450, 451, 452, 453, 454, 456, 458
Reasons: Extensive deterioration
7 Bldgs.
Fort Drum
Jefferson NY 13602
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200940005
Status: Unutilized
Directions: 470, 471, 472, 473, 474, 477, 478
VerDate Nov<24>2008
17:03 Nov 19, 2009
Jkt 220001
Reasons: Extensive deterioration
11 Bldgs.
Fort Drum
Jefferson NY 13602
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200940006
Status: Unutilized
Directions: 501, 503, 513, 514, 515, 521, 522,
523, 527, 528, 529
Reasons: Extensive deterioration
11 Bldgs.
Fort Drum
Jefferson NY 13602
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200940007
Status: Unutilized
Directions: 532, 540, 541, 542, 543, 544, 545,
546, 547, 548, 549
Reasons: Extensive deterioration
6 Bldgs.
Fort Drum
Jefferson NY 13602
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200940008
Status: Unutilized
Directions: 550, 551, 552, 553, 557, 558, 559
Reasons: Extensive deterioration
7 Bldgs.
Fort Drum
Jefferson NY 13602
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200940009
Status: Unutilized
Directions: 560, 561, 562, 571, 572, 573, 574
Reasons: Extensive deterioration
6 Bldgs
Fort Drum
Jefferson NY 13602
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200940010
Status: Unutilized
Directions: 1190, 1714, 10181, 10183, 10287,
Reasons: Extensive deterioration
18 Bldgs.
Fort Drum
Jefferson NY 13602
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200940011
Status: Unutilized
Directions: M425A, M425B, M426A, M426B,
M427A, M427B, M430A, M430B, M431A,
M431B, M432A, M432B, M433A, M433B,
M434A, M434B, M435A, M435B
Reasons: Extensive deterioration
17 Bldgs.
Fort Drum
Jefferson NY 13602
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200940012
Status: Unutilized
Directions: M449A, M455A, M457B, M459B,
M460A, M460B, M461A, M461B, M462A,
M462B, M463A, M463B, M464B, M465A,
M475A, M476B, M479B
Reasons: Extensive deterioration
North Carolina
Bldgs. T3354, T3361
Fort Bragg
Camp Mackall NC 28373
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200940033
Status: Unutilized
Reasons: Extensive deterioration; Secured
PO 00000
Frm 00052
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
7 Bldgs.
McAlester Army Ammo Plant
Pittsburg OK 74501
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200940049
Status: Excess
Directions: 81, 82, 98, 213, 449, 628, 643
Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or
explosive material; Secured Area
4 Bldgs.
Letterkenny Army Depot
Franklin PA 17201
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200940034
Status: Unutilized
Directions: S3627, 03811, S4344, S5298
Reasons: Secured Area
Bldgs. ZZ001, ZZ002
Milan AAP
Gibson TN 38358
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200940035
Status: Excess
Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or
explosive material; Secured Area
Bldgs. 11284, 11304
Fort Bliss
El Paso TX 79916
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200940036
Status: Unutilized
Reasons: Secured Area
Bldgs. 1218, 1296
Fort A.P. Hill
Bowling Green VA 22427
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200940037
Status: Unutilized
Reasons: Extensive deterioration
Bldgs. 1000, 2000, 2010
Radford AAP
Montgomery VA 24143
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200940038
Status: Unutilized
Reasons: Secured Area; Within 2000 ft. of
flammable or explosive material
[FR Doc. E9–27566 Filed 11–19–09; 8:45 am]
Bureau of Land Management
[F–14846–B, F–14846–C, F–14846–B2, F–
14846–F2, F–14846–H2; LLAK964000–
Alaska Native Claims Selection
AGENCY: Bureau of Land Management,
ACTION: Notice of decision approving
lands for conveyance.
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 223 / Friday, November 20, 2009 / Notices
SUMMARY: As required by 43 CFR
2650.7(d), notice is hereby given that an
appealable decision approving the
surface estate in certain lands for
conveyance pursuant to the Alaska
Native Claims Settlement Act will be
issued to Chalkyitsik Native
Corporation. The lands are in the
vicinity of Chalkyitsik, Alaska, and are
located in:
Lot 2, U.S. Survey No. 4133, Alaska.
Containing 2.34 acres.
srobinson on DSKHWCL6B1PROD with NOTICES
Fairbanks Meridian, Alaska
T. 23 N., R. 16 E.,
Sec. 29;
Secs. 32 to 36, inclusive.
Containing approximately 2,580 acres.
T. 22 N., R. 17 E.,
Secs. 25 to 36, inclusive.
Containing approximately 6,192 acres.
T. 23 N., R. 18 E.,
Secs. 4 to 8, inclusive;
Secs. 18, 19, and 30.
Containing approximately 3,891 acres.
T. 22 N., R. 19 E.,
Secs. 11 to 14, inclusive;
Secs. 23 to 36, inclusive.
Containing approximately 9,086 acres.
T. 21 N., R. 20 E.,
Secs. 1 to 6, inclusive;
Secs. 9 to 14, inclusive.
Containing approximately 6,335 acres.
Aggregating approximately 28,087 acres.
17:03 Nov 19, 2009
Jkt 220001
Barbara Opp Waldal,
Land Law Examiner, Land Transfer
Adjudication I Branch.
[FR Doc. E9–27864 Filed 11–19–09; 8:45 am]
Bureau of Land Management
[F–19328–B; LLAK964 000–L14100000–
Alaska Native Claims Selection
West Seventh Avenue, #13, Anchorage,
Alaska 99513–7504.
Bureau of Land Management by phone
at 907–271–5960, or by e-mail at: Persons
who use a telecommunication device
(TTD) may call the Federal Information
Relay Service (FIRS) at 1–800–877–
8339, 24 hours a day, seven days a
week, to contact the Bureau of Land
Jenny M. Anderson,
Land Law Examiner, Land Transfer
Adjudication I Branch.
[FR Doc. E9–27868 Filed 11–19–09; 8:45 am]
Bureau of Land Management,
ACTION: Notice of Decision approving
lands for conveyance.
As required by 43 CFR
2650.7(d), notice is hereby given that an
appealable decision approving the
surface estate in certain lands for
conveyance pursuant to the Alaska
Native Claims Settlement Act will be
issued to Evansville, Incorporated. The
lands are in the vicinity of Evansville,
Alaska, and are located in:
The subsurface estate in these lands
will be conveyed to Doyon, Limited,
when the surface estate is conveyed to
Chalkyitsik Native Corporation. Notice
of the decision will also be published
four times in the Fairbanks Daily NewsMiner.
DATES: The time limits for filing an
appeal are:
1. Any party claiming a property
interest which is adversely affected by
the decision shall have until December
21, 2009 to file an appeal.
2. Parties receiving service of the
decision by certified mail shall have 30
days from the date of receipt to file an
Parties who do not file an appeal in
accordance with the requirements of 43
CFR part 4, subpart E, shall be deemed
to have waived their rights.
ADDRESSES: A copy of the decision may
be obtained from: Bureau of Land
Management, Alaska State Office, 222
West Seventh Avenue, #13, Anchorage,
Alaska 99513–7504.
Bureau of Land Management by phone
at 907–271–5960, or by e-mail at Persons
who use a telecommunication device
(TTD) may call the Federal Information
Relay Service (FIRS) at 1–800–877–
8339, 24 hours a day, seven days a
VerDate Nov<24>2008
week, to contact the Bureau of Land
Fairbanks Meridian, Alaska
T. 26 N., R. 17 W.,
Secs. 35 and 36.
Containing approximately 1,094 acres.
T. 25 N., R. 18 W.,
Secs. 16, 21, 28 and 29.
Containing approximately 2,437 acres.
T. 24 N., R. 19 W.,
Secs. 7 and 8.
Containing approximately 1,230 acres.
Aggregating approximately 4,761 acres.
The subsurface estate in these lands
will be conveyed to Doyon, Limited
when the surface estate is conveyed to
Evansville, Incorporated. Notice of the
decision will also be published four
times in the Fairbanks Daily NewsMiner.
DATES: The time limits for filing an
appeal are:
1. Any party claiming a property
interest which is adversely affected by
the decision shall have until December
21, 2009 to file an appeal.
2. Parties receiving service of the
decision by certified mail shall have 30
days from the date of receipt to file an
Parties who do not file an appeal in
accordance with the requirements of 43
CFR Part 4, Subpart E, shall be deemed
to have waived their rights.
ADDRESSES: A copy of the decision may
be obtained from: Bureau of Land
Management, Alaska State Office, 222
PO 00000
Frm 00053
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Fish and Wildlife Service
[FWS–R2–ES–2009–N217; 20124–1113–
Endangered and Threatened Species
Permit Applications
AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service,
ACTION: Notice of receipt of applications;
request for public comment.
SUMMARY: The following applicants have
applied for scientific research permits to
conduct certain activities with
endangered species under the
Endangered Species Act of 1973, as
amended (Act). The Act requires that we
invite public comment on these permit
DATES: To ensure consideration, written
comments must be received on or before
December 21, 2009.
ADDRESSES: Written comments should
be submitted to the Chief, Endangered
Species Division, Ecological Services,
P.O. Box 1306, Room 6034,
Albuquerque, NM 87103. Documents
and other information submitted with
these applications are available for
review, subject to the requirements of
the Privacy Act and Freedom of
Information Act. Documents will be
available for public inspection, by
appointment only, during normal
business hours at the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service, 500 Gold Ave., SW.,
Room 6034, Albuquerque, NM. Please
refer to the respective permit number for
each application when submitting
Susan Jacobsen, Chief, Endangered
Species Division, P.O. Box 1306,
Albuquerque, NM 87103; (505) 248–
[Federal Register Volume 74, Number 223 (Friday, November 20, 2009)]
[Pages 60286-60287]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E9-27864]
Bureau of Land Management
[F-14846-B, F-14846-C, F-14846-B2, F-14846-F2, F-14846-H2; LLAK964000-
Alaska Native Claims Selection
AGENCY: Bureau of Land Management, Interior.
ACTION: Notice of decision approving lands for conveyance.
[[Page 60287]]
SUMMARY: As required by 43 CFR 2650.7(d), notice is hereby given that
an appealable decision approving the surface estate in certain lands
for conveyance pursuant to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act will
be issued to Chalkyitsik Native Corporation. The lands are in the
vicinity of Chalkyitsik, Alaska, and are located in:
Lot 2, U.S. Survey No. 4133, Alaska.
Containing 2.34 acres.
Fairbanks Meridian, Alaska
T. 23 N., R. 16 E.,
Sec. 29;
Secs. 32 to 36, inclusive.
Containing approximately 2,580 acres.
T. 22 N., R. 17 E.,
Secs. 25 to 36, inclusive.
Containing approximately 6,192 acres.
T. 23 N., R. 18 E.,
Secs. 4 to 8, inclusive;
Secs. 18, 19, and 30.
Containing approximately 3,891 acres.
T. 22 N., R. 19 E.,
Secs. 11 to 14, inclusive;
Secs. 23 to 36, inclusive.
Containing approximately 9,086 acres.
T. 21 N., R. 20 E.,
Secs. 1 to 6, inclusive;
Secs. 9 to 14, inclusive.
Containing approximately 6,335 acres.
Aggregating approximately 28,087 acres.
The subsurface estate in these lands will be conveyed to Doyon,
Limited, when the surface estate is conveyed to Chalkyitsik Native
Corporation. Notice of the decision will also be published four times
in the Fairbanks Daily News-Miner.
DATES: The time limits for filing an appeal are:
1. Any party claiming a property interest which is adversely
affected by the decision shall have until December 21, 2009 to file an
2. Parties receiving service of the decision by certified mail
shall have 30 days from the date of receipt to file an appeal.
Parties who do not file an appeal in accordance with the
requirements of 43 CFR part 4, subpart E, shall be deemed to have
waived their rights.
ADDRESSES: A copy of the decision may be obtained from: Bureau of Land
Management, Alaska State Office, 222 West Seventh Avenue, 13,
Anchorage, Alaska 99513-7504.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: The Bureau of Land Management by phone
at 907-271-5960, or by e-mail at Persons
who use a telecommunication device (TTD) may call the Federal
Information Relay Service (FIRS) at 1-800-877-8339, 24 hours a day,
seven days a week, to contact the Bureau of Land Management.
Barbara Opp Waldal,
Land Law Examiner, Land Transfer Adjudication I Branch.
[FR Doc. E9-27864 Filed 11-19-09; 8:45 am]