Copyright Office Notice of Inquiry and Request for Comments on the Topic of Facilitating Access to Copyrighted Works for the Blind or Other Persons With Disabilities, 52507-52509 [E9-24539]
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erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 196 / Tuesday, October 13, 2009 / Notices
Reservation, Washington; and Upper
Skagit Indian Tribe of Washington.
In consultation with the Puyallup
Tribe of the Puyallup Reservation,
Washington, the museum has learned
that there were many Puyallup villages
along Puget Sound prior to treaty times.
Additionally, the territory of the
Puyallup Tribe of the Puyallup
Reservation, Washington (within Pierce
County) extends to the Islands and
waterways of Puget Sound, up to
present day Steilacoom, out to present
day Gig Harbor, embracing the cities of
Tacoma, Fife, Milton, Puyallup,
Edgewood, Sumner, and up to the top
of Mount Rainier (and King County.)
The Puyallup also occupied seasonal
encampments in the Puget Sound area.
Based on lack of information about
the removal from Puget Sound, Mr.
Turner’s and his heirs’ failure to remove
the human remains from the museum,
and the fact that the Museum of Natural
History has had stewardship of them
since 1913, the museum considers the
human remains abandoned and has
decided to proceed as the responsible
entity under NAGPRA.
Officials of the Museum of Natural
History and Planetarium, Roger
Williams Park have determined that,
pursuant to 25 U.S.C. 3001 (9–10), the
human remains described above
represent the physical remains of one
individual of Native American ancestry.
Officials of the Museum of Natural
History and Planetarium, Roger
Williams Park also have determined
that, pursuant to 25 U.S.C. 3001 (2),
there is a relationship of shared group
identity that can be reasonably traced
between the Native American human
remains and the Muckleshoot Indian
Tribe of the Muckleshoot Reservation,
Washington; Nisqually Indian Tribe of
the Nisqually Reservation, Washington;
Port Gamble Indian Tribe of the Port
Gamble Reservation, Washington;
Puyallup Tribe of the Puyallup
Reservation, Washington; Sauk-Suiattle
Indian Tribe of Washington; Skokomish
Indian Tribe of the Skokomish
Reservation, Washington; Squaxin
Island Tribe of the Squaxin Island
Reservation, Washington; Stillaguamish
Tribe of Washington; Suquamish Indian
Tribe of the Port Madison Reservation,
Washington; Swinomish Indians of the
Swinomish Reservation, Washington;
Tulalip Tribes of the Tulalip
Reservation, Washington; and Upper
Skagit Indian Tribe of Washington.
Representatives of any other Indian
tribe that believes itself to be culturally
affiliated with the human remains
should contact Marilyn Massaro,
Curator of Collections, Museum of
Natural History and Planetarium, Roger
VerDate Nov<24>2008
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Williams Park, Providence, RI 02907,
telephone (401)785–9457, ext. 248,
before November 12, 2009. Repatriation
of the human remains to the
Muckleshoot Indian Tribe of the
Muckleshoot Reservation, Washington;
Nisqually Indian Tribe of the Nisqually
Reservation, Washington; Port Gamble
Indian Tribe of the Port Gamble
Reservation, Washington; Puyallup
Tribe of the Puyallup Reservation,
Washington; Sauk-Suiattle Indian Tribe
of Washington; Skokomish Indian Tribe
of the Skokomish Reservation,
Washington; Squaxin Island Tribe of the
Squaxin Island Reservation,
Washington; Stillaguamish Tribe of
Washington; Suquamish Indian Tribe of
the Port Madison Reservation,
Washington; Swinomish Indians of the
Swinomish Reservation, Washington;
Tulalip Tribes of the Tulalip
Reservation, Washington; and Upper
Skagit Indian Tribe of Washington may
proceed after that date if no additional
claimants come forward.
The Museum of Natural History and
Planetarium, Roger Williams Park is
responsible for notifying the
Muckleshoot Indian Tribe of the
Muckleshoot Reservation, Washington;
Nisqually Indian Tribe of the Nisqually
Reservation, Washington; Port Gamble
Indian Tribe of the Port Gamble
Reservation, Washington; Puyallup
Tribe of the Puyallup Reservation,
Washington; Sauk-Suiattle Indian Tribe
of Washington; Skokomish Indian Tribe
of the Skokomish Reservation,
Washington; Squaxin Island Tribe of the
Squaxin Island Reservation,
Washington; Stillaguamish Tribe of
Washington; Suquamish Indian Tribe of
the Port Madison Reservation,
Washington; Swinomish Indians of the
Swinomish Reservation, Washington;
Tulalip Tribes of the Tulalip
Reservation, Washington; and Upper
Skagit Indian Tribe of Washington that
this notice has been published.
Dated: September 21, 2009
Sherry Hutt,
Manager, National NAGPRA Program.
[FR Doc. E9–24558 Filed 10–9–09; 8:45 am]
Copyright Office
Copyright Office Notice of Inquiry and
Request for Comments on the Topic of
Facilitating Access to Copyrighted
Works for the Blind or Other Persons
With Disabilities
AGENCY: Copyright Office, Library of
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ACTION: Notice of inquiry and request for
SUMMARY: The United States Copyright
Office (Copyright Office) and the United
States Patent and Trademark Office
(USPTO) seek comment on possible
solutions to enhance the accessibility of
copyrighted works for the benefit of the
blind or other persons with disabilities,1
including specifically the objectives and
text of a draft treaty prepared under the
auspices of the World Blind Union and
proposed formally at the May 2009
session of the World Intellectual
Property Organization’s Standing
Committee on Copyright and Related
Rights. Interested parties are invited to
submit comments on the topics outlined
in the supplementary information
section of this notice.
DATES: Initial comments on the Notice
of Inquiry and Request for Comments
are due on or before November 13, 2009.
Reply comments are due on or before
December 4, 2009.
ADDRESSES: Notice of Inquiry and
Request for Comments: The Copyright
Office and USPTO strongly prefer that
comments be submitted electronically.
A comment page containing a comment
form will be posted on the Copyright
Office web site at
docs/sccr/comments and will be
activated approximately two weeks
prior to the comment deadline. The web
site interface will allow commenters to
enter required information into
specified fields and upload comments
as an attachment. In order to be
accessible to visually impaired persons,
all comments must be uploaded in a
single file in either the Adobe Portable
Document File (PDF) format that
contains searchable, accessible text (not
an image); Microsoft Word;
WordPerfect; Rich Text Format (RTF); or
ASCII text file format (not a scanned
document). The maximum file size is 6
megabytes (MB). The uploaded
comment must include the name of the
commenter. A browse button will
facilitate submission of the completed
form to the Copyright Office. All
comments from this proceeding will be
posted publicly on the Copyright Office
web site. The name and organization of
the commenter from the comment form
1 Various terms are used formally and informally
throughout the world. When inquiring about
experiences within the United States, the term used
in this Notice of Inquiry is that which appears in
U.S. copyright law. See 17 U.S.C. 121(d)(2). There,
the term ‘‘blind or other persons with disabilities’’
is defined to include individuals who are eligible
or who may qualify to receive books and other
publications in specialized formats in accordance
with the Act entitled ‘‘An Act to provide books for
the adult blind,’’ approved March 3, 1931 (2 U.S.C.
135a; 46 Stat. 1487).
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 196 / Tuesday, October 13, 2009 / Notices
will be posted together with the entire
attached comment document. Other
information from the comment form
will not be posted, but note that if the
same information is included in the
attached document it will be available
on the Copyright Office web site as part
of the attachment. If electronic
submission of comments is not feasible,
please contact the Copyright Office at
202–707–1027 for special instructions.
Maria Pallante, Associate Register,
Policy and International Affairs, or
Michele Woods, Senior Counsel for
Policy and International Affairs, by
telephone at 202–707–1027 or by
electronic mail at or
erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with NOTICES
Background: The United States is a
Member State of the World Intellectual
Property Organization (WIPO) and an
active member of the Standing
Committee on Copyright and Related
Rights (SCCR). An on–going focus of the
SCCR is the topic of limitations and
exceptions to exclusive rights, including
limitations and exceptions for visually
impaired persons. At its seventeenth
session (November 2008), the SCCR
stressed the importance of dealing
‘‘without delay and with appropriate
deliberation’’ with the issue of
facilitating and enhancing access to
protected works.2 At the most recent
(eighteenth) session of the SCCR (May
2009), the delegations of Brazil,
Ecuador, and Paraguay formally
introduced a proposal for a new treaty
for the benefit of blind, visually
impaired, and other reading disabled
persons, based on text that was prepared
under the auspices of the World Blind
Union (WBU).3
The treaty proposal would require the
implementation of prescribed copyright
exceptions and limitations, among other
provisions. The stated purpose of the
proposal is to ‘‘provide the necessary
minimum flexibilities in copyright laws
that are needed to ensure.formats that
are accessible for persons who are blind,
have low vision, or have other
disabilities in reading text, in order to
support their full and effective
participation in society on an equal
basis with others, and to ensure the
2 See ‘‘Conclusions of the 17th Session of the
SCCR,’’ November 3–7, 2008, at https://
sccrl17/sccrl17lwwwl112533.pdf (last visited
on Oct. 1, 2009).
3 See ‘‘Conclusions of the 18th Session of the
SCCR,’’ May 25–29, 2009, at
sccrl18lconclusions.doc (last visited on Oct. 1,
VerDate Nov<24>2008
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opportunity to develop and utilize their
creative, artistic and intellectual
potential, not only for their own benefit,
but also for the enrichment of society.’’
Most notably, the proposal would
permit the cross–border import, export
and qualified distribution of
copyrighted works in accessible formats
without the permission of the rights
holders, including to countries that
presently lack, in their national laws, a
specific copyright exception or other
legal framework for serving the visually
impaired. The proposal would also
permit the circumvention of
technological protection measures for
the purpose of making works accessible.
See Proposal by Brazil, Ecuador and
Paraguay, Relating to Limitations and
Exceptions: Treaty Proposed by the
World Blind Union (WBU), submitted at
the World Intellectual Property
Organization Standing Committee on
Copyright and Related Rights (SCCR),
18th Session, May 25–29, 2009
(available at
The United States has long been a
leader in the area of providing popular
books, textbooks, magazines,
newspapers and other materials to the
blind, through the services of several
trusted organizations, including the
Library of Congress (National Library
Service for the Blind and Physically
Disabled), American Printing House for
the Blind, Recording for the Blind &
Dyslexic, and Bookshare.4 A statutory
exception in the Copyright Act (Title
17), the so–called ‘‘Chafee
Amendment,’’ permits these and other
authorized entities to reproduce and
distribute certain literary works in
specialized formats exclusively for use
by blind or other persons with
disabilities. In the context of education,
the Chafee Amendment operates jointly
with the Individual with Disabilities
Education Act (IDEA) of 2004, which
allows publishers to create and
distribute print instructional materials
for elementary and secondary schools in
a file format known as ‘‘NIMAS’’ (the
National Instructional Materials
Accessibility Standard). Another U.S.
organization, the DAISY Consortium,
has worked globally to establish the
4 The United States signed the United Nations
Convention on the Rights of Persons with
Disabilities on July 30, 2009. The next step is for
the President to transmit a request to the Senate for
advice and consent to ratification, accompanied by
a treaty transmittal package. Article 30 of the
Convention requires that ‘‘States Parties recognize
the right of persons with disabilities to take part on
an equal basis with others in cultural life, and...take
all appropriate measures to ensure that persons
with disabilities...[e]njoy access to cultural
materials in accessible formats.’’
PO 00000
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technical standards that are necessary to
ensure interoperability of file formats
and actual access by the blind, not only
with respect to works made pursuant to
copyright exceptions but also for works
sold to visually impaired persons on the
open market. More information on the
DAISY Consortium is available at https://
In a floor statement at the eighteenth
session of the SCCR (May 2009), the
delegation of the United States affirmed
its commitment to working jointly with
stakeholders to find ‘‘timely, effective
and practical solutions’’ to further
enhance the accessibility of protected
works, taking into account the complex
and interrelated issues of copyright law,
business models, technology and human
and financial resources. See Statement
on Improving Accessibility to
Copyrighted Works for Blind and
Visually Impaired Persons, as Delivered
by the United States of America before
the World Intellectual Property
Organization Standing Committee on
Copyright and Related Rights (SCCR),
18th Session, May 26, 2009 (available at
statement/us–intervention.pdf). The
United States stressed the importance of
national consultations as a critical first
step to addressing specific proposals
within the SCCR. The United States
reported at length on its formal and
informal consultations with copyright
owners, representatives of the blind,
and the public, including a notice of
inquiry (through which the public
submitted written comments and reply
comments) and a comprehensive public
meeting that preceded the SCCR
session. See Notice of Inquiry and
Request for Comments; Notice of Public
Meeting, 74 FR 13268 (Mar. 26, 2009);
see also
To date, the U.S. consultations have
demonstrated that although there are
willing buyers and sellers of accessible
works, concerns over rights clearances,
downstream infringement, and high
costs prevent the marketplace of
accessible works from growing to its full
potential. Additionally, the United
States has learned that improved
implementation of existing legal and
regulatory provisions may be needed in
order to maximize the accessibility of
works to the blind and other persons
with disabilities. But there are many
challenges that do not pose questions of
law. For example, better coordination
between trusted organizations,
educational institutions, and publishers
could reduce duplication of efforts and
lead to a better variety of titles in
accessible formats. Respect for technical
standards would improve the
erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 196 / Tuesday, October 13, 2009 / Notices
interoperability of file formats and
improve accessibility to hardware,
including for refreshable Braille and
text–to–speech capabilities. Clearer
practices could help assuage delays in
providing time–sensitive materials to
some visually impaired students,
particularly in higher education.
Increased funding would help all of the
At the international level, the WIPO
Secretariat has endeavored to address
practical obstacles to accessibility by
creating an exploratory partnership
between publishers and visually
impaired persons, known as the WIPO
Stakeholders’ Platform. The
Stakeholders’ Platform is exploring the
‘‘concrete needs, concerns, and
suggested approaches’’ of facilitating
access. For example, one subcommittee
has been working on a series of private
sector guidelines and pilot projects
related to trusted intermediaries and
cross–border access for registered,
qualified users. More information may
be found at
At the next (nineteenth) session of the
SCCR (December 14–18, 2009), the
United States is committed to
discussing the treaty proposal, as well
as other relevant solutions.
Documents from SCCR meetings,
including documents regarding
copyright limitations and exceptions for
the blind and other persons with
disabilities, can be found by starting at
topic.jsp?grouplid=62 and following
the link to information for each specific
meeting. A study on copyright
limitations and exceptions for the
visually impaired can be found at https://
docldetails.jsp?doclid=75696. The
treaty proposal is available at https://
Subjects of Inquiry: At this time, in
order to allow further opportunity for
interested persons to provide their
views, the Copyright Office and the
USPTO are seeking comments on
possible solutions, both legal and
practical, for enhancing the accessibility
of copyrighted works for the benefit of
visually impaired persons. In particular,
the Copyright Office and USPTO are
interested in learning about 1) how the
treaty proposal would interact with
existing U.S. law; 2) how the treaty
proposal would interact with existing
international obligations of the U.S.; 3)
the possible benefits of or concerns
about the treaty proposal, including
with regard to the objectives of the
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treaty proposal, how those objectives
could lead to improved access for the
blind and visually impaired, and any
concerns about the implementation of
the proposed treaty provisions in the
U.S. or abroad; and 4) other possible
courses of action that would facilitate
access by ‘‘blind, visually impaired, and
other reading disabled persons.’’
1. How would the treaty proposal
interact with United States law under
Title 17 or otherwise? The Copyright
Office and the USPTO seek to learn
interested parties’ views on how the
treaty proposal compares to U.S. law
under Title 17, or any other statutory or
regulatory provisions that might be
affected. How consistent is the treaty
proposal with current U.S. law? If the
treaty proposal is adopted, would any
changes to U.S. law be required in order
to implement its provisions? Please
reference with as much specificity as
possible any U.S. statutes, regulations,
or other provisions that should be
considered in a review of the treaty
proposal’s implications on U.S. law.
2. How would the treaty proposal
interact with the international
obligations of the United States? Please
comment on whether, and how, the
treaty proposal would affect the existing
multilateral and bilateral agreements of
the United States. Please reference with
as much specificity as possible the
provisions of any treaties, conventions,
agreements or other instruments that
should be considered, as well as any
conclusions or analyses that might be
3. What benefits or concerns would
the treaty proposal create? Please
comment generally on the objectives of
the treaty proposal, and how such
objectives could facilitate access for the
blind and visually impaired. Is the
treaty proposal likely to meet its
objectives? Would there be any legal or
practical impediments to implementing
the treaty proposal in the United States?
What issues should the United States
consider with respect to application of
the treaty proposal in foreign countries?
4. Other possible courses of action
that would facilitate access by ‘‘blind,
visually impaired, and other reading
disabled persons.’’ Please comment on
any additional, possible methods of
improving accessibility about which the
Copyright Office and the USPTO should
be aware, including possible roles for
WIPO, the U.S. government, and the
commercial and noncommercial private
PO 00000
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Dated: October 7, 2009.
Maria Pallante,
Associate Register for Policy
and International Affairs,
U.S. Copyright Office.
[FR Doc. E9–24539 Filed 10–9–09; 8:45 am]
National Endowment for the Arts;
National Council on the Arts 168th
Pursuant to section 10(a)(2) of the
Federal Advisory Committee Act (Pub.
L. 92–463), as amended, notice is hereby
given that a meeting of the National
Council on the Arts will be held on
October 30, 2009 in Room M–09 at the
Nancy Hanks Center, 1100 Pennsylvania
Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20506.
This meeting, from 9 a.m. to 11:30
p.m. (ending time is approximate), will
be open to the public on a space
available basis. After opening remarks
and announcements, the meeting will
include Government Affairs and budget
updates. This will be followed by
presentations on the legacy of Merce
Cunningham. Presenters will include
Suzanne Carbonneau (critic and director
of the NEA Arts Journalism project at
the American Dance Festival), Trevor
Carlson (former dancer and executive
director of the Cunningham Dance
Company), and Elizabeth Streb (dancer
and choreographer). After the
presentations the Council will review
and vote on applications and guidelines,
and will adjourn following concluding
If, in the course of the open session
discussion, it becomes necessary for the
Council to discuss non-public
commercial or financial information of
intrinsic value, the Council will go into
closed session pursuant to subsection
(c)(4) of the Government in the
Sunshine Act, 5 U.S.C. 552b.
Additionally, discussion concerning
purely personal information about
individuals, submitted with grant
applications, such as personal
biographical and salary data or medical
information, may be conducted by the
Council in closed session in accordance
with subsection (c)(6) of 5 U.S.C. 552b.
Any interested persons may attend, as
observers, Council discussions and
reviews that are open to the public. If
you need special accommodations due
to a disability, please contact the Office
of AccessAbility, National Endowment
for the Arts, 1100 Pennsylvania Avenue,
NW., Washington, DC 20506, 202/682–
[Federal Register Volume 74, Number 196 (Tuesday, October 13, 2009)]
[Pages 52507-52509]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E9-24539]
Copyright Office
Copyright Office Notice of Inquiry and Request for Comments on
the Topic of Facilitating Access to Copyrighted Works for the Blind or
Other Persons With Disabilities
AGENCY: Copyright Office, Library of Congress.
ACTION: Notice of inquiry and request for comments.
SUMMARY: The United States Copyright Office (Copyright Office) and the
United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) seek comment on
possible solutions to enhance the accessibility of copyrighted works
for the benefit of the blind or other persons with disabilities,\1\
including specifically the objectives and text of a draft treaty
prepared under the auspices of the World Blind Union and proposed
formally at the May 2009 session of the World Intellectual Property
Organization's Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights.
Interested parties are invited to submit comments on the topics
outlined in the supplementary information section of this notice.
\1\ Various terms are used formally and informally throughout
the world. When inquiring about experiences within the United
States, the term used in this Notice of Inquiry is that which
appears in U.S. copyright law. See 17 U.S.C. 121(d)(2). There, the
term ``blind or other persons with disabilities'' is defined to
include individuals who are eligible or who may qualify to receive
books and other publications in specialized formats in accordance
with the Act entitled ``An Act to provide books for the adult
blind,'' approved March 3, 1931 (2 U.S.C. 135a; 46 Stat. 1487).
DATES: Initial comments on the Notice of Inquiry and Request for
Comments are due on or before November 13, 2009. Reply comments are due
on or before December 4, 2009.
ADDRESSES: Notice of Inquiry and Request for Comments: The Copyright
Office and USPTO strongly prefer that comments be submitted
electronically. A comment page containing a comment form will be posted
on the Copyright Office web site at and will be activated approximately two weeks prior to the
comment deadline. The web site interface will allow commenters to enter
required information into specified fields and upload comments as an
attachment. In order to be accessible to visually impaired persons, all
comments must be uploaded in a single file in either the Adobe Portable
Document File (PDF) format that contains searchable, accessible text
(not an image); Microsoft Word; WordPerfect; Rich Text Format (RTF); or
ASCII text file format (not a scanned document). The maximum file size
is 6 megabytes (MB). The uploaded comment must include the name of the
commenter. A browse button will facilitate submission of the completed
form to the Copyright Office. All comments from this proceeding will be
posted publicly on the Copyright Office web site. The name and
organization of the commenter from the comment form
[[Page 52508]]
will be posted together with the entire attached comment document.
Other information from the comment form will not be posted, but note
that if the same information is included in the attached document it
will be available on the Copyright Office web site as part of the
attachment. If electronic submission of comments is not feasible,
please contact the Copyright Office at 202-707-1027 for special
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Maria Pallante, Associate Register,
Policy and International Affairs, or Michele Woods, Senior Counsel for
Policy and International Affairs, by telephone at 202-707-1027 or by
electronic mail at or
Background: The United States is a Member State of the World
Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and an active member of the
Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights (SCCR). An on-going
focus of the SCCR is the topic of limitations and exceptions to
exclusive rights, including limitations and exceptions for visually
impaired persons. At its seventeenth session (November 2008), the SCCR
stressed the importance of dealing ``without delay and with appropriate
deliberation'' with the issue of facilitating and enhancing access to
protected works.\2\ At the most recent (eighteenth) session of the SCCR
(May 2009), the delegations of Brazil, Ecuador, and Paraguay formally
introduced a proposal for a new treaty for the benefit of blind,
visually impaired, and other reading disabled persons, based on text
that was prepared under the auspices of the World Blind Union (WBU).\3\
\2\ See ``Conclusions of the 17th Session of the SCCR,''
November 3-7, 2008, at (last visited on Oct. 1, 2009).
\3\ See ``Conclusions of the 18th Session of the SCCR,'' May 25-
29, 2009, at (last visited on Oct. 1, 2009).
The treaty proposal would require the implementation of prescribed
copyright exceptions and limitations, among other provisions. The
stated purpose of the proposal is to ``provide the necessary minimum
flexibilities in copyright laws that are needed to ensure.formats that
are accessible for persons who are blind, have low vision, or have
other disabilities in reading text, in order to support their full and
effective participation in society on an equal basis with others, and
to ensure the opportunity to develop and utilize their creative,
artistic and intellectual potential, not only for their own benefit,
but also for the enrichment of society.''
Most notably, the proposal would permit the cross-border import,
export and qualified distribution of copyrighted works in accessible
formats without the permission of the rights holders, including to
countries that presently lack, in their national laws, a specific
copyright exception or other legal framework for serving the visually
impaired. The proposal would also permit the circumvention of
technological protection measures for the purpose of making works
accessible. See Proposal by Brazil, Ecuador and Paraguay, Relating to
Limitations and Exceptions: Treaty Proposed by the World Blind Union
(WBU), submitted at the World Intellectual Property Organization
Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights (SCCR), 18th
Session, May 25-29, 2009 (available at
The United States has long been a leader in the area of providing
popular books, textbooks, magazines, newspapers and other materials to
the blind, through the services of several trusted organizations,
including the Library of Congress (National Library Service for the
Blind and Physically Disabled), American Printing House for the Blind,
Recording for the Blind & Dyslexic, and Bookshare.\4\ A statutory
exception in the Copyright Act (Title 17), the so-called ``Chafee
Amendment,'' permits these and other authorized entities to reproduce
and distribute certain literary works in specialized formats
exclusively for use by blind or other persons with disabilities. In the
context of education, the Chafee Amendment operates jointly with the
Individual with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) of 2004, which allows
publishers to create and distribute print instructional materials for
elementary and secondary schools in a file format known as ``NIMAS''
(the National Instructional Materials Accessibility Standard). Another
U.S. organization, the DAISY Consortium, has worked globally to
establish the technical standards that are necessary to ensure
interoperability of file formats and actual access by the blind, not
only with respect to works made pursuant to copyright exceptions but
also for works sold to visually impaired persons on the open market.
More information on the DAISY Consortium is available at
\4\ The United States signed the United Nations Convention on
the Rights of Persons with Disabilities on July 30, 2009. The next
step is for the President to transmit a request to the Senate for
advice and consent to ratification, accompanied by a treaty
transmittal package. Article 30 of the Convention requires that
``States Parties recognize the right of persons with disabilities to
take part on an equal basis with others in cultural life, and...take
all appropriate measures to ensure that persons with
disabilities...[e]njoy access to cultural materials in accessible
In a floor statement at the eighteenth session of the SCCR (May
2009), the delegation of the United States affirmed its commitment to
working jointly with stakeholders to find ``timely, effective and
practical solutions'' to further enhance the accessibility of protected
works, taking into account the complex and interrelated issues of
copyright law, business models, technology and human and financial
resources. See Statement on Improving Accessibility to Copyrighted
Works for Blind and Visually Impaired Persons, as Delivered by the
United States of America before the World Intellectual Property
Organization Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights (SCCR),
18th Session, May 26, 2009 (available at The United States stressed the
importance of national consultations as a critical first step to
addressing specific proposals within the SCCR. The United States
reported at length on its formal and informal consultations with
copyright owners, representatives of the blind, and the public,
including a notice of inquiry (through which the public submitted
written comments and reply comments) and a comprehensive public meeting
that preceded the SCCR session. See Notice of Inquiry and Request for
Comments; Notice of Public Meeting, 74 FR 13268 (Mar. 26, 2009); see
To date, the U.S. consultations have demonstrated that although
there are willing buyers and sellers of accessible works, concerns over
rights clearances, downstream infringement, and high costs prevent the
marketplace of accessible works from growing to its full potential.
Additionally, the United States has learned that improved
implementation of existing legal and regulatory provisions may be
needed in order to maximize the accessibility of works to the blind and
other persons with disabilities. But there are many challenges that do
not pose questions of law. For example, better coordination between
trusted organizations, educational institutions, and publishers could
reduce duplication of efforts and lead to a better variety of titles in
accessible formats. Respect for technical standards would improve the
[[Page 52509]]
interoperability of file formats and improve accessibility to hardware,
including for refreshable Braille and text-to-speech capabilities.
Clearer practices could help assuage delays in providing time-sensitive
materials to some visually impaired students, particularly in higher
education. Increased funding would help all of the above.
At the international level, the WIPO Secretariat has endeavored to
address practical obstacles to accessibility by creating an exploratory
partnership between publishers and visually impaired persons, known as
the WIPO Stakeholders' Platform. The Stakeholders' Platform is
exploring the ``concrete needs, concerns, and suggested approaches'' of
facilitating access. For example, one subcommittee has been working on
a series of private sector guidelines and pilot projects related to
trusted intermediaries and cross-border access for registered,
qualified users. More information may be found at
At the next (nineteenth) session of the SCCR (December 14-18,
2009), the United States is committed to discussing the treaty
proposal, as well as other relevant solutions.
Documents from SCCR meetings, including documents regarding
copyright limitations and exceptions for the blind and other persons
with disabilities, can be found by starting at and following the link to
information for each specific meeting. A study on copyright limitations
and exceptions for the visually impaired can be found at doc_details.jsp?doc--id=75696. The treaty
proposal is available at
Subjects of Inquiry: At this time, in order to allow further
opportunity for interested persons to provide their views, the
Copyright Office and the USPTO are seeking comments on possible
solutions, both legal and practical, for enhancing the accessibility of
copyrighted works for the benefit of visually impaired persons. In
particular, the Copyright Office and USPTO are interested in learning
about 1) how the treaty proposal would interact with existing U.S. law;
2) how the treaty proposal would interact with existing international
obligations of the U.S.; 3) the possible benefits of or concerns about
the treaty proposal, including with regard to the objectives of the
treaty proposal, how those objectives could lead to improved access for
the blind and visually impaired, and any concerns about the
implementation of the proposed treaty provisions in the U.S. or abroad;
and 4) other possible courses of action that would facilitate access by
``blind, visually impaired, and other reading disabled persons.''
1. How would the treaty proposal interact with United States law
under Title 17 or otherwise? The Copyright Office and the USPTO seek to
learn interested parties' views on how the treaty proposal compares to
U.S. law under Title 17, or any other statutory or regulatory
provisions that might be affected. How consistent is the treaty
proposal with current U.S. law? If the treaty proposal is adopted,
would any changes to U.S. law be required in order to implement its
provisions? Please reference with as much specificity as possible any
U.S. statutes, regulations, or other provisions that should be
considered in a review of the treaty proposal's implications on U.S.
2. How would the treaty proposal interact with the international
obligations of the United States? Please comment on whether, and how,
the treaty proposal would affect the existing multilateral and
bilateral agreements of the United States. Please reference with as
much specificity as possible the provisions of any treaties,
conventions, agreements or other instruments that should be considered,
as well as any conclusions or analyses that might be instructive.
3. What benefits or concerns would the treaty proposal create?
Please comment generally on the objectives of the treaty proposal, and
how such objectives could facilitate access for the blind and visually
impaired. Is the treaty proposal likely to meet its objectives? Would
there be any legal or practical impediments to implementing the treaty
proposal in the United States? What issues should the United States
consider with respect to application of the treaty proposal in foreign
4. Other possible courses of action that would facilitate access by
``blind, visually impaired, and other reading disabled persons.''
Please comment on any additional, possible methods of improving
accessibility about which the Copyright Office and the USPTO should be
aware, including possible roles for WIPO, the U.S. government, and the
commercial and noncommercial private sectors.
Dated: October 7, 2009.
Maria Pallante,
Associate Register for Policy
and International Affairs,
U.S. Copyright Office.
[FR Doc. E9-24539 Filed 10-9-09; 8:45 am]