Cut Flowers From Countries With Chrysanthemum White Rust, 15805-15812 [E7-6128]
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Rules and Regulations
Federal Register
Vol. 72, No. 63
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
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Animal and Plant Health Inspection
7 CFR Part 319
[Docket No. 03–016–3]
RIN 0579–AC18
Cut Flowers From Countries With
Chrysanthemum White Rust
Animal and Plant Health
Inspection Service, USDA.
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: We are amending the cut
flowers regulations to establish specific
requirements for the importation of cut
flowers that are hosts of chrysanthemum
white rust (CWR) from countries where
the disease is known to occur. We are
also amending the nursery stock
regulations to update lists of countries
where CWR is known to occur. We are
making these changes in order to make
our cut flowers and nursery stock
regulations consistent. This action is
necessary because of numerous recent
findings of CWR on cut flowers from
Europe that pose a risk of introducing
CWR in the United States.
DATES: Effective Date: May 3, 2007.
Tony Roman, Import Specialist,
Commodity Import Analysis and
Operation, PPQ, APHIS, 4700 River
Road Unit 133, Riverdale, MD 20737–
1231; (301) 734–8758.
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with RULES
The regulations in 7 CFR part 319
prohibit or restrict the importation of
plants, plant parts, and related materials
to prevent the introduction of plant
pests into the United States. The
regulations in ‘‘Subpart-Nursery Stock,
Plants, Roots, Bulbs, Seeds, and Other
Plant Products,’’ §§ 319.37 through
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319.37–14 (referred to below as the
nursery stock regulations) restrict,
among other things, the importation of
living plants, plant parts, and seeds for
propagation. Conditions governing the
importation of cut flowers into the
United States are contained in
‘‘Subpart—Cut Flowers’’ (§§ 319.74–1
through 319.74–4, referred to below as
the cut flowers regulations).
On July 7, 2005, we published in the
Federal Register (70 FR 39194–39199,
Docket No. 03–016–1) a proposal 1 to
amend the cut flowers regulations to
establish specific requirements for the
importation of cut flowers that are hosts
of chrysanthemum white rust (CWR)
from countries where the disease is
known to occur. We also proposed to
amend the nursery stock regulations to
update lists of countries where CWR is
known to occur.
We solicited comments concerning
our proposal for 60 days ending
September 6, 2005. On September 20,
2005, we published a document in the
Federal Register (70 FR 55036, Docket
No. 03–016–2) reopening the comment
period for our proposed rule until
October 21, 2005. We received eight
comments by that date. The comments
were from representatives of State and
foreign governments, industry
organizations, importers and exporters,
and distributors. Two of those
commenters supported the proposed
rule. The remaining commenters
expressed some reservations, which are
discussed below.
General Comments
Two commenters stated that
information about production site
registration in the background section
and the rule portion was inconsistent.
Specifically, the commenters stated that
it was unclear if all cut flower
production sites in countries where
CWR is known to occur would have to
register with their national plant
protection organizations (NPPOs) or if
only those wishing to export to the
United States would have to do so.
The commenter is correct, in that the
wording used in the background section
and the proposed regulatory text in our
1 To view the proposed rule and the comments
we received, go to, click
on the ‘‘Advanced Search’’ tab, and select ‘‘Docket
Search.’’ In the Docket ID field, enter APHIS–2005–
0061, then click on ‘‘Submit.’’ Clicking on the
Docket ID link in the search results page will
produce a list of all documents in the docket.
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proposal regarding production site
registration was inconsistent. The
background section of the proposed rule
stated that all production sites in
countries where CWR is known to occur
would have to register with their
NPPOs. The proposed regulatory text
stated that cut flowers would have to
originate from production sites that
were registered with their country’s
NPPO. It is our intent to only require
those production sites that wish to ship
CWR-susceptible species of cut flowers
to the United States to register with
their NPPOs. Because the error appeared
only in the background section, it is not
necessary to make a change in the
regulatory text in this final rule.
One commenter took issue with our
statement that CWR is not established in
the United States. The commenter said
that the CWR status of a country should
be based on official survey information
in conformance with international
standards. Also, the commenter stated
that we should recognize areas within
countries as pest-free rather than
considering the entire country to be
affected, and that this recognition
should be based upon official surveys
conducted in accordance with the
International Plant Protection
Convention’s (IPPC) standards for pestfree areas.
We maintain that CWR is not
established in the United States. Based
on the definitions given in the
International Standards for
Phytosanitary Measures (ISPM) No. 8,
‘‘Determination of Pest Status in an
Area,’’ when CWR is found in the
United States, it fits under the category
of ‘‘Transient: Actionable, under
eradication.’’ The explanation of this
category given in ISPM No. 8 is that
‘‘the pest has been detected as an
isolated population which may survive
into the immediate future and, without
phytosanitary measures for eradication,
may establish. Appropriate
phytosanitary measures have been
applied for its eradication.’’ As stated in
the proposed rule, whenever CWR has
been detected in the United States, we
have taken immediate action to
eradicate the disease. With regard to
recognizing areas within countries as
CWR-free, we have not identified any
CWR-free areas within the countries
where the disease is known to occur at
this time, but would be willing to do so
if an affected country submits to APHIS
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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 63 / Tuesday, April 3, 2007 / Rules and Regulations
scientific documentation that
demonstrates the pest-free status of an
area or areas within the country, and if
the area otherwise meets the
requirements in ISPM No. 4
‘‘Requirements for the Establishment of
Pest Free Areas.’’
One commenter stated that risk
mitigations should be based on a pest
risk analysis, but noted that no pest risk
analysis was done for the proposed rule.
The commenter stated that it would be
useful for APHIS to communicate to
NPPOs the risks that have been
identified by APHIS in this matter.
We explained in our proposed rule
that we have been administratively
regulating cut flowers from countries
where CWR is known to occur since
1974. Under these circumstances, we
believe that it is unnecessary to conduct
a formal pest risk analysis. We also
stated in our proposed rule that we are
currently applying similar
administrative restrictions to cut flowers
from Mexico and the Netherlands and
that these measures have been effective
in preventing the introduction of CWR
by cut flowers from those countries.
Two commenters stated that APHIS
inspectors should not be allowed to
oversee program operations in other
countries. One of the commenters stated
that APHIS being allowed to exercise
influence over export certifications is
inconsistent with IPPC standards and
that inspecting production sites should
be left up to the individual exporting
country. The second commenter took
issue with the statement in our
proposed rule that, ‘‘* * * if any
shipment of cut flowers is found to be
infested with CWR upon arrival in the
United States, we would prohibit
imports from the originating production
site until such a time as APHIS and the
national plant protection organization of
the exporting country can agree that the
eradication measures taken have been
effective and the pest risk within the
production site has been eliminated.’’
The commenter stated that the
effectiveness of eradication measures
should be determined by the exporting
country’s NPPO, not APHIS.
As the NPPO of the United States, we
have the right to monitor program
operations in other countries in order to
ensure that proper procedures are being
followed so as to prevent the
introduction of quarantine pests and
diseases into the United States. APHIS
inspectors will monitor production sites
and pest survey information, but the
NPPO of the individual countries will
be ultimately responsible for monitoring
and applying appropriate pest-control
measures when necessary. Further, the
APHIS inspectors who will be involved
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in monitoring the effectiveness of each
country’s program will primarily be
APHIS employees who are already
working closely with the NPPO in each
country. With regard to eradication
measures, it is not our intention to
dictate which measures a country uses
to eradicate CWR once it is detected.
Our concern is with ensuring that the
measures used by the production site
have been effective and that the pest
risk within the production site has been
One commenter stated that the
taxonomy of the genus Chrysanthemum
has changed over the years and that the
table of CWR hosts in § 319.74–2 should
reflect these changes. The commenter
noted that the plants belonging to the
former Chrysanthemum spp. complex
have been transferred to several other
genera and that only three species are
now recognized as belonging to the
genus Chrysanthemum (i.e., C.
carinatum, C. coronarium and C.
segetum). The commenter added that
these species are not hosts to CWR. The
commenter also stated that the common
name ‘‘chrysanthemum’’ should be
associated with entries for the
Dendrathema spp., Nipponanthemum
spp., Leucanthemella spp., and Ajania
pacifica, but not with entries of
Chrysanthemum spp. Finally, the
commenter stated that in the proposed
rule, Leucanthemum appears as a
synonym for a susceptible species when
it is not considered a host and
Chrysanthemum appears as a
susceptible species.
The commenter is correct in that the
taxonomy of the genus Chrysanthemum
has changed over the years; however,
the taxonomy has changed again since
the suggestions made by the commenter
were used. The earlier splitting of the
genus referred to by the commenter
caused a lot of resistance and confusion,
because these plants were well-known
as chrysanthemums and many countries
did not want to use the new names. In
1995, a formal proposal was made to the
International Botanical Congress to
conserve the genus Chrysanthemum.
The proposal was approved in the 1999
meeting of the Botanical Congress and
the resulting ‘‘St. Louis Code’’ of 2000
conserved the genus Chrysanthemum.
APHIS updated the taxonomic names in
accordance with the decision, and we
use the currently accepted names as
treated in the USDA, Agricultural
Research Service Germplasm Resources
Information Network. The table in
§ 319.74–2 reflects the current
taxonomy, and the synonyms listed in
the second column include those names
in use before the genus Chrysanthemum
was conserved.
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One commenter stated that plants for
planting pose a greater risk than cut
flowers because cut flowers will shortly
end up in someone’s home, while plants
for planting can be propagated.
The regulations in § 319.37–2 prohibit
the importation of CWR-susceptible
species of plants for planting from
countries where the disease is known to
occur. In addition, the regulations in
§ 319.37–5(c) require that restricted
articles from countries where CWR is
not known to occur be accompanied by
a phytosanitary certificate with a
declaration that the ‘‘article was grown
in a greenhouse nursery and found by
the plant protection service of the
country in which grown to be free of
CWR based on visual examination of the
parent stock, the articles for
importation, and the greenhouse
nursery in which the articles for
importation and the parent stock were
grown, once a month for 4 consecutive
months immediately prior to
One commenter stated that we should
clarify that Myclobutanil is the only
fungicide listed that is intended for
foliar fungicide application.
This information was provided in our
economic analysis in a paragraph
discussing the measures taken if CWR is
found in the United States. We simply
listed common pesticides that can be
used to control CWR and it was not our
intention to describe specific details
about the appropriate uses of each of
those pesticides. Further, the list was
not part of the proposed mitigation
One commenter stated that the
proposed survey of one-quarter mile
surrounding a positive site within the
United States is too short. The
commenter added that USDA literature
indicates that spores may be dispersed
by wind more than 700 meters (0.43
miles) away from the positive site.
We are not making any changes in
response to this comment because it
relates to our CWR national
management plan and not the
restrictions for cut flowers imports set
forth in this rule; however, we will
examine our national management plan
and update it if warranted.
Effects on Existing Programs in Other
One commenter stated that the rule
would have a negative impact on
Canadian exporters because
chrysanthemums are often imported to
Canada, made into bouquets, and then
re-exported to the United States. These
cut flowers are not accompanied by a
phytosanitary certificate. The
commenter was concerned that the
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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 63 / Tuesday, April 3, 2007 / Rules and Regulations
proposed requirements would cause
demand to exceed supply because only
chrysanthemums that originated in a
country where CWR is not known to
occur would be allowed re-exportation
in Canadian bouquets. The commenter
also asked that consideration be given to
the Flowers Canada pilot program,
which allows for certain species of cut
flowers originating from specific
countries to enter the United States
without 100 percent inspection. Along
those same lines, a second commenter
asked if cut flowers from South
American countries where CWR is
known to occur would be eligible for reexportation to the United States if they
had been cleared through the Miami Cut
Flower Release Program before being
moved to Canada and made into
Based on numerous interceptions of
CWR on cut flowers in recent years, we
believe it is necessary to require
additional restrictions on cut flowers
from countries where CWR is known to
occur. This means that only flowers of
Canadian origin, or that originate in a
country where CWR does not exist, will
be eligible for importation under the
regulations unless the flowers are
accompanied by a phytosanitary
certificate. With regard to the Flowers
Canada pilot program, currently, this
program does not include
chrysanthemums because of the risk of
introducing CWR into the United States;
however, the Flowers Canada program
will not otherwise be affected by the
rule. With regard to the Miami Cut
Flower Release Program,
chrysanthemums from Canada entering
the United States for a second time will
be allowed entry because they have
already been inspected and released in
the United States under the program.
Two commenters asked that the final
rule take into account the fact that in
some countries, like Colombia, the
programs in place to address CWR are
not directly run by the NPPO. The
commenters added that APHIS has not
intercepted CWR on cut flowers from
Colombia since 1990 despite the large
amount of flowers that are exported to
the United States from that country. One
of the commenters stated that the
measures imposed on cut flowers from
Colombia are equivalent to—and in
some cases exceed—the requirements
set forth in our proposal, but that
because of the proposed requirement for
direct participation by the NPPO of the
country of origin, Colombia would not
be eligible to ship cut flowers of CWRsusceptible species to the United States
without substantially modifying its
existing procedures. The commenters
requested that we modify some of the
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proposed measures for Colombian
In Colombia, Ascoflores is an
exporter’s association that has a
cooperative working agreement with the
Colombian Plant Protection
Organization to dedicate personnel to
plant health programs in the cut flower
sector and currently oversees
inspections of production sites and
issues plant health declarations for
Colombian cut flowers. We recognize
that Colombia has in place measures
that are not run by the NPPO, but that
are equivalent to the requirements set
forth in our proposal and that the rule
is currently written as if APHIS will
only accept certifications and
documentation from the NPPO of the
country of origin. We also acknowledge
that as a result of Ascoflores’ efforts, we
have not had any interceptions of CWR
on cut flowers from Colombia for more
than 15 years and that this evidence
supports the efficacy of the current
measures in place in Colombia.
Therefore, we have amended § 319.74–
2(d)(3)(i) in this final rule to provide
that production sites must be registered
with the NPPO of the country of origin
or its designee, and that the NPPO or its
designee must provide a list of
registered sites to APHIS. In addition,
we have amended § 319.74–2(d)(3)(ii) to
provide that each shipment of cut
flowers must be accompanied by a
phytosanitary certificate or equivalent
documentation issued by the NPPO of
the country of origin or its designee, that
contains an additional declaration
stating that the place of production as
well as the consignment have been
inspected and found free of Puccinia
Economic Analysis
One commenter took issue with the
statement in our economic analysis
certifying that the proposed
requirements would not have a
significant impact on a substantial
number of small entities. The
commenter provided figures that
demonstrated that the economic effects
of this rule on Colombian growers and
exporters would be significant.
While we do recognize that the final
rule will entail additional costs for
importers for inspection and
certification in foreign countries, the
statement in the proposed rule referred
to small entities in the United States,
not foreign countries. As required by the
Regulatory Flexibility Act, our
economic analyses focus on the effects
of our rules on small entities within the
United States. Under the Plant
Protection Act, our decisionmaking
related to allowing or denying the
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importation of commodities must be
based on phytosanitary considerations
and not economic effects; even when
considering the economic effects on
U.S. small entities.
Additional Changes in This Final Rule
Since the publication of our proposed
rule, we have had several findings of
CWR on cut flowers from Ecuador.
Therefore, in this final rule, we are
adding Ecuador to the list of countries
where CWR is known to occur.
In § 319.74–2(d) of our proposed rule,
we listed Norway and the Ukraine as
countries where CWR is known to
occur; however, we failed to include
Norway and the Ukraine in the lists of
countries in § 319.37–2(a). In this final
rule, we are correcting this error by
adding Norway and the Ukraine to the
list of countries where CWR is known
to occur in § 319.37–2(a).
In each of the places where a list of
countries where CWR is known to occur
appeared in the proposed rule (i.e.,
§§ 319.37–2(a) and 319.74–2(d)(2)), we
are amending those lists to update the
listing of countries that comprise the
European Union. We are also amending
the table in § 319.37–2(a) by amending
the entries for Leucanthemella serotina
and Nipponanthemum nipponicum so
that they reflect the complete list of
countries where CWR is known to
occur. We overlooked those two entries
in our proposed rule. Similarly, we are
amending §§ 319.37–5(c) and 319.37–
7(a) to update the list of countries where
CWR is known to occur that appear in
each of those paragraphs.
Finally, as mentioned previously in
this document, the taxonomy of
Chrysanthemum has changed as a result
of the conservation of the genus
Chrysanthemum. As a result of this
conservation, species that were formerly
considered Dendranthema are now
considered Chrysanthemum. Therefore,
we are amending §§ 319.37–2(a) and
319.37–7(a)(3) by revising the entries for
Dendranthema spp. to read ‘‘see
Chrysanthemum spp.’’ This will prevent
confusion on the part of importers who
continue to use the name
Dendranthema. We are also amending
the entries for Chrysanthemum spp. in
§§ 319.37–2(a), 319.37–5(c), and 319.37–
7(a)(3) by adding ‘‘includes
Dendranthema spp.’’
Executive Order 12866 and Regulatory
Flexibility Act
This rule has been reviewed under
Executive Order 12866. The rule has
been determined to be not significant for
the purposes of Executive Order 12866
and, therefore, has not been reviewed by
the Office of Management and Budget.
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 63 / Tuesday, April 3, 2007 / Rules and Regulations
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with RULES
We are amending the cut flowers
regulations to establish specific
requirements for the importation of cut
flowers that are hosts of CWR from
countries where the disease is known to
occur. We are also amending the
nursery stock regulations to update lists
of countries where CWR is known to
occur. This action is necessary because
of numerous recent findings of CWR on
cut flowers from Europe that pose a risk
of introducing CWR in the United
In 2005, U.S. floriculture and nursery
crop sales were close to $15.2 billion
based on growers’ receipts.
Chrysanthemums were among the most
profitable flowers for their growers.
Total U.S. sales of chrysanthemums
were estimated at $86.2 million in 2002.
Of this amount, $68.9 million were
attributed to florists’ cut
chrysanthemums and the remaining
$17.3 million to potted (i.e., hardy)
chrysanthemums. Chrysanthemums
were not only one of the top four garden
plants in terms of sales in 2005, they
were also the garden plants with the
second fastest price gains since 1995.2
Between 2001 and 2005, 10 percent
($64.7 million) of the money spent on
imported cut flowers was for
chrysanthemums. About 91.6 percent of
the cut flowers imported into the United
States originate in countries where,
based on interceptions by U.S.
inspectors, CWR exists.3
APHIS has prepared a national
management plan which describes
procedures in the event a nursery in the
United States is infected with CWR. The
plan calls for the nursery to be placed
into quarantine status. If there are very
few infected chrysanthemum plants, the
grower has the option to use a fungicide
to control the disease or to destroy the
crop by incineration. However, no plant
should leave the nursery for 8 weeks or
until the nursery has been inspected
and certified as being free from CWR. In
addition to these containment measures,
the plan calls for an inspection of every
chrysanthemum grower and every
residence within a quarter mile to be
inspected for CWR.4
The fungicides most often
recommended to fight the fungus
Puccinia horiana Henn., which causes
CWR, are Myclobutanil, metam sodium,
2 Floriculture and Nursery Crops Outlook/
Electronic Outlook Report from the Economic
Research Service/FLO–2006/June 2006/Andy
3 and https://
4 Rizvi, Anwar S., Roeland Elliston, and Philip
Bell, ‘‘Chrysanthemum White Rust: A National
Management Plan for Exclusion and Eradication,’’
June 2002.
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Dazomet, Chloropicrin, and methyl
bromide. The cost of fungicide
application varies, depending upon the
plant size and number of leaves. A
study by the National Agricultural
Pesticide Impact Assessment Program
and the University of California
estimated the cost of different chemical
treatments per acre of ornamental/
nursery plants infected with fungus
diseases, including CWR, by State. For
field-grown nursery plants, all acreage
was treated with fungicides. The
treatment entailed spraying the flower
plants with metam sodium, which costs
$550 per acre, and then applying an
herbicide at $200 per acre, totaling $750
per acre. For greenhouse plants, the
treatment costs to fight CWR or any
other fungus are higher.5
In 1994, a property in California was
quarantined after it was found to have
chrysanthemums infected with CWR.
The State followed with a survey
around the affected residential area and
found 70 more properties in the area
with infected chrysanthemums. It cost
$32,000, about $500 per residence, to
eradicate the disease. A second survey
by the State conducted 8 weeks
following the first treatment process
found very few remaining infected
properties. However, the quarantine
lasted much longer the second time and
the average cost per property reached
In 1995, chrysanthemum growers in
San Diego County, CA, spent, on
average, $5,000 per business
establishment to fight a CWR
infestation. The infestation was
eradicated quickly and followed by an
8-week host-free period. However, the
cost reached $100,000 for one
greenhouse that experienced repeated
infestations and remained quarantined
for 10 months. Between 1992 and 1997,
direct and indirect losses from CWR
infestations to chrysanthemum growers
in Santa Barbara County, CA, were
approximately $2 million. The county
reported an annual value of
chrysanthemum production of more
than $10 million in 1997.7
Potential Effects
The economic effects that could result
from the changes in the regulations are
expected to be small for U.S. importers
of cut chrysanthemums. The cost of the
phytosanitary certification will be borne
by the exporters, who may pass those
costs on to U.S. importers. The expected
5 Exotic Pests and Diseases: Biology, Economics,
Public Policy, 1999. Published by the Agricultural
Issues Center. University of California at Davis: pp.
6 See footnote 5.
7 See footnote 5.
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benefit from the changes in import
requirements for cut flowers from all
countries where CWR is known to occur
is the protection of U.S. floriculture and
nursery crop industries and the jobs of
the people they employ. In 2005, these
two industries contributed $15.2 billion
in sales revenue to the U.S. economy.
Potential Effects on Small Entities
The Regulatory Flexibility Act
requires that agencies specifically
consider the economic effects their rules
on small entities. The Small Business
Administration has established the size
standards based on the North American
Industry Classification System (NAICS)
for determining which economic
entities meet the definition of a small
firm. The small entity size standard for
nursery and tree production (NAICS
code 111421) is $750,000 or less in
annual receipts. A total of 1,691
floriculture operations out of 10,965
operations had sales of $500,000 or
more. Thus, at least 85 percent of all
floriculture operations can be classified
as small entities, and it is likely that an
even higher percentage can be classified
as small entities due to the $250,000
This rule will continue to allow
imports of cut chrysanthemums from
countries where CWR is known to
occur, as long as the exporters from
these countries comply with the import
requirements described in this rule. We
do not know the cost of certification in
these countries compared to the average
value of imported consignments of
chrysanthemums, but it is expected to
be minor. We do not expect that small
entities in the U.S. floriculture industry
will be significantly affected. However,
the requirements will help safeguard the
U.S. floriculture and nursery industries
from additional introductions of CWR.
Under these circumstances, the
Administrator of the Animal and Plant
Health Inspection Service has
determined that this action will not
have a significant economic impact on
a substantial number of small entities.
Executive Order 12988
This rule has been reviewed under
Executive Order 12988, Civil Justice
Reform. If this rule is adopted: (1) All
State and local laws and regulations that
are inconsistent with this rule will be
preempted; (2) no retroactive effect will
be given to this rule; and (3)
administrative proceedings will not be
required before parties may file suit in
court challenging this rule.
8 National Agricultural Statistics Service,
Agricultural Statistics Board, U.S. Department of
Agriculture, 2001 Floriculture Crops.
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 63 / Tuesday, April 3, 2007 / Rules and Regulations
Paperwork Reduction Act
In accordance with the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501
et seq.), the information collection or
recordkeeping requirements included in
this rule have been approved by the
Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) under OMB control number
E-Government Act Compliance
The Animal and Plant Health
Inspection Service is committed to
compliance with the E-Government Act
to promote the use of the Internet and
other information technologies, to
provide increased opportunities for
citizen access to Government
information and services, and for other
purposes. For information pertinent to
E-Government Act compliance related
to this rule, please contact Mrs. Celeste
Sickles, APHIS’ Information Collection
Coordinator, at (301) 734–7477.
List of Subjects in 7 CFR Part 319
Coffee, Cotton, Fruits, Imports, Logs,
Nursery stock, Plant diseases and pests,
Quarantine, Reporting and
recordkeeping requirements, Rice,
Accordingly, we are amending 7 CFR
part 319 as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 319
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 7 U.S.C. 450, 7701–7772, and
7781–7786; 21 U.S.C. 136 and 136a; 7 CFR
2.22, 2.80, and 371.3.
2. In the table in § 319.37–2(a), the
entries for ‘‘Chrysanthemum spp.
(chrysanthemum)’’, ‘‘Dendranthema
spp. (chrysanthemum)’’,
‘‘Leucanthemella serotina’’, and
‘‘Nipponanthemum nipponicum’’ are
revised to read as follows:
§ 319.37–2
Prohibited articles.
(a) * * *
Plant pests existing in the places
named and capable of being transported with the prohibited article
Foreign places from which prohibited
Chrysanthemum, spp. (chrysanthemum, includes Dendranthema
Andorra, Argentina, Australia, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina,
Brazil, Brunei, Canary Islands, Chile, China, Colombia, Croatia, Ecuador, Iceland, Japan, Korea, Liechtenstein, Macedonia, Malaysia,
Mexico, Moldova, Monaco, New Zealand, Norway, Peru, Republic
of South Africa, Russia, San Marino, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand,
Tunisia, Ukraine, Uruguay, Venezuela, Yugoslavia; the European
Union (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and
United Kingdom); and all countries, territories, and possessions of
countries located in part or entirely between 90° and 180° East longitude.
Puccinia horiana P. Henn. (white
rust of chrysanthemum).
See Chrysanthemum spp. ......................................................................
See Chrysanthemum spp.
Leucanthemella serotina ................
Andorra, Argentina, Australia, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina,
Brazil, Brunei, Canary Islands, Chile, China, Colombia, Croatia, Ecuador, Iceland, Japan, Korea, Liechtenstein, Macedonia, Malaysia,
Mexico, Moldova, Monaco, New Zealand, Norway, Peru, Republic
of South Africa, Russia, San Marino, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand,
Tunisia, Ukraine, Uruguay, Venezuela, Yugoslavia; the European
Union (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and
United Kingdom); and all countries, territories, and possessions of
countries located in part or entirely between 90° and 180° East longitude.
Puccinia horiana P. Henn. (white
rust of chrysanthemum).
Nipponanthemum nipponicum .......
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with RULES
Prohibited article (includes seeds
only if specifically mentioned)
Andorra, Argentina, Australia, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina,
Brazil, Brunei, Canary Islands, Chile, China, Colombia, Croatia, Ecuador, Iceland, Japan, Korea, Liechtenstein, Macedonia, Malaysia,
Mexico, Moldova, Monaco, New Zealand, Norway, Peru, Republic
of South Africa, Russia, San Marino, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand,
Tunisia, Ukraine, Uruguay, Venezuela, Yugoslavia; the European
Union (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and
United Kingdom); and all countries, territories, and possessions of
countries located in part or entirely between 90° and 180° East longitude.
Puccinia horiana P. Henn. (white
rust of chrysanthemum).
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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 63 / Tuesday, April 3, 2007 / Rules and Regulations
Prohibited article (includes seeds
only if specifically mentioned)
Plant pests existing in the places
named and capable of being transported with the prohibited article
Foreign places from which prohibited
I 3. In § 319.37–5, paragraph (c) is
revised to read as follows:
§ 319.37–5 Special foreign inspection and
certification requirements.
(c) Any restricted article (except
seeds) of Chrysanthemum spp.
(chrysanthemum, includes
Dendranthema spp.), Leucanthemella
serotina, or Nipponanthemum
nipponicum, from any foreign place
except Andorra, Argentina, Australia,
Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil,
Brunei, Canary Islands, Chile, China,
Colombia, Croatia, Ecuador, Iceland,
Japan, Korea, Liechtenstein, Macedonia,
Malaysia, Mexico, Moldova, Monaco,
New Zealand, Norway, Peru, Republic
of South Africa, Russia, San Marino,
Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Tunisia,
Ukraine, Uruguay, Venezuela,
Yugoslavia; the European Union
(Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus,
Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, France, Germany, Greece,
Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia,
Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta,
Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania,
Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and
United Kingdom); and all countries,
territories, and possessions of countries
located in part or entirely between 90°
and 180° East longitude shall, at the
time of arrival at the port of first arrival
in United States, be accompanied by a
phytosanitary certificate of inspection.
The phytosanitary certificate of
inspection must contain a declaration
that such article was grown in a
greenhouse nursery and found by the
plant protection service of the country
in which grown to be free from white
rust of chrysanthemum (caused by the
rust fungus Puccinia horiana P. Henn.)
based on visual examination of the
parent stock, the articles for
importation, and the greenhouse
nursery in which the articles for
importation and the parent stock were
grown, once a month for 4 consecutive
months immediately prior to
I 4. In § 319.37–7, paragraph (a)(3), the
table is amended by revising the entries
for ‘‘Chrysanthemum spp.
(chrysanthemum) meeting the
conditions in § 319.37–5(c)’’,
‘‘Leucanthemella serotina’’, and
‘‘Nipponanthemum nipponicum’’, and
by removing the entry for
‘‘Dendranthema spp. (chrysanthemum)
meeting the conditions in § 319.37–5(c)’’
and adding in its place an entry for
‘‘Dendranthema spp. (chrysanthemum)’’
to read as follows:
§ 319.37–7
Postentry quarantine.
(a) * * *
(3) * * *
Foreign country(ies) or locality(ies) from which imported
Chrysanthemum spp. (chrysanthemum, includes
Dendranthema spp.) meeting the conditions
in § 319.37–5(c).
All except Andorra, Argentina, Australia, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Brunei, Canary Islands, Chile, China, Colombia, Croatia, Ecuador, Iceland, Japan, Korea, Liechtenstein, Macedonia, Malaysia, Mexico, Moldova, Monaco, New Zealand, Norway, Peru, Republic of South Africa, Russia, San Marino, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Tunisia, Ukraine,
Uruguay, Venezuela, Yugoslavia; the European Union (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus,
Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland,
Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and United Kingdom); and all countries, territories, and
possessions of countries located in part or entirely between 90° and 180° East longitude.
Dendranthema spp. (chrysanthemum) ...............
See Chrysanthemum spp.
Leucanthemella serotina .....................................
All except Andorra, Argentina, Australia, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Brunei, Canary Islands, Chile, China, Colombia, Croatia, Ecuador, Iceland, Japan, Korea, Liechtenstein, Macedonia, Malaysia, Mexico, Moldova, Monaco, New Zealand, Norway, Peru, Republic of South Africa, Russia, San Marino, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Tunisia, Ukraine,
Uruguay, Venezuela, Yugoslavia; the European Union (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus,
Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland,
Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and United Kingdom); and all countries, territories, and
possessions of countries located in part or entirely between 90° and 180° East longitude.
Nipponanthemum nipponicum ............................
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with RULES
Restricted article (excluding seeds)
All except Andorra, Argentina, Australia, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Brunei, Canary Islands, Chile, China, Colombia, Croatia, Ecuador, Iceland, Japan, Korea, Liechtenstein, Macedonia, Malaysia, Mexico, Moldova, Monaco, New Zealand, Norway, Peru, Republic of South Africa, Russia, San Marino, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Tunisia, Ukraine,
Uruguay, Venezuela, Yugoslavia; the European Union (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus,
Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland,
Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and United Kingdom); and all countries, territories, and
possessions of countries located in part or entirely between 90° and 180° East longitude.
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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 63 / Tuesday, April 3, 2007 / Rules and Regulations
5. Section 319.74–2 is amended as
I a. By redesignating paragraphs (d) and
(e) as paragraphs (e) and (f),
I b. By adding a new paragraph (d) to
read as set forth below.
c. By adding, at the end of the section,
an OMB citation to read as set forth
§ 319.74–2 Conditions governing the entry
of cut flowers.
(d) Chrysanthemum white rust hosts.
(1) The following Chrysanthemum,
Leucanthemella, and Nipponanthemum
spp. are considered to be hosts of
chrysanthemum white rust:
Accepted name of susceptible species
Common name
Chrysanthemum arcticum L. ...................
Arctanthemum arcticum (L.) Tzvelev and Dendranthema
arcticum (L.) Tzvelev.
Chrysanthemum indicum L. var. boreale Makino and
Dendranthema boreale (Makino) Ling ex Kitam.
Dendranthema indicum (L.) Des Moul.
Dendranthema occidentali-japonense Kitam.
Chrysanthemum makinoi Matsum. & Nakai and
Dendranthema japonicum (Makino) Kitam.
Anthemis grandiflorum Ramat., Anthemis stipulacea
Moench, Chrysanthemum sinense Sabine ex Sweet,
Chrysanthemum stipulaceum (Moench) W. Wight,
Matricaria morifolia Ramat.
Ajania pacifica (Nakai) K. Bremer & Humphries and
Dendranthema pacificum (Nakai) Kitam.
Ajania shiwogiku (Kitam.) K. Bremer & Humphries and
Dendranthema shiwogiku (Kitam.) Kitam.
Dendranthema yoshinaganthum (Makino ex Kitam.) Kitam.
Arctic chrysanthemum and arctic daisy.
Chrysanthemum indicum L. ....................
Chrysanthemum japonense Nakai ..........
Chrysanthemum japonicum Makino .......
Chrysanthemum×morifolium Ramat .......
Chrysanthemum pacificum Nakai ...........
Chrysanthemum shiwogiku Kitam ..........
Makino ex Kitam.
subsp. yezoense (Maek.) Y. N. Lee.
subsp. zawadskii.
Leucanthemella serotina (L.) Tzvelev .....
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with RULES
Nipponanthemum nipponicum (Franch.
ex Maxim.) Kitam.
Chrysanthemum arcticum subsp. maekawanum Kitam,
[basionym], Dendranthema yezoense (F. Maek.) D. J. N.
Hind, and Leucanthemum yezoense (Maek.) A. Love &
D. Love.
Chrysanthemum sibiricum Turcz. ex DC., nom. inval.,
Dendranthema zawadskii (Herbich) Tzvelev, and
Dendranthema zawadskii var. zawadskii.
Chrysanthemum serotinum L., Chrysanthemum uliginosum
(Waldst. & Kit. ex Willd.) Pers., and Pyrethrum
uliginosum (Waldst. & Kit. ex Willd.).
Chrysanthemum nipponicum (Franch. ex Maxim.) Matsum.
and Leucanthemum nipponicum Franch. ex Maxim.
(2) Chrysanthemum white rust is
considered to exist in the following
regions: Andorra, Argentina, Australia,
Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil,
Brunei, Canary Islands, Chile, China,
Colombia, Croatia, Ecuador, Iceland,
Japan, Korea, Liechtenstein, Macedonia,
Malaysia, Mexico, Moldova, Monaco,
New Zealand, Norway, Peru, Republic
of South Africa, Russia, San Marino,
Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Tunisia,
Ukraine, Uruguay, Venezuela,
Yugoslavia; the European Union
(Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus,
Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, France, Germany, Greece,
Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia,
Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta,
Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania,
Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and
United Kingdom); and all countries,
territories, and possessions of countries
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located in part or entirely between 90°
and 180° East longitude.
(3) Cut flowers of any species listed in
paragraph (d)(1) of this section may be
imported into the United States from
any region listed in paragraph (d)(2) of
this section only under the following
(i) The flowers must be grown in a
production site that is registered with
the national plant protection
organization (NPPO) of the country in
which the production site is located or
with the NPPO’s designee, and the
NPPO or its designee must provide a list
of registered sites to APHIS.
(ii) Each shipment of cut flowers must
be accompanied by a phytosanitary
certificate or equivalent documentation,
issued by the NPPO of the country of
origin or its designee, that contains an
additional declaration stating that the
place of production as well as the
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themum, and mum.
Giant daisy or high daisy.
Nippon daisy
consignment have been inspected and
found free of Puccinia horiana.
(iii) Box labels and other documents
accompanying shipments of cut flowers
must be marked with the identity of the
registered production site.
(iv) APHIS-authorized inspectors
must also be allowed access to
production sites and other areas
necessary to monitor the
chrysanthemum white rust-free status of
the production sites.
(4) Cut flowers not meeting these
conditions will be refused entry into the
United States. The detection of
chrysanthemum white rust in a
shipment of cut flowers from a
registered production site upon arrival
in the United States will result in the
prohibition of imports originating from
the production site until such time
when APHIS and the NPPO of the
exporting country, can agree that the
eradication measures taken have been
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 63 / Tuesday, April 3, 2007 / Rules and Regulations
Dated: March 28, 2007.
Roland E. Smith,
Secretary, Farm Credit Administration Board.
[FR Doc. E7–6076 Filed 4–2–07; 8:45 am]
(Approved by the Office of Management and
Budget under control number 0579–0271.)
Done in Washington, DC, this 28th day of
March 2007.
Kevin Shea,
Acting Administrator, Animal and Plant
Health Inspection Service.
[FR Doc. E7–6128 Filed 4–2–07; 8:45 am]
Federal Aviation Administration
for service information identified in this
Dulin, Aerospace Engineer,
International Branch, ANM–116, FAA,
Transport Airplane Directorate, 1601
Lind Avenue, SW., Renton, Washington
98057–3356; telephone (425) 227–2141;
fax (425) 227–1149.
14 CFR Part 39
Examining the Docket
[Docket No. FAA–2007–26812; Directorate
Identifier 2006–NM–199–AD; Amendment
39–15006; AD 2007–07–09]
effective and that the pest risk within
the production site has been eliminated.
You may examine the airworthiness
directive (AD) docket on the Internet at or in person at the
Docket Management Facility office
between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday
through Friday, except Federal holidays.
The Docket Management Facility office
(telephone (800) 647–5227) is located on
the plaza level of the Nassif Building at
the street address stated in the
ADDRESSES section.
RIN 2120–AA64
12 CFR Parts 652 and 655
Airworthiness Directives; Airbus Model
A318, A319, A320, and A321 Airplanes
RIN 3052–AC17
Federal Agricultural Mortgage
Corporation Funding and Fiscal
Affairs; Federal Agricultural Mortgage
Corporation Disclosure and Reporting
Requirements; Risk-Based Capital
Requirements; Effective Date
Farm Credit Administration.
Notice of effective date.
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with RULES
SUMMARY: The Farm Credit
Administration (FCA) published a final
rule under parts 652 and 655 on
December 26, 2006 (71 FR 77247). This
final rule is intended to more accurately
reflect risk in the risk-based capital
stress test (RBCST) in order to improve
the RBCST’s output—Federal
Agricultural Mortgage Corporation’s
regulatory minimum risk-based capital
level. In accordance with 12 U.S.C.
2252, the effective date of the final rule
is 30 days from the date of publication
in the Federal Register during which
either or both Houses of Congress are in
session. Based on the records of the
sessions of Congress, the effective date
of the regulations is March 31, 2007.
DATES: Effective Date: The regulation
amending 12 CFR parts 652 and 655,
published on December 26, 2006 (71 FR
77247) is effective March 31, 2007.
Joseph T. Connor, Associate Director for
Policy and Analysis, Office of
Secondary Market Oversight, Farm
Credit Administration, McLean, VA
22102–5090, (703) 883–4280, TTY (703)
883–4434; or Rebecca S. Orlich, Senior
Counsel, Office of General Counsel,
Farm Credit Administration, McLean,
VA 22102–5090, (703) 883–4020, TTY
(703) 883–4020.
(12 U.S.C. 2252(a)(9) and (10))
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Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA), Department of
Transportation (DOT).
ACTION: Final rule.
The FAA is superseding an
existing airworthiness directive (AD),
which applies to certain Airbus Model
A318–100, A319–100, A320–200, A321–
100, and A321–200 series airplanes; and
Model A320–111 airplanes. That AD
currently requires modification of the
electrical bonding of all structures and
systems installed inside the center fuel
tank. This new AD requires
modification of additional bonding
points inside the center fuel tank. This
AD results from a report that additional
bonding points need to be modified in
order to prevent electrical arcing in the
center fuel tank. We are issuing this AD
to prevent electrical arcing in the center
fuel tank due to inadequate bonding,
which could result in an explosion of
the center fuel tank and consequent loss
of the airplane.
DATES: This AD becomes effective May
8, 2007.
The Director of the Federal Register
approved the incorporation by reference
of certain publications listed in the AD
as of May 8, 2007.
On October 26, 2005 (70 FR 55228,
September 21, 2005), the Director of the
Federal Register approved the
incorporation by reference of Airbus
Service Bulletin A320–28–1104,
Revision 01, dated December 8, 2004.
ADDRESSES: You may examine the AD
docket on the Internet at https:// or in person at the Docket
Management Facility, U.S. Department
of Transportation, 400 Seventh Street,
SW., Nassif Building, Room PL–401,
Washington, DC.
Contact Airbus, 1 Rond Point Maurice
Bellonte, 31707 Blagnac Cedex, France,
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The FAA issued a notice of proposed
rulemaking (NPRM) to amend 14 CFR
part 39 to include an AD that
supersedes AD 2005–19–14, amendment
39–14279 (70 FR 55228, September 21,
2005). The existing AD applies to
certain Airbus Model A318–100, A319–
100, A320–200, A321–100, and A321–
200 series airplanes; and Model A320–
111 airplanes. That NPRM was
published in the Federal Register on
January 12, 2007 (72 FR 1467). That
NPRM proposed to continue to require
modification of the electrical bonding of
all structures and systems installed
inside the center fuel tank. That NPRM
also proposed to require modification of
additional bonding points inside the
center fuel tank.
We provided the public the
opportunity to participate in the
development of this AD. No comments
have been received on the NPRM or on
the determination of the cost to the
We have carefully reviewed the
available data and determined that air
safety and the public interest require
adopting the AD as proposed.
Costs of Compliance
The following table provides the
estimated costs for U.S. operators to
comply with this AD. There are
approximately 720 U.S.-registered
airplanes. The average labor rate is $80
per work hour.
[Federal Register Volume 72, Number 63 (Tuesday, April 3, 2007)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 15805-15812]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E7-6128]
Rules and Regulations
Federal Register
This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER contains regulatory documents
having general applicability and legal effect, most of which are keyed
to and codified in the Code of Federal Regulations, which is published
under 50 titles pursuant to 44 U.S.C. 1510.
The Code of Federal Regulations is sold by the Superintendent of Documents.
Prices of new books are listed in the first FEDERAL REGISTER issue of each
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 63 / Tuesday, April 3, 2007 / Rules
and Regulations
[[Page 15805]]
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
7 CFR Part 319
[Docket No. 03-016-3]
RIN 0579-AC18
Cut Flowers From Countries With Chrysanthemum White Rust
AGENCY: Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, USDA.
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: We are amending the cut flowers regulations to establish
specific requirements for the importation of cut flowers that are hosts
of chrysanthemum white rust (CWR) from countries where the disease is
known to occur. We are also amending the nursery stock regulations to
update lists of countries where CWR is known to occur. We are making
these changes in order to make our cut flowers and nursery stock
regulations consistent. This action is necessary because of numerous
recent findings of CWR on cut flowers from Europe that pose a risk of
introducing CWR in the United States.
DATES: Effective Date: May 3, 2007.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr. Tony Roman, Import Specialist,
Commodity Import Analysis and Operation, PPQ, APHIS, 4700 River Road
Unit 133, Riverdale, MD 20737-1231; (301) 734-8758.
The regulations in 7 CFR part 319 prohibit or restrict the
importation of plants, plant parts, and related materials to prevent
the introduction of plant pests into the United States. The regulations
in ``Subpart-Nursery Stock, Plants, Roots, Bulbs, Seeds, and Other
Plant Products,'' Sec. Sec. 319.37 through 319.37-14 (referred to
below as the nursery stock regulations) restrict, among other things,
the importation of living plants, plant parts, and seeds for
propagation. Conditions governing the importation of cut flowers into
the United States are contained in ``Subpart--Cut Flowers'' (Sec. Sec.
319.74-1 through 319.74-4, referred to below as the cut flowers
On July 7, 2005, we published in the Federal Register (70 FR 39194-
39199, Docket No. 03-016-1) a proposal \1\ to amend the cut flowers
regulations to establish specific requirements for the importation of
cut flowers that are hosts of chrysanthemum white rust (CWR) from
countries where the disease is known to occur. We also proposed to
amend the nursery stock regulations to update lists of countries where
CWR is known to occur.
\1\ To view the proposed rule and the comments we received, go
to, click on the ``Advanced Search'' tab,
and select ``Docket Search.'' In the Docket ID field, enter APHIS-
2005-0061, then click on ``Submit.'' Clicking on the Docket ID link
in the search results page will produce a list of all documents in
the docket.
We solicited comments concerning our proposal for 60 days ending
September 6, 2005. On September 20, 2005, we published a document in
the Federal Register (70 FR 55036, Docket No. 03-016-2) reopening the
comment period for our proposed rule until October 21, 2005. We
received eight comments by that date. The comments were from
representatives of State and foreign governments, industry
organizations, importers and exporters, and distributors. Two of those
commenters supported the proposed rule. The remaining commenters
expressed some reservations, which are discussed below.
General Comments
Two commenters stated that information about production site
registration in the background section and the rule portion was
inconsistent. Specifically, the commenters stated that it was unclear
if all cut flower production sites in countries where CWR is known to
occur would have to register with their national plant protection
organizations (NPPOs) or if only those wishing to export to the United
States would have to do so.
The commenter is correct, in that the wording used in the
background section and the proposed regulatory text in our proposal
regarding production site registration was inconsistent. The background
section of the proposed rule stated that all production sites in
countries where CWR is known to occur would have to register with their
NPPOs. The proposed regulatory text stated that cut flowers would have
to originate from production sites that were registered with their
country's NPPO. It is our intent to only require those production sites
that wish to ship CWR-susceptible species of cut flowers to the United
States to register with their NPPOs. Because the error appeared only in
the background section, it is not necessary to make a change in the
regulatory text in this final rule.
One commenter took issue with our statement that CWR is not
established in the United States. The commenter said that the CWR
status of a country should be based on official survey information in
conformance with international standards. Also, the commenter stated
that we should recognize areas within countries as pest-free rather
than considering the entire country to be affected, and that this
recognition should be based upon official surveys conducted in
accordance with the International Plant Protection Convention's (IPPC)
standards for pest-free areas.
We maintain that CWR is not established in the United States. Based
on the definitions given in the International Standards for
Phytosanitary Measures (ISPM) No. 8, ``Determination of Pest Status in
an Area,'' when CWR is found in the United States, it fits under the
category of ``Transient: Actionable, under eradication.'' The
explanation of this category given in ISPM No. 8 is that ``the pest has
been detected as an isolated population which may survive into the
immediate future and, without phytosanitary measures for eradication,
may establish. Appropriate phytosanitary measures have been applied for
its eradication.'' As stated in the proposed rule, whenever CWR has
been detected in the United States, we have taken immediate action to
eradicate the disease. With regard to recognizing areas within
countries as CWR-free, we have not identified any CWR-free areas within
the countries where the disease is known to occur at this time, but
would be willing to do so if an affected country submits to APHIS
[[Page 15806]]
scientific documentation that demonstrates the pest-free status of an
area or areas within the country, and if the area otherwise meets the
requirements in ISPM No. 4 ``Requirements for the Establishment of Pest
Free Areas.''
One commenter stated that risk mitigations should be based on a
pest risk analysis, but noted that no pest risk analysis was done for
the proposed rule. The commenter stated that it would be useful for
APHIS to communicate to NPPOs the risks that have been identified by
APHIS in this matter.
We explained in our proposed rule that we have been
administratively regulating cut flowers from countries where CWR is
known to occur since 1974. Under these circumstances, we believe that
it is unnecessary to conduct a formal pest risk analysis. We also
stated in our proposed rule that we are currently applying similar
administrative restrictions to cut flowers from Mexico and the
Netherlands and that these measures have been effective in preventing
the introduction of CWR by cut flowers from those countries.
Two commenters stated that APHIS inspectors should not be allowed
to oversee program operations in other countries. One of the commenters
stated that APHIS being allowed to exercise influence over export
certifications is inconsistent with IPPC standards and that inspecting
production sites should be left up to the individual exporting country.
The second commenter took issue with the statement in our proposed rule
that, ``* * * if any shipment of cut flowers is found to be infested
with CWR upon arrival in the United States, we would prohibit imports
from the originating production site until such a time as APHIS and the
national plant protection organization of the exporting country can
agree that the eradication measures taken have been effective and the
pest risk within the production site has been eliminated.'' The
commenter stated that the effectiveness of eradication measures should
be determined by the exporting country's NPPO, not APHIS.
As the NPPO of the United States, we have the right to monitor
program operations in other countries in order to ensure that proper
procedures are being followed so as to prevent the introduction of
quarantine pests and diseases into the United States. APHIS inspectors
will monitor production sites and pest survey information, but the NPPO
of the individual countries will be ultimately responsible for
monitoring and applying appropriate pest-control measures when
necessary. Further, the APHIS inspectors who will be involved in
monitoring the effectiveness of each country's program will primarily
be APHIS employees who are already working closely with the NPPO in
each country. With regard to eradication measures, it is not our
intention to dictate which measures a country uses to eradicate CWR
once it is detected. Our concern is with ensuring that the measures
used by the production site have been effective and that the pest risk
within the production site has been eliminated.
One commenter stated that the taxonomy of the genus Chrysanthemum
has changed over the years and that the table of CWR hosts in Sec.
319.74-2 should reflect these changes. The commenter noted that the
plants belonging to the former Chrysanthemum spp. complex have been
transferred to several other genera and that only three species are now
recognized as belonging to the genus Chrysanthemum (i.e., C. carinatum,
C. coronarium and C. segetum). The commenter added that these species
are not hosts to CWR. The commenter also stated that the common name
``chrysanthemum'' should be associated with entries for the Dendrathema
spp., Nipponanthemum spp., Leucanthemella spp., and Ajania pacifica,
but not with entries of Chrysanthemum spp. Finally, the commenter
stated that in the proposed rule, Leucanthemum appears as a synonym for
a susceptible species when it is not considered a host and
Chrysanthemum appears as a susceptible species.
The commenter is correct in that the taxonomy of the genus
Chrysanthemum has changed over the years; however, the taxonomy has
changed again since the suggestions made by the commenter were used.
The earlier splitting of the genus referred to by the commenter caused
a lot of resistance and confusion, because these plants were well-known
as chrysanthemums and many countries did not want to use the new names.
In 1995, a formal proposal was made to the International Botanical
Congress to conserve the genus Chrysanthemum. The proposal was approved
in the 1999 meeting of the Botanical Congress and the resulting ``St.
Louis Code'' of 2000 conserved the genus Chrysanthemum. APHIS updated
the taxonomic names in accordance with the decision, and we use the
currently accepted names as treated in the USDA, Agricultural Research
Service Germplasm Resources Information Network. The table in Sec.
319.74-2 reflects the current taxonomy, and the synonyms listed in the
second column include those names in use before the genus Chrysanthemum
was conserved.
One commenter stated that plants for planting pose a greater risk
than cut flowers because cut flowers will shortly end up in someone's
home, while plants for planting can be propagated.
The regulations in Sec. 319.37-2 prohibit the importation of CWR-
susceptible species of plants for planting from countries where the
disease is known to occur. In addition, the regulations in Sec.
319.37-5(c) require that restricted articles from countries where CWR
is not known to occur be accompanied by a phytosanitary certificate
with a declaration that the ``article was grown in a greenhouse nursery
and found by the plant protection service of the country in which grown
to be free of CWR based on visual examination of the parent stock, the
articles for importation, and the greenhouse nursery in which the
articles for importation and the parent stock were grown, once a month
for 4 consecutive months immediately prior to importation.''
One commenter stated that we should clarify that Myclobutanil is
the only fungicide listed that is intended for foliar fungicide
This information was provided in our economic analysis in a
paragraph discussing the measures taken if CWR is found in the United
States. We simply listed common pesticides that can be used to control
CWR and it was not our intention to describe specific details about the
appropriate uses of each of those pesticides. Further, the list was not
part of the proposed mitigation measures.
One commenter stated that the proposed survey of one-quarter mile
surrounding a positive site within the United States is too short. The
commenter added that USDA literature indicates that spores may be
dispersed by wind more than 700 meters (0.43 miles) away from the
positive site.
We are not making any changes in response to this comment because
it relates to our CWR national management plan and not the restrictions
for cut flowers imports set forth in this rule; however, we will
examine our national management plan and update it if warranted.
Effects on Existing Programs in Other Countries
One commenter stated that the rule would have a negative impact on
Canadian exporters because chrysanthemums are often imported to Canada,
made into bouquets, and then re-exported to the United States. These
cut flowers are not accompanied by a phytosanitary certificate. The
commenter was concerned that the
[[Page 15807]]
proposed requirements would cause demand to exceed supply because only
chrysanthemums that originated in a country where CWR is not known to
occur would be allowed re-exportation in Canadian bouquets. The
commenter also asked that consideration be given to the Flowers Canada
pilot program, which allows for certain species of cut flowers
originating from specific countries to enter the United States without
100 percent inspection. Along those same lines, a second commenter
asked if cut flowers from South American countries where CWR is known
to occur would be eligible for re-exportation to the United States if
they had been cleared through the Miami Cut Flower Release Program
before being moved to Canada and made into bouquets.
Based on numerous interceptions of CWR on cut flowers in recent
years, we believe it is necessary to require additional restrictions on
cut flowers from countries where CWR is known to occur. This means that
only flowers of Canadian origin, or that originate in a country where
CWR does not exist, will be eligible for importation under the
regulations unless the flowers are accompanied by a phytosanitary
certificate. With regard to the Flowers Canada pilot program,
currently, this program does not include chrysanthemums because of the
risk of introducing CWR into the United States; however, the Flowers
Canada program will not otherwise be affected by the rule. With regard
to the Miami Cut Flower Release Program, chrysanthemums from Canada
entering the United States for a second time will be allowed entry
because they have already been inspected and released in the United
States under the program.
Two commenters asked that the final rule take into account the fact
that in some countries, like Colombia, the programs in place to address
CWR are not directly run by the NPPO. The commenters added that APHIS
has not intercepted CWR on cut flowers from Colombia since 1990 despite
the large amount of flowers that are exported to the United States from
that country. One of the commenters stated that the measures imposed on
cut flowers from Colombia are equivalent to--and in some cases exceed--
the requirements set forth in our proposal, but that because of the
proposed requirement for direct participation by the NPPO of the
country of origin, Colombia would not be eligible to ship cut flowers
of CWR-susceptible species to the United States without substantially
modifying its existing procedures. The commenters requested that we
modify some of the proposed measures for Colombian exporters.
In Colombia, Ascoflores is an exporter's association that has a
cooperative working agreement with the Colombian Plant Protection
Organization to dedicate personnel to plant health programs in the cut
flower sector and currently oversees inspections of production sites
and issues plant health declarations for Colombian cut flowers. We
recognize that Colombia has in place measures that are not run by the
NPPO, but that are equivalent to the requirements set forth in our
proposal and that the rule is currently written as if APHIS will only
accept certifications and documentation from the NPPO of the country of
origin. We also acknowledge that as a result of Ascoflores' efforts, we
have not had any interceptions of CWR on cut flowers from Colombia for
more than 15 years and that this evidence supports the efficacy of the
current measures in place in Colombia. Therefore, we have amended Sec.
319.74-2(d)(3)(i) in this final rule to provide that production sites
must be registered with the NPPO of the country of origin or its
designee, and that the NPPO or its designee must provide a list of
registered sites to APHIS. In addition, we have amended Sec. 319.74-
2(d)(3)(ii) to provide that each shipment of cut flowers must be
accompanied by a phytosanitary certificate or equivalent documentation
issued by the NPPO of the country of origin or its designee, that
contains an additional declaration stating that the place of production
as well as the consignment have been inspected and found free of
Puccinia horiana.
Economic Analysis
One commenter took issue with the statement in our economic
analysis certifying that the proposed requirements would not have a
significant impact on a substantial number of small entities. The
commenter provided figures that demonstrated that the economic effects
of this rule on Colombian growers and exporters would be significant.
While we do recognize that the final rule will entail additional
costs for importers for inspection and certification in foreign
countries, the statement in the proposed rule referred to small
entities in the United States, not foreign countries. As required by
the Regulatory Flexibility Act, our economic analyses focus on the
effects of our rules on small entities within the United States. Under
the Plant Protection Act, our decisionmaking related to allowing or
denying the importation of commodities must be based on phytosanitary
considerations and not economic effects; even when considering the
economic effects on U.S. small entities.
Additional Changes in This Final Rule
Since the publication of our proposed rule, we have had several
findings of CWR on cut flowers from Ecuador. Therefore, in this final
rule, we are adding Ecuador to the list of countries where CWR is known
to occur.
In Sec. 319.74-2(d) of our proposed rule, we listed Norway and the
Ukraine as countries where CWR is known to occur; however, we failed to
include Norway and the Ukraine in the lists of countries in Sec.
319.37-2(a). In this final rule, we are correcting this error by adding
Norway and the Ukraine to the list of countries where CWR is known to
occur in Sec. 319.37-2(a).
In each of the places where a list of countries where CWR is known
to occur appeared in the proposed rule (i.e., Sec. Sec. 319.37-2(a)
and 319.74-2(d)(2)), we are amending those lists to update the listing
of countries that comprise the European Union. We are also amending the
table in Sec. 319.37-2(a) by amending the entries for Leucanthemella
serotina and Nipponanthemum nipponicum so that they reflect the
complete list of countries where CWR is known to occur. We overlooked
those two entries in our proposed rule. Similarly, we are amending
Sec. Sec. 319.37-5(c) and 319.37-7(a) to update the list of countries
where CWR is known to occur that appear in each of those paragraphs.
Finally, as mentioned previously in this document, the taxonomy of
Chrysanthemum has changed as a result of the conservation of the genus
Chrysanthemum. As a result of this conservation, species that were
formerly considered Dendranthema are now considered Chrysanthemum.
Therefore, we are amending Sec. Sec. 319.37-2(a) and 319.37-7(a)(3) by
revising the entries for Dendranthema spp. to read ``see Chrysanthemum
spp.'' This will prevent confusion on the part of importers who
continue to use the name Dendranthema. We are also amending the entries
for Chrysanthemum spp. in Sec. Sec. 319.37-2(a), 319.37-5(c), and
319.37-7(a)(3) by adding ``includes Dendranthema spp.''
Executive Order 12866 and Regulatory Flexibility Act
This rule has been reviewed under Executive Order 12866. The rule
has been determined to be not significant for the purposes of Executive
Order 12866 and, therefore, has not been reviewed by the Office of
Management and Budget.
[[Page 15808]]
We are amending the cut flowers regulations to establish specific
requirements for the importation of cut flowers that are hosts of CWR
from countries where the disease is known to occur. We are also
amending the nursery stock regulations to update lists of countries
where CWR is known to occur. This action is necessary because of
numerous recent findings of CWR on cut flowers from Europe that pose a
risk of introducing CWR in the United States.
In 2005, U.S. floriculture and nursery crop sales were close to
$15.2 billion based on growers' receipts. Chrysanthemums were among the
most profitable flowers for their growers. Total U.S. sales of
chrysanthemums were estimated at $86.2 million in 2002. Of this amount,
$68.9 million were attributed to florists' cut chrysanthemums and the
remaining $17.3 million to potted (i.e., hardy) chrysanthemums.
Chrysanthemums were not only one of the top four garden plants in terms
of sales in 2005, they were also the garden plants with the second
fastest price gains since 1995.\2\
\2\ Floriculture and Nursery Crops Outlook/Electronic Outlook
Report from the Economic Research Service/FLO-2006/June 2006/Andy
Between 2001 and 2005, 10 percent ($64.7 million) of the money
spent on imported cut flowers was for chrysanthemums. About 91.6
percent of the cut flowers imported into the United States originate in
countries where, based on interceptions by U.S. inspectors, CWR
\3\ and
APHIS has prepared a national management plan which describes
procedures in the event a nursery in the United States is infected with
CWR. The plan calls for the nursery to be placed into quarantine
status. If there are very few infected chrysanthemum plants, the grower
has the option to use a fungicide to control the disease or to destroy
the crop by incineration. However, no plant should leave the nursery
for 8 weeks or until the nursery has been inspected and certified as
being free from CWR. In addition to these containment measures, the
plan calls for an inspection of every chrysanthemum grower and every
residence within a quarter mile to be inspected for CWR.\4\
\4\ Rizvi, Anwar S., Roeland Elliston, and Philip Bell,
``Chrysanthemum White Rust: A National Management Plan for Exclusion
and Eradication,'' June 2002.
The fungicides most often recommended to fight the fungus Puccinia
horiana Henn., which causes CWR, are Myclobutanil, metam sodium,
Dazomet, Chloropicrin, and methyl bromide. The cost of fungicide
application varies, depending upon the plant size and number of leaves.
A study by the National Agricultural Pesticide Impact Assessment
Program and the University of California estimated the cost of
different chemical treatments per acre of ornamental/nursery plants
infected with fungus diseases, including CWR, by State. For field-grown
nursery plants, all acreage was treated with fungicides. The treatment
entailed spraying the flower plants with metam sodium, which costs $550
per acre, and then applying an herbicide at $200 per acre, totaling
$750 per acre. For greenhouse plants, the treatment costs to fight CWR
or any other fungus are higher.\5\
\5\ Exotic Pests and Diseases: Biology, Economics, Public
Policy, 1999. Published by the Agricultural Issues Center.
University of California at Davis: pp. 76-86.
In 1994, a property in California was quarantined after it was
found to have chrysanthemums infected with CWR. The State followed with
a survey around the affected residential area and found 70 more
properties in the area with infected chrysanthemums. It cost $32,000,
about $500 per residence, to eradicate the disease. A second survey by
the State conducted 8 weeks following the first treatment process found
very few remaining infected properties. However, the quarantine lasted
much longer the second time and the average cost per property reached
\6\ See footnote 5.
In 1995, chrysanthemum growers in San Diego County, CA, spent, on
average, $5,000 per business establishment to fight a CWR infestation.
The infestation was eradicated quickly and followed by an 8-week host-
free period. However, the cost reached $100,000 for one greenhouse that
experienced repeated infestations and remained quarantined for 10
months. Between 1992 and 1997, direct and indirect losses from CWR
infestations to chrysanthemum growers in Santa Barbara County, CA, were
approximately $2 million. The county reported an annual value of
chrysanthemum production of more than $10 million in 1997.\7\
\7\ See footnote 5.
Potential Effects
The economic effects that could result from the changes in the
regulations are expected to be small for U.S. importers of cut
chrysanthemums. The cost of the phytosanitary certification will be
borne by the exporters, who may pass those costs on to U.S. importers.
The expected benefit from the changes in import requirements for cut
flowers from all countries where CWR is known to occur is the
protection of U.S. floriculture and nursery crop industries and the
jobs of the people they employ. In 2005, these two industries
contributed $15.2 billion in sales revenue to the U.S. economy.
Potential Effects on Small Entities
The Regulatory Flexibility Act requires that agencies specifically
consider the economic effects their rules on small entities. The Small
Business Administration has established the size standards based on the
North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) for determining
which economic entities meet the definition of a small firm. The small
entity size standard for nursery and tree production (NAICS code
111421) is $750,000 or less in annual receipts. A total of 1,691
floriculture operations out of 10,965 operations had sales of $500,000
or more. Thus, at least 85 percent of all floriculture operations can
be classified as small entities, and it is likely that an even higher
percentage can be classified as small entities due to the $250,000
\8\ National Agricultural Statistics Service, Agricultural
Statistics Board, U.S. Department of Agriculture, 2001 Floriculture
This rule will continue to allow imports of cut chrysanthemums from
countries where CWR is known to occur, as long as the exporters from
these countries comply with the import requirements described in this
rule. We do not know the cost of certification in these countries
compared to the average value of imported consignments of
chrysanthemums, but it is expected to be minor. We do not expect that
small entities in the U.S. floriculture industry will be significantly
affected. However, the requirements will help safeguard the U.S.
floriculture and nursery industries from additional introductions of
Under these circumstances, the Administrator of the Animal and
Plant Health Inspection Service has determined that this action will
not have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small
Executive Order 12988
This rule has been reviewed under Executive Order 12988, Civil
Justice Reform. If this rule is adopted: (1) All State and local laws
and regulations that are inconsistent with this rule will be preempted;
(2) no retroactive effect will be given to this rule; and (3)
administrative proceedings will not be required before parties may file
suit in court challenging this rule.
[[Page 15809]]
Paperwork Reduction Act
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C.
3501 et seq.), the information collection or recordkeeping requirements
included in this rule have been approved by the Office of Management
and Budget (OMB) under OMB control number 0579-0271.
E-Government Act Compliance
The Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service is committed to
compliance with the E-Government Act to promote the use of the Internet
and other information technologies, to provide increased opportunities
for citizen access to Government information and services, and for
other purposes. For information pertinent to E-Government Act
compliance related to this rule, please contact Mrs. Celeste Sickles,
APHIS' Information Collection Coordinator, at (301) 734-7477.
List of Subjects in 7 CFR Part 319
Coffee, Cotton, Fruits, Imports, Logs, Nursery stock, Plant
diseases and pests, Quarantine, Reporting and recordkeeping
requirements, Rice, Vegetables.
Accordingly, we are amending 7 CFR part 319 as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 319 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 7 U.S.C. 450, 7701-7772, and 7781-7786; 21 U.S.C. 136
and 136a; 7 CFR 2.22, 2.80, and 371.3.
2. In the table in Sec. 319.37-2(a), the entries for ``Chrysanthemum
spp. (chrysanthemum)'', ``Dendranthema spp. (chrysanthemum)'',
``Leucanthemella serotina'', and ``Nipponanthemum nipponicum'' are
revised to read as follows:
Sec. 319.37-2 Prohibited articles.
(a) * * *
Plant pests
existing in the
Prohibited article (includes places named and
seeds only if specifically Foreign places from capable of being
mentioned) which prohibited transported with
the prohibited
* * * * * * *
Chrysanthemum, spp. Andorra, Argentina, Puccinia horiana
(chrysanthemum, includes Australia, Belarus, P. Henn. (white
Dendranthema spp.). Bosnia and rust of
Herzegovina, Brazil, chrysanthemum).
Brunei, Canary
Islands, Chile,
China, Colombia,
Croatia, Ecuador,
Iceland, Japan,
Korea, Liechtenstein,
Macedonia, Malaysia,
Mexico, Moldova,
Monaco, New Zealand,
Norway, Peru,
Republic of South
Africa, Russia, San
Marino, Switzerland,
Taiwan, Thailand,
Tunisia, Ukraine,
Uruguay, Venezuela,
Yugoslavia; the
European Union
(Austria, Belgium,
Bulgaria, Cyprus,
Czech Republic,
Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, France,
Germany, Greece,
Hungary, Ireland,
Italy, Latvia,
Luxembourg, Malta,
Netherlands, Poland,
Portugal, Romania,
Slovakia, Slovenia,
Spain, Sweden, and
United Kingdom); and
all countries,
territories, and
possessions of
countries located in
part or entirely
between 90[deg] and
180[deg] East
* * * * * * *
Dendranthema spp. See Chrysanthemum spp. See
(chrysanthemum). Chrysanthemum
* * * * * * *
Leucanthemella serotina....... Andorra, Argentina, Puccinia horiana
Australia, Belarus, P. Henn. (white
Bosnia and rust of
Herzegovina, Brazil, chrysanthemum).
Brunei, Canary
Islands, Chile,
China, Colombia,
Croatia, Ecuador,
Iceland, Japan,
Korea, Liechtenstein,
Macedonia, Malaysia,
Mexico, Moldova,
Monaco, New Zealand,
Norway, Peru,
Republic of South
Africa, Russia, San
Marino, Switzerland,
Taiwan, Thailand,
Tunisia, Ukraine,
Uruguay, Venezuela,
Yugoslavia; the
European Union
(Austria, Belgium,
Bulgaria, Cyprus,
Czech Republic,
Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, France,
Germany, Greece,
Hungary, Ireland,
Italy, Latvia,
Luxembourg, Malta,
Netherlands, Poland,
Portugal, Romania,
Slovakia, Slovenia,
Spain, Sweden, and
United Kingdom); and
all countries,
territories, and
possessions of
countries located in
part or entirely
between 90[deg] and
180[deg] East
* * * * * * *
Nipponanthemum nipponicum..... Andorra, Argentina, Puccinia horiana
Australia, Belarus, P. Henn. (white
Bosnia and rust of
Herzegovina, Brazil, chrysanthemum).
Brunei, Canary
Islands, Chile,
China, Colombia,
Croatia, Ecuador,
Iceland, Japan,
Korea, Liechtenstein,
Macedonia, Malaysia,
Mexico, Moldova,
Monaco, New Zealand,
Norway, Peru,
Republic of South
Africa, Russia, San
Marino, Switzerland,
Taiwan, Thailand,
Tunisia, Ukraine,
Uruguay, Venezuela,
Yugoslavia; the
European Union
(Austria, Belgium,
Bulgaria, Cyprus,
Czech Republic,
Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, France,
Germany, Greece,
Hungary, Ireland,
Italy, Latvia,
Luxembourg, Malta,
Netherlands, Poland,
Portugal, Romania,
Slovakia, Slovenia,
Spain, Sweden, and
United Kingdom); and
all countries,
territories, and
possessions of
countries located in
part or entirely
between 90[deg] and
180[deg] East
[[Page 15810]]
* * * * * * *
* * * * *
3. In Sec. 319.37-5, paragraph (c) is revised to read as follows:
Sec. 319.37-5 Special foreign inspection and certification
* * * * *
(c) Any restricted article (except seeds) of Chrysanthemum spp.
(chrysanthemum, includes Dendranthema spp.), Leucanthemella serotina,
or Nipponanthemum nipponicum, from any foreign place except Andorra,
Argentina, Australia, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Brunei,
Canary Islands, Chile, China, Colombia, Croatia, Ecuador, Iceland,
Japan, Korea, Liechtenstein, Macedonia, Malaysia, Mexico, Moldova,
Monaco, New Zealand, Norway, Peru, Republic of South Africa, Russia,
San Marino, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Tunisia, Ukraine, Uruguay,
Venezuela, Yugoslavia; the European Union (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria,
Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany,
Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta,
Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain,
Sweden, and United Kingdom); and all countries, territories, and
possessions of countries located in part or entirely between 90[deg]
and 180[deg] East longitude shall, at the time of arrival at the port
of first arrival in United States, be accompanied by a phytosanitary
certificate of inspection. The phytosanitary certificate of inspection
must contain a declaration that such article was grown in a greenhouse
nursery and found by the plant protection service of the country in
which grown to be free from white rust of chrysanthemum (caused by the
rust fungus Puccinia horiana P. Henn.) based on visual examination of
the parent stock, the articles for importation, and the greenhouse
nursery in which the articles for importation and the parent stock were
grown, once a month for 4 consecutive months immediately prior to
* * * * *
4. In Sec. 319.37-7, paragraph (a)(3), the table is amended by
revising the entries for ``Chrysanthemum spp. (chrysanthemum) meeting
the conditions in Sec. 319.37-5(c)'', ``Leucanthemella serotina'', and
``Nipponanthemum nipponicum'', and by removing the entry for
``Dendranthema spp. (chrysanthemum) meeting the conditions in Sec.
319.37-5(c)'' and adding in its place an entry for ``Dendranthema spp.
(chrysanthemum)'' to read as follows:
Sec. 319.37-7 Postentry quarantine.
(a) * * *
(3) * * *
Restricted article (excluding Foreign country(ies) or locality(ies)
seeds) from which imported
* * * * * * *
Chrysanthemum spp. All except Andorra, Argentina, Australia,
(chrysanthemum, includes Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil,
Dendranthema spp.) meeting Brunei, Canary Islands, Chile, China,
the conditions in Sec. Colombia, Croatia, Ecuador, Iceland,
319.37-5(c). Japan, Korea, Liechtenstein, Macedonia,
Malaysia, Mexico, Moldova, Monaco, New
Zealand, Norway, Peru, Republic of South
Africa, Russia, San Marino, Switzerland,
Taiwan, Thailand, Tunisia, Ukraine,
Uruguay, Venezuela, Yugoslavia; the
European Union (Austria, Belgium,
Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic,
Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France,
Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland,
Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg,
Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal,
Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain,
Sweden, and United Kingdom); and all
countries, territories, and possessions
of countries located in part or entirely
between 90[deg] and 180[deg] East
* * * * * * *
Dendranthema spp. See Chrysanthemum spp.
* * * * * * *
Leucanthemella serotina...... All except Andorra, Argentina, Australia,
Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil,
Brunei, Canary Islands, Chile, China,
Colombia, Croatia, Ecuador, Iceland,
Japan, Korea, Liechtenstein, Macedonia,
Malaysia, Mexico, Moldova, Monaco, New
Zealand, Norway, Peru, Republic of South
Africa, Russia, San Marino, Switzerland,
Taiwan, Thailand, Tunisia, Ukraine,
Uruguay, Venezuela, Yugoslavia; the
European Union (Austria, Belgium,
Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic,
Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France,
Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland,
Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg,
Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal,
Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain,
Sweden, and United Kingdom); and all
countries, territories, and possessions
of countries located in part or entirely
between 90[deg] and 180[deg] East
* * * * * * *
Nipponanthemum nipponicum.... All except Andorra, Argentina, Australia,
Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil,
Brunei, Canary Islands, Chile, China,
Colombia, Croatia, Ecuador, Iceland,
Japan, Korea, Liechtenstein, Macedonia,
Malaysia, Mexico, Moldova, Monaco, New
Zealand, Norway, Peru, Republic of South
Africa, Russia, San Marino, Switzerland,
Taiwan, Thailand, Tunisia, Ukraine,
Uruguay, Venezuela, Yugoslavia; the
European Union (Austria, Belgium,
Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic,
Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France,
Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland,
Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg,
Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal,
Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain,
Sweden, and United Kingdom); and all
countries, territories, and possessions
of countries located in part or entirely
between 90[deg] and 180[deg] East
* * * * * * *
[[Page 15811]]
* * * * *
5. Section 319.74-2 is amended as follows:
a. By redesignating paragraphs (d) and (e) as paragraphs (e) and (f),
b. By adding a new paragraph (d) to read as set forth below.
c. By adding, at the end of the section, an OMB citation to read as set
forth below.
Sec. 319.74-2 Conditions governing the entry of cut flowers.
* * * * *
(d) Chrysanthemum white rust hosts. (1) The following
Chrysanthemum, Leucanthemella, and Nipponanthemum spp. are considered
to be hosts of chrysanthemum white rust:
Accepted name of susceptible
species Synonyms Common name
Chrysanthemum arcticum L........ Arctanthemum Arctic
arcticum (L.) chrysanthemum and
Tzvelev and arctic daisy.
arcticum (L.)
Chrysanthemum boreale (Makino) Chrysanthemum
Makino. indicum L. var.
boreale Makino
and Dendranthema
boreale (Makino)
Ling ex Kitam.
Chrysanthemum indicum L......... Dendranthema
indicum (L.) Des
Chrysanthemum japonense Nakai... Dendranthema Nojigiku.
japonense (Nakai)
Kitam. and
japonense Kitam.
Chrysanthemum japonicum Makino.. Chrysanthemum Ryuno-giku.
makinoi Matsum. &
Nakai and
(Makino) Kitam.
Chrysanthemumxmorifolium Ramat.. Anthemis Florist's
grandiflorum chrysanthemum,
Ramat., Anthemis chrysanthemum,
stipulacea and mum.
sinense Sabine ex
(Moench) W.
diflorum (Ramat.)
folium (Ramat.)
Tzvelev, and
morifolia Ramat.
Chrysanthemum pacificum Nakai... Ajania pacifica Iso-giku.
(Nakai) K. Bremer
& Humphries and
pacificum (Nakai)
Chrysanthemum shiwogiku Kitam... Ajania shiwogiku Shio-giku.
(Kitam.) K.
Bremer &
Humphries and
(Kitam.) Kitam.
Chrysanthemum yoshinaganthum Dendranthema
Makino ex Kitam. yoshinaganthum
(Makino ex
Kitam.) Kitam.
Chrysanthemum zawadskii Herbich Chrysanthemum
subsp. yezoense (Maek.) Y. N. arcticum subsp.
Lee. maekawanum Kitam,
arcticum var.
yezoense Maek.
yezoense Maek.
yezoense (F.
Maek.) D. J. N.
Hind, and
yezoense (Maek.)
L[ouml]ve & D.
Chrysanthemum zawadskii Herbich Chrysanthemum
subsp. zawadskii. sibiricum Turcz.
ex DC., nom.
Tzvelev, and
zawadskii var.
Leucanthemella serotina (L.) Chrysanthemum Giant daisy or
Tzvelev. serotinum L., high daisy.
(Waldst. & Kit.
ex Willd.) Pers.,
and Pyrethrum
(Waldst. & Kit.
ex Willd.).
Nipponanthemum nipponicum Chrysanthemum Nippon daisy or
(Franch. ex Maxim.) Kitam. nipponicum Nippon-
(Franch. ex chrysanthemum.
Maxim.) Matsum.
and Leucanthemum
Franch. ex Maxim.
(2) Chrysanthemum white rust is considered to exist in the
following regions: Andorra, Argentina, Australia, Belarus, Bosnia and
Herzegovina, Brazil, Brunei, Canary Islands, Chile, China, Colombia,
Croatia, Ecuador, Iceland, Japan, Korea, Liechtenstein, Macedonia,
Malaysia, Mexico, Moldova, Monaco, New Zealand, Norway, Peru, Republic
of South Africa, Russia, San Marino, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand,
Tunisia, Ukraine, Uruguay, Venezuela, Yugoslavia; the European Union
(Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia,
Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania,
Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and United Kingdom); and all
countries, territories, and possessions of countries located in part or
entirely between 90[deg] and 180[deg] East longitude.
(3) Cut flowers of any species listed in paragraph (d)(1) of this
section may be imported into the United States from any region listed
in paragraph (d)(2) of this section only under the following
(i) The flowers must be grown in a production site that is
registered with the national plant protection organization (NPPO) of
the country in which the production site is located or with the NPPO's
designee, and the NPPO or its designee must provide a list of
registered sites to APHIS.
(ii) Each shipment of cut flowers must be accompanied by a
phytosanitary certificate or equivalent documentation, issued by the
NPPO of the country of origin or its designee, that contains an
additional declaration stating that the place of production as well as
the consignment have been inspected and found free of Puccinia horiana.
(iii) Box labels and other documents accompanying shipments of cut
flowers must be marked with the identity of the registered production
(iv) APHIS-authorized inspectors must also be allowed access to
production sites and other areas necessary to monitor the chrysanthemum
white rust-free status of the production sites.
(4) Cut flowers not meeting these conditions will be refused entry
into the United States. The detection of chrysanthemum white rust in a
shipment of cut flowers from a registered production site upon arrival
in the United States will result in the prohibition of imports
originating from the production site until such time when APHIS and the
NPPO of the exporting country, can agree that the eradication measures
taken have been
[[Page 15812]]
effective and that the pest risk within the production site has been
* * * * *
(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control
number 0579-0271.)
Done in Washington, DC, this 28th day of March 2007.
Kevin Shea,
Acting Administrator, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service.
[FR Doc. E7-6128 Filed 4-2-07; 8:45 am]