Plant Protection and Quarantine Export-Related Services and Procedures, 37032-37037 [06-5799]
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Federal Register
Vol. 71, No. 125
Thursday, June 29, 2006
This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER
contains documents other than rules or
proposed rules that are applicable to the
public. Notices of hearings and investigations,
committee meetings, agency decisions and
rulings, delegations of authority, filing of
petitions and applications and agency
statements of organization and functions are
examples of documents appearing in this
Submission for OMB Review;
Comment Request
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with NOTICES
June 23, 2006.
The Department of Agriculture has
submitted the following information
collection requirement(s) to OMB for
review and clearance under the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995,
Public Law 104–13. Comments
regarding (a) whether the collection of
information is necessary for the proper
performance of the functions of the
agency, including whether the
information will have practical utility;
(b) the accuracy of the agency’s estimate
of burden including the validity of the
methodology and assumptions used; (c)
ways to enhance the quality, utility and
clarity of the information to be
collected; (d) ways to minimize the
burden of the collection of information
on those who are to respond, including
through the use of appropriate
automated, electronic, mechanical, or
other technological collection
techniques or other forms of
information technology should be
addressed to: Desk Officer for
Agriculture, Office of Information and
Regulatory Affairs, Office of
Management and Budget (OMB),
OIRA_Submission@OMB.EOP.GOV or
fax (202) 395–5806 and to Departmental
Clearance Office, USDA, OCIO, Mail
Stop 7602, Washington, DC 20250–
7602. Comments regarding these
information collections are best assured
of having their full effect if received
within 30 days of this notification.
Copies of the submission(s) may be
obtained by calling (202) 720–8681.
An agency may not conduct or
sponsor a collection of information
unless the collection of information
displays a currently valid OMB control
number and the agency informs
potential persons who are to respond to
the collection of information that such
persons are not required to respond to
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promote rural development and rural
job creation projects that are based on
sound economic and financial analyses.
Need and Use of the Information:
Rural Utilities Service
RUS will collect information to
Title: 7 CFR Part 1744–C, Advance
determine eligibility; specific purposes
and Disbursement of Funds—
for which the deferment amount will be
utilized; the term of the deferment the
OMB Control Number: 0572–0023.
borrower will receive; the cost of the
Summary of Collection: Section 201 of total project and degree of participation
the Rural Electrification Act (RE Act) of
in the financing from other sources;
1936 authorizes the Administrator of the verification that the purposes will not
Rural Utilities Service (RUS) to make
violate limitations established in 7 CFR
loans for the purpose of providing
1703–H. If the information were not
telephone service to the widest
collected, RUS would be unable to
practicable number of rural subscribers. determine eligibility for a project.
A borrower requesting loan advances
Description of Respondents: Not-formust submit RUS Form 481, ‘‘Financial
profit; Business or other for-profit.
Requirement Statement’’. Along with
Number of Respondents: 1.
the Form 481 the borrower must also
Frequency of Responses:
submit a description of the advances
Recordkeeping; Reporting: On occasion.
and upon request copies of backup
Total Burden Hours: 35.
documentation relating to the
transactions. The information is used to Charlene Parker,
Departmental Information Collection
determine what projects the contracts
Clearance Officer.
listed on the Form relate to. Within a
[FR Doc. 06–5802 Filed 6–28–06; 8:45 am]
reasonable amount of time, funds are
advanced to the borrower for the
purposes specified in the statement of
Need and Use of the Information: The DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE
Form 481 is used by RUS to record and
Animal and Plant Health Inspection
control transactions in the construction
fund. RUS will collect information and
verify that the funds advanced are
[Docket No. APHIS–2006–0090]
related directly to loan purposes. If the
Plant Protection and Quarantine
information were not collected, RUS
Export-Related Services and
would not have any control over how
loan funds are spent or a record of the
balance to be advanced.
AGENCY: Animal and Plant Health
Description of Respondents: Business Inspection Service, USDA.
or other for-profit.
ACTION: Notice.
Number of Respondents: 177.
Frequency of Responses: Reporting:
SUMMARY: The Plant Protection and
On occasion.
Quarantine (PPQ) program of the
Total Burden Hours: 1,223.
Animal and Plant Health Inspection
Rural Utilities Service
Service provides, among other things,
Title: 7 CFR Part 1703–H, Deferments certain technical services to businesses
and individuals to help them
of RUS Loan Payments for Rural
successfully export live plants or plant
Development Projects.
products. This notice provides
OMB Control Number: 0572–0097.
Summary of Collection: Subsection (b) information concerning trade-related
of section 12 of the Rural Electrification international agreements and
organizations and details PPQ’s role in
Act (RE Act) of 1936, as amended (7
facilitating the export of plants and
U.S.C. 912), a Rural Utilities Service
plant products from the United States.
(RUS) electric or telephone borrower
may defer the payment of principal and FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr.
interest on any insured or direct loan
Narcy G. Klag, Deputy Director,
made under the RE Act invest the
Phytosanitary Issues Management, PPQ,
deferred amounts in rural development
APHIS, 4700 River Road Unit 140,
projects. The Deferment program is used Riverdale, MD 20737–1236; (301) 734–
to encourage borrowers to invest in and
the collection of information unless it
displays a currently valid OMB control
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Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 125 / Thursday, June 29, 2006 / Notices
business or individual in the United
States who wants to export a product to
a foreign country may need to meet a
number of requirements. These
requirements range from practical and
commercial (e.g., finding a buyer,
arranging financing, shipping, etc.) to
legal (e.g., complying with all
requirements, whether U.S. or foreign,
that may apply to the shipment).
The Plant Protection and Quarantine
(PPQ) program of the Animal and Plant
Health Inspection Service (APHIS) can
provide certain technical services to
businesses and individuals to help them
successfully export live plants or plant
products. No business or individual is
required to use our services; U.S.
producers do not need to apply to
APHIS or obtain permission from
APHIS to export any plant or plant
product to any foreign country.
However, U.S. producers must meet the
import requirements of the importing
country, and APHIS, when required,
certifies that shipments meet the plant
quarantine import requirements of the
destination country.
International Agreements and
International trade is governed by
standards and procedures set by several
international organizations.
‘‘International standard’’ is defined in
19 U.S.C. 2578b as a standard,
guideline, or recommendation:
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with NOTICES
(A) Regarding food safety, adopted by the
Codex Alimentarius Commission, including a
standard, guideline, or recommendation
regarding decomposition elaborated by the
Codex Committee on Fish and Fishery
Products, food additives, contaminants,
hygienic practice, and methods of analysis
and sampling;
(B) Regarding animal health and zoonoses,
developed under the auspices of the
International Office of Epizootics;
(C) Regarding plant health, developed
under the auspices of the Secretariat of the
International Plant Protection Convention in
cooperation with the North American Plant
Protection Organization; or
(D) Established by or developed under any
other international organization agreed to by
the NAFTA [North American Free Trade
Agreement] countries (as defined in section
3301 (4) of this title) or by the WTO [World
Trade Organization] members (as defined in
section 3501(10) of this title).
general are covered by various World
Trade Organization (WTO) agreements.
The WTO framework covers matters
involving non-tariff barriers, dispute
settlement, and other topics. The WTO
Agreement on the Application of
Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures 1
(SPS Agreement) governs the use of SPS
measures in trade (i.e., plant or animal
health regulations and other
requirements imposed for the purpose
of safeguarding consumer, animal, or
plant health or life).
The SPS Agreement applies to all
trade in plant and plant-related
materials between members, regardless
of the quantity, type, or means of
transportation, or country of origin or
country of destination. The SPS
Agreement maintains member countries’
right to regulate imports for the purpose
of protecting consumer, animal, and
plant health, provided such measures
are technically justified, not
unjustifiably discriminatory, and the
least restrictive measure available (i.e.,
operationally feasible and capable of
achieving the importing country’s
appropriate level of protection). Under
the SPS Agreement, all countries are
obligated to base their sanitary and
phytosanitary measures on international
standards where they exist. Also, all
countries must decide whether to allow
the import of a commodity based on an
analysis of the possible pest risk and
consideration of possible mitigations.
International Plant Protection
Standards and procedures designed to
safeguard agricultural resources of
member countries have been adopted by
the United States and our trading
partners as members of these
international organizations.
The SPS Agreement recognizes three
international standard setting bodies as
the official entities for developing
health-related standards for global trade.
Under the SPS Agreement, members are
obligated to recognize these standardsetting organizations. They are:
• Codex Alimentarius, for food safety;
• International Plant Protection
Convention (IPPC), for plant health; and
• World Organization for Animal
Health (OIE), for animal health.
The IPPC is a multilateral convention
adopted in 1952 for the purpose of
securing common and effective action to
prevent the spread and introduction of
pests of plants and plant products and
to promote appropriate measures for
their control. Under the IPPC, the
understanding of plant protection has
been and continues to be broad,
encompassing the protection of both
cultivated and non-cultivated plants
from injury by plant pests. Activities
addressed by the IPPC include the
World Trade Organization
Internationally agreed-upon
procedures for dealing with trade in
1 The full text of the SPS Agreement may be
found on the Internet at
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development and establishment of
international plant health standards, the
harmonization of phytosanitary
activities through emerging standards,
the facilitation of the exchange of
official and scientific information
among countries, and the furnishing of
technical assistance to developing
countries that are signatories to the
The IPPC is administered at the
national level by plant quarantine
officials whose primary objective is to
safeguard plant resources from injurious
pests. In the United States, the national
plant protection organization (NPPO) is
Technical experts from the United
States have participated in working
groups and as reviewers of all IPPC draft
standards. In addition, documents and
positions developed by APHIS have
been sources of significant input for
many of the standards adopted to date.
APHIS posts information concerning its
IPPC-related activities on the Internet at
standards/. Interested individuals may
review draft IPPC standards and other
IPPC documents, which are posted as
they become available to member
governments, and submit comments via
the Web site.
Regional Plant Protection
Organizations/North American Plant
Protection Organization
Countries, including the United
States, also work together under the
auspices of the IPPC and their
respective regional plant protection
organizations (RPPOs) to establish plant
health standards.2 RPPOs coordinate
efforts among member countries to
protect their plant resources from the
entry, establishment, and spread of
harmful plant pests, while facilitating
intra- and inter-regional trade.
Standards adopted by RPPOs may later
be proposed, modified, and adopted by
the IPPC as global standards.
The United States belongs to the
North American Plant Protection
Organization (NAPPO). The other
NAPPO members include Canada and
Mexico. As noted above, PPQ is the
United States’ NPPO and is delegated
the authority to participate in IPPC and
NAPPO standard-setting activities.
2 There are several RPPOs, each covering different
areas of the world. They are APPC (Far East, Indian
subcontinent, Australia and New Zealand), CAN
(Andean community), COSAVE (Southern cone of
South America), CPPC (Caribbean), IAPSC/CPI
(Africa), NAPPO (Canada, Mexico and the United
States), OEPP/EPPO (Europe and Mediterranean),
OIRSA (Central America), and PPPO (Pacific).
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 125 / Thursday, June 29, 2006 / Notices
PPQ’s Role as NPPO
Generally speaking, specific pest risk
mitigation measures for trade in
commodities that are identified and
evaluated through the pest risk analysis
process conducted by the importing
country. As the NPPO for the United
States, PPQ acts as an intermediary
between U.S. exporters and the
government of the importing country. In
its role as NPPO, PPQ works to ensure
that the risk mitigation and import
requirements specified by the importing
country are appropriate, certifies the
commodity is free of pathogens and/or
pests of concern to the importing
country, and otherwise ensures that
trade is conducted consistent with
international standards and the
importing country’s specific
phytosanitary import requirements so as
to safeguard the importing country’s
agriculture resources.3
To summarize, foreign NPPOs do not
work directly with prospective U.S.
exporters or State governments; they
work instead with PPQ, the NPPO for
the United States. PPQ communicates
directly with the importing country’s
NPPO concerning pest risk issues
associated with trade in plants and
plant products.
APHIS Services and Export Regulations
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with NOTICES
To successfully export an agricultural
product, U.S. producers must meet the
import requirements of the importing
country. To help producers, PPQ
provides various technical services.4
Our services deal only with plant health
(APHIS’ Veterinary Services program
fulfills a corresponding role with
respect to animal health).
3 This system works identically for commodities
imported into the United States. In that situation,
PPQ works with the NPPO of the foreign country,
not directly with the foreign producers. After
conducting any necessary pest risk analysis and
considering possible mitigations, PPQ and the
foreign NPPO negotiate the terms of trade in
compliance with international standards so as to
safeguard the agricultural resources of the United
4 The APHIS, PPQ, Phytosanitary Issues
Management Web site contains extensive
information of interest to exporters. The following
information can be accessed through the Web site:
(1) Basic program information; (2) descriptions of
certificates and forms (some downloadable); (3) a
glossary of definitions and terms; (4) the U.S.
Export Standards for Seed Potatoes; (5) a fact sheet
about EXCERPT (a database of various countries’
import requirements); (6) a list of commodities
ineligible for phytosanitary certification or
processed product certification; (7) a list of
processed products eligible for an export
certificates; (8) a discussion of user fees for export
certificates; (9) a discussion of export requirements
for wood packing material (both export and import);
and (10) frequently asked questions. The Web site
address is
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Most countries require most imported
agricultural commodities to be
accompanied by a phytosanitary
certificate. In the United States, only
Federal phytosanitary certificates (FPCs)
are utilized for certifying the
phytosanitary health of U.S. exports of
plants and plant products. FPCs are
official forms that certify that a plant or
plant product has been handled,
processed, and inspected in the manner
required by a foreign government to
mitigate the risk associated with certain
pests. The FPC may contain information
about the source of the commodity, any
treatments applied, the pest status of the
area where the commodity was
produced, and any other information
required by the importing country
consistent with IPPC norms.
PPQ is responsible, as the NPPO, for
issuing FPCs. Inspectors, who may be
PPQ employees or State or county
officials designated under IPPC and
NAPPO standards as Authorized
Certification Officials (ACOs), may issue
FPCs.5 6 Exporters can only obtain the
certificate from a designated ACO. FPCs
can only be issued for commodities that
are eligible under APHIS policy,
regardless of the importing country’s
PPQ regulations governing export
certification are contained in 7 CFR part
353. These regulations list locations
where phytosanitary certification
services are offered, what products are
covered by the regulations, who may
qualify to conduct inspections or draw
samples of products for inspection, and
detailed information about the various
phytosanitary certificates.
Procedures: Initial Contact With APHIS
Prospective exporters who want to
export live plants or plant products
should first contact their local State
agriculture or PPQ office. Exporters
should remember that it can be timeconsuming to do the work necessary to
issue an FPC. Therefore, exporters
should contact their local State
agriculture or PPQ office as far in
advance of the export date as possible.
Exporters should contact their local
State agriculture or local PPQ office
regardless of the type or quantity of
plants or plant products to be exported
or the method of transportation. Local
State agriculture and PPQ offices are
listed in telephone directories in the
blue government pages. PPQ offices are
5 U.S. sanitary certificates are also issued by
APHIS for animal; products. APHIS, Veterinary
Services, is responsible for issuing these
6 PPQ, and most cooperating States, charge a user
fee for each FPC. Current PPQ user fees are listed
in 7 CFR 354.4(g).
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also listed on our Web site at https://
es_certification_specialist.html. Local
State agriculture offices are listed on the
Internet at https://
The issuing office will use EXCERPT,
a computerized compilation of the
phytosanitary requirements for most
countries to which the United States
exports agricultural products, to
determine if the foreign country allows
importation of the commodity from the
United States, and if so, will cite the
phytosanitary requirements. (For
example, the importing country may
require a certain type of packaging,
require the commodity to be treated,
allow imports only during a certain time
of year, etc.) We inform the prospective
exporter of the country’s phytosanitary
requirements, including whether the
country requires an FPC. We make every
effort to keep the information in
EXCERPT up to date. However,
EXCERPT is only as current as the
information provided to us by importing
If a prospective exporter wants to
export a commodity that is already
allowed (referred to as an enterable
commodity) and that requires an FPC,
and they are able and willing to comply
with the import requirements of the
foreign country, they must request the
services of an inspector by submitting a
written application (PPQ Form 572,
Application for Inspection and
Certification of Domestic Plant and
Plant Products for Export).
Phytosanitary certification is based, at a
minimum, on a physical inspection of
the consignment. Therefore, exporters
must apply for an FPC in advance of
shipping. The exporter should submit
this form to their local State agriculture
or PPQ office and that office will issue
the FPC. ACOs around the country issue
approximately 500,000 FPCs annually.
If the importing country requires an
import permit, an ACO can give
guidance on how to obtain a permit.
Processing FPCs for Enterable Products
If the commodity is enterable and an
FPC is required, our local office
determines what specific information
the country requires on the FPC. Not all
countries require an FPC, but their use
is growing as global trade increases.
Most required information is routine,
e.g., shipper’s name, name of the
commodity (including scientific name),
origin of the commodity, quantity, etc.
Sometimes the import requirements for
a specific commodity require that the
commodity be free of a specified pest or
disease of particular concern to the
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 125 / Thursday, June 29, 2006 / Notices
importing country, and the FPC may be
required to include a certification to that
effect. Each special certification, known
as an additional declaration, must be
made on the FPC.
We work with the prospective
exporter to meet the importing country’s
phytosanitary and other technical
requirements. We communicate with
the exporter as appropriate (letter, fax,
e-mail, telephone) to work through this
stage. We attempt to provide technical
help as practical. However, it is the
responsibility of the exporter to comply
with import requirements of the country
of destination. For example, if the
importing country requires a certain
type of packaging, the exporter must
make arrangements to have their
commodity packaged as required. If a
country requires that a commodity is
free of a certain pest or pathogen, we
will conduct the appropriate test or
inspection to ensure freedom from the
pest, and issue an FPC stating that fact.
We may suggest how the exporter can
grow, process, or package the
commodity so that it is and remains free
of the pest or pathogen. However,
compliance-actually ensuring that the
commodity is free of the regulated pestis the exporter’s responsibility.
The prospective exporter must be
prepared to supply the following
information to the local State agriculture
or PPQ office. This information is
necessary to complete PPQ Form 572.
Information about the party
submitting the request:
• Name, mailing address, and
telephone and fax numbers of exporter.
• Name, mailing address, and
telephone and fax numbers of applicant,
if different from exporter’s.
Information about the commodity
proposed to be exported:
• Location of commodity to be
• Description of commodity to be
exported. A scientific name may be
required to determine phytosanitary
requirements. Identity of the particular
plant or plant part (e.g., fruit, leaf, root,
entire plant, etc.) and any associated
plant part proposed to be exported.
• Quantity and weight/volume of
each commodity, including total
number of packages of each commodity.
• The proposed end use of the
exported commodity (e.g., propagation,
consumption, milling, decorative,
processing, etc.).
• If the commodity is processed, a
detailed description of the processing.
• Origin of the commodity (where it
was grown).
Shipping information:
• Proposed date of exportation.
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• Name and address of consignee in
foreign country.
• Distinguishing markings on
• Type of conveyance (air, rail, truck,
• Port of export.
• Port of import (must be in the same
country as the consignee).
Processing Petitions for Currently
Restricted or Prohibited Products
If the commodity is currently
restricted or prohibited, or there are
requirements the prospective exporter
cannot meet or does not believe are fair
or reasonable, the exporter should
contact the director of PPQ’s
Phytosanitary Issues Management (PIM)
staff directly. We accept ‘‘requests to
petition’’ U.S. trading partners on behalf
of U.S. exporters. We refer to all
requests as export petitions.
We prefer petitions to be submitted by
mail or private courier, though we
accept petitions by fax at 301–734–7639.
We do not accept petitions over the
telephone or by electronic mail,
although we certainly encourage
prospective exporters to contact us by
phone to discuss their individual
situations and obtain advice.
For the most efficient service, written
export petitions should be mailed
directly to: Director, Phytosanitary
Issues Management, APHIS, PPQ, 4700
River Road Unit 140, Riverdale, MD
20737–1236. Petitions transmitted
through a third party invariably take
longer to reach us. In all cases,
processing delays can be avoided by
confirming that we have received the
We start processing an export petition
as soon as we receive it. No particular
format or wording is required. But for
the quickest service, some basic
information should be included in the
petition. This is the same information
listed above under the heading
‘‘Processing FPCs for Enterable
Products.’’ Including as much of this
information as possible in the initial
requesting letter helps us process the
petition efficiently.
When we receive a written petition,
one of our trade directors determines
whether it is a petition to open a market,
expand a market, or retain a market.
Petitioners are usually not aware of
these categories. However, they are
important for PPQ. The type of market
access requested dictates how PPQ
handles the petition. It also gives us an
idea of the services the petitioner may
want or need.
Petitions for currently restricted or
prohibited commodities are petitions to
open a market. If a foreign country does
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not currently allow import of a specific
commodity from the United States, we
will work with the petitioner to open
that market. In some cases, a market is
closed to certain commodities from the
United States because:
• The foreign country has never
considered whether to allow
importation because no one has ever
requested it;
• There is a pest risk that cannot be
• There is a mitigation, but it is
technically or economically not feasible
to use; or
• The importing country believes it
does not have sufficient information to
address its concerns.
The bulk of petitions are petitions to
retain or expand a market. If a foreign
country allows imports of a commodity
from the United States, but imports are
restricted, e.g., geographically (only
allowed to enter a portion of the
country), in time (only allowed to be
shipped during certain times of the
year), or subject to restrictive
phytosanitary measures, or if a country
restricts an enterable commodity due to
a perceived pest risk, we will work to
expand the market.
Unfortunately, there is no global list
of possible requirements and
restrictions. Requirements and
restrictions are particular to what are
called ‘‘commodity-country pairs,’’ that
is, a specific commodity from a country
(for example, cherries from the United
States) going to a specific country (for
example, Spain). Generally,
requirements and conditions apply to a
specific commodity-country
combination. However, in the future we
expect to see the development and
application of global import standards
for specific commodity/pest
combinations (e.g., developed by the
IPPC and/or individual countries).
If the exporter cannot meet the foreign
country’s requirements, we will work
with the exporter and the foreign
country to develop acceptable
alternatives. Common situations of this
type are where the foreign country
requires a commodity to be treated
using a chemical that is not approved
for application in the United States, or
when a requirement is impractical or
too expensive for the exporter.
Occasionally foreign countries impose
requirements which are contrary to the
SPS Agreement. In these situations we
work with the foreign country to
develop acceptable alternatives or to
have the inappropriate requirement
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Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 125 / Thursday, June 29, 2006 / Notices
Full Market Access Not Allowed—
Overly Restrictive Measures
Sometimes the foreign country allows
the requested commodity to be imported
from the United States, but restricts
importation geographically or in time.
That is, the commodity is allowed to be
exported from the United States only
into a portion of the foreign country or
only during a certain time of year. In
many cases these restrictions are
appropriate. In other cases, we may
disagree and believe less restrictive
requirements would protect the
legitimate agricultural interests of the
importing country. For example, there
may be cases where, since the
restrictions were put in place, a systems
approach or a new treatment has been
developed, or a regulated pest that
previously existed in the United States
has been eradicated. As with all
restrictions, we inform the exporter. The
exporter may find the requirements
acceptable, or the exporter may decide
they want to pursue exportation only if
the requirements are less restrictive. In
that case, we work with them and the
importing country to identify less
restrictive, but effective, measures to
safeguard the importing country’s
agricultural health interests.
Negotiations are extremely timeconsuming and there is no guarantee of
The situation is similar if the
importing country does not allow
importation of the commodity at all
from the United States. The country
may actually prohibit importation or it
may never have considered whether to
allow importation. We inform the
exporter of the situation. If they still
want to pursue their petition, we will
work with them and the foreign country
to resolve the matter. However, as with
expanding market access, the process of
obtaining market access is extremely
time-consuming and there is no
guarantee of success.
When we are working to expand or
obtain market access, PPQ may have to
supply information to the foreign
country so they can conduct a pest risk
analysis. With help from the exporter,
we provide the foreign country with the
information they need.
If a risk analysis is required, the
exporter may have to provide extensive
information. The types of information
required are the same as PPQ requests
in order to conduct a pest risk analysis
for a foreign commodity that has been
proposed for importation into the
United States.7
7 On
May 30, 2006, APHIS published a final rule
in the Federal Register (71 FR 30563–30568, Docket
No. 02–132–2) that amended our commodity import
VerDate Aug<31>2005
17:03 Jun 28, 2006
Jkt 208001
The information actually needed
depends on the individual petition. The
trade director works with the exporter
and scientific experts to develop a
package of data supporting the export
petition. It is very much in the
exporter’s interest to provide
information that is needed, as it
facilitates the timely processing of their
petition. If APHIS cannot obtain
necessary information from the
exporter, the foreign country will either
seek the information from other sources,
causing substantial delay, or may deny
or delay consideration of the request.
The information needed depends on the
type of request. The following list
describes types of information that
might be requested:
• Contact information;
• Information about the area where
the commodity is grown; and
• Shipping methods and volume of
In some cases more extensive
information might be required. Other
information that might be requested
includes, for example, a list of pests
associated with the commodity, possible
mitigation measures, post-harvest
handling, and safeguarding procedures.
Retaining Market Access
PPQ works constantly with current
exporters and our trading partners to
retain and expand markets, and to
encourage countries to adopt the least
restrictive measures necessary to
effectively safeguard their agricultural
resources. This is beneficial to both U.S.
exporters and to importing countries.
For example, eliminating or reducing
the volume of dangerous chemicals to
treat plants and plant material is a
general benefit.
We also work with current exporters
to retain markets that are already open
to U.S. exporters. Sometimes a market is
open, but import requirements change.
This may happen because a regulated
pest is detected in an arriving shipment,
there is a report of a new pest in the
United States, or the United States asks
the importing country to reevaluate the
pest risk of the commodity and to
change its import requirements. If we
determine that requirements are overly
restrictive, PPQ works with the foreign
government and with U.S. exporters to
find mutually acceptable alternatives.
Documentation and Communication
For each petition we receive, PPQ
maintains a file of written documents
relating to the petition. We keep a
regulations to require the submission of certain
information before we will consider any request to
import a new commodity for which a risk analysis
is required (see 7 CFR 319.5).
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record of every significant decision with
a letter or other physical document.
Some export petitions are handled very
easily. However, any export petition can
result in extensive negotiations between
the importing country and PPQ. We
utilize all appropriate and effective
means to conduct negotiations
(meetings, telephone calls, video
conferences, letters, etc.). Official
correspondence between PPQ and
officials of the importing country is an
especially important part of the
negotiating process, and we maintain a
complete file of official correspondence
for each export petition. In addition, we
endeavor to keep exporters informed at
every stage of negotiations, and we
request their help and cooperation as
needed to help the process move
forward. PPQ’s staff of trade directors,
along with APHIS attaches,
communicates routinely with our
trading partners both personally, oneon-one, and through informal and
formal meetings. Bilateral meetings are
formal meetings held with our major
trading partners.8 Bilateral meetings are
scheduled as needed, when both
countries have issues to discuss. PPQ
posts minutes from bilateral meetings
on the PPQ Web site.9 These meetings
are attended by technical staff and
higher level officials; who attends is
determined by the issues to be
With the cooperation of the exporter,
we work with our trading partners to
resolve technical market access issues.
Risk mitigations may be documented in
operational workplans. These
documents, signed by the NPPO of each
country, detail the operational
requirements U.S. commodities must
meet to be imported into foreign
Completing Work on an Export Petition
The number, gravity, and intricacy of
issues raised by an export petition, and
the willingness of the foreign
government to negotiate over a
particular request, determine how long
it takes to complete work on an export
petition. We consider work on an export
petition completed only if one of two
events occurs, i.e., the requested export
takes place or the prospective exporter
withdraws his/her petition.
8 As of 2006, we hold bilateral meetings with
Australia, Cnada, China, Japan, Mexico, New
Zealand, and Taiwan.
9 Minutes from bilateral meetings held during
calendar year 2005 are posted at https://
10 PPQ also negotiates and agrees to operational
workplans covering foreign plants and plant
products to be imported into the United States.
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 125 / Thursday, June 29, 2006 / Notices
It is important to remember that trade
negotiations are often extended. It may
be many months or years before work on
a petition is completed. The disease or
pest situation in either the United States
or the foreign country may change,
governmental policies or goals in either
the United States or the foreign country
may change, or research or scientific
analysis may be necessary before there
can be an agreement.
Occasionally a foreign government
refuses to consider accepting a
commodity for import. However, this is
extremely rare. The more common
occurrence is a breakdown in
negotiations. If it becomes apparent that
PPQ can do nothing more to complete
work on a petition, we work with
APHIS SPS policy offices and the U.S.
Department of Agriculture’s (USDA)
Foreign Agricultural Service to consider
other options, including the possibility
of seeking the involvement of the Office
of the U.S. Trade Representative in
addressing a particular SPS trade
impasse. Even then we consider these
export petitions ‘‘open’’ and we
continue to work on them as
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with NOTICES
Barriers to Export
There are barriers to export that
APHIS cannot resolve. These include:
• When information necessary to
resolve the petition is not available;
• When a regulated pest exists in the
United States for which there is no
effective risk mitigation; and
• When technical discussions with
the foreign country have reached an
We try to minimize these barriers.
APHIS and other agencies within USDA
are always looking for new and effective
systems approaches and treatments. In
partnership with the Department of
Homeland Security, we endeavor to
prevent pests and pathogens from
entering the United States from foreign
countries. If we detect a pest or
pathogen within the United States, we
attempt by all means within our
authority to keep that pest or pathogen
from spreading, and if possible, to
eradicate it. We also try to minimize
barriers to exports by maintaining good
working relationships with foreign
officials, by dealing with foreign goods
imported into the United States openly,
consistently and fairly, and by
negotiating in good faith. However, we
have no authority or power to force
foreign governments, or exporters, to
come to an agreement or even to
respond to our overtures.
VerDate Aug<31>2005
17:03 Jun 28, 2006
Jkt 208001
Done in Washington, DC, this 23rd day of
June 2006.
Kevin Shea,
Acting Administrator, Animal and Plant
Health Inspection Service.
[FR Doc. 06–5799 Filed 6–28–06; 8:45 am]
Rural Utilities Service
Highwood Generating Station
Rural Utilities Service, USDA.
Notice of Availability of Draft
Environmental Impact Statement and
Notice of Public Meeting.
SUMMARY: Notice is hereby given that
the Rural Utilities Service (RUS) is
issuing a Draft Environmental Impact
Statement (EIS) for the Highwood
Generating Station (HGS). The Draft EIS
was prepared pursuant to the National
Environmental Policy Act of 1969
(NEPA) (U.S.C. 4231 et seq.) in
accordance with the Council on
Environmental Quality (CEQ)
regulations for implementing the
procedural provisions of NEPA (40 CFR
parts 1500–1508) and RUS regulations
(7 CFR part 1794). This document has
been prepared jointly with the Montana
Department of Environmental Quality
(MDEQ), which has its own statutory
mandates to analyze potential
environmental impacts under the
Montana Environmental Policy Act
(MEPA) (75–1–101 et seq., MCA and
ARM 17.4.601 et seq.) and to issue
permits under the Montana Clean Air
Act, Montana Clean Water Act, and
Montana Solid Waste Management Act.
The purpose of the EIS is to evaluate
the potential environmental impacts of
and alternatives to the Southern
Montana Electric Transmission &
Generation Cooperative, Inc. (SME)
application for a RUS loan guarantee to
construct a 250 megawatt (MW) coalfired power plant near Great Falls,
Montana. SME is proposing to use a coal
combustion technology known as
circulating fluidized bed (CFB), along
with other proposed pollution controls
collectively known as Best Available
Control Technology (BACT). SME also
proposes to construct and operate four,
1.5-MW wind turbines to generate
supplemental electrical power at the
preferred project location eight miles
east of Great Falls.
DATES: With this notice, RUS and MDEQ
invite any affected Federal, State, and
local Agencies and other interested
persons to comment on the Draft EIS.
Written comments on this Draft EIS will
PO 00000
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be accepted for 45 days following
publication of the Environmental
Protection Agency’s notice of
Availability for this Draft Environmental
Impact Statement (DEIS) in the Federal
RUS and MDEQ will hold a public
meeting on July 27, 2006, at the Great
Falls Civic Center (Gibson Room), 2
Park Drive South, Great Falls, MT. The
public meeting will begin with an open
house at 5 p.m., followed by a public
hearing starting at 7 p.m. The hearing
will include a presentation summarizing
the findings of the DEIS and the
opportunity for attendees to submit both
oral and written comments. In
accordance with 40 CFR 1503.1, Inviting
Comments, the purpose of the meeting
will be to solicit comments from
interested parties on the Draft EIS for
the Highwood Generating Station.
A copy of the Draft EIS can be
obtained or viewed online at https://
The files are in a Portable Document
Format (.pdf); in order to review or print
the document, users need to obtain a
free copy of Acrobat Reader ( 2003
Adobe Systems Incorporated). The
Acrobat Reader can be obtained from
Copies of the Draft EIS will also be
available for public review during
normal business hours at the following
Montana State Library System, Attn:
Roberta Gebhardt, P.O. Box 201800,
Helena, MT 59620–1800. (406) 444–
University of Montana at Missoula, 32
Campus Drive 59801, Mansfield
Library, Missoula, MT 59812. (406)
Missoula Public Library, 301 East Main,
Missoula, MT 59802–4799. (406) 721–
2665. FAX: (406) 728–5900.
Montana State University Libraries, P.O.
Box 173320, Bozeman, MT 59717–
3320. Phone: (406) 994–3119. Fax:
(406) 994–2851.
Great Falls Public Library, 301 2nd
Ave., North, Great Falls, MT 59401–
2593. (406) 453–0349.
send comments or for more information,
contact: Richard Fristik, USDA, Rural
Development, Utilities Programs, 1400
Independence Avenue, Mail Stop 1571,
Room 2237, Washington, DC 20250–
1571, telephone (202) 720–5093, fax
(202) 720–0820, or e-mail:
SME is an
electric generation and transmission
cooperative, a non-profit utility owned
[Federal Register Volume 71, Number 125 (Thursday, June 29, 2006)]
[Pages 37032-37037]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 06-5799]
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
[Docket No. APHIS-2006-0090]
Plant Protection and Quarantine Export-Related Services and
AGENCY: Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, USDA.
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: The Plant Protection and Quarantine (PPQ) program of the
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service provides, among other
things, certain technical services to businesses and individuals to
help them successfully export live plants or plant products. This
notice provides information concerning trade-related international
agreements and organizations and details PPQ's role in facilitating the
export of plants and plant products from the United States.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr. Narcy G. Klag, Deputy Director,
Phytosanitary Issues Management, PPQ, APHIS, 4700 River Road Unit 140,
Riverdale, MD 20737-1236; (301) 734-8262.
[[Page 37033]]
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Any business or individual in the United
States who wants to export a product to a foreign country may need to
meet a number of requirements. These requirements range from practical
and commercial (e.g., finding a buyer, arranging financing, shipping,
etc.) to legal (e.g., complying with all requirements, whether U.S. or
foreign, that may apply to the shipment).
The Plant Protection and Quarantine (PPQ) program of the Animal and
Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) can provide certain technical
services to businesses and individuals to help them successfully export
live plants or plant products. No business or individual is required to
use our services; U.S. producers do not need to apply to APHIS or
obtain permission from APHIS to export any plant or plant product to
any foreign country. However, U.S. producers must meet the import
requirements of the importing country, and APHIS, when required,
certifies that shipments meet the plant quarantine import requirements
of the destination country.
International Agreements and Standards
International trade is governed by standards and procedures set by
several international organizations. ``International standard'' is
defined in 19 U.S.C. 2578b as a standard, guideline, or recommendation:
(A) Regarding food safety, adopted by the Codex Alimentarius
Commission, including a standard, guideline, or recommendation
regarding decomposition elaborated by the Codex Committee on Fish
and Fishery Products, food additives, contaminants, hygienic
practice, and methods of analysis and sampling;
(B) Regarding animal health and zoonoses, developed under the
auspices of the International Office of Epizootics;
(C) Regarding plant health, developed under the auspices of the
Secretariat of the International Plant Protection Convention in
cooperation with the North American Plant Protection Organization;
(D) Established by or developed under any other international
organization agreed to by the NAFTA [North American Free Trade
Agreement] countries (as defined in section 3301 (4) of this title)
or by the WTO [World Trade Organization] members (as defined in
section 3501(10) of this title).
Standards and procedures designed to safeguard agricultural
resources of member countries have been adopted by the United States
and our trading partners as members of these international
World Trade Organization
Internationally agreed-upon procedures for dealing with trade in
general are covered by various World Trade Organization (WTO)
agreements. The WTO framework covers matters involving non-tariff
barriers, dispute settlement, and other topics. The WTO Agreement on
the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures \1\ (SPS
Agreement) governs the use of SPS measures in trade (i.e., plant or
animal health regulations and other requirements imposed for the
purpose of safeguarding consumer, animal, or plant health or life).
\1\ The full text of the SPS Agreement may be found on the
Internet at
The SPS Agreement applies to all trade in plant and plant-related
materials between members, regardless of the quantity, type, or means
of transportation, or country of origin or country of destination. The
SPS Agreement maintains member countries' right to regulate imports for
the purpose of protecting consumer, animal, and plant health, provided
such measures are technically justified, not unjustifiably
discriminatory, and the least restrictive measure available (i.e.,
operationally feasible and capable of achieving the importing country's
appropriate level of protection). Under the SPS Agreement, all
countries are obligated to base their sanitary and phytosanitary
measures on international standards where they exist. Also, all
countries must decide whether to allow the import of a commodity based
on an analysis of the possible pest risk and consideration of possible
International Plant Protection Convention
The SPS Agreement recognizes three international standard setting
bodies as the official entities for developing health-related standards
for global trade. Under the SPS Agreement, members are obligated to
recognize these standard-setting organizations. They are:
Codex Alimentarius, for food safety;
International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC), for
plant health; and
World Organization for Animal Health (OIE), for animal
The IPPC is a multilateral convention adopted in 1952 for the
purpose of securing common and effective action to prevent the spread
and introduction of pests of plants and plant products and to promote
appropriate measures for their control. Under the IPPC, the
understanding of plant protection has been and continues to be broad,
encompassing the protection of both cultivated and non-cultivated
plants from injury by plant pests. Activities addressed by the IPPC
include the development and establishment of international plant health
standards, the harmonization of phytosanitary activities through
emerging standards, the facilitation of the exchange of official and
scientific information among countries, and the furnishing of technical
assistance to developing countries that are signatories to the IPPC.
The IPPC is administered at the national level by plant quarantine
officials whose primary objective is to safeguard plant resources from
injurious pests. In the United States, the national plant protection
organization (NPPO) is PPQ.
Technical experts from the United States have participated in
working groups and as reviewers of all IPPC draft standards. In
addition, documents and positions developed by APHIS have been sources
of significant input for many of the standards adopted to date. APHIS
posts information concerning its IPPC-related activities on the
Internet at Interested
individuals may review draft IPPC standards and other IPPC documents,
which are posted as they become available to member governments, and
submit comments via the Web site.
Regional Plant Protection Organizations/North American Plant Protection
Countries, including the United States, also work together under
the auspices of the IPPC and their respective regional plant protection
organizations (RPPOs) to establish plant health standards.\2\ RPPOs
coordinate efforts among member countries to protect their plant
resources from the entry, establishment, and spread of harmful plant
pests, while facilitating intra- and inter-regional trade. Standards
adopted by RPPOs may later be proposed, modified, and adopted by the
IPPC as global standards.
\2\ There are several RPPOs, each covering different areas of
the world. They are APPC (Far East, Indian subcontinent, Australia
and New Zealand), CAN (Andean community), COSAVE (Southern cone of
South America), CPPC (Caribbean), IAPSC/CPI (Africa), NAPPO (Canada,
Mexico and the United States), OEPP/EPPO (Europe and Mediterranean),
OIRSA (Central America), and PPPO (Pacific).
The United States belongs to the North American Plant Protection
Organization (NAPPO). The other NAPPO members include Canada and
Mexico. As noted above, PPQ is the United States' NPPO and is delegated
the authority to participate in IPPC and NAPPO standard-setting
[[Page 37034]]
PPQ's Role as NPPO
Generally speaking, specific pest risk mitigation measures for
trade in commodities that are identified and evaluated through the pest
risk analysis process conducted by the importing country. As the NPPO
for the United States, PPQ acts as an intermediary between U.S.
exporters and the government of the importing country. In its role as
NPPO, PPQ works to ensure that the risk mitigation and import
requirements specified by the importing country are appropriate,
certifies the commodity is free of pathogens and/or pests of concern to
the importing country, and otherwise ensures that trade is conducted
consistent with international standards and the importing country's
specific phytosanitary import requirements so as to safeguard the
importing country's agriculture resources.\3\
\3\ This system works identically for commodities imported into
the United States. In that situation, PPQ works with the NPPO of the
foreign country, not directly with the foreign producers. After
conducting any necessary pest risk analysis and considering possible
mitigations, PPQ and the foreign NPPO negotiate the terms of trade
in compliance with international standards so as to safeguard the
agricultural resources of the United States.
To summarize, foreign NPPOs do not work directly with prospective
U.S. exporters or State governments; they work instead with PPQ, the
NPPO for the United States. PPQ communicates directly with the
importing country's NPPO concerning pest risk issues associated with
trade in plants and plant products.
APHIS Services and Export Regulations
To successfully export an agricultural product, U.S. producers must
meet the import requirements of the importing country. To help
producers, PPQ provides various technical services.\4\ Our services
deal only with plant health (APHIS' Veterinary Services program
fulfills a corresponding role with respect to animal health).
\4\ The APHIS, PPQ, Phytosanitary Issues Management Web site
contains extensive information of interest to exporters. The
following information can be accessed through the Web site: (1)
Basic program information; (2) descriptions of certificates and
forms (some downloadable); (3) a glossary of definitions and terms;
(4) the U.S. Export Standards for Seed Potatoes; (5) a fact sheet
about EXCERPT (a database of various countries' import
requirements); (6) a list of commodities ineligible for
phytosanitary certification or processed product certification; (7)
a list of processed products eligible for an export certificates;
(8) a discussion of user fees for export certificates; (9) a
discussion of export requirements for wood packing material (both
export and import); and (10) frequently asked questions. The Web
site address is
Most countries require most imported agricultural commodities to be
accompanied by a phytosanitary certificate. In the United States, only
Federal phytosanitary certificates (FPCs) are utilized for certifying
the phytosanitary health of U.S. exports of plants and plant products.
FPCs are official forms that certify that a plant or plant product has
been handled, processed, and inspected in the manner required by a
foreign government to mitigate the risk associated with certain pests.
The FPC may contain information about the source of the commodity, any
treatments applied, the pest status of the area where the commodity was
produced, and any other information required by the importing country
consistent with IPPC norms.
PPQ is responsible, as the NPPO, for issuing FPCs. Inspectors, who
may be PPQ employees or State or county officials designated under IPPC
and NAPPO standards as Authorized Certification Officials (ACOs), may
issue FPCs.5 6 Exporters can only obtain the certificate
from a designated ACO. FPCs can only be issued for commodities that are
eligible under APHIS policy, regardless of the importing country's
\5\ U.S. sanitary certificates are also issued by APHIS for
animal; products. APHIS, Veterinary Services, is responsible for
issuing these certificates.
\6\ PPQ, and most cooperating States, charge a user fee for each
FPC. Current PPQ user fees are listed in 7 CFR 354.4(g).
PPQ regulations governing export certification are contained in 7
CFR part 353. These regulations list locations where phytosanitary
certification services are offered, what products are covered by the
regulations, who may qualify to conduct inspections or draw samples of
products for inspection, and detailed information about the various
phytosanitary certificates.
Procedures: Initial Contact With APHIS
Prospective exporters who want to export live plants or plant
products should first contact their local State agriculture or PPQ
office. Exporters should remember that it can be time-consuming to do
the work necessary to issue an FPC. Therefore, exporters should contact
their local State agriculture or PPQ office as far in advance of the
export date as possible. Exporters should contact their local State
agriculture or local PPQ office regardless of the type or quantity of
plants or plant products to be exported or the method of
transportation. Local State agriculture and PPQ offices are listed in
telephone directories in the blue government pages. PPQ offices are
also listed on our Web site at
exports/es_certification_specialist.html. Local State agriculture
offices are listed on the Internet at https://
The issuing office will use EXCERPT, a computerized compilation of
the phytosanitary requirements for most countries to which the United
States exports agricultural products, to determine if the foreign
country allows importation of the commodity from the United States, and
if so, will cite the phytosanitary requirements. (For example, the
importing country may require a certain type of packaging, require the
commodity to be treated, allow imports only during a certain time of
year, etc.) We inform the prospective exporter of the country's
phytosanitary requirements, including whether the country requires an
FPC. We make every effort to keep the information in EXCERPT up to
date. However, EXCERPT is only as current as the information provided
to us by importing countries.
If a prospective exporter wants to export a commodity that is
already allowed (referred to as an enterable commodity) and that
requires an FPC, and they are able and willing to comply with the
import requirements of the foreign country, they must request the
services of an inspector by submitting a written application (PPQ Form
572, Application for Inspection and Certification of Domestic Plant and
Plant Products for Export). Phytosanitary certification is based, at a
minimum, on a physical inspection of the consignment. Therefore,
exporters must apply for an FPC in advance of shipping. The exporter
should submit this form to their local State agriculture or PPQ office
and that office will issue the FPC. ACOs around the country issue
approximately 500,000 FPCs annually. If the importing country requires
an import permit, an ACO can give guidance on how to obtain a permit.
Processing FPCs for Enterable Products
If the commodity is enterable and an FPC is required, our local
office determines what specific information the country requires on the
FPC. Not all countries require an FPC, but their use is growing as
global trade increases. Most required information is routine, e.g.,
shipper's name, name of the commodity (including scientific name),
origin of the commodity, quantity, etc. Sometimes the import
requirements for a specific commodity require that the commodity be
free of a specified pest or disease of particular concern to the
[[Page 37035]]
importing country, and the FPC may be required to include a
certification to that effect. Each special certification, known as an
additional declaration, must be made on the FPC.
We work with the prospective exporter to meet the importing
country's phytosanitary and other technical requirements. We
communicate with the exporter as appropriate (letter, fax, e-mail,
telephone) to work through this stage. We attempt to provide technical
help as practical. However, it is the responsibility of the exporter to
comply with import requirements of the country of destination. For
example, if the importing country requires a certain type of packaging,
the exporter must make arrangements to have their commodity packaged as
required. If a country requires that a commodity is free of a certain
pest or pathogen, we will conduct the appropriate test or inspection to
ensure freedom from the pest, and issue an FPC stating that fact. We
may suggest how the exporter can grow, process, or package the
commodity so that it is and remains free of the pest or pathogen.
However, compliance-actually ensuring that the commodity is free of the
regulated pest-is the exporter's responsibility.
The prospective exporter must be prepared to supply the following
information to the local State agriculture or PPQ office. This
information is necessary to complete PPQ Form 572.
Information about the party submitting the request:
Name, mailing address, and telephone and fax numbers of
Name, mailing address, and telephone and fax numbers of
applicant, if different from exporter's.
Information about the commodity proposed to be exported:
Location of commodity to be exported.
Description of commodity to be exported. A scientific name
may be required to determine phytosanitary requirements. Identity of
the particular plant or plant part (e.g., fruit, leaf, root, entire
plant, etc.) and any associated plant part proposed to be exported.
Quantity and weight/volume of each commodity, including
total number of packages of each commodity.
The proposed end use of the exported commodity (e.g.,
propagation, consumption, milling, decorative, processing, etc.).
If the commodity is processed, a detailed description of
the processing.
Origin of the commodity (where it was grown).
Shipping information:
Proposed date of exportation.
Name and address of consignee in foreign country.
Distinguishing markings on packaging.
Type of conveyance (air, rail, truck, vessel).
Port of export.
Port of import (must be in the same country as the
Processing Petitions for Currently Restricted or Prohibited Products
If the commodity is currently restricted or prohibited, or there
are requirements the prospective exporter cannot meet or does not
believe are fair or reasonable, the exporter should contact the
director of PPQ's Phytosanitary Issues Management (PIM) staff directly.
We accept ``requests to petition'' U.S. trading partners on behalf of
U.S. exporters. We refer to all requests as export petitions.
We prefer petitions to be submitted by mail or private courier,
though we accept petitions by fax at 301-734-7639. We do not accept
petitions over the telephone or by electronic mail, although we
certainly encourage prospective exporters to contact us by phone to
discuss their individual situations and obtain advice.
For the most efficient service, written export petitions should be
mailed directly to: Director, Phytosanitary Issues Management, APHIS,
PPQ, 4700 River Road Unit 140, Riverdale, MD 20737-1236. Petitions
transmitted through a third party invariably take longer to reach us.
In all cases, processing delays can be avoided by confirming that we
have received the petition.
We start processing an export petition as soon as we receive it. No
particular format or wording is required. But for the quickest service,
some basic information should be included in the petition. This is the
same information listed above under the heading ``Processing FPCs for
Enterable Products.'' Including as much of this information as possible
in the initial requesting letter helps us process the petition
When we receive a written petition, one of our trade directors
determines whether it is a petition to open a market, expand a market,
or retain a market. Petitioners are usually not aware of these
categories. However, they are important for PPQ. The type of market
access requested dictates how PPQ handles the petition. It also gives
us an idea of the services the petitioner may want or need.
Petitions for currently restricted or prohibited commodities are
petitions to open a market. If a foreign country does not currently
allow import of a specific commodity from the United States, we will
work with the petitioner to open that market. In some cases, a market
is closed to certain commodities from the United States because:
The foreign country has never considered whether to allow
importation because no one has ever requested it;
There is a pest risk that cannot be mitigated;
There is a mitigation, but it is technically or
economically not feasible to use; or
The importing country believes it does not have sufficient
information to address its concerns.
The bulk of petitions are petitions to retain or expand a market.
If a foreign country allows imports of a commodity from the United
States, but imports are restricted, e.g., geographically (only allowed
to enter a portion of the country), in time (only allowed to be shipped
during certain times of the year), or subject to restrictive
phytosanitary measures, or if a country restricts an enterable
commodity due to a perceived pest risk, we will work to expand the
Unfortunately, there is no global list of possible requirements and
restrictions. Requirements and restrictions are particular to what are
called ``commodity-country pairs,'' that is, a specific commodity from
a country (for example, cherries from the United States) going to a
specific country (for example, Spain). Generally, requirements and
conditions apply to a specific commodity-country combination. However,
in the future we expect to see the development and application of
global import standards for specific commodity/pest combinations (e.g.,
developed by the IPPC and/or individual countries).
If the exporter cannot meet the foreign country's requirements, we
will work with the exporter and the foreign country to develop
acceptable alternatives. Common situations of this type are where the
foreign country requires a commodity to be treated using a chemical
that is not approved for application in the United States, or when a
requirement is impractical or too expensive for the exporter.
Occasionally foreign countries impose requirements which are
contrary to the SPS Agreement. In these situations we work with the
foreign country to develop acceptable alternatives or to have the
inappropriate requirement eliminated.
[[Page 37036]]
Full Market Access Not Allowed--Overly Restrictive Measures
Sometimes the foreign country allows the requested commodity to be
imported from the United States, but restricts importation
geographically or in time. That is, the commodity is allowed to be
exported from the United States only into a portion of the foreign
country or only during a certain time of year. In many cases these
restrictions are appropriate. In other cases, we may disagree and
believe less restrictive requirements would protect the legitimate
agricultural interests of the importing country. For example, there may
be cases where, since the restrictions were put in place, a systems
approach or a new treatment has been developed, or a regulated pest
that previously existed in the United States has been eradicated. As
with all restrictions, we inform the exporter. The exporter may find
the requirements acceptable, or the exporter may decide they want to
pursue exportation only if the requirements are less restrictive. In
that case, we work with them and the importing country to identify less
restrictive, but effective, measures to safeguard the importing
country's agricultural health interests. Negotiations are extremely
time-consuming and there is no guarantee of success.
The situation is similar if the importing country does not allow
importation of the commodity at all from the United States. The country
may actually prohibit importation or it may never have considered
whether to allow importation. We inform the exporter of the situation.
If they still want to pursue their petition, we will work with them and
the foreign country to resolve the matter. However, as with expanding
market access, the process of obtaining market access is extremely
time-consuming and there is no guarantee of success.
When we are working to expand or obtain market access, PPQ may have
to supply information to the foreign country so they can conduct a pest
risk analysis. With help from the exporter, we provide the foreign
country with the information they need.
If a risk analysis is required, the exporter may have to provide
extensive information. The types of information required are the same
as PPQ requests in order to conduct a pest risk analysis for a foreign
commodity that has been proposed for importation into the United
\7\ On May 30, 2006, APHIS published a final rule in the Federal
Register (71 FR 30563-30568, Docket No. 02-132-2) that amended our
commodity import regulations to require the submission of certain
information before we will consider any request to import a new
commodity for which a risk analysis is required (see 7 CFR 319.5).
The information actually needed depends on the individual petition.
The trade director works with the exporter and scientific experts to
develop a package of data supporting the export petition. It is very
much in the exporter's interest to provide information that is needed,
as it facilitates the timely processing of their petition. If APHIS
cannot obtain necessary information from the exporter, the foreign
country will either seek the information from other sources, causing
substantial delay, or may deny or delay consideration of the request.
The information needed depends on the type of request. The following
list describes types of information that might be requested:
Contact information;
Information about the area where the commodity is grown;
Shipping methods and volume of exports.
In some cases more extensive information might be required. Other
information that might be requested includes, for example, a list of
pests associated with the commodity, possible mitigation measures,
post-harvest handling, and safeguarding procedures.
Retaining Market Access
PPQ works constantly with current exporters and our trading
partners to retain and expand markets, and to encourage countries to
adopt the least restrictive measures necessary to effectively safeguard
their agricultural resources. This is beneficial to both U.S. exporters
and to importing countries. For example, eliminating or reducing the
volume of dangerous chemicals to treat plants and plant material is a
general benefit.
We also work with current exporters to retain markets that are
already open to U.S. exporters. Sometimes a market is open, but import
requirements change. This may happen because a regulated pest is
detected in an arriving shipment, there is a report of a new pest in
the United States, or the United States asks the importing country to
reevaluate the pest risk of the commodity and to change its import
requirements. If we determine that requirements are overly restrictive,
PPQ works with the foreign government and with U.S. exporters to find
mutually acceptable alternatives.
Documentation and Communication
For each petition we receive, PPQ maintains a file of written
documents relating to the petition. We keep a record of every
significant decision with a letter or other physical document. Some
export petitions are handled very easily. However, any export petition
can result in extensive negotiations between the importing country and
PPQ. We utilize all appropriate and effective means to conduct
negotiations (meetings, telephone calls, video conferences, letters,
etc.). Official correspondence between PPQ and officials of the
importing country is an especially important part of the negotiating
process, and we maintain a complete file of official correspondence for
each export petition. In addition, we endeavor to keep exporters
informed at every stage of negotiations, and we request their help and
cooperation as needed to help the process move forward. PPQ's staff of
trade directors, along with APHIS attach[eacute]s, communicates
routinely with our trading partners both personally, one-on-one, and
through informal and formal meetings. Bilateral meetings are formal
meetings held with our major trading partners.\8\ Bilateral meetings
are scheduled as needed, when both countries have issues to discuss.
PPQ posts minutes from bilateral meetings on the PPQ Web site.\9\ These
meetings are attended by technical staff and higher level officials;
who attends is determined by the issues to be discussed.
\8\ As of 2006, we hold bilateral meetings with Australia,
Cnada, China, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, and Taiwan.
\9\ Minutes from bilateral meetings held during calendar year
2005 are posted at
With the cooperation of the exporter, we work with our trading
partners to resolve technical market access issues. Risk mitigations
may be documented in operational workplans. These documents, signed by
the NPPO of each country, detail the operational requirements U.S.
commodities must meet to be imported into foreign countries.\10\
\10\ PPQ also negotiates and agrees to operational workplans
covering foreign plants and plant products to be imported into the
United States.
Completing Work on an Export Petition
The number, gravity, and intricacy of issues raised by an export
petition, and the willingness of the foreign government to negotiate
over a particular request, determine how long it takes to complete work
on an export petition. We consider work on an export petition completed
only if one of two events occurs, i.e., the requested export takes
place or the prospective exporter withdraws his/her petition.
[[Page 37037]]
It is important to remember that trade negotiations are often
extended. It may be many months or years before work on a petition is
completed. The disease or pest situation in either the United States or
the foreign country may change, governmental policies or goals in
either the United States or the foreign country may change, or research
or scientific analysis may be necessary before there can be an
Occasionally a foreign government refuses to consider accepting a
commodity for import. However, this is extremely rare. The more common
occurrence is a breakdown in negotiations. If it becomes apparent that
PPQ can do nothing more to complete work on a petition, we work with
APHIS SPS policy offices and the U.S. Department of Agriculture's
(USDA) Foreign Agricultural Service to consider other options,
including the possibility of seeking the involvement of the Office of
the U.S. Trade Representative in addressing a particular SPS trade
impasse. Even then we consider these export petitions ``open'' and we
continue to work on them as appropriate.
Barriers to Export
There are barriers to export that APHIS cannot resolve. These
When information necessary to resolve the petition is not
When a regulated pest exists in the United States for
which there is no effective risk mitigation; and
When technical discussions with the foreign country have
reached an impasse.
We try to minimize these barriers. APHIS and other agencies within
USDA are always looking for new and effective systems approaches and
treatments. In partnership with the Department of Homeland Security, we
endeavor to prevent pests and pathogens from entering the United States
from foreign countries. If we detect a pest or pathogen within the
United States, we attempt by all means within our authority to keep
that pest or pathogen from spreading, and if possible, to eradicate it.
We also try to minimize barriers to exports by maintaining good working
relationships with foreign officials, by dealing with foreign goods
imported into the United States openly, consistently and fairly, and by
negotiating in good faith. However, we have no authority or power to
force foreign governments, or exporters, to come to an agreement or
even to respond to our overtures.
Done in Washington, DC, this 23rd day of June 2006.
Kevin Shea,
Acting Administrator, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service.
[FR Doc. 06-5799 Filed 6-28-06; 8:45 am]