Rate Adjustment for the Satellite Carrier Compulsory License, 17319-17321 [05-6840]
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Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 65 / Wednesday, April 6, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
1. The authority citation for part 97
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40103, 40106,
40113, 40114, 40120, 44502, 44514, 44701,
44719, 44721–44722.
2. Part 97 is amended to read as
* * * Effective 12 May 2005
Sylacauga, AL, Merkel Field Sylacauga
Muni, NDB–A, Amdt 3
Sylacauga, AL, Merkel Field Sylacauga
Muni, RNAV (GPS) RWY 9, Orig
Sylacauga, AL, Merkel Field Sylacauga
Muni, RNAV (GPS) RWY 27, Orig
Dallas-Fort Worth, TX, Dallas/Fort
Worth International, VOR RWY 31L,
Lancaster, PA, Lancaster, LOC RWY 8
Lancaster, PA, Lancaster, ILS OR LOC
Newport News, VA, Newport News/
Williamsburg Intl, ILS OR LOC RWY
25, Orig
* * * Effective 07 July 2005
Savannah, GA, Savannah/Hilton Head
Savannah, GA, Savannah/Hilton Head
Savannah, GA, Savannah/Hilton Head
Intl, VOR/DME–A, Orig
Pulaski, TN, Abernathy Field, VOR/
DME RWY 33, Amdt 2
Pulaski, TN, Abernathy Field, RNAV
(GPS) RWY 15, Amdt 1
Pulaski, TN, Abernathy Field, RNAV
(GPS) RWY 33, Amdt 1
[FR Doc. 05–6656 Filed 4–5–05; 8:45 am]
Food and Drug Administration
21 CFR Parts 510 and 520
New Animal Drugs; Change of Sponsor
Food and Drug Administration,
Final rule.
SUMMARY: The Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) is amending the
animal drug regulations to reflect a
change of sponsor for a new animal drug
application (NADA) from Akzo Nobel
Surface Chemistry AB (Azko Nobel) to
Virbac AH, Inc.
DATES: This rule is effective April 6,
VerDate jul<14>2003
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David R. Newkirk, Center for Veterinary
Medicine (HFV–100), Food and Drug
Administration,7500 Standish Pl.,
Rockville, MD 20855, 301–827–6967, email: david.newkirk@fda.gov.
Nobel, Box 851, S–44485 Stenungsund,
Sweden, has informed FDA that it has
transferred ownership of, and all rights
and interest in, NADA 10–886 for
Purina Liquid Wormer to Virbac AH,
Inc., 3200 Meacham Blvd., Ft. Worth,
TX 76137.
Following this change of sponsorship,
Akzo Nobel is no longer the sponsor of
an approved application. Accordingly,
21 CFR 510.600(c) is being amended to
remove the entries for Akzo Nobel.
Purina Liquid Wormer (NADA 10–
886) is labeled for use in chickens,
turkeys, and swine. The drug was the
subject of a National Academy of
Sciences/National Research Council
evaluation of effectiveness under FDA’s
drug efficacy study implementation
(DESI) program (DESI 10–005V). The
findings of the evaluation were
published in the Federal Register of
February 14, 1969 (34 FR 2213). A
separate entry in part 520 (21 CFR part
520) (§ 520.1807) was created (64 FR
23017, April 29, 1999) to accommodate
oral piperazine products approved for
use in chickens, turkeys, and swine
consistent with DESI findings and
human food safety requirements (DESI
finalization). However to date, NADA
10–886 has not been DESI finalized.
Accordingly, § 520.1807 will not be
amended to reflect the approval of
NADA 10–886 until the current sponsor
of that NADA submits a supplemental
NADA adequate for DESI finalization.
In addition, § 520.1806 has been
found to inaccurately list Akzo Nobel as
the sponsor of an oral piperazine
product approved for use in dogs. This
error occurred during the codification of
a previous change of sponsor for NADA
10–886 (59 FR 28763, June 3, 1994).
Accordingly, the agency is amending
the regulations in § 520.1806 to remove
Akzo Nobel’s drug labeler code and to
reflect the current format.
This rule does not meet the definition
of ‘‘rule’’ in 5 U.S.C. 804(3)(A) because
it is a rule of ‘‘particular applicability.’’
Therefore, it is not subject to the
congressional review requirements in 5
U.S.C. 801–808.
List of Subjects
21 CFR Part 510
Administrative practice and
procedure, Animal drugs, Labeling,
Reporting and recordkeeping
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21 CFR Part 520
Animal drugs.
Therefore, under the Federal Food,
Drug and Cosmetic Act and under
authority delegated to the Commissioner
of Food and Drugs and redelegated to the
Center for Veterinary Medicine, 21 CFR
parts 510 and 520 are amended as
1. The authority citation for 21 CFR
part 510 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 21 U.S.C. 321, 331, 351, 352,
353, 360b, 371, 379e.
§ 510.600
2. Section 510.600 is amended in the
table in paragraph (c)(1) by removing the
entry for ‘‘Akzo Nobel Surface Chemistry
AB’’ and in the table in paragraph (c)(2)
by removing the entry for ‘‘063765’’.
3. The authority citation for 21 CFR
part 520 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 21 U.S.C. 360b.
4. Section 520.1806 is revised to read
as follows:
§ 520.1806
Piperazine suspension.
(a) Specifications. Each milliliter of
suspension contains piperazine
monohydrochloride equivalent to 33.5
milligrams (mg) piperazine base.
(b) Sponsor. See No. 017135 in
§ 510.600(c) of this chapter.
(c) Special considerations. See
§ 500.25(c) of this chapter.
(d) Conditions of use in dogs—(1)
Indications for use. For the removal of
roundworms (Toxocara canisand
Toxascaris leonina).
(2) Dosage. Administer 20 to 30 mg
piperazine base per pound body weight
as a single dose.
(3) Limitations. Administer by mixing
into the animal’s ration to be consumed
at one feeding. For animals in heavily
contaminated areas, reworm at monthly
intervals. Not for use in unweaned pups
or animals less than 3 weeks of age.
Dated: December 10, 2004.
Steven D. Vaughn,
Director, Office of New Animal Drug
Evaluation, Center for Veterinary Medicine.
[FR Doc. 05–6721 Filed 4–5–05; 8:45 am]
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 65 / Wednesday, April 6, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
Copyright Office
37 CFR Part 258
[Docket No. 2004–9 CARP SRA]
Rate Adjustment for the Satellite
Carrier Compulsory License
Copyright Office, Library of
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: The Copyright Office of the
Library of Congress is publishing the
royalty rates for analog television
broadcast stations retransmitted by
satellite carriers under the section 119
statutory license.
DATES: January 1, 2005.
David O. Carson, General Counsel, or
Tanya Sandros, Associate General
Counsel, Copyright Arbitration Royalty
Panel (CARP), P.O. Box 70977,
Southwest Station, Washington, DC
20024. Telephone: (202) 707–8380.
Telefax: (202) 252–3423.
December 8, 2004, the President signed
the Satellite Home Viewer Extension
and Reauthorization Act (‘‘SHVERA’’), a
part of the Consolidated Appropriations
Act of 2005. Pub.L. 108–447, 118 Stat.
3394. SHVERA extends for an
additional five years the statutory
license for satellite carriers
retransmitting over–the–air television
broadcast stations to their subscribers,
17 U.S.C. 119, as well as making a
number of amendments to the license.
One of the amendments to section 119
sets forth a process for adjusting the
royalty fees paid by satellite carriers for
retransmitting analog television network
and superstations. 17 U.S.C. 119(c)(1).
The law directs the Librarian of
Congress to publish notice in the
Federal Register requesting satellite
carriers, distributors and copyright
owners to submit to the Copyright
Office any voluntary agreements they
have negotiated as to the adjustment of
the rates for analog stations. The Library
published such a notice on December
30, 2004, and, pursuant to the statute,
requested that any agreements be
submitted no later than January 10,
2005. 69 FR 78482 (December 30, 2004).
The Office has received one
agreement, submitted jointly by the
satellite carriers DirecTV, Inc. and
EchoStar Satellite L.L.C., the copyright
owners of motion pictures and
syndicated television series represented
by the Motion Picture Association of
America, and the copyright owners of
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sports programming represented by the
Office of the Commissioner of Baseball.
Section 119(c)(1)(D)(ii)(II) requires the
Library to ‘‘provide public notice of the
royalty fees from the voluntary
agreement and afford parties an
opportunity to state that they object to
those fees.’’ 17 U.S.C. 119(c)(1)(D)(ii)(II).
The Library published a Notice of
Proposed Rulemaking on January 26,
2005, to fulfill this requirement. 70 FR
3656 (January 26, 2005). No objections
were received. Consequently, the
Library is adopting the voluntary
agreement as final.
including such station, on the last day
of a given month.
I 3. Section 258.3 is amended by adding
new paragraphs (d) through (h) to read as
§ 258.3 Royalty fee for secondary
transmission of broadcast stations by
satellite carriers.
(d) Commencing January 1, 2005, the
royalty rate for secondary transmission
of broadcast stations by satellite carriers
shall be as follows:
(1) For private home viewing–
(i) 20 cents per subscriber per month
List of Subjects in 37 CFR Part 258
for distant superstations.
(ii) 17 cents per subscriber per month
Copyright, Satellite, Television.
for distant network stations.
Final Regulation
(2) For viewing in commercial
establishments, 40 cents per subscriber
I For the reasons set forth above, the
Copyright Office amends 37 CFR chapter per month for distant superstations.
(e) Commencing January 1, 2006, the
II as follows:
royalty rate for secondary transmission
of broadcast stations by satellite carriers
shall be as follows:
(1) For private home viewing–
(i) 21.5 cents per subscriber per
month for distant superstations.
I 1. The authority citation for part 258 is
(ii) 20 cents per subscriber per month
amended to read as follows:
for distant network stations.
Authority: 17 U.S.C. 119, 702, 802.
(2) For viewing in commercial
establishments, 43 cents per subscriber
I 2. Section 258.2 is revised to read as
per month for distant superstations.
(f) Commencing January 1, 2007, the
§ 258.2 Definitions.
royalty rate for secondary transmission
(a) Commercial establishment. The
of broadcast stations by satellite carriers
term ‘‘commercial establishment’’
shall be as follows:
means an establishment used for
(1) For private home viewing–
commercial purposes, such as bars,
(i) 23 cents per subscriber per month
restaurants, private offices, fitness clubs, for distant superstations.
(ii) 23 cents per subscriber per month
oil rigs, retail stores, banks and financial
for distant network stations.
institutions, supermarkets, auto and
(2) For viewing in commercial
boat dealerships, and other
establishments, 46 cents per subscriber
establishments with common business
per month for distant superstations.
areas; provided that the term
(g) Commencing January 1, 2008, the
‘‘commercial establishment’’ shall not
royalty rate for secondary transmission
include a multi–unit permanent or
temporary dwelling where private home of broadcast stations by satellite carriers
shall be as follows:
viewing occurs, such as hotels,
(1) For private home viewing–
dormitories, hospitals, apartments,
(i) The 2007 rate per subscriber per
condominiums and prisons, all of which
month for distant superstations adjusted
shall be subject to the rates applicable
for the amount of inflation as measured
to private home viewing.
by the change in the Consumer Price
(b) Syndex–proof signal. A satellite
Index for all Urban Consumers from
retransmission of a broadcast signal
January 2007 to January 2008.
shall be deemed ‘‘syndex proof’’ for
(ii) The 2007 rate per subscriber per
purposes of § 258.3(b) if, during any
month for distant network stations
semi–annual reporting period, the
adjusted for the amount of inflation as
retransmission does not include any
measured by the change in the
program which, if delivered by any
Consumer Price Index for all Urban
cable system in the United States,
Consumers from January 2007 to
would be subject to the syndicated
January 2008.
exclusivity rules of the Federal
(2) For viewing in commercial
Communications Commission.
(c) Per subscriber per month. The
establishments, the 2007 rate per
term ‘‘per subscriber per month’’ means subscriber per month for viewing
each subscriber subscribing to the
distant superstations in commercial
station in question, or to a package
establishments adjusted for the amount
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Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 65 / Wednesday, April 6, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
of inflation as measured by the change
in the Consumer Price Index for all
Urban Consumers from January 2007 to
January 2008.
(h) Commencing January 1, 2009, the
royalty rate for secondary transmission
of broadcast stations by satellite carriers
shall be as follows:
(1) For private home viewing–
(i) The 2008 rate per subscriber per
month for distant superstations adjusted
for the amount of inflation as measured
by the change in the Consumer Price
Index for all Urban Consumers from
January 2008 to January 2009.
(ii) The 2008 rate per subscriber per
month for distant network stations
adjusted for the amount of inflation as
measured by the change in the
Consumer Price Index for all Urban
Consumers from January 2008 to
January 2009.
(2) For viewing in commercial
establishments, the 2008 rate per
subscriber per month for viewing
distant superstations in commercial
establishments adjusted for the amount
of inflation as measured by the change
in the Consumer Price Index for all
Urban Consumers from January 2008 to
January 2009.
Dated: March 25, 2005
Marybeth Peters,
Register of Copyrights.
Approved by:
James H. Billington,
The Librarian of Congress.
[FR Doc. 05–6840 Filed 4–5–05; 8:45 am]
40 CFR Part 52
[R06–OAR–2005–TX–0020; FRL–7895–9]
Approval and Promulgation of Air
Quality Implementation Plans; Texas;
Low-Emission Diesel Fuel Compliance
Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Final approval.
SUMMARY: The EPA is granting final
approval to a revision to the Texas Low
Emission Diesel (TXLED) fuel program
State Implementation Plan (SIP) that
applies in 110 counties in the eastern
and central parts of Texas. Under
section 553(d)(1) of the Administrative
Procedure Act, EPA is making this
action effective upon publication
because it relieves a restriction.
DATES: This rule is effective April 6,
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Jkt 205001
EPA has established a
docket for this action under Regional
Material in EDocket (RME) Docket ID
No. R06–OAR–2005–TX–0020. All
documents in the docket are listed in
the Regional Material in EDocket (RME)
index at https://docket.epa.gov/rmepub/,
once in the system, select ‘‘quick
search,’’ then key in the appropriate
RME Docket identification number.
Although listed in the index, some
information is not publicly available,
i.e., CBI or other information whose
disclosure is restricted by statute.
Certain other material, such as
copyrighted material, is not placed on
the Internet and will be publicly
available only in hard copy form.
Publicly available docket materials are
available either electronically in RME or
in hard copy at the Air Planning Section
(6PD–L), Environmental Protection
Agency, 1445 Ross Avenue, Suite 700,
Dallas, Texas 75202–2733. The file will
be made available by appointment for
public inspection in the Region 6 FOIA
Review Room between the hours of 8:30
a.m. and 4:30 p.m. weekdays except for
legal holidays. Contact the person listed
CONTACT paragraph below or Mr. Bill
Deese at (214) 665–7253 to make an
appointment. If possible, please make
the appointment at least two working
days in advance of your visit. There will
be a 15 cent per page fee for making
photocopies of documents. On the day
of the visit, please check in at the EPA
Region 6 reception area at 1445 Ross
Avenue, Suite 700, Dallas, Texas.
The State submittal is also available
for public inspection at the State Air
Agency listed below during official
business hours by appointment: Texas
Commission on Environmental Quailty,
Office of Air Quality, 12124 Park 35
Circle, Austin, Texas 78753.
Sandra Rennie, Air Planning Section
(6PD–L), Environmental Protection
Agency, Region 6, 1445 Ross Avenue,
Suite 700, Dallas, Texas 75202–2733,
telephone (214) 665–7367; fax number
214–665–7263; e-mail address
Throughout this document wherever
‘‘we,’’ ‘‘us,’’ or ‘‘our’’ is used, we mean
the EPA.
I. What Action Is EPA Taking?
II. What Is the Background for This Action?
III. What Comments Were Received During
the Public Comment Period, February 24,
2005, to March 28, 2005?
IV. Final Action
V. Statutory and Executive Order Reviews
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I. What Action Is EPA Taking?
Today we are approving the
compliance date changes found in the
March 9, 2005, TXLED SIP revision
submitted by the State of Texas. We are
approving the phased schedule for
compliance which extends the
compliance date from April 1, 2005 to
October 1, 2005 for producers and
importers, from April 1, 2005 to
November 15, 2005 for bulk plant
distribution facilities, and from April 1,
2005 to January 1, 2006 for retail fuel
dispensing outlets, wholesale bulk
purshaser/consumer facilities, and all
other affected persons.
II. What Is the Background for This
We approved the original TXLED rule
on November 14, 2001, (66 FR 57196) as
part of the Texas SIP and also found that
it was relied upon for demonstrating
attainment in the Houston-Galveston
Attainment Demonstration SIP. On
December 15, 2004, the Texas
Commission on Environmental Quality
(TCEQ) Commissioners proposed to
revise the TXLED rule. Among other
revisions, the commission proposed to
extend the compliance date from April
1, 2005 to October 1, 2005. The
commission proposed this extension
because of concern about product
availability by the current compliance
date. On February 16, 2005 the
Executive Director of the TCEQ
submitted a letter to EPA requesting
parallel processing of the compliance
date portion of the SIP revision for
On February 24, 2005, we proposed
approval, through parallel processing, of
a revision to the SIP that would change
the compliance date for TXLED fuel
from April 1, 2005, to October 1, 2005,
consistent with a proposed revision to
the state rule that the state had noticed
for public hearing. In addition, we
proposed approval and requested
comments on a refinement to the State’s
proposed revision that the state had
subsequently indicated that it was
considering. The refinement would
extend the compliance date from April
1, 2005 to October 1, 2005 for producers
and importers, from April 1, 2005 to
November 15, 2005 for bulk plant
distribution facilities, and from April 1,
2005 to January 1, 2006 for retail fuel
dispensing outlets, wholesale bulk
purchaser/consumer facilities, and all
other affected persons.
The commission adopted revisions to
the TXLED SIP on March 9, 2005. The
revision was submitted to EPA on
March 23, 2005. The submitted revision
is consistent with our proposal. It
[Federal Register Volume 70, Number 65 (Wednesday, April 6, 2005)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 17319-17321]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 05-6840]
[[Page 17320]]
Copyright Office
37 CFR Part 258
[Docket No. 2004-9 CARP SRA]
Rate Adjustment for the Satellite Carrier Compulsory License
AGENCY: Copyright Office, Library of Congress.
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: The Copyright Office of the Library of Congress is publishing
the royalty rates for analog television broadcast stations
retransmitted by satellite carriers under the section 119 statutory
DATES: January 1, 2005.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: David O. Carson, General Counsel, or
Tanya Sandros, Associate General Counsel, Copyright Arbitration Royalty
Panel (CARP), P.O. Box 70977, Southwest Station, Washington, DC 20024.
Telephone: (202) 707-8380. Telefax: (202) 252-3423.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: On December 8, 2004, the President signed
the Satellite Home Viewer Extension and Reauthorization Act
(``SHVERA''), a part of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2005.
Pub.L. 108-447, 118 Stat. 3394. SHVERA extends for an additional five
years the statutory license for satellite carriers retransmitting over-
the-air television broadcast stations to their subscribers, 17 U.S.C.
119, as well as making a number of amendments to the license. One of
the amendments to section 119 sets forth a process for adjusting the
royalty fees paid by satellite carriers for retransmitting analog
television network and superstations. 17 U.S.C. 119(c)(1). The law
directs the Librarian of Congress to publish notice in the Federal
Register requesting satellite carriers, distributors and copyright
owners to submit to the Copyright Office any voluntary agreements they
have negotiated as to the adjustment of the rates for analog stations.
The Library published such a notice on December 30, 2004, and, pursuant
to the statute, requested that any agreements be submitted no later
than January 10, 2005. 69 FR 78482 (December 30, 2004).
The Office has received one agreement, submitted jointly by the
satellite carriers DirecTV, Inc. and EchoStar Satellite L.L.C., the
copyright owners of motion pictures and syndicated television series
represented by the Motion Picture Association of America, and the
copyright owners of sports programming represented by the Office of the
Commissioner of Baseball. Section 119(c)(1)(D)(ii)(II) requires the
Library to ``provide public notice of the royalty fees from the
voluntary agreement and afford parties an opportunity to state that
they object to those fees.'' 17 U.S.C. 119(c)(1)(D)(ii)(II). The
Library published a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on January 26, 2005,
to fulfill this requirement. 70 FR 3656 (January 26, 2005). No
objections were received. Consequently, the Library is adopting the
voluntary agreement as final.
List of Subjects in 37 CFR Part 258
Copyright, Satellite, Television.
Final Regulation
For the reasons set forth above, the Copyright Office amends 37 CFR
chapter II as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 258 is amended to read as follows:
Authority: 17 U.S.C. 119, 702, 802.
2. Section 258.2 is revised to read as follows:
Sec. 258.2 Definitions.
(a) Commercial establishment. The term ``commercial establishment''
means an establishment used for commercial purposes, such as bars,
restaurants, private offices, fitness clubs, oil rigs, retail stores,
banks and financial institutions, supermarkets, auto and boat
dealerships, and other establishments with common business areas;
provided that the term ``commercial establishment'' shall not include a
multi-unit permanent or temporary dwelling where private home viewing
occurs, such as hotels, dormitories, hospitals, apartments,
condominiums and prisons, all of which shall be subject to the rates
applicable to private home viewing.
(b) Syndex-proof signal. A satellite retransmission of a broadcast
signal shall be deemed ``syndex proof'' for purposes of Sec. 258.3(b)
if, during any semi-annual reporting period, the retransmission does
not include any program which, if delivered by any cable system in the
United States, would be subject to the syndicated exclusivity rules of
the Federal Communications Commission.
(c) Per subscriber per month. The term ``per subscriber per month''
means each subscriber subscribing to the station in question, or to a
package including such station, on the last day of a given month.
3. Section 258.3 is amended by adding new paragraphs (d) through (h) to
read as follows:
Sec. 258.3 Royalty fee for secondary transmission of broadcast
stations by satellite carriers.
* * * * *
(d) Commencing January 1, 2005, the royalty rate for secondary
transmission of broadcast stations by satellite carriers shall be as
(1) For private home viewing-
(i) 20 cents per subscriber per month for distant superstations.
(ii) 17 cents per subscriber per month for distant network
(2) For viewing in commercial establishments, 40 cents per
subscriber per month for distant superstations.
(e) Commencing January 1, 2006, the royalty rate for secondary
transmission of broadcast stations by satellite carriers shall be as
(1) For private home viewing-
(i) 21.5 cents per subscriber per month for distant superstations.
(ii) 20 cents per subscriber per month for distant network
(2) For viewing in commercial establishments, 43 cents per
subscriber per month for distant superstations.
(f) Commencing January 1, 2007, the royalty rate for secondary
transmission of broadcast stations by satellite carriers shall be as
(1) For private home viewing-
(i) 23 cents per subscriber per month for distant superstations.
(ii) 23 cents per subscriber per month for distant network
(2) For viewing in commercial establishments, 46 cents per
subscriber per month for distant superstations.
(g) Commencing January 1, 2008, the royalty rate for secondary
transmission of broadcast stations by satellite carriers shall be as
(1) For private home viewing-
(i) The 2007 rate per subscriber per month for distant
superstations adjusted for the amount of inflation as measured by the
change in the Consumer Price Index for all Urban Consumers from January
2007 to January 2008.
(ii) The 2007 rate per subscriber per month for distant network
stations adjusted for the amount of inflation as measured by the change
in the Consumer Price Index for all Urban Consumers from January 2007
to January 2008.
(2) For viewing in commercial establishments, the 2007 rate per
subscriber per month for viewing distant superstations in commercial
establishments adjusted for the amount
[[Page 17321]]
of inflation as measured by the change in the Consumer Price Index for
all Urban Consumers from January 2007 to January 2008.
(h) Commencing January 1, 2009, the royalty rate for secondary
transmission of broadcast stations by satellite carriers shall be as
(1) For private home viewing-
(i) The 2008 rate per subscriber per month for distant
superstations adjusted for the amount of inflation as measured by the
change in the Consumer Price Index for all Urban Consumers from January
2008 to January 2009.
(ii) The 2008 rate per subscriber per month for distant network
stations adjusted for the amount of inflation as measured by the change
in the Consumer Price Index for all Urban Consumers from January 2008
to January 2009.
(2) For viewing in commercial establishments, the 2008 rate per
subscriber per month for viewing distant superstations in commercial
establishments adjusted for the amount of inflation as measured by the
change in the Consumer Price Index for all Urban Consumers from January
2008 to January 2009.
Dated: March 25, 2005
Marybeth Peters,
Register of Copyrights.
Approved by:
James H. Billington,
The Librarian of Congress.
[FR Doc. 05-6840 Filed 4-5-05; 8:45 am]