February 18, 2005 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 51 - 100 of 154
Public Meeting
This serves as public notice of a meeting of the Commission on the Review of Overseas Military Facility Structure of the United States. The Commission will meet to receive testimony from current military Service Chiefs and Defense Department strategy leaders concerning matters relating to the overseas military facility structure of the United States. The OSBC will receive testimony from two panels. The first panel invitees include the Service Chiefs or their representatives from each of the Military Departments. The second panel invitees include the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy and representatives from the Department of State, Under Secretary for Political Affairs, and Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security.
Guidance on Overdraft Protection Programs
OTS is issuing this final Guidance on Overdraft Protection Programs (Guidance). This Guidance is intended to assist savings associations in the responsible disclosure and administration of overdraft protection services.
Airworthiness Directives; Rolls-Royce plc RB211 Trent 875, 877, 884, 884B, 892, 892B, and 895 Series Turbofan Engines
The FAA proposes to supersede an existing airworthiness directive (AD) for Rolls-Royce plc (RR) RB211 Trent 875, 877, 884, 892, 892B, and 895 series turbofan engines. That AD currently requires repetitive application of dry film lubricant (DFL) to low pressure compressor (LPC) fan blade roots. This proposed AD would require the same actions but at more frequent intervals than the existing AD, add the Trent 884B engine to the list of engine models affected, add a fan blade part number (P/N) to the affected list of fan blades, and would relax the initial DFL repetitive application compliance time for certain fan blades that have never been removed from the disk. This proposed AD results from discovering DFL in worse condition than anticipated on fan blades fitted to disks previously run for a significant period. This proposed AD also results from the need to update the list of engine models affected, and to update the list of fan blade part numbers affected. We are proposing this AD to prevent LPC fan blade loss, which could result in an uncontained engine failure and possible aircraft damage.
Environmental Impact Statements and Regulations; Availability of EPA Comments
EPA expressed environmental concerns about potential effects to aquatic and terrestrial resources from large scale management activity, and requested additional information on the ongoing beetle epidemic, especially its impact on meeting project goals. ERP No. D-AFS-J65431-UT Rating EC2, Duck Creek Fuels Treatment Analysis, To Reduce Fuels, Enhance Fire-Tolerant Vegetation and Provide Fuel Breaks, Dixie National Forest, Cedar City Ranger District, Kane County, UT. Summary: EPA expressed environmental concerns about the potential for adverse impacts to water quality and aquatic habitat, degradation of soils and impacts to wildlife from reduction of old growth habitat. The Final EIS should discuss additional mitigation measures to reduce impacts in important wildlife habitat and back-country areas. ERP No. D-AFS-J65434-CO Rating EC2, County Line Vegetation Management Project, Salvaging Spruce Beetle Infected Trees and Thinning Spruce-Fir Stand, Rio Grande National Forest, Conejos Peak Ranger District, Conejes County, CO. Summary: EPA expressed environmental concerns about soil disturbance and erosion, runoff, sedimentation, and habitat impacts in streams that have a population of genetically pure Rio Grande cutthroat trout, and wildlife impacts to sensitive species such as threatened Canada Lynx, Northern Goshawk, and Boreal Owl. EPA recommended that the Preferred Alternative be modified to protect critical, older-growth spruce-fir wildlife habitats. ERP No. D-AFS-K65277-CA Rating EC2, Modoc National Forest Noxious Weed Treatment Project, Proposes to Implement a Control and Eradication Project, Lassen, Modoc and Siskiyou Counties, CA. Summary: EPA expressed environmental concerns about integration of weed treatments, impacts to water quality, toxicity of herbicides to wildlife, and addressing tribal concerns regarding herbicide use. ERP No. D-USA-L11037-AK Rating EC2, Battle Area Complex (BAX) and a Combined Arms Collective Training Facility (CACTF) Construction and Operation, U.S. Army Training Lands in Alaska. Summary: EPA expressed concerns related to water resource, wetland, and habitat impacts, and recommended that additional criteria could be used to expand the range of alternatives in order to minimize environmental impacts. ERP No. DR-IBR-K39048-CA Rating EC2, Truckee River Operating Agreement (TROA) Modify Operations of Five Federal and Two Non-Federal Reservoirs to Facilitate Distribution of Water, Truckee River Basin, EL Dorado, Nevada, Placer and Sierra Counties, CA and Douglas, Lyon, Storey and Washoe Counties, NV. Summary: EPA expressed concerns about potential impacts to water quality and sensitive resources, and requested additional information in the Final EIS on water quality, alternatives, biological resources, cumulative impacts, water conservation, and program monitoring and reporting measures.
Targeted Watersheds Grant Program: Call for Nominations
EPA today is announcing the Call for Nominations of watershed proposals under the Targeted Watersheds Grant Program. Formerly called the Watershed Initiative, the Targeted Watersheds Grant Program is a competitive grant program designed to support the protection and restoration of the country's water resources through a holistic watershed approach to water quality management. For fiscal year 2005, Congress has appropriated a total of $18 million for the Program of which $10 million will be directed to nation-wide projects for improving water quality and the remaining $8 million will be directed toward projects in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. Today's notice sets forth the process that will be used for selecting watersheds for the nation-wide projects, and serves as the call for nominations from Governors and Tribal Leaders. Subsequently, EPA will publish a separate notice that will outline the criteria and selection process for Chesapeake Bay nominations.
Sadler Drum Superfund Site; Notice of Proposed Settlement
The United States Environmental Protection Agency is proposing to enter into a settlement for the partial reimbursement of past response costs, pursuant to section 122(h)(1) of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act, as amended (``CERCLA''), 42 U.S.C. 9622(h)(1), concerning the Sadler Drum Superfund Site in Mulberry, Polk County, Florida, with Settling Party, Leroy Helms, an individual. The Agency will consider public comments on the proposed settlement until March 21, 2005. The Agency will consider all comments received and may modify or withdraw its consent to the settlement if comments received disclose facts or considerations which indicate that the settlement is inappropriate, improper, or inadequate. Copies of the proposed settlement are available from: Paula V. Batchelor, WMD-SEIMB, U.S. EPA, Region 4, 61 Forsyth Street, SW., Atlanta, GA 30303, (404) 562-8887. Written comments may be submitted to Ms. Batchelor within 30 calendar days of the date of this publication.
Reviewer Guidance on Conducting a Clinical Safety Review of a New Product Application and Preparing a Report on the Review; Availability
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is announcing the availability of a reviewer guidance entitled ``Conducting a Clinical Safety Review of a New Product Application and Preparing a Report on the Review.'' The guidance is intended to provide an annotated outline of the safety component of a clinical review of a new drug or biologic product application and guidance on how to conduct and organize the safety review. The guidance is also intended to provide standardization and consistency in the format, content, and quality of safety reviews. This reviewer guidance has been developed as part of the agency's good review practices initiative.
Ophthalmic and Topical Dosage Form New Animal Drugs; Gentamicin Sulfate, Betamethasone Valerate, Clotrimazole Ointment; Technical Amendment
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is amending the animal drug regulations to reflect approval of a supplemental abbreviated new animal drug application (ANADA) filed by Phoenix Scientific, Inc. The supplemental ANADA provides for a new container size, a 20-gram dropper bottle, from which gentamicin sulfate, betamethasone valerate, clotrimazole ointment may be administered for the treatment of acute and chronic canine otitis externa. The regulations are also being amended to correct the indications for use to agree with approved product labeling. This action is being taken to improve the accuracy of the regulations.
Oral Dosage Form New Animal Drugs; Sulfamethazine Sustained-Release Boluses; Change of Sponsor
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is amending the animal drug regulations to reflect a change of sponsor for a new animal drug application (NADA) from Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica, Inc. to Phoenix Scientific, Inc.
New Animal Drugs; Change of Sponsor's Address
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is amending the animal drug regulations to reflect a change of sponsor's address for Phibro Animal Health.
National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program; List of Petitions Received
The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) is publishing this notice of petitions received under the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (``the Program''), as required by Section 2112(b)(2) of the Public Health Service (PHS) Act, as amended. While the Secretary of Health and Human Services is named as the respondent in all proceedings brought by the filing of petitions for compensation under the Program, the United States Court of Federal Claims is charged by statute with responsibility for considering and acting upon the petitions.
New Methodology and Increase in Low Income Levels for Various Health Professions and Nursing Training and Assistance Programs
HRSA uses ``low-income'' levels to determine whether an individual is from an economically disadvantaged background in making eligibility and funding determinations for participants in various health professions and nursing grant and cooperative agreement programs authorized by Titles III, VII and VIII of the Public Health Service (PHS) Act. In the past, an individual's economically disadvantaged background status, as a basis for participation in certain programs, was based on the income level of the individual's parents. However, many potential program participants are well above the age of majority. Accordingly, questions have been raised by potential program participants and program officials regarding the feasibility and fairness in determining economically disadvantaged status based solely on the parent's income. This notice updates the low-income levels published by HRSA on August 5, 2003 (68 FR 46199-46200), and changes the methodology used to determine low income for use in these programs beginning in Fiscal Year (FY) 2005.
Procurement List; Additions and Deletion
This action adds to the Procurement List services to be furnished by nonprofit agencies employing persons who are blind or have other severe disabilities, and deletes from the Procurement List a service previously furnished by such agencies.
Procurement List; Proposed Additions
The Committee is proposing to add to the Procurement List products to be furnished by nonprofit agencies employing persons who are blind or have other severe disabilities.
Visiting Committee on Advanced Technology
Pursuant to the Federal Advisory Committee Act, 5 U.S.C. app. 2, notice is hereby given that the Visiting Committee on Advanced Technology (VCAT), National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), will meet Tuesday, March 15, 2005, from 8:20 a.m. to 5 p.m. The Visiting Committee on Advanced Technology is composed of fifteen members appointed by the Director of NIST; who are eminent in such fields as business, research, new product development, engineering, labor, education, management consulting, environment, and international relations. The purpose of this meeting is to review and make recommendations regarding general policy for the Institute, its organization, its budget, and its programs within the framework of applicable national policies as set forth by the President and the Congress. The agenda will include updates on NIST's activities and facilities, a review of findings from NIST's investigation of the World Trade Center disaster, and two laboratory tours. Discussions scheduled to begin at 8:20 a.m. and to end at 9:20 a.m. and to begin at 2:30 p.m. and to end at 5 p.m. on March 15, on the NIST budget, planning information and feedback sessions will be closed. Agenda may change to accommodate Committee business. The final agenda will be posted on the NIST Web site. All visitors to the National Institute of Standards and Technology site will have to pre-register to be admitted. Please submit your name, time of arrival, email address and phone number to Carolyn Peters no later than Thursday, March 10, and she will provide you with instructions for admittance. Mrs. Peter's email address is carolyn.peters@nist.gov and her phone number is (301) 975-5607.
Updating OSHA Standards Based on National Consensus Standards; General, Incorporation by Reference; Hazardous Materials, Flammable and Combustible Liquids; General Environmental Controls, Temporary Labor Camps; Hand and Portable Powered Tools and Other Hand Held Equipment, Guarding of Portable Powered Tools; Welding, Cutting, and Brazing, Arc Welding and Cutting; Special Industries, Sawmills
Due to significant adverse comment, OSHA is withdrawing the direct final rule for Updating OSHA Standards Based on National Consensus Standards; General, Incorporation by Reference; Hazardous Materials, Flammable and Combustible Liquids; General Environmental Controls, Temporary Labor Camps; Hand and Portable Powered Tools and Other Hand Held Equipment, Guarding of Portable Powered Tools; Welding, Cutting, and Brazing, Arc Welding and Cutting; Special Industries, Sawmills, which was published on November 24, 2004 [69 FR 68712]. In that document, OSHA stated that if it received significant adverse comment, the agency would ``publish a notice of significant adverse comment in the Federal Register withdrawing this direct final rule * * *'' OSHA published a companion proposed rule identical to the direct final rule on the same day. [69 FR 68706]. The agency will address the significant adverse comment and the other comments on the direct final and proposed rules in a new final rule. OSHA will not institute a second comment period.
Office of Community Oriented Policing Services FY 2005 Community Policing Discretionary Grants
The Environmental Assessment, which is available to the public, concludes that the methamphetamine investigation and clandestine laboratory closure activities of the Methamphetamine Initiative will not have significant impact on the quality of the human environment given adherence to all applicable laws and regulations.
Colorado: Filing of Plats of Survey
The plats of survey of the following described land will be officially filed in the Colorado State Office, Bureau of Land Management, Lakewood, Colorado, effective 10 a.m., February 10, 2005. All inquiries should be sent to the Colorado State Office, Bureau of Land Management, 2850 Youngfield Street, Lakewood, Colorado 80215-7093. The field notes of the remonumentation of certain corners in Township 2 North, Range 43 West, Sixth Principal Meridian, Group 750, Colorado, was accepted October 18, 2004. The Plat, representing the dependent resurveys and surveys in section 34, Township 36 North, Range 7 West, New Mexico Principal Meridian, Group 1401, Colorado, was accepted October 20, 2004. The plat (in 2 sheets), of the entire record, representing the dependent resurvey and survey, in Township 22 South, Range 71 West, Sixth Principal Meridian, Group 1275, Colorado, was accepted November 5, 2004. The Plat, representing the dependent resurveys and surveys in Township 2 South, Range 80 West, Sixth Principal Meridian, Group 1402, Colorado, was accepted November 15, 2004. The Plat, representing the dependent resurveys and surveys in Township 1 North, Range 80 West, Sixth Principal Meridian, Group 1402, Colorado, was accepted November 15, 2004. The Plat, representing the dependent resurvey in Township 8 South, Range 76 West, Sixth Principal Meridian, Group 1409, Colorado, was accepted December 9, 2004. The Supplemental Plat, creating new lots 86 and 87, in section 30, Township 1 North, Range 71 West, Sixth Principal Meridian, Colorado, was accepted December 27, 2004. These plats and remonumentation notes were requested by the Bureau of Land Management for administrative and management purposes. The Supplemental Plat, creating lot 1 in section 30, Township 3 South, Range 74 West, Sixth Principal Meridian, Colorado, was accepted November 30, 2004. The Plat (in 6 sheets), representing the segregation of mineral surveys in section 30, Township 1 North, Range 71 West, Sixth Principal Meridian, Group 1008, Colorado, was accepted December 21, 2004. These plats were requested by the U. S. Forest Service, to facilitate a land exchange, and for administrative and management purposes.
Application for Presidential Permit; Sea Breeze Pacific Regional Transmission System, Inc.
Sea Breeze Pacific Regional Transmission System, Inc., (Sea Breeze) has applied for a Presidential permit to construct, operate, maintain, and connect a 150,000-volt (150-kV), direct current transmission line across the U.S. border with Canada.
Construction and Operation of the Proposed White Wind Farm Project, Brookings County, SD
The Western Area Power Administration (Western), U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) intends to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) on the proposal by Navitas Energy (Navitas) to construct and operate the White Wind Farm Project (Project) in Brookings County, South Dakota. The EIS will address the construction and operation of the proposed Project, which includes wind turbine generators, access roads, collection and feeder lines, communications system, and a new electrical substation. Navitas has applied to Western to interconnect the proposed Project to Western's power transmission system. Western needs to grant or deny Navitas' interconnection request under the provisions of its General Guidelines for Interconnections. Western will hold a 30-day scoping period and a scoping meeting near the project area to ensure that interested members of the public and groups, and Federal, state, local, and tribal agencies have an opportunity to provide input on the scope of the EIS.
Boulder Canyon Project-Rate Order No. WAPA-120
The Western Area Power Administration (Western) is initiating a rate adjustment process for Boulder Canyon Project (BCP) electric service. Western proposes to extend the existing rate-setting formula, and approve the proposed base charge and rates for FY 2006. Publication of this Federal Register notice begins the formal process to extend the existing rate-setting formula and the proposed base charge and rates. The proposed base charge and rates will provide sufficient revenue to pay all annual costs, including interest expense, and repayment of required investment within the allowable period.
Annual Update of the HHS Poverty Guidelines
This notice provides an update of the HHS poverty guidelines to account for last (calendar) year's increase in prices as measured by the Consumer Price Index.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Announcement of Board Approval Under Delegated Authority and Submission to OMB
Background. Notice is hereby given of the final approval of proposed information collection(s) by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (Board) under OMB delegated authority, as per 5 CFR 1320.16 (OMB Regulations on Controlling Paperwork Burdens on the Public). Board-approved collections of information are incorporated into the official OMB inventory of currently approved collections of information. Copies of the OMB 83-Is and supporting statements and approved collection of information instrument(s) are placed into OMB's public docket files. The Federal Reserve may not conduct or sponsor, and the respondent is not required to respond to, an information collection that has been extended, revised, or implemented on or after October 1, 1995, unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number.
Karnal Bunt; Revision of Regulations for Importing Wheat
We are amending our regulations regarding the importation of wheat from regions affected with Karnal bunt. Our amendments, among other things, list such regions, as well as articles regulated for Karnal bunt; increase the flexibility of the regulations so that they provide more readily for the recognition of areas where Karnal bunt is not known to occur within regions where Karnal bunt is known to be present; describe conditions, including requirements for phytosanitary certificates, under which wheat and related articles from regions affected with Karnal bunt are imported into the United States; and specify cleaning and/or disinfection requirements for imported farm machinery and other equipment used to handle or store Karnal bunt- positive seed or host crops. The changes make our regulations regarding the importation of wheat and related articles from regions affected with Karnal bunt substantively equivalent to our domestic Karnal bunt regulations and make the former consistent with international agreements to which the United States is a party.
United States Standards for Wheat
The Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration (GIPSA) is revising the United States Standards for Wheat. GIPSA is amending the grain standards to change the definition of contrasting classes in Hard Red Winter wheat and Hard Red Spring wheat such that Hard White wheat is not a contrasting class but is considered as wheat of other classes. GIPSA also is amending the grain standards by adding the sample size used to determine sample grade factors, because the standards should transmit this information. These actions are necessary to ensure market-relevant standards and grades and facilitate the marketing of grain.
Office of Ocean.US Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS) Industry Day
The Office of Ocean.US announces the opportunity to attend a briefing for interested organizations concerning plans to design, develop, fabricate, install and operate the Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS). The IOOS is in the exploratory planning phase and all interested parties are invited to provide input, ideas, concepts and suggestions toward ensuring its effective development.
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