Current through Register Vol. 48, 12, December 27, 2024
(A) Contracts.
(1) The contract between a licensed school
and a student shall include the total cost of the course and supplies,
including the cost of a kit if that cost is not otherwise included in the cost
of the course, the type of course to be taken, and the total hours of
instruction required for completion and a payment schedule.
(2) The school must provide each student with
a copy of the signed contract.
The contract will contain:
(a) a statement
clearly indicating to the student that the school will not release, to any
licensing board or other schools, any certified hours or transcripts unless
financial and contractual obligations for those hours obtained have been
(b) a statement regarding any
board approved teach-out agreement or the related bond;
(c) a copy of all approved school rules and
(B) Records.
(1) Performance Records
(a) All schools shall keep a daily record of
the daily attendance, hours earned per day, total hours per month, and the
total number to date of all students registered in any program.
(b) Schools shall maintain at the school the
names of the students enrolled, the total hours previously recorded for each
student, the total number of hours completed during the month for each student,
and the total cumulative number of hours for each student at the end of the
preceding month. This report shall reflect the student's daily attendance and
whether the student is attending day or evening class.
(2) Signing of Records
(a) Both the instructor and the student shall
verify and sign all hours on monthly performance records. Students shall be
provided a certified copy of their monthly performance records.
(3) Maintaining Records
student shall be given hourly credit on the basis of one hour credit for one
hour of actual classroom instruction or one hour of actual clinic work. A
record of this shall be maintained by the school for not less than five
(4) Withdrawals
(a) The school will provide the student with
a certified transcript of earned hours within ten working days of the student's
withdrawal or graduation provided all contractual agreements have been
Instructing Staff.
(1) Classroom Supervision
(a) An instructor shall be present in the
classroom of school during all class and study hours and must supervise all
student practice work.
(b) During
school or class hours, instructors shall be totally devoted to instructing the
students, and shall not apply their time to private or public practice for
(c) Instructors shall
not permit students to instruct or teach other students in the absence of an
(2) Schools
must furnish to the board a list of all regular and emergency instructors and
(3) Instructors may not
teach more than one course at a time; however, supervising in the teacher
training program is not considered teaching a course.
(4) Schools shall provide separate
instructors for each course offered at the ratio of one instructor for every
twenty students in attendance or portion thereof, but not including student
(5) Absence of
(a) If an emergency situation
arises and a substitute instructor is needed, the school shall obtain a
licensed instructor, if possible, to substitute and shall notify the board,
within five business days, of the emergency change in instructors.
(b) If a licensed instructor is not
available, the board may, upon request of the school, allow a currently
licensed cosmetologist to teach temporarily, not to exceed thirty calendar days
without board approval.
(c) Schools
must report any change in instructors or schedules to the board in writing,
including lists of the instructors and scheduled times of instruction and
whether the position is temporary, permanent, part time or full time. If the
position is temporary, notification must include the time scheduled for the
position to be filled permanently.
(6) Teaching Aids
(a) Instructors may not use demonstrations of
cosmetology devices, techniques or preparations to evade the requirement for
maintaining a proper instructor-student ratio, but only to demonstrate unique
and different devices, techniques and preparations to students and instructors.
A licensed instructor must be present in the classroom during such
(b) The board
reserves the right to require the addition of any equipment or supplies it
deems necessary for the full and complete instruction of students.
(D) Training Schedules.
(1) Class scheduling
(a) Schools offering day classes must conduct
theory classes not less than six hours per week.
(b) Schools offering evening classes must
conduct theory classes not less than three hours per week.
(c) A school operating or planning to operate
an evening class shall provide the board with a schedule and the name of the
(d) No student shall be
required or permitted to attend more than eight hours of instruction or
practice, or any combination thereof, in any one day, except that a student may
be permitted to complete a service in process or to make previously missed time
not to exceed 100% of the student's contracted schedule.
(2) Advanced Training
Advanced training
courses must be operated separately from the basic cosmetology classes and the
students must be properly identified.
(E) Credit Hours.
(1) Schools may not give credit for hours or
certify hours with the board until the schools are properly licensed.
(2) A student shall be given credit on the
basis of one hour clock credit for one hour of actual classroom instruction or
one hour of actual clinic work.
Schools may not give credit for hours while in attendance at trade shows,
seminars, etc., without full supervision and proper documentation by the
instructor. These hours shall be creditable only if they are deemed
(4) Hours recorded
shall be verified monthly by both the instructor and the student and both shall
sign these records.
(5) Hours from
other states
(a) If a student from another
state establishes residence in South Carolina, the South Carolina Board will
accept all certified hours from another state board but the student must
complete any additional hours necessary to equal South Carolina Board
(b) In the event the
state board of another state does not certify hours, the South Carolina Board
may accept certification by the school.
(6) The board shall approve any transfer of
hours between cosmetology, nail technology, or esthetics courses.
(7) Upon completion of the required number of
hours the state board exam must be taken within twenty-four months or the said
hours become invalid.
(F) Services for the Public--Restrictions.
(1) Schools may only permit its students to
practice upon members of the public willing to submit themselves to such
practice after being fully informed that the person performing the services is
a student.
(2) Curriculum - Schools
must not allow students to practice on the public until they have satisfied the
prerequisite required training to provide those services.
(3) Each school shall display in a
conspicuous place, visible upon entry to the school, a sign stating that all
services in the school are performed by students who are in training and under
the direct supervision of a licensed instructor.
(4) Schools may charge for work performed by
students to help defray the cost of operations. It must post or provide a price
list for services rendered to the public in type which can be easily read from
a conspicuous distance.
Instructors shall not call a student from a theory class to work on the
(G) School
(1) It shall be the duty of the
teaching staff to give a final examination to every student who is a candidate
for a degree or diploma.
(2) A
passing grade determined by the said school is required for
(H) School
(1) Board Requirements
(a) All school rules and regulations and any
changes thereto must be approved by the board.
(b) Schools shall permit the board, or its
agents, to inspect the school and records which pertain to this chapter at any
time during regular school hours.
(2) A school may not operate with an
enrollment of less than six active students.
(3) Schools may not recruit students from
other schools or knowingly make false or misleading statements to students
about other schools.
(4) A school
may not operate as a beauty salon or spa.
(5) If the school is closed, the board must
be notified within ten working days via certified mail.
(I) Student Standards.
(1) Students enrolled in a school shall wear
name tags which clearly indicate that they are students.
(2) Students shall wear professional attire
while attending school.
(J) Advertising.
While schools may
advertise, all school advertisements must clearly identify to the consuming
public that it is a school and that all services will be performed by students
under the direct supervision of a licensed instructor.
(K) Transcripts.
Upon obtaining hours,
for which the school has been compensated for, the school shall provide the
student with a certified transcript on a board approved form:
(1) if the school closes; or
(2) the student withdrawals; or
(3) the student transfers; or
(4) any licensing request.