Generic numerical standards listed in this rule for
hazardous substances and petroleum may be used to demonstrate compliance with
applicable standards provided the exposure scenario for the property comports
with land use and activity patterns used to derive the generic numerical
standard. Generic numerical standards are provided for complete exposure
pathways to petroleum releases [paragraph (B) of this rule], direct contact
with hazardous substances in soil [paragraph (C) of this rule], indoor air
exposure due to vapor intrusion from environmental media to human receptors
[paragraph (D) of this rule], unrestricted potable use for hazardous substances
in ground water [paragraph (E) of this rule], and complete exposure pathways to
human and ecological receptors from surface water and sediment [paragraphs (G),
(H), and (I) of this rule]. The appendices to this rule provide the generic
numerical standards.
If complete exposure pathways exist on a property that
are not considered in the development of a generic numerical standard listed in
this rule, or if a generic numerical standard is not listed for chemicals of
concern (COCs) on a property, applicable standards shall be derived in
accordance with rule
3745-300-09 of the
Administrative Code. Demonstration of compliance with applicable standards at a
property may be made with a combination of generic numerical standards in
accordance with this rule and standards developed through a property-specific
risk assessment in accordance with rule
3745-300-09 of the
Administrative Code or any other applicable standards.
If radioactive
materials are identified at a property, the property may be subject to the
Atomic Energy Act and regulations adopted thereunder and Chapters 3701. and
3747. of the Revised Code and rules adopted thereunder. If radionuclides or
radioactive materials are present at a property, the volunteer shall contact
the Ohio department of health's bureau of environmental health and radiation
protection regarding the cleanup of the radionuclides or radioactive material.
Remedy approval by the Ohio department of health shall be considered sufficient
to meet applicable standards for radionuclides or radioactive materials for the
voluntary action and may be considered a generic numerical
Assumptions. The following assumptions apply for all
generic numerical standards except for the generic direct contact soil
standards for petroleum described in paragraph (B) of this rule, direct contact
soil standards for lead described in paragraph (C)(3)(e) of this rule, the
generic unrestricted potable use standards based on maximum contaminant levels
or other regulatory established criteria described in paragraph (E) of this
rule, and potable use standards for petroleum described in paragraph (E)(3) of
this rule:
Single chemical. The generic numerical standards assume a single COC is present
within an identified area.
The single chemical generic standards in this rule are
based on the following risk and hazard levels:
For hazardous
substances that have carcinogenic effects, the chemical-specific carcinogenic
risk shall not exceed one excess cancer in a population of one hundred thousand
(1 x 10-5).
For hazardous
substances that have non-carcinogenic effects, the chemical-specific risk shall
not exceed a hazard index of one.
As determined in
accordance with paragraph (F)(6) of rule
3745-300-07 of the
Administrative Code, the concentration of a COC shall not exceed the single
chemical generic standard for that chemical.
adjustment for multiple chemicals.
When more than one COC is present in each media within
an identified area and an applicable generic standard for each of the COCs is
in this rule, the standard for each COC shall be adjusted for the presence of
multiple chemicals to meet the risk and hazard levels described in paragraph
(A)(2)(a) of this rule.
A cumulative adjustment for multiple chemicals within
each media shall be made when using a combination of generic standards and
applicable standards determined by a property-specific risk assessment in
accordance with rule
3745-300-09 of the
Administrative Code.
In accordance with paragraph (A)(2)(c) of this rule,
the incremental risk and hazard shall be added to the incremental risk and
hazard from other complete exposure pathways to the same receptor
All final cumulative human health carcinogenic risk and
non-carcinogenic hazard levels are based on one significant
Summation of risk and hazard across complete exposure
If more than one complete exposure pathway exists to each
receptor population, the incremental cancer risk and hazard indices determined
for each exposure pathway shall be summed to calculate a cumulative cancer risk
and hazard index to each receptor population.
All final
cumulative human health carcinogenic risk and non-carcinogenic hazard levels
are based on one significant figure.
If the generic
numerical standards of this rule are applied to one or more identified areas of
the property and applicable standards, as determined in accordance with rule
3745-300-09 of the
Administrative Code, are applied to one or more exposure units or other areas
of the property, then the volunteer shall ensure that the risk and hazard
levels for each receptor on the property do not exceed the following:
One excess cancer
in a population of one hundred thousand (1 x 10-5).
A hazard index
of one.
All final cumulative human health carcinogenic risk and
non-carcinogenic hazard levels are based on one significant
Points of compliance. In accordance with paragraph (I)
of rule 3745-300-07 of the
Administrative Code, the volunteer shall comply with the applicable standards
at all points of compliance at the property, for each environmental media and
complete exposure pathway.
property-specific risk assessment shall be conducted in accordance with rule
3745-300-09 of the
Administrative Code to determine applicable standards instead of, or in
addition to, using the generic numerical standards from this rule, if any of
the following apply to the property:
The complete
exposure pathways as identified in accordance with paragraph(F)(1) of rule
3745-300-07 of the
Administrative Code, include exposure pathways that are not considered in the
development of standards listed in this rule.
The exposure
factors for the receptors identified in paragraph (E)(6) of rule
3745-300-07 of the
Administrative Code are not considered in the development of standards listed
in this rule, or the volunteer evaluates compliance with applicable standards
for exposure units instead of identified areas in accordance with rule
3745-300-09 of the
Administrative Code.
The COCs on the property consist of hazardous
substances or petroleum that do not have generic numerical standards listed in
this rule.
If only some of the COCs identified have a generic numerical
standard listed in this rule, a volunteer may use the applicable generic
numerical standards for the COCs that have listed standards and conduct a
property-specific risk assessment in accordance with rule
3745-300-09 of the
Administrative Code.
If a combination of generic numerical standards and
applicable standards determined by a property-specific risk assessment
conducted in accordance with rule
3745-300-09 of the
Administrative Code is used, the volunteer shall adjust the concentrations of
the applicable standards to meet the human health risk and hazard levels
described in paragraph (A)(2)(d) of this rule.
of COCs in surface water or sediment exceed applicable standards determined in
accordance with this rule.
Complete exposure
pathways to important ecological resources other than sediment or surface water