New Jersey Administrative Code
Appendix 4
This appendix describes the procedures used by the Department to develop the soil and soil leachate remediation standards for the migration to ground water exposure pathway as contained at N.J.A.C. 7:26D Appendix 1, Tables 5 and 6. This appendix is also used to develop interim soil and soil leachate remediation standards for the migration to ground water exposure pathway pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7:26D-6 and for updating soil and soil leachate remediation standards for the migration to ground water exposure pathway pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7:26D-7.
If a calculated soil criterion for a contaminant for the migration to ground water exposure pathway is greater than its soil saturation limit, a soil remediation standard for the migration to ground water exposure pathway does not apply.
If a calculated soil criterion for a contaminant for migration to ground water exposure pathway is less than the soil reporting limit for that contaminant, the soil remediation standard for the migration to ground water remediation exposure pathway defaults to the soil reporting limit.
Equation 1a--Migration to Ground Water Soil-Water Partitioning Criteria for Inorganic Contaminants
Source: USEPA Soil Screening Guidance: Technical Background Document EPA/540/R-95/128 (May 1996) (Equation 22)
Parameter | Definition | Units | Default |
MGWc | Migration to ground water soil-water partitioning criterion | mg/kg | Chemical specific |
GWRS | Ground water remediation standard | µg/L | Chemical specific |
Kd | Soil-water partition coefficient | L/kg | Chemical specific |
[THETA]w | Water-filled soil porosity | Lwater/Lsoil | 0.23 |
[THETA]a | Air-filled soil porosity | Lair/Lsoil | 0.18 |
H' | Henry's law constant | unitless | Chemical specific |
pb | Dry soil bulk density | kg/L | 1.5 |
DAF | Dilution-attenuation factor | unitless | 20 |
Equation 1b--Migration to Ground Water Soil-Water Partitioning Criteria for Organic Contaminants
Source: USEPA Soil Screening Guidance: Technical Background Document EPA/540/R-95/128 (May 1996) (Equation 24)
Parameter | Definition | Units | Default |
MGWc | Migration to ground water soil-water partitioning criterion | mg/kg | Chemical specific |
GWRS | Ground water remediation standard | µg/L | Chemical specific |
Koc | Soil organic carbon-water partition coefficient | L/kg | Chemical specific |
foc | Organic carbon content of soil | kg/kg | 0.002 |
[THETA]w | Water-filled soil porosity | Lwater/Lsoil | 0.23 |
[THETA]a | Air-filled soil porosity | Lair/Lsoil | 0.18 |
H' | Henry's law constant | unitless | Chemical specific |
pb | Dry soil bulk density | kg/L | 1.5 |
DAF | Dilution-attenuation factor | unitless | 20 |
Equation 2--Dilution-Attenuation Factor
Source: USEPA Soil Screening Guidance: Technical Background Document EPA/540/R-95/128 (May 1996) (Equation 37)
Parameter | Definition | Units | Default |
DAF | Dilution-attenuation factor | unitless | 20 |
K | Aquifer hydraulic conductivity | m/year | 15,808 |
i | Hydraulic gradient | m/m | 0.003 |
d | Mixing zone depth | m | 3.4 |
I | Infiltration rate | m/year | 0.28 |
L | Length of area of concern parallel to ground water flow | m | 30.5 |
Equation 3--Mixing Zone Depth
Source: USEPA Soil Screening Guidance: Technical Background Document EPA/540/R-95/128 (May 1996) (Equation 45)
Parameter | Definition | Units | Default |
d | Mixing zone depth | m | 3.4 |
L | Length of area of concern parallel to ground water flow | m | 30.5 |
da | Aquifer thickness | m | 3.5 |
I | Infiltration rate | m/year | 0.28 |
K | Aquifer hydraulic conductivity | m/year | 15,808 |
i | Hydraulic gradient | m/m | 0.003 |
Equation 4--Soil Saturation Limit
Source: USEPA Soil Screening Guidance: Technical Background Document EPA/540/R-95/128 (May 1996) (Equation 9)
Parameter | Definition | Units | Default |
Csat | Soil saturation limit | mg/kg | Chemical specific |
S | Water solubility | mg/L | Chemical specific |
pb | Dry soil bulk density | kg/L | 1.5 |
Koc | Soil organic carbon-water partition coefficient | L/kg | Chemical specific |
foc | Organic carbon content of soil | kg/kg | 0.002 |
[THETA]w | Water-filled soil porosity | Lwater/Lsoil | 0.23 |
H' | Henry's law constant | unitless | Chemical specific |
[THETA] a | Air-filled soil porosity | Lair/Lsoil | 0.18 |
Equation 5--Soil Leachate Remediation Standards for the Migration to Ground Water Exposure Pathway
Source: USEPA Soil Screening Guidance: Technical Background Document EPA/540/R-95/128 (May 1996) (Target soil leachate concentration parameter in Equations 22 and 24)
Parameter | Definition | Units | Default |
MGWleachate | Soil leachate remediation standard for the migration to ground water exposure pathway | µg/L | Chemical specific |
GWRS | Ground water remediation standard | µg/L | Chemical specific |
DAF | Dilution-attenuation factor | unitless | 20 |