New Hampshire Code of Administrative Rules
Per - Director of Personnel, Division of Personnel in the Department of Administrative Services
REVISION NOTE #1 (1992 Revisions):
Document #5373, effective 4-27-92, made extensive changes to the wording, format, structure, and numbering of rules in former Chapters Per 100 through 300, and readopted the rules with amendments as Per 100 through Per 1500. Document #5373 superseded all prior filings for the sections in former Chapters Per 100 through Per 300. The filings prior to Document #5373 for former Chapters Per 100 through Per 300 included the following documents:
#2315, eff. 4-15-83
#2999, eff. 3-29-85
#3105, eff. 8-22-85
#4028, eff. 3-31-86
#4620, INTERIM, 5-31-89, EXPIRED 9-28-89
#4692, eff. 10-31-89
#4973, eff. 11-14-90
Some rules in Per 100 through Per 300 had expired before Document #5373 was filed. Rules in Document #2999 which were not included in Document #3105 or Document #4692 expired 3-29-91. Rules in Document #3105 expired 8-22-91.
REVISION NOTE #2 (1998 Revisions):
Document #6729, effective 4-21-98, readopted with amendments Per 100, and superseded the Per 100 as filed in Document #5373. As organizational rules the rules in Document #6729 will not expire except pursuant to RSA 541-A:17, II.
Document #6730, effective 4-21-98, readopted with amendments Per 200 through Per 1500, and superseded Per 200 through Per 1500 as filed in Document #5373.
REVISION NOTE #3 (2006 Revisions):
Document #8601, effective 4-21-06, readopted without substantive change Per 200 through Per 1500 as interim rules, and superseded Per 200 through Per 1500 as filed in Document #6730. As interim rules Per 200 through Per 1500 would have expired 10-18-06.
Document #8735, effective 10-18-06, amended or readopted with amendments selected sections in Per 100 as noted in the source Notes. Document #8735 amends or supersedes those sections as filed in Document #6729. As organizational rules the rules in Document #8735 will not expire except pursuant to RSA 541-A:17, II.
Documents #8736 and #8737, effective 10-18-06, readopted with amendments Per 200, including substantive and editorial changes to the wording, format, and numbering of Per 200 filed in Document #8601 as interim rules. Document #8736 containing Per 201, 202, and 203, and Document #8737 containing Per 204 and 205, supersede all sections in Per 200 as filed in Document #8601. The changes in Per 200 include, but are not limited to:
Readoption with amendments and renumbering of former section Per 201.02 as new Part Per 203 and adoption of a new Part Per 202. Per 201, 202, and 203 in Document #8736 governing rulemaking, declaratory rulings, and public comment hearings will not expire except pursuant to RSA 541-A:17, II.
Readoption with amendments and renumbering of former Part Per 202 as Part Per 205 and insertion of a new Part Per 204. Per 204 and 205 in Document #8737 governing settlement of disputes and explanation of adopted rules will expire in 8 years unless amended, repealed or superseded before that.
Document #8738, effective 10-18-06, readopted with amendments Per 300 through Per 1500, including substantive and editorial changes to the wording, format, and numbering of Per 300 through Per 1500 filed in Document #8601 as interim rules. Document #8738 supersedes all sections in Per 300 through Per 1500 as filed in Document #8601. The changes in Per 300 through Per 1500 include, but are not limited to:
Deletion of former section numbers Per 302.02 and Per 303.08, and insertion of the content of former Per 302.02, with amendments, in Per 302.01(j) and (k).
Deletion of former section numbers Per 403.05 and Per 801.07.
Deletion of former Per 901.10, and readoption with amendments and renumbering of the former Per 901.11 and Per 901.12 as Per 901.10 and Per 901.11, respectively.
Insertion of new Part Per 1001, including within it amended content from former Per 1001.05(e), Per 1001.06, and Per 1001.07(a)(2).
Readoption with amendments and renumbering of former Part Per 1001 as new Part Per 1002, with new content in Per 1002.03. The former sections Per 1001.03, 1001.04, 1001.05, 1001.07, and 1001.08 were readopted with amendments and renumbered, respectively, as Per 1002.04, 1002.05, 1002.06, 1002.07, and 1002.08.
Readoption with amendments and renumbering of former Part Per 1002 as new Part Per 1003, with former Per 1002.03(d) and (e) amended and renumbered as new Per 1003.04.
Deletion of former Per 1203.07 and readoption with amendments and renumbering of former Per 1203.08 and Per 1203.13 as, respectively, Per 1203.07 and Per 1203.12, and renumbering of former Per 1203.09 through Per 1203.12 as Per 1203.08 through Per 1203.11.
Deletion of former section numbers Per 1204.11 and Per 1204.12.
Insertion of a new Per 1501.04.
REVISION NOTE #4 (2023 Revisions):
Document #13667, effective 6-22-23, adopted, repealed, readopted with amendment, or readopted with amendment and renumbered various definitions in Part Per 102 titled "Definitions". These actions necessitated the renumbering of other existing definitions in Part Per 102 that were not in Document #13667. The former rule numbers for the renumbered rules are indicated in the source notes. Italics indicate rules which will not expire except pursuant to RSA 541-A:17, II.
Document #13667 readopted with amendment, or readopted with amendment and renumbered, the following definitions:
Per 102.15"Classification" (formerly Per 102.17)
Per 102.18"Compensation" (formerly Per 102.19)
Per 102.22"Director"
Per 102.39"Job series" (formerly Per 102.37"Labor grade")
Per 102.46"Minimum qualifications" (formerly Per 102.41)
Per 102.56"Pay increment" (formerly Per 102.58"Salary increment")
Document #13667 adopted the following new definitions:
Per 102.10"Broad group"
Per 102.11"Broad group level advancement"
Per 102.12"Broad group specification"
Per 102.16"Classification system"
Per 102.19"Competitive promotion"
Per 102.33"Factor"
Per 102.36"In-band advancement"
Per 102.40"Job title"
Per 102.43"Level
Per 102.45"Major group"
Per 102.47"Minor group"
Per 102.49"Occupational information network"
Per 102.53"Pay assignment"
Per 102.54"Pay assignment change"
Per 102.56"Pay band"
Per 102.72"Standard occupational classification system"
Per 102.81 "Trainee"
Per 102.86 "Working title"
Document #13667 repealed the following existing definitions
Per 102.03"Allocation"
Per 102.13"Class or class title"
Per 102.14"Class evaluation"
Per 102.15"Class series"
Per 102.16"Class specification"
Per 102.49"Reallocation"
Per 102.57"Salary grade"
The prior filings beginning with Document #5373, effective 4-27-92, which affected the repealed rule Per 102.03 included the following documents:
#5373, eff 4-27-92
#6729, eff 4-21-98
#8735, eff 10-18-06
#10801, eff 5-17-15
The prior filings beginning with Document #5373, effective 4-27-92, which affected the repealed rules Per 102.13, Per 102.14, Per 102.15, and Per 102.16 included the following documents:
#5373, eff 4-27-92
#6729, eff 4-21-98
The prior filings beginning with Document #5373, effective 4-27-92, which affected the repealed rule Per 102.49 included the following documents:
#5373, eff 4-27-92
#6729, eff 4-21-98
#10238, eff 3-18-13 (renumbered only)
#10801, eff 5-17-15 (renumbered only)
The prior filings beginning with Document #5373, effective 4-27-92, which affected the repealed rule Per 102.57 included the following documents:
#5373, eff 4-27-92
#6729, eff 4-21-98
#8735, eff 10-18-06
#10238, eff 3-18-13 (renumbered only)
#10801, eff 5-17-15 (renumbered only)