Illinois Administrative Code
Section 1200.10 - Definitions and Incorporations
Definitions for this Part are located in Section 5 of the Industrial Hemp Act [ 505 ILCS 89 ]. The following definitions shall also apply to this Part:
"Act" means the Industrial Hemp Act [ 505 ILCS 89 ].
"Agent" means any family member, employee, contracted employee, or farmhand of a licensed or registered hemp cultivator or processor.
"Applicant" means the individual or entity who is applying for a license or registration.
"Contiguous Land Area" means land areas used for cultivation of industrial hemp that are not separated by more than 100 feet by waterways, fences, railroads, lanes, roads, highways, interstates or other separations.
"Cultivating" means planting, growing, harvesting and storing a plant or crop.
"Department" means the Illinois Department of Agriculture.
"Director" means the Director of Agriculture.
"Farm" means any property used solely for the growing and harvesting of crops; for the feeding, breeding and management of livestock; for dairying or for any other agricultural or horticultural use or combination thereof; including, but not limited to, hay, grain, fruit, truck or vegetable crops, floriculture, mushroom growing, plant or tree nurseries, orchards, forestry, sod farming and greenhouses; the keeping, raising and feeding of livestock or poultry, including dairying, poultry, swine, sheep, beef cattle, ponies or horses, fur farming, bees, fish and wildlife farming [ 35 ILCS 200/1-160 ].
"Handle" means to possess, transport or store industrial hemp for any period of time on premises owned, operated or controlled by a person or entity, or the agent thereof, licensed to cultivate industrial hemp or registered to process industrial hemp.
"Indoor Cultivation" means the process of cultivating industrial hemp in a greenhouse or in an enclosed building or structure capable of continuous cultivation throughout the year. Continuous cultivation is not required.
"Industrial Hemp" means the plant Cannabis sativa L. and any part of that plant, whether growing or not, with a delta-9 tetrahydorcannabinol (THC) concentration of not more than 0.3 % on a dry weight basis that has been cultivated under a license issued under the Act or is otherwise lawfully present in this State, and includes any intermediate or finished product made or derived from industrial hemp.
"Land Area" means a farm as defined in Section 1-60 of the Property Tax Code [ 35 ILCS 200 ] in this State or land or facilities under the control of an institution of higher education.
"Law Enforcement" means the officers and activities of the federal, State, and local agencies responsible for maintaining public order and enforcing the law.
"License" means authorization by the Department for any individual or legal entity to grow industrial hemp in the State.
"Licensee" means a person or entity that has applied for, and received, a license to cultivate Industrial Hemp from the Department.
"Person" means any individual, partnership, firm, corporation, company, society, association, the State or any department, agency, or subdivision thereof, or any other entity, or the agent thereof.
"Process" means the conversion of raw industrial hemp plant material into a form that is presently legal to import from outside the United States under federal law.
"Registrant" means any person or entity that has applied for, and received, a Registration to process industrial hemp from the Department.
"Registration" means authorization by the Department for any individual or legal entity to process or handle industrial hemp.
"Variety" means a group of plants or an individual plant that exhibits distinctive observable physical characteristics or has a distinct genetic composition. This includes the terms "cultivar" and "strain".