Illinois Administrative Code
Title 32 - ENERGY
Section 326.30 - General Provisions
Unless specifically exempted in Section 326.50 of this Part, each general and specific licensee identified in Sections 326.60 and 326.70 of this Part shall provide satisfactory financial assurance arrangements to ensure the protection of health and safety in the event of abandonment, default or other inability of the licensee to meet the requirements of the Radiation Protection Act of 1990 (the Act) [420 ILCS 40 ] or 32 Ill. Adm. Code: Chapter II, Subchapters b and d. Determination of satisfactory financial assurance arrangements shall be subject to the conditions specified in this Part.
AGENCY NOTE: As used in this Part, the terms "chief executive officer" and "chief financial officer" include other persons with equivalent titles, such as "president", "administrator" or "fiscal officer".