Alaska Administrative Code
Title 11 - Natural Resources
Part 6 - Lands
Chapter 93 - Water Management
Article 3 - Dam Safety
11 AAC 93.164 - Owner's emergency action plan
Current through November 28, 2024
(a) The owner of a Class I or Class II dam shall develop and maintain an emergency action plan in accordance with this section.
(b) The department will approve an emergency action plan if
(c) The owner of a Class I or II dam shall review the emergency action plan at least annually, and shall submit any revision of the plan to the department for approval.
(d) The owner of a Class I or II dam shall exercise the emergency action plan to a level specified by the department as sufficient to maintain adequate preparation for an actual emergency, and shall revise the emergency action plan at least every three years, or at a frequency that the department determines sufficient to maintain adequate preparation for an actual emergency. The plan shall be revised after the exercise in order to address any problems or areas for improvement identified during the exercise, and shall be submitted to the department for approval. Revised plans must be distributed to all persons with responsibilities identified in the plan.
(e) The owner of a Class II dam may include the emergency action plan in the operations and maintenance manual required under 11 AAC 93.167, 11 AAC 93.171, or 11 AAC 93.173.
Copies of the Federal Emergency Management Agency's Federal Guidelines for Dam Safety: Emergency Action Planning for Dam Owners (FEMA 64), adopted by reference in 11 AAC 93.164(b), may be viewed at the offices of the Department of Natural Resources, Division of Mining, Land and Water, Dam Safety and Construction Unit, 550 West 7th Avenue, Anchorage, Alaska.
Authority:AS 46.17.010
AS 46.17.030
AS 46.17.050
AS 46.17.060
AS 46.17.070