U.S. Customs and Border Protection – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 1,101 - 1,150 of 2,739
Regulatory Implementation of the Centers of Excellence and Expertise
In 2012, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) developed a test to incrementally transition the operational trade functions that traditionally reside with port directors to the Centers of Excellence and Expertise (Centers). The purpose of the test was to broaden the ability of the Centers to make decisions by waiving certain identified regulations to the extent necessary to provide the Center directors, who manage the Centers, with the authority to make the decisions normally reserved for the port directors. At this time, CBP is prepared to end the test and establish the Centers as a permanent organizational component of the agency and to transition certain additional trade functions to the Centers. This rule amends the CBP regulations on an interim basis to implement this organizational change by: Defining the Centers and the Center directors; amending the definition for port directors to distinguish their functions from those of the Center directors; identifying the Center management offices; explaining the process by which importers will be assigned to Centers; providing the importer with an appeals process for its Center assignment; identifying the regulatory functions that will be transitioned from the port directors to the Center directors and those that will be jointly carried out by the port directors and the Center directors; and providing clarification in applicable regulations that payments and documents may continue to be submitted at the ports of entry or electronically.
Accreditation and Approval of Intertek USA, Inc., as a Commercial Gauger and Laboratory
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to CBP regulations, that Intertek USA, Inc. has been approved to gauge petroleum and certain petroleum products and accredited to test petroleum and certain petroleum products for customs purposes for the next three years as of May 25, 2016.
Approval of Intertek USA, Inc., as a Commercial Gauger
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to CBP regulations, that Intertek USA, Inc., has been approved to gauge petroleum and petroleum products for customs purposes for the next three years as of January 26, 2016.
Approval of Intertek USA, Inc., as a Commercial Gauger
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to CBP regulations, that Intertek USA, Inc. has been approved to gauge petroleum and certain petroleum products for customs purposes for the next three years as of June 9, 2016.
Accreditation and Approval of Intertek USA, Inc., as a Commercial Gauger and Laboratory
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to CBP regulations, that Intertek USA, Inc., has been approved to gauge and accredited to test petroleum and petroleum products for customs purposes for the next three years as of March 2, 2016.
Accreditation and Approval of Amspec Services, LLC, as a Commercial Gauger and Laboratory
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to CBP regulations, that AmSpec Services, LLC, has been approved to gauge petroleum and certain petroleum products and accredited to test petroleum and certain petroleum products for customs purposes for the next three years as of August 4, 2016.
Accreditation of Sea, LTD., as a Commercial Laboratory
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to CBP regulations, that SEA, Ltd. has been accredited to test certain wax and candle products under Chapter 34 of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTSUS) for customs purposes for the next three years as of September 15, 2016.
Quarterly IRS Interest Rates Used in Calculating Interest on Overdue Accounts and Refunds on Customs Duties
This notice advises the public that the quarterly Internal Revenue Service interest rates used to calculate interest on overdue accounts (underpayments) and refunds (overpayments) of customs duties will remain the same from the previous quarter. For the calendar quarter beginning October 1, 2016, the interest rates for overpayments will be 3 percent for corporations and 4 percent for non-corporations, and the interest rate for underpayments will be 4 percent for both corporations and non-corporations. This notice is published for the convenience of the importing public and U.S. Customs and Border Protection personnel.
Effective Date for the Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) Becoming the Sole CBP-Authorized Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) System for Processing Electronic Drawback and Duty Deferral Entry and Entry Summary Filings
On August 30, 2016, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) published a notice in the Federal Register announcing plans to make the Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) the sole electronic data interchange (EDI) system authorized by the Commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) for processing electronic drawback and duty deferral entry and entry summary filings. The changes announced in that notice were to have been effective on October 1, 2016. On October 3, 2016, CBP published a notice in the Federal Register announcing that the effective date for the transition to ACE as the sole CBP-authorized EDI system for electronic drawback and duty deferral entry and entry summary filings would be delayed until further notice. This notice announces that the effective date for the transition will be January 14, 2017.
Modification of the National Customs Automation Program Test Regarding Reconciliation and Transition of the Test From the Automated Commercial System to the Automated Commercial Environment
This document announces U.S. Customs and Border Protection's (CBP's) plan to modify the National Customs Automation Program (NCAP) test regarding reconciliation, and the transition of the test from the Automated Commercial System (ACS) to the Automated Commercial Environment (ACE). The modifications made by this notice eliminate several requirements for participation in the test, impose new data requirements, and establish the requirement that reconciliation entries be filed in ACE beginning January 14, 2017, regardless of whether the underlying entry was filed in ACS or ACE. Except to the extent expressly announced or modified by this document, all aspects, rules, terms and conditions announced in previous notices regarding the reconciliation test remain in effect.
Modification and Clarification of the National Customs Automation Program Tests Regarding Post-Summary Corrections and Periodic Monthly Statements
This document announces U.S. Customs and Border Protection's (CBP's) plan to modify and clarify the National Customs Automation Program (NCAP) test pertaining to the processing of post-summary correction (PSC) claims to entry summaries that are filed in the Automated Commercial Environment (ACE), as well as the periodic monthly statement (PMS) test. The modifications made by this notice eliminate some requirements and liberalize certain requirements needed for the filing of a PSC making it easier for importers to file a PSC for additional entry types, and allowing for additional time to make a deposit for duties, fees and taxes owed. With regard to the PMS test program, this notice announces the time at which CBP considers a PMS as paid when filers use the Automated Clearing House (ACH) debit process. Except to the extent expressly announced or modified by this document, all aspects, rules, terms and conditions announced in previous notices regarding the tests remain in effect.
Electronic Notice of Liquidation
This document adopts as a final rule, with changes, proposed amendments to the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) regulations reflecting that official notice of liquidation, suspension of liquidation, and extension of liquidation will be posted electronically on the CBP Web site. The regulatory revisions reflect that official notice of liquidation will no longer be posted at the customhouses or stations and that official notices of suspension of liquidation and extension of liquidation will no longer be mailed. Additionally, this rule makes certain technical corrections to the CBP regulations to reflect statutory amendments.
Accreditation and Approval of Saybolt LP As a Commercial Gauger and Laboratory
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to CBP regulations, that Saybolt LP has been approved to gauge petroleum and certain petroleum products and accredited to test petroleum and certain petroleum products for customs purposes for the next three years as of April 27, 2016.
Extension of Import Restrictions Imposed on Certain Archaeological and Ethnological Materials From the Plurinational State of Bolivia
This final rule amends the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) regulations to reflect an extension of import restrictions on certain archaeological and ethnological materials from the Plurinational State of Bolivia (``Bolivia''). The restrictions, which were originally imposed by Treasury Decision (T.D.) 01-86 and last extended by CBP Dec. 11-24, are due to expire on December 4, 2016. The Assistant Secretary for Educational and Cultural Affairs, United States Department of State, has determined that conditions continue to warrant the imposition of import restrictions. Accordingly, these import restrictions will remain in effect for an additional five years, and the CBP regulations are being amended to reflect this extension through December 4, 2021. These restrictions are being extended pursuant to determinations of the United States Department of State made under the terms of the Convention on Cultural Property Implementation Act in accordance with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property. T.D. 01-86 contains the Designated List of archaeological and ethnological materials from Bolivia to which the restrictions apply.
Import Restrictions Imposed on Certain Archaeological Material From Egypt
This final rule amends the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) regulations to reflect the imposition of import restrictions on certain archaeological material from the Arab Republic of Egypt (Egypt). These restrictions are being imposed pursuant to an agreement between the United States and Egypt that has been entered into under the authority of the Convention on Cultural Property Implementation Act in accordance with the 1970 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property. The final rule amends CBP regulations by adding Egypt to the list of countries for which a bilateral agreement has been entered into for imposing cultural property import restrictions. The final rule also contains the designated list that describes the types of archaeological material to which the restrictions apply.
Accreditation and Approval of AMSPEC SERVICES, LLC, as a Commercial Gauger and Laboratory
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to CBP regulations, that AmSpec Services, LLC, has been approved to gauge petroleum and certain petroleum products and accredited to test petroleum and certain petroleum products for customs purposes for the next three years as of July 6, 2016.
Accreditation and Approval of Camin Cargo Control, Inc., as a Commercial Gauger and Laboratory
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to CBP regulations, that Camin Cargo Control, Inc., has been approved to gauge and accredited to test petroleum and certain petroleum products for customs purposes for the next three years as of July 13, 2016.
Accreditation and Approval of Chem Gas International LLC as a Commercial Gauger and Laboratory
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to CBP regulations, that Chem Gas International LLC has been approved to gauge petroleum and certain petroleum products and accredited to test petroleum and certain petroleum products for customs purposes for the next three years as of January 28, 2016.
Accreditation and Approval of SGS North America, Inc., as a Commercial Gauger and Laboratory
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to CBP regulations, that SGS North America, Inc., has been approved to gauge and accredited to test petroleum and petroleum products for customs purposes for the next three years as of June 9, 2016.
Accreditation and Approval of Camin Cargo Control, Inc., as a Commercial Gauger and Laboratory
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to CBP regulations, that Camin Cargo Control, Inc., has been approved to gauge and accredited to test petroleum and certain petroleum products for customs purposes for the next three years as of June 7, 2016.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Vessel Entrance or Clearance Statement
U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) of the Department of Homeland Security will be submitting the following information collection request to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and approval in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act: Vessel of Entrance or Clearance Statement (CBP Form 1300). CBP is proposing that this information collection be extended with no change to the burden hours or to the information collected. This document is published to obtain comments from the public and affected agencies.
Notice of Issuance of Final Determination Concerning Country of Origin of Computer Notebook Hard Disk Drives
This document provides notice that U.S. Customs and Border Protection (``CBP'') has issued a final determination concerning the country of origin of computer notebook hard disk drives.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Foreign Assembler's Declaration
U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) of the Department of Homeland Security will be submitting the following information collection request to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and approval in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act: Foreign Assembler's Declaration (with Endorsement by Importer). CBP is proposing that this information collection be extended with no change to the burden hours or to the information collected. This document is published to obtain comments from the public and affected agencies.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Application and Approval To Manipulate, Examine, Sample or Transfer Goods
U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) of the Department of Homeland Security will be submitting the following information collection request to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and approval in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act: Application and Approval to Manipulate, Examine, Sample or Transfer Goods (Form 3499). CBP is proposing that this information collection be extended with no change to the burden hours or to the information collected. This document is published to obtain comments from the public and affected agencies.
Customs Brokers User Fee Payment for 2017
This document provides notice to customs brokers that the annual user fee of $138 that is assessed for each permit held by a broker, whether it may be an individual, partnership, association, or corporation, is due by February 3, 2017.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Distribution of Continued Dumping and Subsidy Offset to Affected Domestic Producers
U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) of the Department of Homeland Security will be submitting the following information collection request to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and approval in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act: Distribution of Continued Dumping and Subsidy Offset to Affected Domestic Producers (CDSOA) (CBP Form 7401). CBP is proposing that this information collection be extended with a change to the burden hours. There is no change to the information collected. This document is published to obtain comments from the public and affected agencies.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Passenger and Crew Manifest
U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) of the Department of Homeland Security will be submitting the following information collection request to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and approval in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act: Passenger and Crew Manifest (Advance Passenger Information System). CBP is proposing that this information collection be extended with no change to the burden hours or to the information collected. This document is published to obtain comments from the public and affected agencies.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Lien Notice
U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) of the Department of Homeland Security will be submitting the following information collection request to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and approval in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act: Lien Notice (CBP Form 3485). CBP is proposing that this information collection be extended with no change to the burden hours or to the information collected. This document is published to obtain comments from the public and affected agencies.
Extension of Import Restrictions Imposed on Certain Archaeological and Ethnological Material From Greece
This document amends the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) regulations to reflect the extension of import restrictions on certain archaeological and ethnological material from the Hellenic Republic (Greece). The restrictions, which were originally imposed by CBP Decision (CBP Dec.) 11-25, are due to expire on November 21, 2016. The Assistant Secretary for Educational and Cultural Affairs, United States Department of State, has determined that factors continue to warrant the imposition of import restrictions and no cause for suspension exists. Accordingly, these import restrictions will remain in effect for an additional five years, and the CBP regulations are being amended to reflect this extension until November 21, 2021. These restrictions are being extended pursuant to determinations of the United States Department of State made under the terms of the Convention on Cultural Property Implementation Act that implemented the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property. CBP Dec. 11-25 contains the Designated List of archaeological and ecclesiastical ethnological material from Greece, to which the restrictions apply.
The U.S. Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Business Travel Card Program
This rule adopts as final, with two changes, interim amendments to the Department of Homeland Security's (DHS) regulations published in the Federal Register on May 13, 2014 establishing the U.S. Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Business Travel Card Program. The U.S. APEC Business Travel Card Program provides qualified U.S. business travelers engaged in business in the APEC region, or U.S. Government officials actively engaged in APEC business, the ability to access fast-track immigration lanes at participating airports in foreign APEC economies.
Freedom of Information Act Regulations
This rule amends the Department's regulations under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). The regulations have been revised to update and streamline the language of several procedural provisions, and to incorporate changes brought about by the amendments to the FOIA under the OPEN Government Act of 2007. Additionally, the regulations have been updated to reflect developments in the case law.
Notice of Issuance of Final Determination Concerning Certain Treadmills
This document provides notice that U.S. Customs and Border Protection (``CBP'') has issued a final determination concerning the country of origin of certain treadmills. Based upon the facts presented, CBP has concluded that, for purposes of U.S. Government procurement, the country of origin of the treadmills is the United States in Scenario One and Taiwan in Scenario Two.
Approval of Inspectorate America Corporation, as a Commercial Gauger
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to CBP regulations, that Inspectorate America Corporation has been approved to gauge petroleum and certain petroleum products for customs purposes for the next three years as of February 17, 2016.
Accreditation and Approval of King Laboratories, Inc., as a Commercial Gauger and Laboratory
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to CBP regulations, that King Laboratories, Inc., has been approved to gauge petroleum and certain petroleum products and accredited to test petroleum and certain petroleum products for customs purposes for the next three years as of July 12, 2016.
Accreditation and Approval of Intertek USA, Inc., as a Commercial Gauger and Laboratory
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to CBP regulations, that Intertek USA, Inc., has been approved to gauge and accredited to test petroleum and petroleum products for customs purposes for the next three years as of July 14, 2015.
Accreditation and Approval of Inspectorate America Corporation, as a Commercial Gauger and Laboratory
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to CBP regulations, that Inspectorate America Corporation has been approved to gauge petroleum and certain petroleum products and accredited to test petroleum and certain petroleum products for customs purposes for the next three years as of February 17, 2016.
Commercial Customs Operations Advisory Committee (COAC)
The Commercial Customs Operations Advisory Committee (COAC) will meet in Washington, DC. The meeting will be open to the public.
New Mailing Address for the National Commodity Specialist Division, Regulations and Rulings, Office of Trade; Technical Correction
This document amends the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) regulations to reflect that the mail room servicing the Director, National Commodity Specialist Division, Regulations and Rulings, in the Office of Trade, has relocated within New York, and a new location has been established to receive non-electronic correspondence. E-rulings procedures will remain the same and are not affected by the change in office location.
Investigation of Claims of Evasion of Antidumping and Countervailing Duties
This document provides an additional 60 days for interested parties to submit comments on the interim final rule that amended the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) regulations setting forth procedures for CBP to investigate claims of evasion of antidumping and countervailing duty orders in accordance with section 421 of the Trade Facilitation and Trade Enforcement Act of 2015. The interim final rule was published in the Federal Register on August 22, 2016, with comments due on or before October 21, 2016. To have as much public participation as possible in the formulation of the final rule, CBP is extending the comment period to December 20, 2016.
Electronic Visa Update System (EVUS) Requirements: Identification of the People's Republic of China (PRC) as an EVUS Country and Designation of Maximum Validity B-1, B-2, and B-1/B-2 Visas as Designated Visa Categories
In this Federal Register, DHS is publishing a final rule titled ``Establishment of the Electronic Visa Update System (EVUS)'' (hereafter ``EVUS Final Rule''), amending 8 CFR part 215, subpart B, to establish the Electronic Visa Update System and to specify certain requirements. According to the rule, nonimmigrant aliens who hold a passport issued by an identified country containing a U.S. nonimmigrant visa of a designated category will be required to provide biographic and other information to DHS by enrolling in EVUS to maintain the validity of those visas. The EVUS final rule specifies that the Secretary of Homeland Security, in consultation with the Secretary of State, may identify countries and designate nonimmigrant visa categories for purposes of the EVUS requirements and that notice of identified countries and designated nonimmigrant visa categories will be published in the Federal Register. Through this notice, the Secretary of Homeland Security, after consultation with the Secretary of State, identifies the People's Republic of China (PRC) as an EVUS country and designates B-1, B-2, and B-1/B-2 visas issued without restriction for the maximum validity period, which is generally 10 years,\1\ as designated visa categories when the visas are contained in a passport issued by the PRC.
Notice of Revocation of Customs Brokers' Licenses
This document provides notice of the revocation of customs brokers' licenses by operation of law.
Electronic Notice of Liquidation
This document proposes to amend the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) regulations to reflect that official notice of liquidation, suspension of liquidation, and extension of liquidation will be posted electronically on the CBP Web site. This document also proposes regulatory revisions to reflect that official notice of liquidation will no longer be posted at the customhouses or stations and that official notices of suspension of liquidation and extension of liquidation will no longer be mailed. Additionally, this document proposes to make certain technical corrections to the CBP regulations.
Agency Information Collection Activities: United States-Caribbean Basin Trade Partnership Act (CBTPA)
U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) of the Department of Homeland Security will be submitting the following information collection request to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and approval in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act: United States-Caribbean Basin Trade Partnership Act (CBTPA) (Form 450). CBP is proposing that this information collection be extended with a change to the burden hours. There is no change to the information collected. This document is published to obtain comments from the public and affected agencies.
Agency Information Collection Activities: NAFTA Regulations and Certificate of Origin
U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) of the Department of Homeland Security will be submitting the following information collection request to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and approval in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act: NAFTA Regulations and Certificate of Origin (CBP Forms 434, 446, and 447). CBP is proposing that this information collection be extended with a change to the burden hours. There is no change to the information collected. This document is published to obtain comments from the public and affected agencies.
Expansion of Global Entry to Nine Additional Airports
Global Entry is a voluntary program that allows pre-approved participants dedicated U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) processing into the United States using Global Entry kiosks located at designated airports. CBP previously announced in the Federal Register thirty-nine designated Global Entry airports. This document announces the expansion of the program to include nine additional designated Global Entry airports.
Delay of Effective Date for the Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) Becoming the Sole CBP-Authorized Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) System for Processing Electronic Drawback and Duty Deferral Entry and Entry Summary Filings
On August 30, 2016, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) published a notice in the Federal Register announcing plans to make the Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) the sole electronic data interchange (EDI) system authorized by the Commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) for processing electronic drawback and duty deferral entry and entry summary filings. The changes announced in that notice were to have been effective on October 1, 2016. This notice announces that the effective date for the transition to ACE as the sole CBP-authorized EDI system for electronic drawback and duty deferral entry and entry summary filings is delayed until further notice.
Notice of Arrival for Importations of Pesticides and Pesticidal Devices
This document amends the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) regulations pertaining to the importation of pesticides and pesticidal devices into the United States subject to the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA). Specifically, CBP is amending the regulations to permit the option of filing an electronic alternative to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) ``Notice of Arrival of Pesticides and Devices'' (NOA) paper form, with entry documentation, via any CBP-authorized electronic data interchange system. This change will support modernization initiatives, including implementation of the International Trade Data System (ITDS). This document also makes non-substantive conforming and editorial changes to the CBP regulations.
Accreditation and Approval of Viswa Lab as a Commercial Gauger and Laboratory
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to CBP regulations, that Viswa Lab has been approved to gauge petroleum and certain petroleum products and accredited to test petroleum and certain petroleum products for customs purposes for the next three years as of August 26, 2015.
Accreditation and Approval of SGS North America, Inc., as a Commercial Gauger and Laboratory
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to CBP regulations, that SGS North America, Inc., has been approved to gauge and accredited to test petroleum and petroleum products for customs purposes for the next three years as of January 14, 2016.
Accreditation and Approval of Inspectorate America Corporation, as a Commercial Gauger and Laboratory
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to CBP regulations, that Inspectorate America Corporation has been approved to gauge petroleum and certain petroleum products and accredited to test petroleum and certain petroleum products for customs purposes for the next three years as of February 3, 2016.
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