The Presidio Trust 2010 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
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Limiting of Vehicular Use of a Portion of Battery Caulfield Road; Extension of Comment Period
By Federal Register notice of July 29, 2010 (75 FR 44820), the Presidio Trust (Trust) announced its solicitation of public comment in connection with two alternative approaches to limit vehicular use of a portion of Battery Caulfield Road in the Presidio of San Francisco: (1) Limitation of vehicular use during weekday peak a.m. and p.m. hours, 7 to 9 a.m. and 5 to 7 p.m., as well as on weekends (Alternative 1); or (2) limitation of vehicular use at all times (Alternative 2). The Trust is extending the public comment period to October 15, 2010. Although the deadline for the submission of written comments is being extended, interested parties should provide comments as soon as possible.
Proposed Use Limit of Battery Caulfield Road and Request for Comments
The Presidio Trust (Trust) is considering two approaches to limit vehicular use of a portion of Battery Caulfield Road in the Presidio of San Francisco (Presidio): (1) Limitation of vehicular use during weekday peak AM and PM hours, 7 to 9 a.m. and 5 to 7 p.m., as well as on weekends (Alternative 1); or (2) limitation of vehicular use at all times (Alternative 2). The proposed limitation on vehicular use is intended to reduce the amount of cut-through traffic to maintain public health and safety, to protect environmental values, to protect natural resources, and to avoid conflict among visitor uses. By restricting the use of Battery Caulfield Road, the Trust also intends to reduce the amount of traffic through the 14th and 15th Avenue gates. Under both Alternative 1 and Alternative 2, designated vehicles (e.g., emergency vehicles, PresidiGo shuttles and designated Presidio residents and tenants) will continue to have unrestricted access to Battery Caulfield Road, and access by pedestrians and bicyclists will remain unrestricted. The Trust invites comments on both of these proposed limits of public use.
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