Office of the Secretary February 14, 2011 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 1 - 9 of 9
Proposed Collection; Comment Request
In compliance with Section 3506(c)(2)(A) of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs announces a proposed new public information collection and seeks public comment on the provisions thereof. Comments are invited on: (a) Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency, including whether the information shall have practical utility; (b) the accuracy of the agency's estimate of the burden of the proposed information collection; (c) ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be collected; and (d) ways to minimize the burden of the information collection on respondents, including through the use of automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology.
TRICARE Program; Surgery for Morbid Obesity
This final rule adds a definition of Bariatric Surgery, amends the definition of Morbid Obesity, and revises the language relating to the treatment of morbid obesity to allow benefit consideration for newer bariatric surgical procedures that are considered appropriate medical care. The final rule removes language that specifically limits the types of surgical procedures to treat co-morbid conditions associated with morbid obesity and retains the TRICARE Program exclusion of non-surgical interventions related to morbid obesity, obesity and/or weight reduction. This final rule is necessary to allow coverage for other surgical procedures that reduce or resolve co-morbid conditions associated with morbid obesity and the use of the Body Mass Index (BMI), which is the more accurate measure for excess weight to estimate relative risk of disease. As new technologies or procedures evolve from investigational into generally accepted norms for medical practice, the statutes and regulations governing the TRICARE Program allow the Department to offer beneficiaries these new benefits. These changes are required in order to allow the Department to provide these newer technologies and procedures for the treatment of morbid obesity as they evolve.
Meeting of a Federal Advisory Committee
Under the provisions of the Federal Advisory Committee Act of 1972 (5 U.S.C., Appendix, as amended), the Government in the Sunshine Act of 1976 (5 U.S.C. 552b, as amended), and 41 CFR 102-3.150, the Department of Defense announces that the following federal advisory committee meeting of the DoD Medicare-Eligible Retiree Health Care Board of Actuaries will take place:
Privacy Act of 1974; System of Records
The Defense Information Systems Agency is deleting three systems of records notices in its existing inventory of record systems subject to the Privacy Act of 1974, (5 U.S.C. 552a), as amended.
Closed Meetings of the Department of Defense Wage Committee
Pursuant to the provisions of section 10 of Public Law 92-463, the Federal Advisory Committee Act, notice is hereby given that closed meetings of the Department of Defense Wage Committee will be held on Tuesday, March 8, 2011, and Tuesday, March 22, 2011.
Meeting of the Defense Department Advisory Committee on Women in the Services (DACOWITS)
Pursuant to Section 10(a), Public Law 92-463, as amended, notice is hereby given of a forthcoming meeting of the Defense Department Advisory Committee on Women in the Services (DACOWITS). The meeting is open to the public, subject to the availability of space.
Notice of Federal Advisory Committee Meeting
Under the provision of the Federal Advisory Committee Act of 1972 (5 U.S.C., appendix as amended), the Government in the Sunshine Act of 1976 (5 U.S.C. 552b as amended), and 41 CFR 102-3.150, the Department of Defense announces that the following federal advisory committee meeting of the DoD Board of Actuaries will take place:
Science and Technology Reinvention Laboratory (STRL) Personnel Management Demonstration Project, Department of the Navy (DON), Naval Air System Command (NAVAIR) Naval Air Warfare Center, Aircraft Division (NAWCAD), and Naval Air Warfare Center, Weapons Division (NAWCWD)
Section 342(b) of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year (FY) 1995, Public Law (Pub. L.) 103-337 (10 U.S.C. 2358 note), as amended by section 1109 of NDAA for FY 2000, Public Law 106-65, and section 1114 of NDAA for FY 2001, Public Law 106-398, authorizes the Secretary of Defense to conduct personnel demonstration projects at DoD laboratories designated as Science and Technology Reinvention Laboratories (STRLs). The above-cited legislation authorizes DoD to conduct demonstration projects to determine whether a specified change in personnel management policies or procedures would result in improved Federal personnel management. Section 1105 of the NDAA for FY 2010, Public Law 111-84, 123 Stat. 2486, October 28, 2009, designates additional DoD laboratories as STRLs for the purpose of designing and implementing personnel management demonstration projects for conversion of employees from the personnel system which applied on October 28, 2009. The NAWCAD and the NAWCWD are listed in subsection 1105(a) of NDAA for FY 2010 as two of the newly designated STRLs. These two STRLs will be the participants in the demonstration project proposal described in this Federal Register Notice (FRN).
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