Office of the Secretary September 29, 2009 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
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Privacy Act of 1974; Department of Homeland Security/ALL-004 General Information Technology Access Account Records System of Records
In accordance with the Privacy Act of 1974 the Department of Homeland Security proposes to update and reissue a Department of Homeland Security system of records notice titled, Department of Homeland Security/ALL-004 General Information Technology Access Account Records System of Records. As a result of the biennial review of this system, the Department proposes to include the addition of social security numbers in the categories of records covered by the system for the purpose of identifying an individual for system access. Additionally, a new routine use has been added for the purpose of sharing with the media where appropriate. This updated system will be included in the Department of Homeland Security's inventory of record systems.
Determination of Total Amounts of Fiscal Year 2010 Tariff-Rate Quotas for Raw Cane Sugar and Certain Sugars, Syrups and Molasses
The Office of the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Agriculture is providing notice of the establishment of the Fiscal Year (FY 2010) in-quota aggregate quantity of the raw, as well as, refined and specialty sugar Tariff-Rate Quotas (TRQ) as required under the U.S. World Trade Organization (WTO) commitments. The FY 2010 raw cane sugar TRQ is established at 1,117,195 metric tons raw value (MTRV) that may be entered under subheading 1701.11.10 of the U.S. Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) during FY 2010 (October 1, 2009-September 30, 2010). In addition in-quota aggregate quantity of the refined and specialty sugar TRQ is established at 90,039 MTRV for certain sugars, syrups, and molasses (collectively referred to as refined sugar) that may be entered under subheadings 1701.12.10, 1701.91.10, 1701.99.10, 1702.90.10, and 2106.90.44 of the HTS during FY 2010.
Class Tuition Waiver
On August 3, 2009, the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Plans), Performing the Duties of the Under Secretary of Defense (Personnel and Readiness), signed a memorandum to the Director, Department of Defense Education Activity, designating for enrollment on a space-available, tuition-free basis, classes of dependents of military and diplomatic personnel whose nations participated in the Partnership for Peace (PfP) Program in Brussels and Mons, Belgium; Naples, Italy; London, United Kingdom; Brunssum, the Netherlands; and Oberammergau, Germany, prior to gaining status as full members of NATO during the period between January 2009 and January 2014. Subject to the availability of space, this waiver may be applied for the duration of the sponsor's tour not to exceed a total of three years for each eligible dependent. This class waiver is effective immediately.
36(b)(l) Arms Sales Notification
The Department of Defense is publishing the unclassified text of a section 36(b)(1) arms sales notification. This is published to fulfill the requirements of section 155 of Public Law 104-164 dated 21 July 1996.
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