Office of Justice Programs September 2011 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents

National Institute of Justice Interview Room Recording Systems and License Plate Readers Workshop
Document Number: 2011-25099
Type: Notice
Date: 2011-09-29
Agency: Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Justice Programs Office
The National Institute of Justice (NIJ) and the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) are hosting two workshops in conjunction with the 118th Annual IACP Conference in Chicago, Ill. The focus of the workshops is the development of NIJ performance standards for Interview Room Recording Systems and License Plate Readers used by law enforcement agencies. Sessions are intended to inform manufacturers, test laboratories, certification bodies and other interested parties of these standards development efforts. Attendees in each workshop will be provided with an overview of the NIJ standards development process, work to date on the effort and a projected timeline for completion. Please access the following webpage to register for the Interview Room Video Systems workshop: interviewroomworkshopreg. Please access the following webpage to register for the License Plate Reader workshop: reg.
Hearings of the Review Panel on Prison Rape
Document Number: 2011-23296
Type: Notice
Date: 2011-09-13
Agency: Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Justice Programs Office
The Office of Justice Programs (OJP) announces that the Review Panel on Prison Rape (Panel) will hold hearings in Washington, DC on September 15-16, 2011. The hearing times and location are noted below. The purpose of the hearings is to assist the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) in identifying common characteristics of victims and perpetrators of sexual victimization in U.S. jails, and the common characteristics of jails with the highest and lowest incidence of rape, respectively, based on an anonymous survey by the BJS of inmates in a representative sample of U.S. jails. On August 26, 2010, the BJS issued the report Sexual Victimization in Prisons and Jails Reported by Inmates, 2008-09. The report provides a listing of jails grouped according to the prevalence of reported sexual victimization, and formed the basis of the Panel's decision about which facilities would be the subject of testimony.
Meeting of the Public Safety Officer Medal of Valor Review Board
Document Number: 2011-23132
Type: Notice
Date: 2011-09-12
Agency: Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Justice Programs Office
This is an announcement of a meeting via conference call of the Public Safety Officer Medal of Valor Review Board to vote of the position of Board Chairperson, review issues relevant to the nomination review process, discuss pending ceremonies and upcoming activities and other relevant Board issues related thereto. The meeting/conference call date and time are listed below.
Compliance Testing Program Administrative Clarification to National Institute of Justice Standard-0101.06, Ballistic Resistance of Body Armor
Document Number: 2011-22390
Type: Notice
Date: 2011-09-01
Agency: Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Justice Programs Office
The National Institute of Justice (NIJ) is providing notice of its administrative clarification of NIJ Standard 0101.06, ``Ballistic Resistance Body Armor'' (hereinafter, ``NIJ Standard-0101.06'').
Meeting of the Department of Justice Global Justice Information Sharing Initiative Federal Advisory Committee
Document Number: 2011-22339
Type: Notice
Date: 2011-09-01
Agency: Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Justice Programs Office
This is an announcement of a meeting of the DOJ's Global Justice Information Sharing Initiative (Global) Federal Advisory Committee (GAC) to discuss the Global Initiative, as described at
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