Nuclear Regulatory Commission June 25, 2021 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents

Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC; Duke Energy; Oconee Nuclear Station, Units 1, 2, and 3
Document Number: 2021-13560
Type: Notice
Date: 2021-06-25
Agency: Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Agencies and Commissions
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has received an application for the subsequent renewal of Renewed Facility Operating License Nos. DPR-38, DPR-47, and DPR-55, which authorize Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC (Duke Energy or the applicant) to operate Oconee Nuclear Station (ONS), Units 1, 2, and 3. The subsequent renewed licenses would authorize the applicant to operate ONS for an additional 20 years beyond the period specified in each of the current renewed licenses. The current renewed operating licenses for ONS expire as follows: Unit 1 on February 6, 2033, Unit 2 on October 6, 2033, and Unit 3 on July 19, 2034.
Revisions to Uniform Low-Level Radioactive Waste Manifest Forms
Document Number: 2021-13543
Type: Notice
Date: 2021-06-25
Agency: Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Agencies and Commissions
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) announces the availability of revisions to the NRC Form 540 (Uniform Low-Level Radioactive Waste Manifest (Shipping Paper)), NRC Form 541 (Uniform Low-Level Radioactive Waste Manifest (Container and Waste Description)), and NRC Form 542 (Uniform Low-Level Radioactive Waste Manifest (Manifest Index and Regional Compact Tabulation)). The forms are available for implementation, consistent with the forms included in NUREG/BR-0204, Revision 3, ``Instructions for Completing NRC's Uniform Low-Level Radioactive Waste Manifest.''
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